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Eternal Phoenix's Character Factory and Archetype Blendarama

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Precognitive Sniper


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +2 (14), INT: +1 (12), WIS: +7 (16/24), CHA: +2 (14)


Tough: +2/+5, Fort: +7, Ref: +10, Will: +8


Skills: Acrobatics 12 (+15), Gather Information 8 (+10), Knowledge (current events) 4 (+5), Knowledge (streetwise) 4 (+5), Knowledge (tactics) 4 (+5), Notice 8 (+15), Sense Motive 8 (+15), Stealth 12 (+15)


Feats: All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (ranged) 3, Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus 3, Equipment 1, Evasion 2, Improved Aim, Improved Critical 2 (Sniper Shot (Blast 6)), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Precise Shot 2, Second Chance (Reflex saves against Visual Dazzles), Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Notice, Sense Motive, Stealth), Ultimate Effort (Aim), Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Concealed Body Armor (Protection 2) (+2 Toughness; Subtle (subtle))

Precognition (Container, Passive 9)

   Enhanced Feats (Enhanced Trait 3) (Feats: Evasion 2, Second Chance (Reflex saves against Visual Dazzles))

   Enhanced Trait 24 (Traits: Attack Bonus +6 (+11), Defense Bonus +6 (+14))

   Enhanced Wisdom 8 (+8 WIS)

   Sniper Supremacy (Probability Control 4) (Minimum Result: 4; Limited 2 (Sniper Rifles))

   Super-Senses 4 (precognition; Uncontrolled)

Sniper Rifle (Device 4) (Easy to lose)

   Sniper Shot (Blast 6) (DC 21; Penetrating; Improved Range (150 ft. incr), Progression, Increase Range (max range x2, 1500 feet))


Equipment: Concealed Body Armor [Concealed Body Armor (Protection 2), +2 Toughness; Subtle (subtle)]


Attack Bonus: +5/+11 (Ranged: +8/+14, Melee: +5/+11, Grapple: +7/+13)


Attacks: Sniper Shot (Blast 6), +14 (DC 21), Unarmed Attack, +11 (DC 17)


Defense: +8/+14  (Flat-footed: +6), Knockback: -2


Initiative: +7


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 26 + Skills 15 (60 ranks) + Feats 19 + Powers 57 + Combat 20 + Saves 13 + Drawbacks 0 = 150


This one comes from a comment in Discord about how best to deal with a speedster. It sounded interesting and as such here it is. They're one hell of a shot, which is important when fighting a speedster. Stealthy, and hard to get the drop on. Well, it'll do.

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  • EternalPhoenix


Feline Attuned Swordmaster


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +2 (14), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +3 (16)


Tough: +2/+4, Fort: +7, Ref: +10, Will: +7


Skills: Acrobatics 12 (+15), Bluff 12 (+15), Diplomacy 12 (+15), Gather Information 12 (+15), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 3 (+5), Knowledge (behavioral science) 8 (+10), Knowledge (life sciences) 8 (+10), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 3 (+5), Medicine 12 (+15), Notice 12 (+15), Sense Motive 12 (+15), Stealth 12 (+15), Survival 2 (+5)


Feats: Attack Focus (melee) 4, Attack Specialization 3 (Sword (Device 2)), Challenge - Improved Feint, Challenge - Improved Taunt, Defensive Roll 2, Dodge Focus 7, Evasion, Improved Critical (Sword Strike (Strike 3)), Improved Trick, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Sidekick 10, Skill Mastery 2 (Acro, Bluff, Diplo, Gather Info, Med, Notice, Sen Mot, Stealth), Takedown Attack, Taunt, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Feline/Human Attunement (Container, Passive 1)

   Leaping 1 (Jumping distance: x2)

   Speed 1 (Speed: 10 mph, 88 ft./rnd)

   Super-Senses 3 (low-light vision, scent, tracking: Scent 1 (half speed))

Speaks Fluent Feline (Comprehend 2) (animals - speak to, animals - understand; Broad Group (Felines))

Sword (Device 2) (Easy to lose)

   Sword Strike (Strike 3) (DC 20, Feats: Improved Critical (Sword Strike (Strike 3)); Penetrating [2 extra ranks]; Mighty)


Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +5, Melee: +9, Grapple: +11)


Attacks: Sword Strike (Strike 3), +15 (DC 20), Unarmed Attack, +9 (DC 17)


Defense: +14  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -2


Initiative: +3


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 30 + Skills 30 (120 ranks) + Feats 37 + Powers 13 + Combat 24 + Saves 16 + Drawbacks 0 = 150




Cat Friend


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 50/50


STR: -3 (4), DEX: +2 (14), CON: +2 (14), INT: -4 (2), WIS: +1 (12), CHA: -1 (8)


Tough: +1, Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +2


Skills: Acrobatics 8 (+10), Climb 8 (+5), Notice 4 (+5), Stealth 8 (+18), Survival 4 (+5)


Feats: Attack Focus (melee) 5, Dodge Focus 4



Claws (Strike 1) (DC 16)

Feline/Human Attunement (Container, Passive 1)

   Leaping 1 (Jumping distance: x2)

   Speed 1 (Speed: 10 mph, 88 ft./rnd)

   Super-Senses 3 (scent, tracking: Scent 2 (normal speed))

Protection 1 (+1 Toughness)

Shrinking 8 (-8 STR, -2 Toughness, -2 size categories, 1/2 movement speed; Permanent; Innate)

Super-Senses 1 (low-light vision)


Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +4, Melee: +9, Grapple: -4)


Attacks: Claws (Strike 1), +9 (DC 16), Unarmed Attack, +9 (DC 12)


Defense: +9  (Flat-footed: +3), Size: Tiny, Knockback: +2


Initiative: +2


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 2 + Skills 8 (32 ranks) + Feats 9 + Powers 17 + Combat 10 + Saves 4 + Drawbacks 0 = 50




The picture sparked me good and proper, that it did. This is mostly standard swordmaster. The twist is that she's such a cat lover she worked out how to become mystically attuned to felines themselves and thus gained minor superpowers. The feline deities themselves took notice of her devotion and set her a spiffy PL 5 cat friend to be her sidekick in the fight against evil.

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Cosmic Energy Warrior


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +2 (14), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +3 (16)


Tough: +2/+12, Fort: +5, Ref: +5, Will: +8


Skills: Bluff 8 (+11), Diplomacy 8 (+11), Gather Information 12 (+15), Knowledge (physical sciences) 10 (+10), Knowledge (tactics) 5 (+5), Notice 8 (+10), Sense Motive 8 (+10)


Feats: All-Out Attack, Attractive (+4), Dodge Focus 4, Improved Critical 2 (Spear Strike (Strike 10)), Move-by Action, Power Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Cosmic Energy Control (Array 12) (default power: blast)

   Annihilation Cannon (Disintegration 6) (Array; DC 21; Action (full); Accurate 3 (+6))

   Cosmic Blast (Blast 12) (Default; DC 27)

   Cosmic Ripple (Teleport 6) (Array; 600 ft. as move action, 20 miles as full action; Accurate; Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, Subtle 2 (unnoticable), Turnabout)

   Energy Bindings (Snare 12) (Array; DC 22)

Cosmic Energy Infused Armor (Device 4) (Hard to lose)

   Protection 10 (+10 Toughness; Impervious)

Cosmic Energy Infused Spear (Device 5) (Easy to lose)

   Spear Strike (Strike 10) (DC 27, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Spear Strike (Strike 10)); Penetrating; Extended Reach (5 ft.), Mighty, Precise)

Cosmic Wings (Flight 5) (Speed: 250 mph, 2200 ft./rnd)


Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +8, Grapple: +10)


Attacks: Annihilation Cannon (Disintegration 6), +14 (DC Fort/Tou ), Cosmic Blast (Blast 12), +8 (DC 27), Energy Bindings (Snare 12), +8 (DC Ref/Staged 22), Spear Strike (Strike 10), +8 (DC 27), Unarmed Attack, +8 (DC 17)


Defense: +8  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -11


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 20 + Skills 15 (59 ranks) + Feats 10 + Powers 68 + Combat 24 + Saves 13 + Drawbacks 0 = 150




This one is an interesting one, I think. Blended a variety of Energy Controller with a Warrior. The names of the powers and device pretty much tell the story here. Ordinary weapons infused with cosmic energy to make them far more capable than they were before, so she can wade into melee with impunity. With that said, she's perfectly capable of raining down destruction from range, and the teleport is a nasty surprise to anyone who think she's cornered.

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Cosmic Archer


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +2 (14), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +2 (14)


Tough: +2/+8, Fort: +7, Ref: +10, Will: +7


Skills: Acrobatics 12 (+15), Bluff 8 (+10), Diplomacy 8 (+10), Gather Information 8 (+10), Knowledge (physical sciences) 10 (+10), Knowledge (tactics) 5 (+5), Notice 12 (+15), Sense Motive 12 (+15), Stealth 12 (+15)


Feats: Attack Focus (ranged) 4, Benefit (Use Acrobatics to Climb), Dodge Focus 4, Evasion, Improved Critical 2 (Cosmic Energy Control (Array 12)), Improved Initiative, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Precise Shot 2, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Notice, Sense Motive, Stealth), Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Cosmic Bow (Device 3) (Easy to lose)

   Cosmic Foci (Features 12) (Notes: Removes Action flaw from Cosmic Energy Control array.)

   Enhanced Feats (Enhanced Trait 3) (Traits: Precise Shot 2 +1 (+2), Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Cosmic Energy Control (Array 12)))

Cosmic Energy Control (Array 12) (default power: blast; Action (move))

   Cosmic Barrage (Blast ? (Default; DC 23; Autofire (interval 2, max +5))

   Cosmic Burst (Blast ? (Array; DC 23; Burst Area (40 ft. radius - General))

   Cosmic Flash (Dazzle ? (Array; affects: visual senses, DC 18; Burst Area (40 ft. radius - General))

   Energy Bindings (Snare ? (Array; DC 18; Regenerating)

Cosmic Energy Infused Light Armor (Device 3) (Hard to lose)

   Protection 6 (+6 Toughness; Impervious)

Parkour Master (Container, Passive 1)

   Enhanced Feat (Enhanced Trait 1) (Feats: Benefit (Use Acrobatics to Climb))

   Leaping 1 (Jumping distance: x2)

   Speed 1 (Speed: 10 mph, 88 ft./rnd)

   Super-Movement 1 (sure-footed 1 (25% penalty reduction))


Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +12, Melee: +8, Grapple: +10)


Attacks: Cosmic Barrage (Blast 8), +12 (DC 23), Cosmic Burst (Blast ? (DC 23), Cosmic Flash (Dazzle ? (DC Fort/Ref 18), Energy Bindings (Snare 8), +12 (DC Ref/Staged 18), Unarmed Attack, +8 (DC 17)


Defense: +12  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -7


Initiative: +7


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 24 + Skills 22 (87 ranks) + Feats 15 + Powers 41 + Combat 32 + Saves 16 + Drawbacks 0 = 150




You know, I just couldn't help myself. I had to do the Archery variation. It isn't quite the same, though. No teleport, parkours instead of flies, etcetera. I'm not sure if you can put Imp. Crit. an entire Array, even if it only has attack powers, but it made thematic sense. For the record, the action flaw on said array doesn't make switching slots a move action. It makes using any of the powers a full action. This is why she has the bow.

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Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +0 (10), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +2 (14), INT: +3 (16), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +3 (16)


Tough: +2/+12, Fort: +5, Ref: +5, Will: +10


Skills: Bluff 12 (+15), Diplomacy 12 (+15), Gather Information 12 (+15), Intimidate 12 (+15), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 12 (+15), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 12 (+15), Notice 10 (+15), Sense Motive 10 (+15)


Feats: Accurate Attack, Attack Focus (ranged) 4, Dodge Focus 4, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Ritualist, Skill Mastery 2 (Bluff, Diplo, Gather Info, Intim, KN (arcane lore, theo & philo), Notice, Sen Mot), Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Ectomancy (Array 15) (default power: blast)

   Ectoplasmic Wall (Create Object 12) (Array; Max Size: 12x 5' cubes, DC 22; Affects Insubstantial 2 (full power), Precise, Selective, Stationary, Tether)

   Spirit Spies (ESP 6) (Array; affects: 2 types, inc. visual - visual & auditory; No Conduit, Simultaneous)

   Strength of the Spirits (Move Object 12) (Array; Strength: 60, Carry: 17 tons / 34 tons / 51.2 tons / 102.4 tons; Affects Insubstantial 2 (full power), Indirect 3 (any point, any direction), Precise)

   Wrath of the Spirits (Blast 12) (Default; DC 27; Affects Insubstantial 2 (full power), Indirect 3 (any point, any direction), Precise)

Ectoplasmic Armor (Force Field 10) (+10 Toughness; Impervious)

Spirit Sight (Super-Senses 1) (awareness: Spirits (visual))

Spirit Tongue (Comprehend 1) (spirits)


Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +4, Grapple: +4)


Attacks: Unarmed Attack, +4 (DC 15), Wrath of the Spirits (Blast 12), +8 (DC 27)


Defense: +8  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -11


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 28 + Skills 23 (92 ranks) + Feats 15 + Powers 56 + Combat 16 + Saves 12 + Drawbacks 0 = 150


Validation: Ectomancy (Array 15) - Ectoplasmic Wall (Create Object 12): Exceeds Power Level limit by 2




Made an undead one of these before, and with this pic at hand I though I'd revisit the idea. Freed from a construct's PP limitations, she's got excellent social skills. Her spirits don't serve her because her magic makes them. They serve her because she's persuaded them to. I think it's a neat twist, myself.

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Pixie Battlesuit


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +0 (10), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +2 (14), INT: +3 (16), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +3 (16)


Tough: +2/+8, Fort: +5, Ref: +5, Will: +10


Skills: Bluff 12 (+15), Concentration 5 (+10), Craft (artistic) 12 (+15), Diplomacy 12 (+15), Gather Information 12 (+15), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 12 (+15), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 12 (+15), Notice 5 (+10), Sense Motive 5 (+10)


Feats: Artificer, Attack Focus (ranged) 4, Dodge Focus 4, Evasion, Improved Initiative, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Skill Mastery (Bluff, Craft (art), Diplomacy, KN (arcane lore)), Taunt, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Pixie Battlesuit (Device 10) (Hard to lose)

   Enchanted Fabric (Protection 6) (+6 Toughness)

   Illusion Cloak (Concealment 6) (all aural senses, all visual senses)

   Pixie Magic (Array 12) (default power: illusion)

      Magic Blast (Blast ? (Array; DC 23; Autofire (interval 2, max +5))

      Magical Telekinesis (Move Object ? (Array; Strength: 40, Carry: 2.1k / 4.3k / 3.2 tons / 6.4 tons; Range (perception))

      Pixie Tricks (Illusion ? (Default; affects: 1 type + visual - auditory, DC 18)

      Sticky Bonds (Snare ? (Array; DC 18; Regenerating)

   Pixie Wings (Flight 3) (Speed: 50 mph, 440 ft./rnd; Power Loss (Restrainable))


Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +12, Melee: +8, Grapple: +8)


Attacks: Magic Blast (Blast 8), +12 (DC 23), Sticky Bonds (Snare 8), +12 (DC Ref/Staged 18), Unarmed Attack, +8 (DC 15)


Defense: +12  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -4


Initiative: +5


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 28 + Skills 22 (87 ranks) + Feats 16 + Powers 40 + Combat 32 + Saves 12 + Drawbacks 0 = 150




So...somebody like Pixies, I guess. She's made herself a battlesuit that works just like they do, more or less. The powers should speak for themselves, and she's excellent in the social arena, as well. I mean, there isn't anything else to say here.

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Mystic Adventurer


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +2 (14), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +3 (16)


Tough: +2/+8, Fort: +7, Ref: +10, Will: +7


Skills: Acrobatics 12 (+15), Bluff 12 (+15), Diplomacy 12 (+15), Gather Information 12 (+15), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 8 (+10), Knowledge (history) 8 (+10), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 8 (+10), Notice 8 (+10), Sense Motive 8 (+10)


Feats: Attack Specialization 2 (Unarmed Attack), Attack Specialization 3 (Whip Magic (Array 9)), Dodge Focus 4, Evasion, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Info), Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Attractive Outfit (Device 2) (Hard to lose)

   Immunity 2 (suffocation (all))

   Protection 6 (+6 Toughness; Subtle 2 (unnoticable))

Monocle (Device 2) (Hard to lose)

   Super-Senses 10 (awareness: Magic (visual), counters concealment: Visual, counters illusion: Visual, counters obscure: Visual, darkvision, ultravision)

Riding Crop Wand (Device 4) (Easy to lose)

   Whip Magic (Array 9) (default power: stun)

      Crack The Whip (Blast 6) (Array; DC 21; Penetrating)

      Magical Whipping (Stun 6) (Default; DC 16; Alternate Save (Fortitude), Range (ranged))

      Whip Wrapper (Snare 6) (Array; DC 16; Transparent)

Spellbook (Device 3) (Easy to lose)

   Minor Wizardry (Array 6) (default power: concealment)

      Concealment 6 (Default; all aural senses, all visual senses)

      Create Object 6 (Array; Max Size: 6x 5' cubes, DC 16)

      Move Object 6 (Array; Strength: 30, Carry: 532 / 1.1k / 1.6k / 3.2k)

      Transform 3 (Array; affects: broad > broad, Transforms: 5 lbs., DC 13; Action (full))


Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +8, Grapple: +10)


Attacks: Crack The Whip (Blast 6), +14 (DC 21), Magical Whipping (Stun 6), +14 (DC Fort/Staged 16), Transform 3, +8 (DC Fort 13), Unarmed Attack, +12 (DC 17), Whip Wrapper (Snare 6), +14 (DC Ref/Staged 16)


Defense: +12  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -4


Initiative: +7


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 28 + Skills 22 (88 ranks) + Feats 14 + Powers 37 + Combat 32 + Saves 17 + Drawbacks 0 = 150




Boo. Had to cut some of the power from her devices. Anyway, this is an adventurer in the classic vein. World traveler, getting into shenanigans. She's picked up some relatively minor magical items over the years to help her in these endevours. No more, no less.

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Child of the Sea


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +10 (14/30), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +10 (14/30), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +3 (16)


Tough: +10, Fort: +10, Ref: +7, Will: +7


Skills: Bluff 12 (+15), Diplomacy 12 (+15), Gather Information 12 (+15), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 5 (+5), Knowledge (earth sciences) 5 (+5), Notice 8 (+10), Sense Motive 8 (+10), Swim 10 (+20)


Feats: Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 5, Benefit (Ocean Nobility), Challenge - Improved Feint, Dodge Focus 5, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Info, Swim), Takedown Attack, Taunt, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Enhanced Constitution 16 (+16 CON)

Enhanced Strength 16 (+16 STR)

Immunity 3 (environmental condition: Cold, environmental condition: Pressue, suffocation: Drowning)

Impervious Toughness 8

Super-Senses 2 (darkvision)

Super-Strength 4 (+20 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 12.8 tons; +4 STR to some checks)

Swimming 8 (Speed: 500 mph, 4400 ft./rnd)


Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +5, Melee: +10, Grapple: +20/+24)


Attacks: Unarmed Attack, +10 (DC 25)


Defense: +10  (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -9


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 20 + Skills 18 (72 ranks) + Feats 20 + Powers 61 + Combat 20 + Saves 11 + Drawbacks 0 = 150




So...after finishing this build, actually looked up Jaina there. Turns out, I was waaaaay off. But y'all WoW folks already knew that. Anyway, this is your basic Atlantean build, I suppose. Well, aside from the excellent social skills. This isn't a build that'll punch far above its weight, but it should do fine normally.

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Digital Demon


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +5 (14/20), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +5 (14/20), INT: +5 (20), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +5/+8, Fort: +8, Ref: +8, Will: +8


Skills: Acrobatics 12 (+15), Computers 15 (+20), Craft (electronic) 10 (+15), Craft (mechanical) 10 (+15), Disable Device 15 (+20), Knowledge (physical sciences) 10 (+15), Knowledge (technology) 10 (+15), Notice 8 (+10), Sense Motive 8 (+10), Stealth 12 (+15)


Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, Dodge Focus 4, Improved Grapple, Improvised Tools, Inventor, Power Attack, Skill Mastery 2 (Acro, Comp, Craft (both), Dis Dev, KN (both), Stealth), Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Demonic Phyisology (Container, Passive 4)

   Enhanced Constitution 6 (+6 CON)

   Enhanced Strength 6 (+6 STR)

   Leaping 1 (Jumping distance: x2)

   Prehensile Tail (Additional Limbs 1) (1 extra limb; +1 to Grapple when not using Imp. Grapple, Feats: Improved Grapple)

   Protection 3 (+3 Toughness)

   Speed 1 (Speed: 10 mph, 88 ft./rnd)

   Super-Strength 1 (+5 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 800 lbs; +1 STR to some checks)

Power Glove (Device 4) (Hard to lose)

   Datalink 5 (sense type: radio; Omni-Directional Area; Machine Control, Precise, Subtle 2 (unnoticable))

   Power Punch (Strike 3) (DC 23; Accurate 2 (+4), Mighty)


Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +8, Grapple: +13/+14)


Attacks: Power Punch (Strike 3), +12 (DC 23), Unarmed Attack, +8 (DC 20)


Defense: +12  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -4


Initiative: +3


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 28 + Skills 28 (110 ranks) + Feats 12 + Powers 36 + Combat 32 + Saves 14 + Drawbacks 0 = 150




Research not necessary here, I knew from the start what I wanted to do. It was just a matter of it coming together. A stealthy, acrobatic, inventive master hacker. Who just so happens to have a bit of demonic heritage boosting his physical abilities to humanity's peak. Or maybe he actually is a demon. I dunno, I'm not doing fluff here. That's your job. Anyway, if it's within five miles he can hack it. If it isn't, he can get to it. Locked doors and guards are no match. And a good stiff punch from his Power Glove can put out many folks' lights. I think he'll do nicely.

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Armor of Vengeance


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +10 (10/30), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +0 (10), INT: +3 (16), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +0/+10, Fort: +5, Ref: +5, Will: +8


Skills: Craft (artistic) 12 (+15), Craft (mechanical) 12 (+15), Gather Information 5 (+5), Intimidate 15 (+15), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 12 (+15), Knowledge (physical sciences) 12 (+15), Knowledge (technology) 12 (+15), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 12 (+15), Notice 8 (+10), Sense Motive 8 (+10)


Feats: All-Out Attack, Artificer, Attack Focus (ranged) 4, Attack Specialization 3 (Unarmed Attack), Challenge - Improved Demoralize, Challenge - Improved Startle, Dodge Focus 6, Eidetic Memory, Improvised Tools, Inventor, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Ritualist, Skill Mastery 2 (Craft (all purchased),Gather Info, Intimidate, KN (all purchased)), Startle, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Armor of Vengeance (Device 13) (Hard to lose)

   Enchanted Steel (Protection 10) (+10 Toughness; Impervious)

   Hellfire & Vengeance (Array 11) (default power: - linked powers -)

      Chain Bindings (Snare 10) (Array; DC 20; Accurate (+2), Tether (1000 ft.))

      Hellfire Blast (Blast 10) (Array; DC 25; Accurate (+2), Precise)

      Vengeance Thirst (Linked)

         Enhanced Strength 20 (Linked; +20 STR)

         Super-Strength 1 (Linked; +5 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 25.6 tons; +1 STR to some checks)

   Hellfire Jets (Flight 9) ([5 active, 18/18 PP, 2/r], Speed: 250 mph, 2200 ft./rnd)

      Demonic Might (Super-Strength 9) (Alternate; [4 active, 18/18 PP, 2/r], +20 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 25.6 tons; +4 STR to some checks)


Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +4, Grapple: +14/+19)


Attacks: Chain Bindings (Snare 10), +10 (DC Ref/Staged 20), Hellfire Blast (Blast 10), +10 (DC 25), Unarmed Attack, +10 (DC 25)


Defense: +10  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -10


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 12 + Skills 27 (108 ranks) + Feats 28 + Powers 52 + Combat 16 + Saves 15 + Drawbacks 0 = 150




I mean, you see that picture, right? Hell yes I had to build that. It's badass. I took a cue (or three) from my Demon Rider earlier, and added a Battlesuit twist. This guy's not dangerous in a fight outside of his armor, but he's still dangerous if you give time for an artifact, invention, or ritual. And he's still one scary guy. Inside the armor he can throw fists, hellfire, or binding chains while splitting time being fast in the air or very strong. Honestly, look at that pic again. I couldn't not build him. And that'll conclude Part 16. I hope everyone had a good time. Please exit the Blendarama in an orderly fashion. Unless, of course, you want to visit the other Parts. In which case, be my guest. :D

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  • 4 months later...

The Exiles & Exile House




The Exiles are…complicated. They’re less a superteam and more an adopted family. They've been (with the exception of Windstorm) through hell together. They have a general distrust of authority and adults, and with good reason. The majority of adults and authority figures they've encountered have been either evil, incompetent, or smugly superior of children. Their financial stability comes from the actions of Barry Holden (one of the original five), who managed to squirrel away the trust funds of said original five away in various accounts in various banks after his departure from the group. Even he doesn’t know where it all is now.


It started in 2008, with five. Barry, Raya (soon to be Blackrose), Wendy, Myra (soon to be Myrcelle), and Noah (soon to be Radical Dreamer). They were 14 years old, high school freshmen, and a tight knit group of friends. Barry the nerd. Myra the weirdo. Raya the sickly, and Noah the silent. They may have grown up together, rich kids in Los Angeles, but they had close to nothing in common. Nothing held them together. Nothing but Wendy. Charismatic, beautiful, and genuinely nice, everyone loved Wendy. But she stubbornly persisted in being the friend of the four outcasts she’d known all her life. Their parents had been friends practically forever (supporting Raya’s dad after her mom disappeared), which was how they’d gotten put together in the first place. And then they discovered they all had superpowers. Naturally, they wanted to be superheroes. Barry could make virtually indestructible planes of force appear anywhere. Myra could fire energy blasts. Wendy had control over the winds. Raya could cast magic. Mean magic, but magic. And Noah? Well, he was a bit telepathic (and did not say a word about his precognition as it was not yet the time). They stopped some street crime (with Barry finding himself more than a little protective of Raya). And then came the fateful day when they found out their parents were supervillains. Their powers were largely inherited, with the exceptions being Myra (techies) and Wendy (business/face people). Thanks to Noah’s “split second warnings” (actually timed out long ago thanks to his precognition) the fledgling superteam stayed a step ahead of their parents. But it couldn’t last.


One fateful night, everything seemed to go wrong.

Barry, attempting to defend himself from his own parents, discovered to his horror that his planes of force could manifest inside people when theirs could not. He ran without checking to see if he’d killed both of them.

Noah’s parents pursued him with murder on their minds, and were hit by a truck as he had foreseen long ago. He warned them, but it didn’t matter. They died right there in the street.

Myra had to face down her own parents. She did not win. Locked in their lab, strapped into equipment designed to drain her of her powers forever, she learned that they weren’t her parents at all. They’d killed the real ones (aliens at that) in equipment much like this one, and raised her in hopes of the daughter being stronger. She was stronger, all right. Her powers overloaded their gear in spectacular fashion. The resulting explosion killed both of them.

Raya’s mom returned, consumed with a lust for dark eldritch power. She overpowered and murdered Raya’s dad, both of Barry’s injured parents, and Wendy’s parents while the girl was there. She wanted Wendy for the spark of the Phoenix that was inside. Yes, Wendy was a Phoenix Mutate, and Mrs. Hall wanted that power for herself. The other four, drawn by Noah, arrived far too late to help. A mystic barrier blocked entry, but they could watch. Wendy was beaten into the ground. Apparently magically drained of her powers, she could do nothing to stop Mrs. Hall from slowly killing her. A thrown knife was completely ineffective, and her attempt with a blaster pistol cost her the pistol and her hand. Pummelled, with broken bones and a severed hand, Wendy knew she was dying. The stricken look on her friends’ faces confirmed it. So she decided. She officially did not care about that. All she had to do was win this fight to protect her friends and save the world. If she had the power Mrs. Hall was claiming, then no power in the universe could take the winds from her. With that, she forcibly engaged the “Plus Overdrive” state of a Phoenix Mutate. She roared defiance, eyes burning orange with Phoenix fire, as the wind tore the draining spell apart. The wind held Mrs. Hall at bay, but it wasn’t quite enough to take her out. Mystic bindings held her in place. Wendy officially did not care about that, either, and cranked the winds up even higher, her body literally glowing Phoenix fire orange. The resulting wind force tore Mrs. Hall’s body apart. Every spell collapsed at once, and her friends (except Noah) rushed to her side. In her head, as everything went dark, Wendy heard Noah apologizing in broken sobs. She wanted to tell him it was okay, but died in the middle of that thought.


And that was just the first six months of the Exiles. Barry took over team leadership, and oversaw the recruitment of Hummingbird and (kind of) Astra. But before the year was out he had a vicious argument with Dreamer about his powers and his overprotectiveness of Blackrose, causing the first team split. Barry left the team, and still hasn’t technically rejoined the core group. Blackrose left to find a way to use her powers without half killing herself or anyone else. Myrcelle wrapped herself up in a strange cocoon, falling comatose. Dreamer took over leadership and oversaw the recruitment of Flare and Stormy before Blackrose returned halfway through the next year with the Fell Staff and Cory. Unfortunately, Cory’s father wanted his son back. The first encounter with the Red Savage left Hummingbird crushed by an errant super strong back fist. Crushed by the trauma, the team shattered. Blackrose and Cory went one way, and a despondent Dreamer and Astra went another. Flare and Stormy were left to hold things together, until remarkably Myrcelle emerged from her cocoon. She then enlisted the aid of Flare and Stormy and reassembled the Exiles under Blackrose’s leadership. Just in time, too. Cory’s father was back. A brutal fight ensued, the Red Savage only backing off when Cory unleashed his Trueblue transformation. That was the end of the second year of the Exiles.


To start the third year, Dreamer fell into a mysterious coma, and Astra stuck with him. Windstorm joined the team. Blackrose took the money that Wendy would have inherited and pooled with her own, Dreamer’s and Myrcelle’s to found Exile House. Exile House is, essentially, a halfway house for superpowered and/or alien kids. To give them a home and a safe place to learn how and, more importantly, why to use their powers. The first residents were, of course, Tigress, Magi, Morphin, Clon, and Priestess. Shortly afterward, Myrcelle discovered she was a princess when her people learned she was alive and came to put her on the throne. She declined, but there was still superheroing to be done out there in space. To end the year, Wendy’s ghost convinced Dreamer life was truly worth living, and finally got to tell him it was okay he let her die. So he was awake, and after a rousing battle royale (no, not with cheese) against some villains, rejoined the team with Astra to end Year 3


Year 4 went smoothly enough, with the Exiles repaying allies (namely NPC Investigations and the Seawings) for their aid in previous adventures. Until halfway through, where time shuddered and Flare was replaced with Hummingbird. Somehow, Flare was the one who had died fighting the Red Savage instead the beloved ‘Bird, and only Stormy remembered the difference. The new world was a darker place without The Brightest Light, and the Exiles a very different team. Stormy left to find a way to return Flare to the timeline. The Exile kept on with their reparations until Stormy’s return. She convinced Hummingbird and the Exile House kids to help, and shortly afterward the main team got involved as well. One desperate showdown with Mrs. Hall’s cronies later the timeline was returned to normal. Hummingbird (badly wounded MVP of the fight by a country mile) tagged Flare back into the timeline and faded away smiling to end Year Four.


The Exile’s lives haven’t gotten any less complicated in the ensuing years, but there’s a feeling of…capability. They’ve survived the worst life has to throw at them (albeit with fresh scars inside and/or out) and are planning for the future. Blackrose convinced Barry to return to the fold, at least in part. His legal work on behalf of Exile House has been stellar, and according to Dreamer his mentorship style would suit the Second Gen to a T. With the First Gen essentially having long “graduated” Exile House and the Second Gen on the verge of same, Dreamer put the Third Gen together. He says it’s all about timing, and considering how incredibly dead and/or horribly evil the Exiles would be without his precognition, they trust the hell out of him.


The Exiles currently (as of Jan 2019) operate in four different teams and three different locations these days. They are:


Core Squad (Portland, Oregon)


Blackrose (Raya Hall)

Radical Dreamer (Noah Griswald)

Myrcelle (Myra Mercer)

Astra (Unknown)

Flare (Francis Bowman)

Stormy (Unknown)

Cory (Unknown)

Windstorm (Gwendolyn Carter)



First Gen (formerly Portland, Oregon; now Vancouver, Canada)


Tigress (Thelia Alton)

Magi (Mazar Miller)

Morphin (unknown)

Clon (Cameron Edgerton)

Priestess (Elizabeth Prentiss)



Second Gen (Los Angeles, California)


Barry Holden

Cavatina (Tina Chavez)

Stoker (Darrell Brown)

Electric Lady (Janelle Stone)

Opera (won’t tell)

Miss Fist (unpronounceable to human tongues)



Third Gen (Portland, Oregon)




Sailor Scout




Edited by EternalPhoenix
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The Exiles In the Freedomverse


This is where it gets difficult. Mainly because the Claremont Academy exists so kids served by Exile House have a place to go. And the Freedomverse as a whole is a brighter place than my Phoenixverse. There’s no way not!Batman (Duncan or Callie Summers, head of the Academy) would permit them to exist. And…yeah, I guess? But it still feels wrong, somehow. Bear with me for a bit, okay? The Freedomverse is somewhat dominated by “law and order” style heroes. Smile for the cameras, work with the cops when you can, obey the law and be a good citizen, all that Superman style jazz. And don’t get me wrong, I’m here for it. It’s great. But. There are heroes who will not fit into that paradigm, for a variety of reasons from being morally grey (or even non violent criminals) to simply not wanting to. I’m talking about, in D20 terms, Chaotic Good. Good people who save the day, but do it their own way on their own terms. Heroes the law wouldn’t necessarily get along with. Outsiders. Renegades.


Dreamer would know very well who these kids are. The kind of kids a place like Claremont either wouldn’t help they way they needed or would push further into villainy and then hide behind freedom of choice. Look no further than Stormy. Somebody out there wants their tech back, and Stormy’s the only one left to hold the bag. At the end of the day, I firmly believe the Freedom League or whoever would have handed her and her Devices over to face justice. She did help steal the tech, after all. Heaven only knows what they’d have done with Blackrose. The Fell Staff is no minor artifact, after all, and her magic is just about the worst one could have. Flare may well have been forced into criminal behavior as a street kid. Tigress’s other fate was to be a experimental test subject until she snapped and went on a murder spree from which she would never recover. Magi was going to explode and take out half of North America. Morphin was an almost literal blank slate. Exposing them to high school politics would’ve been a very, very poor idea. Clon was a traumatized kid no amount of counseling would pry out of his shell. Electric Lady, as stated in her entry, had severe empathy and sympathy deficits and was at most days away from developing mind control tech. Opera is in Stormy’s situation, but who’s after what he (accidently) stole is the Seelie Queen. A being not well known for her mercy. You get the point. This is who the Exiles are. These are the people they bring into Exile House. That isn’t to say that there aren’t kids they recruit that wouldn’t do just fine in Claremont. Priestess would’ve been fine. Cavatina. Stoker. Miss Fist. But they’re the right people in the right place at the right time. They’re needed on their teams, their personalities providing a necessary element to catalyze personal growth in their teammates. He does think this through and check his precognition to be certain, after all.


Moving on, Phoenixverse canon that isn’t in the Freedomverse. Phoenix Mutates, specifically. It does strip Flare and Windstorm of their Plus Overdrive capability, but that’s okay. They’re just regular ol’ mutants now. Or T-Babies, whatever. The Agency can easily be the Labyrinth instead. The fae exist in both settings in similar forms, so that’s okay. Everything else originating from Earth is generic enough to be made to fit. As for the space stuff…it’s a big galaxy. Myrcelle’s homeworld is just one planet among millions. Stormy’s tech is probably from the Lor. The tyrant who destroyed Cory’s people was probably Star Khan. He wasn’t destroyed after all, unfortunately. Miss Fist, however, doesn’t quite fit anywhere. Maybe one of Star Khan’s loyal former nations, but it’s a stretch.


Including them in your game is pretty easy. After all, Dreamer knows when and where a team is needed. Or when a team will need help. If the dice aren’t going your heroes’ way, a black portal can open and a team can pour out to turn the tide. Or they can just happen to be in the neighborhood doing something else entirely and leap to your heroes’ aid with a complaint directed at Dreamer. Or flip it around and have your heroes be in the right place at the right time to save one of the teams via an anonymous report, strange phone call/text/email, etc. Dreamer’s ways are many. Exile teams will even play escort so that your heroes can save a superkid and get them to Claremont or whatever the lower school option is in your setting (FCPbP’s being Nicholsen obviously). You don’t even have to encounter them outright. Your heroes can respond to a call to find the situation already dealt with, and the heroes responsible (an Exile team) gone. Or your heroes can be contacted by Dreamer (indirectly, with someone your heroes would trust), directing your heroes’ attention to a situation that needs handling and their powers and/or personalities are unexpectedly well suited for. In these cases, Dreamer conceals his involvement with a level of skill only a genius mastermind or precognitive would have.


As for how well the Exiles get along with Freedomverse heroes…let’s take it from the top. They’ve never gotten along with the Freedom League, in any iteration. Generally speaking, one of the Exiles’ core tenets is don’t trust anybody over 30, and pretty much everyone on the League is over 30. The O5 are a little better about it, especially Myrcelle and Barry, but it’s still there. Blackrose has some serious bitterness over the League not doing a flippin’ thing to help the O5 from the beginning, and the League’s mystically attuned members frown heavily on her use of Black Magic. Dreamer…there’s a serious difference of opinion over how he operates. It dives headfirst into grey morality and positive ends justifying some shady means, after all, and there’s always been Leaguers who will absolutely not tolerate such a thing. Myrcelle’s just doing her best to keep the antagonism from developing into outright antipathy, and Barry is…polite. He’s a lawyer, with experience dealing with people who disagree with him. Claremont teams, on the other hand, get along very well with pretty much all of the Exiles. Another Exiles core tenet is encouraging and supporting young heroes, and many younger Exiles aren’t much older (if they aren’t outright younger) than Claremont team members. The Exiles’ relationship with AEGIS (they’ve had little interaction with UNISON, but it’s about the same) seesaws between open hostility and reluctant cooperation. It reflects their relationship with law enforcement in general. They’ve always had a bit of a problem with property damage, and obeying every single law relating to the care of minors. And of course, AEGIS don’t as a matter of policy place all their trust in one emotionally unstable precognitive who just “knows things” he really, really shouldn’t. Currently, the scale is tilted more towards reluctant cooperation. However Sailor Scout, with her extreme youth, is a brand new bone of contention about to tilt the scale right back into open hostility.

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Power Level: 15; Power Points Spent: 250/250


STR: -1 (8), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +1 (12), INT: +4 (18), WIS: +7 (24), CHA: +4 (18)


Tough: +3/+13, Fort: +8, Ref: +12, Will: +18


Skills: Acrobatics 6 (+7), Concentration 5 (+12), Craft (artistic) 8 (+12), Diplomacy 11 (+15), Gather Information 8 (+12), Intimidate 16 (+20), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 16 (+20), Knowledge (art) 6 (+10), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 6 (+10), Medicine 3 (+10), Notice 8 (+15), Search 1 (+5), Sense Motive 8 (+15), Stealth 14 (+15)


Feats: Attack Focus (melee) 3, Challenge - Improved Startle, Defensive Roll 2, Dodge Focus 3, Elusive Target, Evasion, Improved Defense, Ritualist, Set-Up, Skill Mastery (Diplomacy, Intimidate, KN (arcane lore), Notice), Startle, Teamwork, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Black Magic (Array 39) (magic, default power: - linked powers -; Custom 3 (Weakness: Lost 1 Con per use))

   Black Agony (Stun 15) (Array; DC 25; Alternate Save (Will), Range 2 (perception); Reversible)

   Black Curse (Drain 15) (Array; drains: single trait - dex, DC 25; Alternate Save (Reflex), Range 2 (perception), Vampiric; Incurable, Reversible)

   Black Fog (Obscure 10) (Array; affects: all sense types, Radius: 5000 ft.; Selective Attack)

   Black Hex (Fatigue 15) (Array; DC 25; Range 2 (perception); Incurable, Reversible)

   Life Drain (Linked)

      Drain 15 (Linked; drains: single trait - con, DC 25; Range 2 (perception), Vampiric)

      Healing 15 (Linked; Personal; Persistent, Regrowth)

   Power Drain (Nullify 15) (Array; counters: all powers of (type) - enhanced physical abilities (str, dex, & con), DC 25; Effortless, Range (perception))

   Ritual Teleportation (Teleport 15) (Array; 1500 ft. as move action, Anywhere in the same solar system as full action; Accurate, Portal; Change Velocity, Easy)

   Witch's Jinx (Probability Control 15) (Array; Minimum Result: 15; Jinx, Range 2 (perception); Limited to Jinx, Side Effect; Reversible, Subtle (subtle))

   Witch's Snare (Snare 15) (Array; DC 25; Range (perception), Regenerating, Transparent; Obscure Sense (Visual), Reversible)

Fell Staff Wrist (Device 2) (Hard to lose)

   Black Magic Power Source (Features 3) (Notes: Buys off Black Magic Array's Weakness Drawback)

   Fell Staff Smack (Strike 5) (DC 20; Accurate 2 (+4))

Stormy's Rose Gear (Device 3) (Hard to lose)

   Immunity 6 (critical hits, disease, environmental condition: Heat, environmental condition: Cold, poison)

   Protection 8 (+8 Toughness; Subtle (subtle))

Toughened (Protection 2) (+2 Toughness)


Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +11, Grapple: +10)


Attacks: Black Agony (Stun 15) (DC Staged/Will 25), Black Curse (Drain 15) (DC Ref/Staged 25), Black Hex (Fatigue 15) (DC Fort 25), Drain 15 (DC Fort/Staged 25), Fell Staff Smack (Strike 5), +15 (DC 20), Power Drain (Nullify 15) (DC Will 25), Unarmed Attack, +11 (DC 14), Witch's Snare (Snare 15) (DC Ref/Staged 25)


Defense: +15  (Flat-footed: +6), Knockback: -6


Initiative: +1


Drawbacks: Vulnerable, common, moderate, Disease


Languages: English


Totals: Abilities 32 + Skills 29 (116 ranks) + Feats 18 + Powers 105 + Combat 40 + Saves 29 - Drawbacks 3 = 250



Age (as of Jan 2019): 24

Height: 5’

Weight: 90 lbs

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Hair: Jet black

Eyes: Bright blue


Background: Blackrose spent a great deal of her childhood too sick and/or weak to get out of bed. She’s always been frail, with a particularly weak immune system. There’s been times where she’s cursed her weakness rather viciously. It’s only been as she’s approached physical adulthood (aided by a ton of sweat equity) that she’s picked some physical stamina. She still gets sick far more often than other people do, but it doesn’t knock her flat the way it used to. Which is nice, but she’d appreciate it if she could stop having a runny nose and mild fever in the middle of a fight with supervillains. .The Fell Staff, her trademark quarterstaff is a powerful magical artifact, and very much evil attuned. What it does, specifically, is take on the negative consequences for casting any kind of spell. As, generally speaking, the kind of magic used by good mages is earned via effort or a gift from a patron, it doesn’t help with those much. It’s the spells that require sacrifice of some kind it can power. The kind that require the mage to give up a part of their life or soul, or someone else’s life or soul. As such, it’s desired by evil mages everywhere, of all varieties. She has it stored in a magic bracelet, and pulls it out at need. The bracelet is a set of black beads that comes together to form the Staff. The Staff itself is twisted black wood that magical types can easily sense the malice from.


Powers & Tactics: Blackrose’s powers consist entirely of magic. Black magic, to be precise. It’s curses, hexes, and generally whatever a particularly sadistic witch might do to someone who crossed her. Black magic tends to…corrupt the user. She’s all right for now, thanks to her friends (and especially Flare), but it’s always a danger.  As such, she leaves most of that alone, but she does drain life, cause agonizing pain, force choke, and nullify superhuman abilities with almost disturbing ease. The key to all this is the Fell Staff. Without it, she can still cast magic, but it’s casting straight from her own life force. And she isn’t all that sturdy in the first place. Point blank, without the staff she could kill herself if she’s not careful. She does wear armor now, thanks to Stormy. Protects from a few environmental woes while she’s wearing it. But, sadly, not ones she’s picked up between wearings. Hello again, runny nose, fever, and muscle weakness.


She tends not to use most of her spells in team combat, sticking with the Black Fog to give her teammates an edge or Ritual Teleportation for team transport. If forced into solo combat or against more powerful enemies, she’ll use whatever spell seems appropriate but at a lower rank, such as 10. Only in desperation (and escape not an option) will she unleash her full power on an opponent. She knows many of her spells can be crippling if not outright lethal, and won’t use them if she doesn’t absolutely have to.


Personality: In a word, Blackrose is tough. Not in the physical sense, of course, but her entire personality and mind is tough. Like both of the other original five, she’s been through hell and come out stronger on the other side. She’s the team’s reliable leader and team mom. She knows what it’s like to be small and weak in a world seemingly built for the big and strong, so she does her best to be kind to the downtrodden and victimized. Her empathy and compassion are arguably her strongest suits. That said, they don’t rule her and she’ll make the tough decisions without batting an eye.

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Radical Dreamer


Power Level: 12; Power Points Spent: 250/250


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +4 (18), CON: +2 (14), INT: +5 (20), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +5/+6, Fort: +8, Ref: +5/+15, Will: +8


Skills: Acrobatics 1 (+5/+20), Bluff 5 (+5/+17), Computers 5 (+10), Concentration 10 (+15), Diplomacy 5 (+5/+17), Disable Device 5 (+10), Drive 6 (+10), Gather Information 15 (+15), Intimidate 5 (+5/+17), Investigate 10 (+15), Knowledge (behavioral science) 10 (+15), Knowledge (business) 10 (+15), Knowledge (current events) 15 (+20), Knowledge (history) 15 (+20), Knowledge (physical sciences) 5 (+10), Knowledge (streetwise) 10 (+15), Knowledge (tactics) 10 (+15), Knowledge (technology) 5 (+10), Pilot 6 (+10), Search 15 (+20), Sleight of Hand 11 (+15), Stealth 1 (+5/+20)


Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, Assessment, Attack Focus (melee) 3, Benefit 2 (Wealth), Challenge - Improved Acrobatic Bluff, Challenge - Improved Demoralize, Challenge - Improved Feint, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Eidetic Memory, Evasion 2, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Defense 2, Improved Trick, Luck 6, Set-Up, Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Notice, Sense Motive), Teamwork 3, Well-Informed



Connection to Astra (Super-Senses 1) (communication link: Mental)

Low Level Telepathy (Array 4) (default power: mind reading)

   Mind Reading 5 (Default; DC 15; Sensory Link; Limited by Language, Limited to Surface Thoughts)

   Telepathic Link (Communication 7) (Array; sense type: mental; Omni-Directional Area; Limited (to Humans); Rapid)

Perfectly Timed Punch (Damage 5) (DC 22; Accurate 2 (+4), Mighty (+2 to damage))

Precognition (Super-Senses 20) (accurate: Mental, acute: Mental, counters concealment: Metnal, counters illusion: Mental, counters obscure (all): Mental, danger sense: Mental, precognition, radius: Mental, ranged: Mental, uncanny dodge: Mental)

Precognitive Dodge (Luck Control 1) (force a re-roll, Feats: Luck 6; Limited 2 (Attack rolls against Dreamer))

Toughened (Protection 3) (+3 Toughness)

Ultimate Precog (Enhanced Trait 68) (Traits: Acrobatics +15 (+20), Attack Bonus +3 (+10), Reflex +10 (+15), Sense Motive +15 (+20), Notice +15 (+20), Stealth +15 (+20), Bluff +12 (+17), Diplomacy +12 (+17), Intimidate +12 (+17), Defense Bonus +10 (+17), Feats: Assessment, Attack Focus (melee) 3, Eidetic Memory, Evasion 2, Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Notice, Sense Motive))


Attack Bonus: +7/+10 (Ranged: +7/+10, Melee: +10/+13, Grapple: +12/+15)


Attacks: Mind Reading 5 (DC Will 15), Perfectly Timed Punch (Damage 5), +17 (DC Staged/Tou ), Unarmed Attack, +13 (DC 17)


Defense: +7/+17  (Flat-footed: +9), Knockback: -3


Initiative: +4


Drawbacks: Recurring Nightmares, uncommon


Languages: English


Totals: Abilities 36 + Skills 45 (180 ranks) + Feats 17 + Powers 116 + Combat 28 + Saves 10 - Drawbacks 2 = 250



Age (as of Jan 2019): 24

Height: 5’ 10”

Weight: 155 lbs.

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Light Brown


Background: Dreamer is essentially defined by his precognition. He’s had it ever since he could remember. In fact, it was a struggle to tell the visions from reality earlier on. Something he still occasionally struggles with. He’s literally spent every second he can remember working towards one of the good futures. He…doesn’t have a life outside of making sure the world doesn’t come to one of the dozens of horrible ends he’s seen. He’s been the guiding force keeping the Exiles free of outside entanglements, and the recruitments of new members have either been his own doing or sparked by something he said. So far, so good. Even if it wears on him more and more, resulting in sleep ruining nightmares sometimes.


Powers & Tactics: Dreamer’s powers are fairly simple on the outside. He’s a low level telepath, and the most powerful precognitive in the universe. The future is an open book to him. Just has to turn the pages. He’s in tune enough with the power that he often is quite literally ahead of the rest of the group. He’s rarely surprised, and virtually impossible to hit with anything from a kid’s fist to a thermonuclear device. Nothing’s ever been able to block it, either. He says the future is always in motion. He sees all the possibilities, be they good, bad, or somewhere in between.


This, understandably, makes him a fearsome if not overly powerful opponent in a fight. That said, he tends to hang back and only chimes in with a Perfectly Timed Punch when he knows it’s necessary. Otherwise he’s mostly likely Stealth’d and lurking for that perfect moment to apply said punch.


Personality: If Blackrose is team mom, then Radical Dreamer is team dad. He cares a lot for the group and goes out of his way to make sure they don’t come to harm if they don’t have to. He’s always available with a word of advice or a quick pep talk. The only thing that prevents him from being the official leader (aside from his eternal demurring) is that he’s not mentally tough.  He does not take being surprised well at all, and being THE decision maker almost makes him shut down. As someone who’s seen literally every variation on every horrible thing that could possibly ever happen, he’s a little…unstable. Not outright crazy and a danger to everyone around him, but between the nightmares and trying to keep all possible bad ends away, he can get stressed to and beyond the limit. This is because the way out of these horrible futures doesn’t always involving doing things that are good and just. The right people have to be in the right places at the right times. Case in point: For as long as he can remember, he’s loved Wendy. And for as long as he could remember (until it happened, obviously), he knew she had to die. He knew how she had to die, who had to be there and when. All so that Mrs. Hall didn’t gain the power of a Phoenix spark and go full Dark Lord on the whole world. He loved her, and he let her die to save the world. He knows what he does is necessary in an absolute way that most people simply can’t, but it doesn’t make him feel any better about lying and manipulating events and people. It doesn’t make him feel like any less of a murderer when someone dies and he could have prevented it. He finds it difficult to rely on others, as he literally knows anything they might say or do to make him feel better. He adores Astra and does his best to protect her from herself, as she doesn’t need protection from others.

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Power Level: 14; Power Points Spent: 250/250


STR: +12 (18/34), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +12 (18/34), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +0 (10), CHA: +12 (26/34)


Tough: +12/+13, Fort: +12, Ref: +10, Will: +10


Skills: Acrobatics 12 (+15), Diplomacy 14 (+26), Gather Information 13 (+25), Knowledge (art) 5 (+5), Knowledge (popular culture) 10 (+10), Notice 12 (+12), Perform (singing) 3 (+15), Perform (stringed instruments) 3 (+15), Sense Motive 12 (+12)


Feats: Accurate Attack, Attack Specialization 2 (Life Force Blast (Blast 16)), Attack Specialization 2 (Unarmed Attack), Attractive (+4), Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus 6, Fascinate (Diplomacy), Luck, Power Attack, Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Knowledge (Popular Cullture)), Teamwork, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Alien Physiology (Container, Passive 16)

   Enhanced Charisma 8 (+8 CHA)

   Enhanced Constitution 16 (+16 CON)

   Enhanced Strength 16 (+16 STR)

   Immunity 7 (disease, fatigue effects, rare descriptor: Life Force)

   Regeneration 31 (ability damage 8 (recover 1 / round without rest), recovery rate (bruised) 3 (recover 1 / round without rest), recovery rate (disabled) 8 (recover 1 / round without rest), recovery rate (injured) 6 (recover 1 / round without rest), recovery rate (staggered) 6 (recover 1 / round without rest); Persistent, Regrowth)

Life Force Power (Array 20) (default power: flight)

   Life Force Blast (Blast 16) (Array; [16 active, 40/40 PP, 2/r], DC 31)

   Life Force Butterfly Wings (Flight ? (Default; [4 active, 40/40 PP, 2/r], Speed: 100 mph, 880 ft./rnd)


Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +8, Grapple: +20)


Attacks: Life Force Blast (Blast 16), +12 (DC 31), Unarmed Attack, +12 (DC 27)


Defense: +14  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -6


Initiative: +3


Languages: English


Totals: Abilities 38 + Skills 21 (84 ranks) + Feats 19 + Powers 123 + Combat 32 + Saves 17 + Drawbacks 0 = 250


Age (as of Jan 2019): 24

Height: 5’ 10”

Weight: 150 lbs

Ethnicity: Extraterrestrial (Hispanic default, golden when using powers)

Hair: Reddish Brown

Eyes: Green


Background: Myrcelle’s the one of the O5 with the raw charisma. Always has been. What she has not been, however, is particularly smart or perceptive. Her friends have always outstripped her there, and she was always aware of coming up short in comparision. In the beginning she compensated by doing crazy and/or weird things, developing an outgoing and vivacious personality patterned in no small part on her friend Wendy (but missing that certain special something the windy one had). She was smaller than even Blackrose back then, and the puberty fairy didn’t seem like it was ever coming. The people who raised her were not her real parents. She was basically an experiment for most of her childhood. It wasn’t a loving home, but she didn’t know the difference at the time. She never got sick. She wasn’t as easy to hurt as her classmates. She was kind of clumsy due to evolving for a different planet’s environment. And various bruises and cuts she suffered didn’t linger.


Myrcelle’s time spent cocooned changed her. Physically she was a foot taller and over 50 pounds heavier, and the puberty fairy had definitely come to visit. Her body was not the same at all. She was now spectacularly attractive to a literally traffic stopping degree. Mentally…she’d had time to think. About a lot of things. Like what was really important to her.



Powers & Tactics: Myrcelle’s powers are simple even by Exile standards and entirely due to her alien physiology. She generates metric tons of life force energy. When straining, her raw output has been compared to that of the entire Earth and not come up short. She uses it to make butterfly wings and fly, regenerate from nearly any wound, and throw powerful energy blasts. She’s superhumanly strong and tough, with seemingly endless reserves of stamina. However, she’s not bulletproof in the least. The encounter with her own species proved she’s power even by their standards. Most of her people can’t throw energy blasts or fly. The notable exception is her sister, who is not an ally. At all.


Myrcelle isn’t a complicated fighter. She hits ‘em until they stop getting up. She prefers to do this while flying and with energy blasts, but she’ll throw some punches on the ground if she needs to. She doesn’t worry about taking damage, either, as her Regeneration will have her back up quickly if she falters. She’s one of the core team’s two absolute tanks and is well aware of it. The only reasons she’ll pull back from a fight is the instructions of Blackrose/Dreamer, or someone else is calling for help. And even then, unless told otherwise, it’ll be very much a fighting retreat.


Personality: Myrcelle is everyone’s cool big sister. Likeable, cheerful, and gregarious, she’s the life of the Exiles. She’s matured a lot from the weird kid she was back in the day. She’s still impulsive and a bit reckless, but those traits come out in service of her friends and the team. Not for their own sake. She knows most people are more fragile than she is, and she knows she can recover from virtually any injury. It hurts, but she deals with it for her friends. She’s often the team’s public face, being as Blackrose has limited stamina and Dreamer shuns the spotlight. It works, but she worries about saying something dumb.

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Power Level: 15; Power Points Spent: 250/250


STR: +0 (-), DEX: +0 (10), CON: +0 (-), INT: +5 (20), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +0/+20, Fort: Immune, Ref: +0, Will: +10


Skills: Bluff 15 (+15), Concentration 3 (+8), Notice 5 (+10), Search 5 (+10)


Feats: Dodge Focus 6, Eidetic Memory, Improved Initiative, Set-Up, Skill Mastery (Bluff, Disguise, Search, Sense Motive), Taunt



Appearance Shift (Morph 1) (morph: broad group - female humanoids, +5 Disguise)

Astra's Form (Container, Passive 24) (Innate, Subtle 2 (unnoticable))

   Concealment 10 (all senses; Limited (to Miss chance), Permanent)

   Flight 1 (Speed: 10 mph, 88 ft./rnd)

   Immunity 37 (aging, dazzle effects, fortitude saves, sleep)

   Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal; Permanent)

   Protection 20 (+20 Toughness; Impervious [15 ranks only])

   Regeneration 14 (recovery bonus 12 (+12 to recover), resurrection 2 (1 day); Persistent, Regrowth)

Connection to Dreamer (Super-Senses 1) (communication link: Mental)

Reality Warping (Array 45) (default power: transform)

   Regeneration (Healing 18) (Array; Action (standard), Restoration, Secondary Effect, Total; Personal)

   Something From Nothing? (Create Object 15) (Array; Max Size: 15x 5' cubes, DC 25; Duration (continuous), Movable (Radius: 75 ft., Strength: 75, Force: 409.6 tons), Range (perception))

   Telekinesis? (Move Object 15) (Array; Strength: 75, Carry: 136.2 tons / 272.9 tons / 409.6 tons / 819.2 tons, DC 30; Damaging, Range (perception), Selective Attack)

   Warp Reality (Transform 12) (Default; affects: anything, Transforms: 5000 lbs., DC 22; Burst Area (60-600 ft. radius - General), Duration (continuous); Range (touch); Custom 2 (Progression, Increase Mass (to 25000 lbs)), Precise, Progression, Increase Area 3 (area x10))


Attack Bonus: +0 (Ranged: +0, Melee: +0, Grapple: +0)


Attacks: Telekinesis? (Move Object 15) (DC 30), Unarmed Attack, +0 (DC 15), Warp Reality (Transform 12) (DC Fort 22)


Defense: +10  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -17


Initiative: +4


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 0 + Skills 7 (28 ranks) + Feats 11 + Powers 219 + Combat 8 + Saves 5 + Drawbacks 0 = 250


Age (as of Jan 2019): N/A

Height: Slightly variable, between 5’ 4” and 5’ 8”

Weight: None, incorporeal being.

Ethnicity: Completely variable

Hair: Cotton candy pink or blue

Eyes: Completely variable


Background: Contrary to appearances, Astra is not a ghost. She’s an astral projection of a comatose girl’s subconscious mind. Essentially, reality is playing the role of her dreams. Just for the record, that comatose girl is an insanely powerful reality warper with precisely zero control over her powers. Pray she never wakes. If Dreamer has his way, she never will.


Powers & Tactics: As reality is more or less a dream world to Astra, she can affect it as such. She can change anything into anything else, move truly impressive amounts of mass simply by willing it so, cause new items to appear out of nowhere, or repair anyone or anything with a touch. Resurrection isn’t technically beyond her power, but Dreamer asked her to please not. She’s incorporeal and difficult to hit, as she’s not always where she appears to be. For the people who do manage to hit her, she’s one of the most difficult to injure Exiles. She used to be able to possess people briefly, but that power has most likely been forgotten. The flaw, however, is that for her powers to work she had to become corporeal and thus considerably easier to hit. She’s even apparently been completely destroyed, only to pop up the next day just fine. She has not yet learned how to stop flying or go faster, but she’s working on it. Unlike the rest of the core team who are approaching the limits of their powers, Astra isn’t anywhere near hers. She can manifest any power at any time, and without Dreamer’s intervention (or if he’s been badly injured) she can unleash the full wrath of her reality warper powers. She even lent them to him once, somehow, and heavily implied she can do that whenever she likes. There doesn’t seem to be anything she can’t do.


Tactically, Astra typically doesn’t do anything but Bluff and Taunt, using Set Up to pass the benefits her teammates for solid hits against foes. She’s virtually incapable of being forced into combat, and the few that have immediately regretted it, as she doesn’t entirely understand the reality of the real world. Outside of combat, she’ll help out by manifesting objects for the team to use, such as bridges for those who can’t fly. She’ll continually transform water into air for underwater adventures, or help lifting heavy objects.


Personality: Astra is the team’s utter weirdo. Her appearance can shift from moment to moment. Aside from her hair color and voice there’s otherwise no way to reliably identify her. Even her personality itself is somewhat variable. The only firm constants are her deep bond with Dreamer and her friendship with the core team. Though generally speaking she comes in two varieties. The first is selfish, childish, and prone to pranking people with her powers. The second is quiet, mysterious, and taciturn. The two can and do bleed into each other.

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Power Level: 15; Power Points Spent: 250/250


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +4 (18), CON: +4 (18), INT: +1 (12), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +3 (16)


Tough: +8/+10, Fort: +10, Ref: +8/+20, Will: +15


Skills: Acrobatics 8 (+12), Concentration 10 (+15), Craft (structural) 14 (+15), Diplomacy 12 (+15), Drive 6 (+10), Gather Information 9 (+12), Knowledge (physical sciences) 9 (+10), Notice 10 (+15), Sense Motive 10 (+15)


Feats: Defensive Roll 2, Dodge Focus 2, Evasion 2, Fearless, Improved Initiative 5, Inspire 5 (+5), Luck 4, Rallying Cry, Seize Initiative, Teamwork 3, Ultimate Effort (Toughness saves), Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Light Receptor (Super-Senses ? (extended (type): Vision 2 (-1 per 1k ft), infravision, radius (type): Vision, ultravision)

Living Star (Array 23) (default power: blast)

   Frickin' Laser Beams (Blast 10) (Array; DC 25; Shapeable Area (10-1000 cubes of 125 cu. ft. (5x5x5) - Targeted), Range (perception); Progression, Increase Area 6 (area x100))

   Laser Blast (Blast 15) (Default; DC 30; Range (perception); Precise)

   Laser Flare (Strike 15) (Array; DC 30; Burst Area (45-75000 ft. radius - General); Progression, Decrease Area 6 (-6 ranks), Progression, Increase Area 9 (area x1000))

   Let There Be Light (Environmental Control 20) (Array; light (bright), Radius: 12500000 ft.; Selective Attack; Range (touch))

   Light Flare (Dazzle 15) (Array; affects: visual senses, DC 25; Perception Area (General), Selective Attack; Range (touch))

Photon Riding (Teleport 15) (1500 ft. as move action, Anywhere in the same solar system as full action; Limited (Light must able to pass through the intervening space); Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, Progression, Mass (carry 250 lbs), Turnabout)

Photonic Evasion (Enhanced Trait 37) (Traits: Reflex +12 (+20), Defense Bonus +8 (+18), Evasion 2 +1 (+2), Feats: Dodge Focus 2, Improved Initiative 5, Seize Initiative)

Photonic Toughness (Protection 4) (+4 Toughness)


Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +8, Grapple: +10)


Attacks: Frickin' Laser Beams (Blast 10) (DC 25), Laser Blast (Blast 15) (DC 30), Laser Flare (Strike 15) (DC 30), Light Flare (Dazzle 15) (DC Fort/Ref 25), Unarmed Attack, +8 (DC 17)


Defense: +10/+18  (Flat-footed: +8), Knockback: -5


Initiative: +24


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 38 + Skills 22 (88 ranks) + Feats 19 + Powers 119 + Combat 32 + Saves 20 + Drawbacks 0 = 250


Age (as of Jan 2019): 23

Height: 6’

Weight: 170 lbs

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Hair: Sandy Brown

Eyes: Hazel


Background: Francis Bowman was a normal enough kid from a normal enough family. They were dedicated Bible thumpers from the Bible Belt, but other than that normal enough. Francis got a good grounding in how to be a good person. Could even say he was raised right. And then it turned out he was a Phoenix Mutate with the power to generate and control light. His powers were not the kind of thing that would go away with prayer or exorcism. His parents, believing their son had been corrupted by Satan, cast him out into the world. Alone. At fourteen. He would have mostly likely come to a very bad end of one sort or another, but then he met Radical Dreamer and the Exiles. He has since forgotten the names and faces of his parents, and everyone he knew back then.


Powers & Tactics: Flare is a Phoenix Mutate. He can generate, control, and focus photons and photon waves. Light itself. He can move astonishingly fast and fire focused, damaging laser beams. However, his favorite ability remains what he named himself for. He can light up quite literally like a second sun, blinding anyone not over the horizon or behind something solid. He has learned to fire the laser beams in a line, or project them from all over his body at once. He can see all around him for a greater distance than most and in the full light spectrum. What he cannot seem to do is make things out of solid light. Whether this is a mental block due his understanding of physics or something he genuinely cannot do remains to be seen. He is surprisingly tough, in addition to dodging things he shouldn’t have been able to.


Flare tends to zip around the battlefield. He by a good margin the most mobile Exile, and uses it to his advantage. His laser beams, as they move at light speed, don’t miss. So distance to his target is only relevant to his ability to see them. He does, however, hold back until an opponent proves worthy of greater power. He confines his lasers to rank 10 or lower until such time. Additionally, like all Phoenix Mutates, he can still engage Plus Overdrive (Untapped Potential feat + Extraordinary Effort) mode and rank up a given power by 6.


Personality: Flare is a good man, if a bit goofy. He can be reckless, but surprisingly serious and adult minded when the situation calls for it. He’s charming, adorkable, and genuinely sweet. There simply isn’t a dark side to him. Guy’s a goofy spin on the old boy scout cliché. In short, he’s everything a hero should be and the beating heart (and when necessary the conscience) of the Exiles. He loves his best girl, Stormy, and will do anything that isn’t immoral to protect or help her. They were married recently, in fact. Simply put, Flare’s a good guy who does the right thing every time.

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Power Level: 12; Power Points Spent: 250/250


STR: +0 (10), DEX: +5 (20), CON: +2 (14), INT: +10 (20/30), WIS: +0 (10), CHA: +2 (14)


Tough: +2/+14, Fort: +8, Ref: +8/+12, Will: +10


Skills: Acrobatics 5 (+10), Bluff 6 (+8), Computers 15 (+25), Concentration 8 (+8), Craft (electronic) 15 (+25), Craft (mechanical) 15 (+25), Diplomacy 6 (+8), Drive 10 (+15), Gather Information 6 (+8), Intimidate 3 (+5), Investigate 5 (+15), Knowledge (earth sciences) 10 (+20), Knowledge (life sciences) 10 (+20), Knowledge (physical sciences) 10 (+20), Knowledge (technology) 15 (+25), Language 1 (+1), Medicine 10 (+10), Notice 12 (+12), Pilot 10 (+15), Search 5 (+15), Sense Motive 12 (+12), Swim 15 (+15)


Feats: Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Attack Specialization (Weather Control Gauntlets (Device 11)), Attractive (+4), Beginner's Luck, Eidetic Memory, Evasion, Improvised Tools, Inventor, Jack-of-All-Trades, Luck 4, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Skill Mastery (Craft (elec & mech), KN (phys sci & tech)), Teamwork 3



Amphibious Physiology (Container, Passive 4) (Innate)

   Enhanced Intelligence 10 (+10 INT)

   Speedy Swimmer (Swimming 7) (Speed: 250 mph, 2200 ft./rnd; Environmental Adaptation)

   Water Breather (Immunity 2) (environmental condition: Pressure, suffocation: Drowning)

Storm Gear (Device 6) (Hard to lose, Only you can use)

   Enhanced Trait 5 (Traits: Reflex +4 (+12), Feats: Evasion)

   Flight 5 (Speed: 250 mph, 2200 ft./rnd)

   Immunity 3 (environmental condition: Cold, environmental condition: Heat, suffocation: Not-Drowning)

   Protection 12 (+12 Toughness)

Weather Control Gauntlets (Device 11) (Hard to lose, Only you can use)

   Immunity 1 (rare descriptor: Own powers)

   Weather Control (Array 23) (default power: dazzle)

      Cyclonic Burst (Move Object 12) (Array; [0 active, 0/46 PP, 3/r], Strength: 60, Carry: 17 tons / 34 tons / 51.2 tons / 102.4 tons; Burst Area (60 ft. radius - General))

      Dense Fog (Obscure 9) (Array; [0 active, 0/46 PP, 3/r], affects: visual senses, Radius: 2500 ft.; Selective Attack)

      Gauntlet Punch (Strike 6) (Array; DC 21)

      Summon the Lightning (Blast 12) (Array; [0 active, 0/46 PP, 2/r+3], DC 27; Indirect 3 (any point, any direction))

      Thunder & Lightning (Dazzle 12) (Default; [0 active, 0/46 PP, 3/r], affects: 1 type + visual - visual & auditory, DC 22)


Attack Bonus: +10 (Ranged: +10, Melee: +10, Grapple: +10)


Attacks: Gauntlet Punch (Strike 6), +12 (DC 21), Summon the Lightning (Blast 12), +12 (DC 27), Thunder & Lightning (Dazzle 12), +12 (DC Fort/Ref 22), Unarmed Attack, +10 (DC 15)


Defense: +10  (Flat-footed: +5), Knockback: -7


Initiative: +5


Languages: English, Native Alien


Totals: Abilities 28 + Skills 51 (204 ranks) + Feats 19 + Powers 93 + Combat 40 + Saves 19 + Drawbacks 0 = 250


Age (as of Jan 2019): 21

Height: 5’

Weight: 110 lbs

Ethnicity: Extraterrestrial (more or less Caucasian on the surface)

Hair: None, technically. She has pale white vestigial antennae that look like hair, however

Eyes: Pale Blue


Background: Stormy (or Stormy Weathers, as Barry was kind enough to help her get a legal identity), is an amphibious alien born in space. Her parents were tech thieves in the cosmos, and not particularly successful ones at that. They used and discarded their children to suit themselves. Stormy was no different. Well, a little. Unlike any of her siblings, she was brilliant, even for her highly intelligent race. When she was old enough to help, their fortunes started going better. But even the brightest mind can’t fix stupid-greedy, and at last her parents went for the big score. The Storm Gear and Weather Control Gauntlets were supposed to be a revolution in terraforming technology. The theft itself was successful. The escape, far less so. Their damaged craft fell out of hyperspace and crashed on Earth, killing both of Stormy’s parents and injuring the young girl as well. Stormy cobbled the broken, stolen tech into their current forms and set out into the world. She happened on the Exiles, sorely pressed by an enemy, and flung lightning (and herself) into the fray. The rest is history.


Powers & Tactics: Stormy doesn’t have any powers as such. She’s a fast swimmer and is capable of breathing underwater, but those are normal attributes for her people. The things make her special are her Storm Gear and her Weather Control Gauntlets. The Storm Gear is armored, protects her from temperature extremes (important for an amphibian), allows her to fly, and provides prosthetic feet to walk on. The Weather Control Gauntlets do exactly what they say they do, allow her to control the weather. Summoning lightning bolts. Whipping up tornadoes. Fog thicker than pea soup. You name the weather, and she can make it happen. Or she could just punch you with them, as they substitute for her lack of hands.


Stormy’s tactics depend on whether or not Blackrose using her Black Fog, making Stormy’s Dense Fog irrelevant. If she is, Stormy will stick to flinging wind, thunder and lightning, in roughly equal priority. She’s a university dominating genius, so she won’t stick with a tactic that clearly doesn’t work. If for whatever reason, Blackrose isn’t using that spell, Stormy will bring out the Dense Fog in at some level. This can limit her other weather powers to a degree, with enough power allocated. She doesn’t hold back her power unless it’s allocated elsewhere. In solo combat she goes all out from the start. She is almost always flying. Her Gauntlets can do more than listed, and she’ll power stunt for something different if she needs it.


Personality: Stormy, like Myrcelle, is an alien. However, she’s a completely different species. Stormy isn’t even mammalian. She’s an amphibian, complete with flippers for hands and feet. As such, she’s a bit of an odd duck. Earth is a mammal dominated planet, and as such it colors every aspect of the world. Leaving poor Stormy an almost literal fish out of water. She often misunderstands (if she understands at all) why people act the way they act, and thus can often seem the least heroic of the group. Individuality is barely a thing where she comes from, and thus she doesn’t value innocent bystanders highly at all. It’s not that she’s a bad person or anything like that. She just lacks the frame of reference mammals take for granted. She loves Flare back, in much different but no less valid way. Mammalian love just isn’t the same as amphibious, after all. She’ll do anything (even sliding into grey morality) to protect or help him.

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Power Level: 15; Power Points Spent: 250/250


STR: +20 (20/50), DEX: +2 (14), CON: +20 (20/50), INT: +3 (16), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +3 (16)


Tough: +20, Fort: +20, Ref: +8, Will: +12


Skills: Acrobatics 3 (+5), Bluff 7 (+10), Diplomacy 7 (+10), Gather Information 2 (+5), Intimidate 17 (+20), Notice 12 (+15), Sense Motive 12 (+15), Sleight of Hand 8 (+10)


Feats: Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Challenge - Improved Startle, Interpose, Luck 3, Power Attack, Skill Mastery (Intimidate, Notice, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand), Startle, Teamwork 2, Ultimate Effort (Strength checks), Ultimate Effort (Toughness checks), Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Alien Physiology (Container, Passive 15)

   Enhanced Constitution 20 (+20 CON)

   Enhanced Strength 20 (+20 STR)

   Immunity 9 (life support)

   Impervious Toughness 10

   Super-Strength 8 (+40 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 3.4m tons; +8 STR to some checks)

Trueblue Shift (Alternate Form 10)

   Trueblue (Alternate Form) (Powers: Immunity 1, Impervious Toughness 5, Super-Strength 10, Trueblue Stamina (Enhanced Constitution 10), Trueblue Strength (Enhanced Strength 10), Attack Bonus +1 (+10), Defense Bonus +1 (+10))

      Immunity 1 (starvation & thirst)

      Impervious Toughness 5

      Super-Strength 10 (+50 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 3.4m tons; +10 STR to some checks)

      Trueblue Stamina (Enhanced Constitution 10) (+10 CON)

      Trueblue Strength (Enhanced Strength 10) (+10 STR)


Power Settings:

Trueblue (Alternate Form) (Powers: Immunity 1, Impervious Toughness 5, Super-Strength 10, Trueblue Stamina (Enhanced Constitution 10), Trueblue Strength (Enhanced Strength 10), Attack Bonus +1 (+10), Defense Bonus +1 (+10))


Attack Bonus: +9/+10 (Ranged: +9/+10, Melee: +9/+10, Grapple: +29/+48)


Attacks: Unarmed Attack, +10 (DC 35)


Defense: +9/+10  (Flat-footed: +5), Knockback: -17


Initiative: +2


Languages: English Native


Totals: Abilities 42 + Skills 17 (68 ranks) + Feats 15 + Powers 125 + Combat 36 + Saves 15 + Drawbacks 0 = 250


Age (as of Jan 2019): 18

Height: 6’ 2”

Weight: 225

Ethnicity: Extraterrestrial (appears to be of West African descent unless Trueblue, when skin is dark green)

Hair: Jet Black

Eyes: Dark Brown (entirely glowing blue when Trueblue)


Background: Cory is a member of a species informally known as the Red Savages. They have superhuman strength and durability. Their might is high even by galactic standards, and it grows higher still when they enter the form that is their namesake. Their eyes glow red, their skin turns dark green, and they go more or less berserk, destroying everything in their path. They were a warrior race, as well, thriving on the destruction left in their wake. They conquered planet after planet for their tyrannical overlord. Until one day said overlord grew concerned about the legend of the Trueblue, and destroyed their homeworld with most of the species on it. This triggered the open rebellion of those who remained, and the overlord and all his organization were destroyed in turn at the cost of most of the remaining Red Savages. Cory is the son of one of the very few survivors of those incidents. He was abandoned on Earth as a toddler, with the rationale being he’d either conquer it by adulthood or die trying. Blackrose found him first, after acquiring the Fell Staff, and he returned with her to the Exiles.


Powers & Tactics: Cory is a member of an alien race once infamous for their strength and durability. Even as a child, he did not disappoint in that regard, and certainly does not now. In his normal form he has vast superhuman strength and can shrug off damage that would level 90% of superhumans. However, his true power lies within his Trueblue shift. After this transformation, his durability resembles that of an entire planet than a living being and his physical strength is enough to shatter tectonic plates. He knows because he had to do that, once, to save the day.


Cory’s tactics are utterly simple. Punch the enemy until he stays down. He’ll pick the toughest out of a group and stand toe to toe exchanging punches until (inevitably) his opponent falls. With that said, if Blackrose is casting spells instead of maintaining Black Fog, he’ll stick close to her to deal with any enemies who want to take out the Exiles’ somewhat fragile leader. And if a foe isn’t falling to normal attacks from him or the team, he’ll Trueblue  Shift and take them on himself. He is the foremost tank and heaviest hitter of all the Exiles, and he is well aware of it. That, and even though he’s Trueblue there’s just enough of the Red Savage in him that he enjoys a good fight.


Personality: Cory isn’t a people person. He’s blunt, verging on rude. It was once disguised as childish shyness, but now it’s obvious he’s just not that into people. Which, to be fair, he’s been able to snap most of Earth’s inhabitants in half with absurd ease for his entire life. It’s colored his worldview. While humanity (especially his friends and fellow Exiles) is worth protecting, that doesn’t mean he’s comfortable around them or even likes them all that much. He’s assigned himself as Blackrose’s bodyguard, as well. She was the first human who was ever kind to him. He has refused savagery, but equally he has refused peace. He’s a man of honor, a warrior born. And there’s a lot of fighting that needs doing in the world.

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Power Level: 15; Power Points Spent: 250/250


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +4 (18), INT: +1 (12), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +3 (16)


Tough: +4/+14, Fort: +10, Ref: +8/+20, Will: +12


Skills: Acrobatics 12 (+15), Bluff 12 (+15), Concentration 12 (+15), Diplomacy 12 (+15), Disguise 1 (+4), Gather Information 12 (+15), Knowledge (current events) 4 (+5), Knowledge (popular culture) 11 (+12), Notice 12 (+15), Sense Motive 12 (+15)


Feats: Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (ranged) 5, Evasion 2, Improved Initiative, Interpose, Luck 4, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Taunt, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Never Breathless (Immunity 2) (suffocation (all))

Temperate Winds (Immunity 2) (environmental condition: Heat, environmental condition: Cold; Limited - Half Effect)

Tornado Control (Array 27) (default power: move object)

   Air Control 25 (Array; Strength: 125, Carry: 139.5k tons / 279.4k tons / 419.4k tons / 838.9k tons; Freshen Air (Radius: 125 ft.), Precise, Selective, Wind-Blown Effects)

   Air Cushion (Super-Movement 1) (Array; slow fall; Affects Others, Shapeable Area (1-500 cubes of 125 cu. ft. (5x5x5) - General); Progression, Increase Area 8 (area x500), Selective)

   Blow 'Em Away (Trip 15) (Array; Line Area (5x375 ft. line - General), Knockback; Improved Throw, Knockback 7, Precise)

   Tornado Blast (Blast 15) (Array; DC 30; Autofire (interval 2, max +5), Penetrating [8 ranks only]; Precise)

   Tornado Bomb (Blast 15) (Array; DC 30; Cylinder Area (55-3750 ft. radius + height - General); Progression, Decrease Area 4 (-4 ranks), Progression, Increase Area 5 (area x50))

   Tornado Burst (Move Object 25) (Array; Strength: 125, Carry: 139.5k tons / 279.4k tons / 419.4k tons / 838.9k tons; Cone Area (220-250 ft. cone - General); Range (touch); Progression, Decrease Area 3 (-3 ranks), Selective)

   Tornado Creation (Move Object 25) (Default; Strength: 125, Carry: 139.5k tons / 279.4k tons / 419.4k tons / 838.9k tons; Burst Area (115-250 ft. radius - General); Range (touch); Progression, Decrease Area 2 (-2 ranks), Progression, Increase Area (area x2), Selective)

Tornado Shield (Enhanced Trait 14) (Traits: Reflex +12 (+20), Feats: Evasion 2)

Wind Armor (Force Field 10) (+10 Toughness; Impervious)

Wind Shield (Shield 6) (+6 dodge bonus, Feats: Uncanny Dodge (Auditory))

Windrider (Flight 6) (Speed: 500 mph, 4400 ft./rnd)


Attack Bonus: +10 (Ranged: +15, Melee: +10, Grapple: +12)


Attacks: Blow 'Em Away (Trip 15) (DC 25), Tornado Blast (Blast 15), +15 (DC 30), Tornado Bomb (Blast 15) (DC 30), Unarmed Attack, +10 (DC 17)


Defense: +16  (Flat-footed: +5), Knockback: -12


Initiative: +7


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 32 + Skills 25 (100 ranks) + Feats 17 + Powers 116 + Combat 40 + Saves 20 + Drawbacks 0 = 250


Age (as of Jan 2019): 23

Height: 5’ 7”

Weight: 130 lbs.

Ethnicity: Caucasian (freckled)

Hair: Reddish blonde

Eyes: Brown


Background: Windstorm is the only Exile without parental issues of one sort or another. She is Earth’s newest wind elemental. The previous one? Member of the O5, Wendy. Earth’s elementals tend to either die young or live close to forever, and they always remember their previous lives to a degree. It’s not reincarnation, exactly. When one dies, the powers shift to the next one in line. If that one’s younger than 14, the powers and memories don’t activate until then. Windstorm had her 14th birthday, and remembered Wendy and her friends. She promptly ran away from home to join the Exiles. It’s been a wild ride, and her power over the winds has proven useful and even vital more than once. Even if she was a sticking point with the authorities. Minors are supposed to be under the care of their parents or a guardian. Not a ragtag band of renegade superheroes, who were entirely minors themselves. Still, what were they gonna do? Send her home in a sack? She wouldn’t stay, and everyone knew it.


Powers & Tactics: Windstorm, like all of Earth’s elementals these days, is a Phoenix Mutate. Her powers are, as one might expect at this point, the generation and control of wind and air currents. She can create anything from gentle breezes to devastating beyond F-5 tornadoes. Her power is such that she’s easily lifted small skyscrapers. She appears to have the power to create air, as her powers have functioned what was supposed to be a vacuum. They were significantly weaker, however. As she’s grown more skilled with her powers, she discovered she doesn’t exactly need to breathe and her winds can cool or heat the most unpleasant of temperatures around her body. On rare occasions, she’s extended both of these across a wide area, but those were power stunts off her array. Her control of wind allows her to fly, protect herself from harm, or dodge it all together. And of course, as a Phoenix Mutate she can engage Plus Overdrive (Untapped Potential feat + Extraordinary Effort) mode and rank up a given power by 6.


Windstorm’s tactics vary to a degree. She typically does her best to appear PL 10 (not that she knows that’s a thing, obviously) by not using the full ranks or even deactivating some of her powers. The stronger the enemy, the more of her powers she’ll use and yes, this has gotten her butt handed to her in the past. Most commonly, she’ll use her Trip to blow enemies away for her own personal amusment. Stronger enemies will get the damaging attacks. She doesn’t break out the Move Objects and Air Control unless something needs moving. She’s the Exile most likely to power stunt, after Stormy. Air Control is a flexible power set, and she’ll whip out more esoteric abilities on demand. She can’t do solid objects or transform her body, but everything else is likely on the table. In more desperate circumstances she won’t hesitate to use Plus Overdrive (using a rank of Luck to avoid being Exhausted so she can do it again if necessary). She’s teasingly known as Miss Property Damage among the Exiles, as she’s the Exile with the dubious distinction of doing the most of it. Entirely by accident, of course.


Personality: Windstorm is breezy (like most of the wind elementals), easy going, scatterbrained, and often has the attention span of a particularly manic squirrel. But when provoked (which is far from easy) her wrath is fearsome to behold. In short, she’s like the wind. Impossible to pin, and savage when angered. A true force of nature, forging her own path. She’s most often teamed with Myrcelle during missions. The duo get along immensely, flattening bad guys while Myrcelle sings and Windstorm laughs. She really, really loves using her powers. She feels more at home inside an almighty tornado than anywhere else, and is particularly ill at ease underground, underwater, or in outer space.

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Power Level: 11; Power Points Spent: 210/210


STR: +6 (22), DEX: +7 (24), CON: +6 (22), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +4 (18)


Tough: +6/+10, Fort: +9, Ref: +12, Will: +9


Skills: Acrobatics 13 (+20), Bluff 11 (+15), Climb 2 (+8), Diplomacy 11 (+15), Disable Device 13 (+15), Escape Artist 13 (+20), Gather Information 11 (+15), Handle Animal 8 (+12), Intimidate 11 (+15), Knowledge (civics) 3 (+5), Knowledge (life sciences) 3 (+5), Knowledge (tactics) 13 (+15), Medicine 2 (+5), Notice 9 (+12), Sense Motive 9 (+12), Sleight of Hand 13 (+20), Stealth 13 (+20), Survival 12 (+15), Swim 2 (+8)


Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, Attack Focus (melee) 6, Attack Specialization (Unarmed Attack), Challenge - Improved Acrobatic Bluff, Elusive Target, Equipment 4, Evasion, Improved Critical (Quarterstaff Strike (Strike 2)), Improved Critical 2 (Claws (Strike 2)), Improved Initiative 2, Improved Trick, Inspire 2 (+2), Leadership, Luck 3, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Medicine, Stealth, Survival), Takedown Attack 2, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Claws (Strike 2) (DC 23, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Claws (Strike 2)); Penetrating [2 extra ranks]; Mighty)

Collapsible Quarterstaff (Device 1) (Easy to lose; Subtle (subtle))

   Quarterstaff Strike (Strike 2) (DC 23, Feats: Improved Critical (Quarterstaff Strike (Strike 2)); Extended Reach (5 ft.), Mighty)

Grapple Gun (Super-Movement 3) (slow fall, swinging, wall-crawling 1 (half speed))

Leaping 3 (Jumping distance: x10)

Light Body Armor (Device 1) (Hard to lose)

   Protection 4 (+4 Toughness; Subtle (subtle))

Speed 3 (Speed: 50 mph, 440 ft./rnd)

Super-Senses 4 (low-light vision, scent, tracking: Scent 1 (half speed), ultra-hearing)


Equipment: Grapple Gun [Grapple Gun (Super-Movement 3), slow fall, swinging, wall-crawling 1 (half speed)], Tigra-cycle




Equipment Points Spent: 14


STR: +7 (25)


Toughness: +10


Features: Remote Control



Speed 5 (Speed: 250 mph, 2200 ft./rnd)


Defense: +0


Totals: Abilities 3 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Feats 0 + Features 1 + Powers 5 + Combat 0 + Saves 5 + Drawbacks 0 + Equipment 0 (0 ep) + Weapons & Armor 0 (0 ep) = 14


Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +14, Grapple: +20)


Attacks: Claws (Strike 2), +14 (DC 23), Quarterstaff Strike (Strike 2), +14 (DC 23), Unarmed Attack, +16 (DC 21)


Defense: +12  (Flat-footed: +6), Knockback: -5


Initiative: +15


Languages: English Native


Totals: Abilities 56 + Skills 43 (172 ranks) + Feats 30 + Powers 27 + Combat 40 + Saves 14 + Drawbacks 0 = 210


Age (as of Jan 2019): 21

Height: 5’ 7”

Weight: 140

Ethnicity: Caucasian/Hispanic

Hair: Light Brown

Eyes: Light Brown


Background: Thelia Alton is the daughter of an escaped super soldier experiment. The infamous Agency (bane of superhumans and aliens worldwide) hoped that mixing feline DNA with human would enable superpowers. Success was mixed in her mother Jessica, who gained improved reflexes and cat like senses. Jessica, for her part, escaped as a child and has spent most of her life on the run. She currently lives in Baltimore, and is an ally of the Icon Z. An entire life spent on the run (before joining the Exiles) forced Thelia to grow up fast, and thus was the obvious candidate for First Gen team leader. She’s been punching bad guys since she was old enough to form a fist. A few years back, the First Gen laid the Agency lab that produced her mom to waste. The losses of data and material set them back years.  Until (and if) the Agency rebuilds and recovers the lost data, mother and daughter are safe. It is a very strange feeling.


Powers & Tactics: Half of Tigress’s DNA has feline DNA intermingled with it. Building and maintaining near peak human physical abilities takes far less effort than it would for baseline humans. She can outrun even a cheetah, and leap further than any jungle cat. In addition, she shares her mother’s catlike senses. In fact, her mother shares all of her powers, however with the exception of the catlike senses they are all much weaker (1 rank each). The one power she has that her mother does not is a sharp set of retractable feline claws between her knuckles. The additional power does come with a negative side effect, however. Predatory instincts and a truly bestial temper constantly wear at her emotional stability. If pushed into losing her temper, she goes into a berserk murderous fury that nothing but unconsciousness or sheer exhaustion seems to be able to stop. She has been training in the martial arts since was old enough to walk, and has achieved a formidable level of skill. She wields a collapsible quarterstaff in combat, and wears advanced body armor stolen from the Agency.


Tigress fights using her quarterstaff to beat down her opponents while looking after her teammates. She once had a tendency to throw herself into battle to both protect and show up her less experienced teammates, but she’s largely grown out of it. Still, the right opponent and the right taunts can still provoke her into recklessness. She avoids using her claws in combat if at all possible, until she’s going berserk. Then she uses them exclusively, and for lethal damage.


Personality: Tigress is an assertive, take charge leader. She’s got over a decade of experience, despite her age, and isn’t shy about sharing it. When she was younger, this manifested in very disrespectful fashion. However, she’s older now and thus doesn’t bring out that attitude…with her fellow Exiles, anyway. She won’t be a outright jerk to heroes her own age and younger, but she does not react well to anyone remotely resembling an authority figure trying to tell her what to do.  Other than that, she’s a young woman beginning to get a handle on what it means not to be hunted. To know pursuit is not coming. To be safe. She’s trying, but old habits (head on a swivel, never sitting with her back to the door, only sleeping in a firmly secured and/or secret area, etc) die hard.

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Power Level: 13; Power Points Spent: 210/210


STR: +1 (12), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +2 (14), INT: +5 (20), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +3 (16)


Tough: +2/+18, Fort: +9, Ref: +9, Will: +15


Skills: Acrobatics 4 (+5), Bluff 12 (+15), Concentration 15 (+20), Diplomacy 12 (+15), Gather Information 12 (+15), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 10 (+15), Knowledge (current events) 5 (+10), Knowledge (popular culture) 5 (+10), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 5 (+10), Medicine 2 (+7), Notice 7 (+12), Sense Motive 7 (+12), Stealth 4 (+5)


Feats: Attack Focus (ranged) 3, Eidetic Memory, Improved Initiative, Interpose, Luck 4, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Armor of Force (Force Field 16) (+16 Toughness; Impervious [12 ranks only])

Gravity Magic (Flight ? (Speed: 2500 mph, 22000 ft./rnd)

Magic (Array 18) (default power: blast)

   Air Control 12 (Array; Strength: 60, Carry: 17 tons / 34 tons / 51.2 tons / 102.4 tons, DC 27; Damaging)

   Earth Control 12 (Array; Strength: 60, Carry: 17 tons / 34 tons / 51.2 tons / 102.4 tons, DC 27; Damaging)

   Fire Control 12 (Array; DC 27; Damaging)

   Immunity 10 (Array; life support, starvation & thirst; Affects Others, Burst Area (50-2500 ft. radius - General), Duration (continuous); Duration (sustained); Progression, Increase Area 5 (area x50), Selective)

   Raw Magic (Blast 18) (Default; DC 33)

   Water Control 12 (Array; Strength: 60, Carry: 17 tons / 34 tons / 51.2 tons / 102.4 tons, DC 27; Damaging)

   Weather Control 6 (Array; mix-and-match 5, Radius: 250 ft., DC 16; Selective Attack)


Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +5, Grapple: +6)


Attacks: Air Control 12 (DC 27), Earth Control 12 (DC 27), Fire Control 12 (DC 27), Raw Magic (Blast 18), +8 (DC 33), Unarmed Attack, +5 (DC 16), Water Control 12 (DC 27)


Defense: +8  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -15


Initiative: +5


Languages: English Native


Totals: Abilities 34 + Skills 25 (100 ranks) + Feats 14 + Powers 86 + Combat 26 + Saves 25 + Drawbacks 0 = 210


Age (as of Jan 2019): 21

Height: 5’ 11”

Weight: 170

Ethnicity: Iraqi-American (Kurdish, specifically)

Hair: Black

Eyes: Dark Brown


Background: Mazar Miller was fostered by some well meaning white folks as a baby, hence the surname Miller. They were lovely people, but theirs was a house stuffed to bursting with other foster kids. So when young Mazar started demonstrating magical powers, he had no idea what to do about it. Aside from not use them, anyway. The problem was he didn’t have anything in the way of control over them. The power wouldn’t obey him, and it was breaking things. Like lamps. And then bigger furniture. And then walls. He didn’t want to hurt anyone, so he ran away from the Miller foster home. Busy as they were with so many foster kids, his disappearance simply wasn’t noticed. Here, things would have gone from bad to worse, had Mazar not turned a corner not two days later and run into Blackrose and Radical Dreamer. With the former’s careful tutelage, Magi has become a very powerful magician indeed. But he still has more power than he knows how to fully control. The draining ritual Blackrose used to dull his powers isn’t needed as often as it used to be, but every month or so he needs it performed again. So he doesn’t literally explode and take out half of North America. He has a lot of magic power.


Powers & Tactics: Magi is a generator of immense magical power. It is all his own, as opposed to belonging to the universe, a deity, or other supernatural being. There are pros and cons to this. On the pro side, his spells can have any effect he wants them to, regardless of alignment, magic type, tradition, or any other factor. All he has to do is release some energy and successfully shape it into the spell. On the con side, this means he doesn’t have any help constructing and casting the spell. He is functionally starting from scratch to create any effect he doesn’t already know how to do. And in the beginning, he didn’t know how to cast anything at all. Spell design is fiendishly complex to both do and them remember. So he sticks to the spells he knows well. Tweaking gravity so he can fly. Simple force shielding his body from harm. Controlling the classical elements. Or, easiest of all, just unleashing some of that immense power at a single target. If the Holding Back feat (Hero High) wasn’t banned, he’d still have it. He’s that powerful.


Tactically, Magi is both tank and blaster. With his Armor of Force, he can withstand blows that would level the other four. And he can devastate whatever he puts his eyes on with fire, water, wind, or earth. Granted, he needs a source for all of those. So when those aren’t feasible, it’s time for some raw magic to the face. He is likely enough to power stunt, given the flexibility of being a mage. However, these will always be relatively simple effects, such as Move Object (anti-gravity), Create Object (geometric force shapes), or the standard APs of a fire, water, wind, or earth controller.


Personality: Magi is, at heart, a good man. He’s still a bit timid and shy after all this time, and aside from that fits the textbook definition of an introvert. He’ll casually fade into the background with Clon while Morphin and the ladies draw all the attention. That said, he’s tied with Priestess for most dependable Exile overall. And there can be no doubt he’s a hero. But his power control woes bred a monster inferiority complex, and even now he feels like an impostor as often as not.

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Power Level: 12; Power Points Spent: 210/210


STR: +5 (20), DEX: +5 (20), CON: +5 (20), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +3 (16)


Tough: +5, Fort: +10, Ref: +10, Will: +10


Skills: Bluff 12 (+15), Concentration 12 (+15), Diplomacy 2 (+5), Gather Information 2 (+5), Knowledge (popular culture) 10 (+10), Notice 9 (+12), Sense Motive 9 (+12)


Feats: Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Defensive Attack, Luck 4, Power Attack, Second Chance (Concentration checks to maintain powers), Takedown Attack 2, Taunt, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Shapeshift 12


Power Settings:

Flippy Kid (Power Setting) (Powers: Leaping 3, Protection 3, Speed 3, Strike 3, Super-Movement 2 (Slow Fall, Swinging), Dexterity +10 (30, +10), Constitution +4 (24, +7), Strength +4 (24, +7), Attack Bonus +2 (+9), Acrobatics +10 (+15), Defense Bonus +4 (+11), Stealth +2 (+7), Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, Attack Focus (melee) 5, Challenge - Improved Acrobatic Bluff, Dodge Focus 3)


Man of Steel (Power Setting) (Powers: Protection 8 (Impervious 12), Super-Strength 5, Constitution +8 (28, +9), Strength +20 (40, +15), Feats: Attack Focus (melee) 2)


Water Puppy (Power Setting) (Powers: Immunity 3 (Enviro Cold & Pressure, Drowning), Protection 3, Super-Senses 5 (Accurate Ultra Hearing, Darkvision), Super-Strength 3, Swimming 7, Strength +15 (35, +12), Constitution +8 (28, +9), Swim +8 (+13), Feats: Attack Focus (melee) 5, Dodge Focus 5, Environmental Adaptation (Aquatic))


Wings of Justice (Power Setting) (Powers: Claws (Strike 5 [Mighty, Improved Crit, Penetrating]), Flight 5(Restrainable), Immunity 2 (Enviro Cold, High Altitude Suffocation), Protection 5, Strike 5 (Penetrating 5, Mighty), Super-Senses 5 (Infravision, Extended Visual Senses 2 [-1 per 1k ft]), Super-Strength 3, Strength +5 (25, +7), Constitution +4 (24, +7), Feats: Attack Focus (melee) 5, Dodge Focus 5, Favored Environment 2 (Aerial))


Attack Bonus: +7 (Ranged: +7, Melee: +7, Grapple: +12)


Attacks: Claws (Strike 5), +7 (DC 25), Strike 3, +7 (DC 23), Unarmed Attack, +7 (DC 20)


Defense: +7  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -2


Initiative: +5


Languages: English Native 


Totals: Abilities 42 + Skills 14 (56 ranks) + Feats 13 + Powers 96 + Combat 28 + Saves 17 + Drawbacks 0 = 210


Age (as of Jan 2019): Morphin would like to know, too.

Height: Variable within 6 inches of 6 feet.

Weight: Variable with 50 lbs of 200 lbs.

Ethnicity: Morphin would like to know this, as well.

Hair: None

Eyes: Variable, favoring outlandish colors


Background: Before Morphin encountered Radical Dreamer…they don’t remember much of anything. The memories are fragmented, nonsensical, and might even be something they dreamed. They don’t know their gender. They don’t know their real name or if they even ever had one. They don’t know if they’re even human. They look human enough, but so do a lot of alien races. The only thing Morphin knows for sure is that they know nothing about who they were. They only know who they are, and who they are is an Exile. Friend of Tigress, Magi, Clon, and Priestess. They are a super hero. They save people. This is important. This matters. So Morphin will do it. Together, with his friends or other Exiles. They think this is the thing people call family. Morphin loves his family.


Powers & Tactics: Morphin is a shapeshifter, able to alter their physical abilities to an apparently unlimited degree. They cannot generate energy of any kind or altering their mental abilities comes with a certain level of terror at losing precious memories. They’ve devised four primary forms, though they can and do shift in other ways. Flippy Kid is just that. A fast running, high leaping acrobat who hits harder than they look. Man of Steel is his melee tank form, for when the team needs one. In this form, they’re the physically strongest member of the team and almost as tough as Magi with Armor of Force up. Water Puppy is for going underwater, though they can fight as well as ever in it. Their abilities are balanced in this form. Wings of Justice has, well, wings and extremely sharp claws. As a side note, these are the nicknames for these forms. Their appearance when using them are never the same twice in a row, even if he’s always immediately recognizable.


Morphin sticks to what the team needs from them. Flippy Kid is more or less their “base” form, but if a fight breaks out they’ll switch to Man of Steel to deal with a powerhouse or Wings of Justice to deal with a flier. As far as fighting goes, they really only has single melee attacks in their toolbox, though with time they’ve gotten better at shifting their offensive caps around to meet a given situation. They’re a walking mook horror show these days, and even tougher foes have reason to be wary. If a powerhouse is having trouble hitting Man of Steel, they’ll switch to Flippy Kid or Wings of Justice just to make the enemy’s life more miserable.


Personality: Morphin, when they joined the First Gen less than 10 years ago, was almost entirely a blank slate. So in many ways, they’re still a child. They can be selfish, immature, and bratty. They are definitely the jokester and prankster of the First Gen. However, they truly care for the Exiles and especially the First Gen. They’ve learned very well not only how to use their powers, but why to use them. And that was one of the reasons Exile House was founded. Morphin does their best to be a proper super hero, and is one of the only Exiles who will willingly take advice from older, more experienced heroes. Being bossed around doesn’t work well at all, but they’ll listen to a kind suggestion, and probably try it out. They know they’re inexperienced and still learning, so it’s good to listen to those who’ve done it before. As long as they’re not trying to boss Morphin. Tigress bosses Morphin, and nobody else!

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Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 210/210


STR: +0 (10), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +0 (-), INT: +10 (20/30), WIS: +1 (12), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +10, Fort: Immune, Ref: +5, Will: +8


Skills: Acrobatics 4 (+5), Computers 10 (+20), Concentration 9 (+10), Craft (electronic) 10 (+20), Craft (mechanical) 10 (+20), Disable Device 10 (+20), Investigate 2 (+12), Knowledge (physical sciences) 10 (+20), Knowledge (technology) 10 (+20), Notice 9 (+10), Sense Motive 9 (+10), Stealth 4 (+5)


Feats: Accurate Attack, Attack Specialization (Palm Blaster (Blast 10)), Dodge Focus 2, Eidetic Memory, Improvised Tools, Inventor, Jack-of-All-Trades, Luck 2, Online Research, Power Attack, Skill Mastery (Craft (elec & mech), KN (phys sci & tech)), Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory), Well-Informed



Android Body & Mind (Immunity 40) (fortitude saves, mental effects)

Computer Interface (Device 1) (Hard to lose)

   Datalink 2 (sense type: radio; Omni-Directional Area; Machine Control)

Jetpack (Device 2) (Hard to lose)

   Flight 5 (Speed: 250 mph, 2200 ft./rnd)

Metal Body (Protection 10) (+10 Toughness)

Positronic Brain (Linked)

   Enhanced Intelligence 10 (Linked; +10 INT)

   Quickness 5 (Linked; Perform routine tasks at 50x speed; One Type (Mental))

Power Rerouting (Array 10) (default power: blast)

   Full Servo Power (Super-Strength 10) (Array; +50 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 51.2 tons; +10 STR to some checks)

   Palm Blaster (Blast 10) (Default; DC 25)

   Repair Nanites (Healing 10) (Array; Action (standard); Personal)

   Servo Punch (Linked)

      Metal Fist (Strike 3) (Linked; DC 18; Accurate (+2), Mighty)

      Partial Servo Power (Enhanced Strength 15) (Linked; +15 STR)

Sensor Helmet (Device 4) (Hard to lose)

   Super-Senses 20 (accurate: Radio, accurate (type): Auditory, analytical (type): Auditory, analytical (type): Visual, extended: Radio 1 (-1 per 100 ft), extended (type): Auditory 1 (-1 per 100 ft), extended (type): Visual 1 (-1 per 100 ft), infravision, radio, ultra-hearing, ultravision)

Structural Integrity Field Generator (Device 2) (Hard to lose)

   Structural Integrity Field (Impervious Toughness 10) (Duration (continuous); Duration (sustained))


Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +8, Grapple: +8)


Attacks: Metal Fist (Strike 3), +10 (DC 18), Palm Blaster (Blast 10), +10 (DC 25), Unarmed Attack, +8 (DC 15)


Defense: +10  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -10


Initiative: +1


Languages: English Native


Totals: Abilities 4 + Skills 25 (97 ranks) + Feats 16 + Powers 122 + Combat 32 + Saves 11 + Drawbacks 0 = 210


Age (as of Jan 2019): 20/8 (It’s complicated)

Height: 6’

Weight: 300 lbs.

Ethnicity: Android (blue tinted metal)

Hair: None

Eyes: Cameras


Background: Cameron Edgerton was a bona fide genius. Absolutely incredible with technology of any kind. The problem was that he wasn’t even a teenager yet. And outside of science and engineering his grades were truly awful, as he did not care about anything else. He was chasing the dream of a android buddy. He didn’t have friends, and his parents were distant at best. They threw money, and he poured it into his project. At last it was finished. All it needed was a set of brain patterns to form the AI’s foundation. Cameron hooked up the brainwave uploader to his head, and switched it on. The pain was incredible. He’d made a mistake somewhere, but it was too late. Cameron blacked out. The first thing he saw when he woke up was himself. Dead in his chair, brainwave uploader on his head. Which was impossible…except…he was the android. The upload was a success, far more than he’d ever intended. This revelation was not met with joy, but slowly dawning horror. He was dead? But he was still here, as the android. Or was he the android thinking it was Cameron? He didn’t know or understand what was going on. Grief for his humanity, horror at his new state, and a storm of confused emotions overwhelmed him. Cameron fled his home, never to return. A few miserable and terrifying days on the street later, he ran into Stormy of all Exiles. Radical Dreamer had sent her without sending her, as is his way at times. That very day, Cameron Edgerton took the name Clon and became an Exile. Law enforcement was on the lookout for a killer robot for a while, but that has passed.


Powers & Tactics: Clon is an android. As such he is completely immune to mortal concerns such as the need for rest and sustenance. His mind is an incredibly sophisticated AI program operating on an advanced (even for supertech) computer system. Thus psionics have no effect on it and he’s even more of a genius than he was as a human. He was not designed for combat, and thus initially lacked anything resembling combat options. Stormy has been very helpful in carefully redesigning and upgrading his body for combat. A door in his right palm can now slide open to deliver an energy blast. That energy can be redirected to interior servos for increased strength and striking power, pure lifting capability, or to nanites that can effect repairs to his body when it is damaged. He has developed several devices to assist him in the field. The Computer Interface is just that, plus it permits him to control nearby machines as if he was at the controls. The Jetpack lets him fly. The Sensor Helmet increases the effectiveness of his cameras (eyes) and microphones (ears) and adds radar to his suite. This is good, as he doesn’t have the other three senses humans take for granted. The Structural Integrity Field Generator makes it so that relatively minor damage has no effect.


Clon does not want to fight. In a fight he can take damage and potentially be destroyed. With that said, he’s not a coward by any means. In a fight he will use his Palm Blaster from behind something or someone sturdy. He will switch to his Repair Nanites if he takes damage and can afford to, or if the damage taken is significant. He uses the Jetpack to get away from powerhouses and the like who want to pummel him with their overwhelming strength. If there are machines around, he may duck behind something and use the Computer Interface to run interference for his teammates.


Personality: Clon is a melancholy being. He has come to terms, to a certain extent, with the death of Cameron Edgerton. His death. However, the loss of his humanity still haunts him. The inability to smell, feel, or taste makes him feel sad and inhuman. This is technically accurate, which doesn’t help at all. He still believes he was Cameron, but whether he is or not is a more philosophical question than he knows how to answer. Either way, there’s no going back. He’s already died once, and he’s terrified to do it again. Synthetic bodies don’t heal, they get repaired. And data can so easily be lost to damage. So taking damage terrifies him and he does just about everything he can to avoid it. Between missions, he does his best to keep his body in perfect condition. Stormy sometimes comes by and helps. And Priestess keeps him sane. That young woman doesn’t appear to care or even notice that he’s an android, and that is balm to his spirit. If he even has one of those, anymore.

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Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 210/210


STR: +5 (20), DEX: +5 (20), CON: +5 (20), INT: +3 (16), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +3 (16)


Tough: +5/+6, Fort: +10, Ref: +13, Will: +10


Skills: Acrobatics 15 (+20), Climb 3 (+8), Diplomacy 12 (+15), Gather Information 12 (+15), Knowledge (life sciences) 9 (+12), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 9 (+12), Medicine 10 (+15), Notice 15 (+20), Sense Motive 15 (+20)


Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, Attack Focus (melee) 3, Attack Specialization 2 (Grapple), Challenge - Improved Acrobatic Bluff, Challenge - Improved Combat Diplomacy, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus, Elusive Target, Evasion, Grappling Finesse, Improved Critical 2 (Unarmed Attack), Improved Defense 2, Improved Grab, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Pin, Improved Throw, Improved Trick, Improved Trip, Luck 3, Power Attack, Set-Up, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Medicine, Notice, Sense Motive), Stunning Attack, Takedown Attack 2, Teamwork 3, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Healing 5 (DC 15; Restoration; Persistent, Regrowth)

Intense Training (Container, Passive 2)

   Immunity 4 (disease, poison, sleep, starvation & thirst; Limited - Half Effect)

   Leaping 1 (Jumping distance: x2)

   Quickness 1 (Perform routine tasks at 2x speed)

   Speed 1 (Speed: 10 mph, 88 ft./rnd)

   Super-Movement 1 (swinging)

   Super-Senses 3 (accurate: Auditory, danger sense: Auditory)

Unarmed Supremacy (Probability Control 1) (Minimum Result: 1; Limited 2 (Unarmed))


Attack Bonus: +12 (Ranged: +12, Melee: +15, Grapple: +24)


Attacks: Unarmed Attack, +15 (DC 20)


Defense: +13  (Flat-footed: +6), Knockback: -3


Initiative: +9


Languages: English Native


Totals: Abilities 52 + Skills 25 (100 ranks) + Feats 38 + Powers 29 + Combat 48 + Saves 18 + Drawbacks 0 = 210


Age (as of Jan 2019): 22

Height: 5’ 5”

Weight: 130

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue


Background: Elizabeth Prentiss is a young woman of mystery. She says she was raised in a Catholic nunnery where, apparently, they practice the martial arts like the Shaolin Buddhists of China. There’s no proof, she says, because the Vatican would take a dim view of some of their practices. It’s very…secret ninja village in the Amazon. Except it’s a martial arts nunnery in New England. Literally nobody in the Exiles actually believes her, but it is in fact the truth. She says she was called by the Lord to leave the nunnery. She is alarmingly vague on how, but it led her to Radical Dreamer and the First Gen. She has played an absolutely critical role in keeping the team together and functional. The other four have plenty of reasons to angst or get involved in all sorts of teenage/young adult superhero drama. She plays the role of peacemaker and the voices of wisdom and reason when tempers run hot or somebody forgets how to get out of their own head.


Powers & Tactics: Priestess’s sole superhuman ability is healing with a touch. There doesn’t appear to be any damage she can’t heal a living being from. She says it’s a blessing from God, and…well…Blackrose confirmed it isn’t magic of any kind, Stormy checked it and it isn’t technological, and strangely Dreamer has no idea. She was being a little facetious, though. Her power isn’t any more of a blessing from God than 20/20 vision or naturally blonde hair. She’s simply had it since she was born. The nuns tell stories from before she learned how to control it. The miracle baby. Other than that she’s a fantastic martial artist and in incredible physical condition. The intensity of her training has sharpened her hearing and movement capabilities to within a razor’s edge of superhuman. She has less need for rest, water, or food and disease and poison have a weaker effect on her body.


Priestess is just a hand to hand fighter. She’s an incredibly skilled and versatile one, but that is all she has in her combat toolkit. Simply put, she uses a lot of punches and kicks. She typically doesn’t use her healing in combat unless absolutely necessary. She has just as much skill grappling as well, and can make the lives of those who aren’t as good and need to move to attack quite miserable. With that said, her goal in a fight is not to inflict violence but to convince the enemy to stop fighting. Sometimes this isn’t possible, but she will always try.


Personality: Priestess is simply serene. She is kind, compassionate, and patient. She is utterly lacking in character flaws and insecurities. She has her faith in God, in her friends, and in human nature in that order. She is the one who’s slowly taught Tigress the values of patience and teamwork. She’s helped Magi rebuild his confidence again and again. Morphin idolizes his big sis and tries to be more like her. And Clon would have long lost his heart and his hope without her. With all that said, she is only human. She has bad days like anyone else. Her body, mind, and spirit can grow weary. The world outside of the nunnery falls so far short of the glory of God. There are days when faith alone is not enough. No person can be an island and stay sane. That is where her efforts for the First Gen return to her tenfold. For in supporting those poor damaged souls she is in turn greatly supported when she needs it.

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