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Eternal Phoenix's Character Factory and Archetype Blendarama

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Power Level: 6; Power Points Spent: 90/90


STR: +7 (10/25), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +5 (10/20), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +0 (10), CHA: +1 (12)


Tough: +5/+7, Fort: +8, Ref: +2, Will: +2


Skills: Diplomacy 4 (+5), Notice 4 (+4), Sense Motive 4 (+4)


Feats: Attack Focus (melee), Attack Specialization (Unarmed Attack), Dodge Focus 3



Massive Cyber-Chassis (Container, Passive 12)

   Enhanced Constitution 6 (+6 CON)

   Enhanced Strength 7 (+7 STR)

   Growth 4 (+8 STR, +4 CON, +1 size category; Permanent)

   Immunity 10 (life support, starvation & thirst)

   Leaping 3 (Jumping distance: x10)

   Protection 2 (+2 Toughness; Impervious [4 extra ranks])

   Speed 3 (Speed: 50 mph, 440 ft./rnd)

   Super-Senses 5 (direction sense, distance sense, infravision, low-light vision, time sense)

   Super-Strength 3 (+15 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 6.4 tons; +3 STR to some checks)


Attack Bonus: +2 (Ranged: +2, Melee: +3, Grapple: +15/+18)


Attacks: Unarmed Attack, +5 (DC 22)


Defense: +5  (Flat-footed: +1), Size: Medium/Large, Knockback: -10


Initiative: +1


Languages: English Native


Totals: Abilities 4 + Skills 3 (12 ranks) + Feats 5 + Powers 60 + Combat 12 + Saves 6 + Drawbacks 0 = 90


Age (as of Jan 2019): 10

Height: 12’ (in Cyber-Chassis)

Weight: 2000 lbs (in Cyber-Chassis)

Ethnicity: Ambiguously Brown

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown


Background: Ferrous was sent into foster care with his older sister at a very young age. All they had was each other. Their physical disabilities (her muscular, his neurological) and a series of abusive foster homes made them cling to each other even harder. Then, then inevitable happened. Their drug addict of a foster mother (fully intoxicated) crashed her car-with them in it. She walked away with barely a scratch, but both siblings suffered severe physical injuries in addition to agonizing burns. His sister’s spine was all but destroyed, and he would need significant care for the rest of his (likely short) life. The local hospitals in Portland did not have the resources to do more than make the two comfortable. Enter Radical Dreamer. Between Stormy, Clon, Priestess they used what they learned from repairing Hummingbird to turn his sister into a cyborg. Her nervous system is still integrating with the tech as she learns to move her limbs and eventually walk again. Ferrous’s nervous system (due to his disabilities) rejected the cyborg tech entirely, so instead he got a life support pod and what is essentially an oversized battlesuit. He can move just fine, and joined “.5 Gen” at Exile House Portland.


Powers & Tactics: Ferrous himself doesn’t have any superpowers. In fact, out of his life support pod he is physically disabled, unable to move, and will die in an hour or less without medical attention. All of his abilities from his Cyber Chassis, in which his life support pod sits and controls. As of right now, it is purely a well armored physical powerhouse. It is a huge machine, as well, and capable of superhuman speed and leaping. There is a minor sensor suite (infravision being the standout there) and of course the life support pod takes care of all of his bodily needs. He is likely the strongest of the “.5 Gen”. The suit itself is very barebones, but has a lot of room for upgrades should they prove necessary at some point.


All of the “.5” Gen are not meant to participate in combat. And indeed, Ferrous isn’t exactly spoiling for a fight. He’s certainly capable of giving one, should circumstances force it. He’ll definitely protect his friends should they need it. But truthfully? He doesn’t want to hurt anyone if he doesn’t have to. Option A is throw something big and heavy, like a car. Option B is to actually punch them. Option C is to use his size as living cover. His suit can be repaired. His friends aren’t so lucky.


Personality: Ferrous is a shy, kind boy. He’s very socially awkward, having never really interacted with anyone but his sister. He doesn’t speak much or very fast, and he’s definitely immature for his age. This creates the image of someone who’s unintelligent or even mentally disabled. It’s far from the truth (his neurological disabilities do not touch his brain), but the image remains. He is every much a follower and not a leader. Still, for those who get to know him he’s a loyal and steadfast friend. The gentlest of giants.

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Karone (female)


Power Level: 6; Power Points Spent: 90/90


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +2 (14), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +2 (14)


Tough: +2/+4, Fort: +3, Ref: +5, Will: +5


Skills: Acrobatics 2 (+5), Bluff 3 (+5), Knowledge (popular culture) 3 (+5), Notice 2 (+5), Sense Motive 2 (+5)


Feats: Accurate Attack, Attack Specialization 2 (Magic Energy Sword (Strike 5)), Dodge Focus 5, Improved Critical 2 (Magic Energy Sword (Strike 5)), Power Attack, Ritualist, Second Chance (Ritual Construction checks), Second Chance (Ritual Design checks), Takedown Attack



Chronal Aberration (Features 1) (Notes: No mystic, technological, or neurological record of existence, plus physical appearance undergoes periodic minor changes unworthy of Morph. She also does not appear to the Super Senses Precognition and Postcognition.)

Mysterious Back Tattoos (Container, Passive 2)

   Magic Energy Butterfly Wings (Flight 3) (Speed: 50 mph, 440 ft./rnd)

   Mysterious Arcane Knowledge (Enhanced Skills) (Enhanced Trait 2) (Traits: Knowledge (arcane Lore) +8 (+10))

   Protection 2 (+2 Toughness)

Mysterious Wristlet (Device 5) (Hard to lose, Only you can use)

   Magic Energy Shield (Enhanced Feats) (Enhanced Trait 5) (Feats: Dodge Focus 5)

   Magic Energy Sword (Strike 5) (DC 20, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Magic Energy Sword (Strike 5)); Autofire (interval 2, max +5), Penetrating)

   Variable Output (Enhanced Feats) (Enhanced Trait 3) (Feats: Accurate Attack, Power Attack, Takedown Attack)

Shattered Timeline (Super-Senses ? (postcognition, precognition; Uncontrolled)


Attack Bonus: +3 (Ranged: +3, Melee: +3, Grapple: +5)


Attacks: Magic Energy Sword (Strike 5), +7 (DC 20), Unarmed Attack, +3 (DC 17)


Defense: +8  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -2


Initiative: +3


Languages: English Native


Totals: Abilities 28 + Skills 3 (12 ranks) + Feats 5 + Powers 37 + Combat 12 + Saves 5 + Drawbacks 0 = 90


Age (as of Jan 2019): No data available. Appears to be in mid teens.

Height: No data available. Appears to be approximately 5’ 2”, but minor variances have been detected.

Weight: No data available. Best guess is between 105 and 155 lbs.

Ethnicity: No data available. Minor variances in face, skeletal structure, and even skin tone render ambiguously brown a tenuous guess at best.

Hair: No data available. Has appeared with the full spectrum of human hair colors and most of the ones possible with dyes.

Eyes: No data available. Has appeared with the full spectrum of human eye colors and most of the ones possible with contacts.


Background: Actions have consequences. There is nothing without price. This is a law of the universe, if not the entire multiverse. When Stormy pulled Hummingbird out of nonexistence, she shattered Time itself to do it. This isn’t the first time that’s happened, and it won’t be the last. However, until now it’s been done with magic or something with an at least partially mystical origin (such as a Phoenix mutate). This was the point of having them around, to do the impossible, so Time could adapt as it flowed on, even if the results ended up less than pretty in the end. This…this was a purely technological effect. The universe shuddered on a temporal level. Across the universe, sentients vanished as their existence ceased. Ones who did not exist the day before now always did. Memories twisted to accommodate the changes in the timeline. Friends, family, even lovers forgotten entirely, with whether they were replaced or not seemingly up to the winds of chance. This did not happen all at once. A few, perhaps, here and there. The process is ongoing as time seeks to knit itself back together. And then there’s Karone, who doesn’t make any sense at all. She does not seem to exist, apart from her obvious physical presence. She was never born. Everyone she’s ever met before appearing in our world does not exist. Every location she had ever been to does not exist, neither building nor street. She abruptly appeared in a world where everything in her memories that wasn’t magic does not exist and never did. She is, understandably, confused. Especially because she did not have her back tattoos or her mysterious wristlet at any point before abruptly appearing in our world. She was drawn, through her visions of her shattered timeline, to Radical Dreamer. She jointed Exile House Portland, and functions as a member of the “.5 Gen” while she gets a firm grip on what exactly the hell happened to her and what it means.


Powers & Tactics: Let’s deal with the big one first. Karone is a complete chronal aberration. She only exists in the present. She does not and has never existed in the past or the future. People forget her when she’s out of sight. Not…instantly, but still rather quickly. Their memories twist themselves in knots to accommodate the absence. Luckily, they will unknot when they meet her again. Live video feeds will show her, but recordings will not. The recordings, like people’s memories, will be altered on the records to reflect her absence. The events depicted may or may not make any sense, but most viewers accept them as the real events without question. The same applies to any magical or divine equivalent to the video camera. Only the written word seems immune to this effect, but the aforementioned memory twisting will often work to block the words from a person’s perceptions.

Next, her back tattoos. They do three things: increase her magical knowledge, give her wings made of magic that let her fly, and toughen her body a bit. They may do more, but she is unaware of those functions at this time. Third, her mysterious wristlet. It does a couple of things as well. Generates a sword and shield of magical energy to fight with, and increase her skill level with same. Her final power is uncontrolled visions of her currently shattered timeline. She is apparently the only one who can see herself via Precognition and Postcogniton. Her visions are never comforting.


All of the “.5” Gen are not meant to participate in combat. There is no data available on Karone’s combat tactics. However, given her abilities it is likely that should she be forced into combat she would attack with the energy sword, flying to give herself an advantage over ground bound foes. There is likewise no data available on her ability to power stunt.


Personality: This one is…difficult. People forget her. She doesn’t exist on any kind of recording. There is only the present, when she is physically in the room. She’s…well, not evil. A good person. Lost and confused, certainly. Her existence is very strange, and she’s not even certain she’s real. She feels like she could just pop out of existence at any moment and five minutes later it will literally be like she never existed. This is not conducive to a cheerful attitude. Her default is vaguely sad and afraid but there’s courage in her heart, along with a deep compassion for others.

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Power Level: 6; Power Points Spent: 90/90


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +4 (18), CON: +2 (14), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +1 (12), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +8, Fort: +5, Ref: +5, Will: +3


Skills: Acrobatics 6 (+10), Knowledge (life sciences) 5 (+5), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 5 (+5), Medicine 4 (+5), Notice 4 (+5), Sense Motive 4 (+5)


Feats: Attack Specialization 2 (Horn Attack (Strike 2)), Power Attack, Second Chance (Climb checks on mountains)



Horn Attack (Strike 2) (DC 19; Mighty)

Mountain Sheep (Enhanced Trait 3) (Traits: Climb +8 (+10), Feats: Second Chance (Climb checks on mountains))

Ram Jump (Leaping 3) (Jumping distance: x10)

Ram Run (Speed 3) (Speed: 50 mph, 440 ft./rnd)

Sheep Affinity (Features 1) (Notes: Sheep accept him as one of their own and remain unthreatened by his presence.)

Thick Wool Armor (Protection 6) (+6 Toughness; Impervious; Noticeable (Wool))

Wild and Wooly (Array 7) (default power: snare; Custom (Array 6.5))

   Extra Soft Wool (Stun 6) (Array; DC 16; Range (ranged); Daze; Accurate (+2))

   Wool Throw (Snare 6) (Array; DC 16; Accurate (+2))

   Wool Zone (Create Object 6) (Array; Max Size: 6x 10' cubes, DC 16; Progression, Object Size)

   Wool-splosion (Snare 6) (Default; DC 16; Burst Area (30-60 ft. radius - General); Range (touch); Progression, Increase Area (area x2))


Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +4, Melee: +4, Grapple: +6)


Attacks: Extra Soft Wool (Stun 6), +6 (DC Fort/Staged 16), Horn Attack (Strike 2), +8 (DC 19), Unarmed Attack, +4 (DC 17), Wool Throw (Snare 6), +6 (DC Ref/Staged 16), Wool-splosion (Snare 6) (DC Ref/Staged 16)


Defense: +4  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -7


Initiative: +4


Languages: English Native


Totals: Abilities 18 + Skills 7 (28 ranks) + Feats 3 + Powers 40 + Combat 16 + Saves 6 + Drawbacks 0 = 90


Age (as of Jan 2019): 14

Height: 5’ 11”

Weight: 210 lbs.

Ethnicity: Nepalese-American

Hair: Black (wool is white)

Eyes: Dark Brown


Background: A long time ago, in a faraway land, there lived a King. A King of Rams. He was not quite a god, rather a very powerful animal spirit. He ruled his people, the sheep of the mountains, wisely and well in those early days where gods walked the earth alongside men. But all times, no matter who lives in them, come to an end. The gods stayed more and more in their glorious realms. Men built farms and cities. Eventually they even came deep into the mountains. The Ram King was no more than a mere sheep in their eyes, and with mighty magic on their side the great King was captured and his people enslaved. Oh, some still walked the earth free, but only because the race of men did not deign to do anything about it.

…at least, that’s the way the Ram King tells it. The provocation he inflicted, well, played its own part. Sheep, properly handled, are quite peaceful creatures. So they only minded being “domesticated” but so much. One place to eat and sleep is much like another, and hey, all their friends were there too. Being sheared was kind of traumatic when it was happening, but once it was over? Such bliss they had never known. Their King said some of them were being killed and eaten, but what else was new? They had always had predators coming to eat them, so whatever. The Ram King was raising a big fuss over nothing. But…he was the king, so they’d better go with him they supposed. Cast off their enslavement, whatever that meant. Of course, humans didn’t take the theft of their “property” lying down. But the Ram King was a mighty and wily foe; one that no mere warrior could overcome on his own. So they got themselves a mage or two and kicked his ass.

The Ram King was confined in a mountain cave, mystically shackled for all time. Or so the mages thought. But time wears at all things. And so, millennia later, the spells have weakened enough to call a champion to free him. Only to find his champion not only can’t hear him, but is actually annoyed by his new magnificent powers. Yes, that champion is Rambo, who was just trying to get through his teenage years while undersized, brown and Asian when he turned into a big ol’ sheep-man. He is a commuter to Exile House Portland, where they’re helping him to understand his abilities. His family is, uh, trying to be supportive. He hates that too.


Powers & Tactics: Rambo is a semi-divinely empowered sheep totem. He has rock hard horns for headbutting. He can jump further and run faster than any mundane human. Sheep, those flighty creatures, do not panic in his presence. Indeed, they accept him as one of their own. But the real big power is his wool. It is so thick and fluffy that it repels damage as well or better than most heavy armor. And he can blast it at people for a variety of effects. Wool so soft and fluffy the target becomes dazed. Put up structures made of the tough wool. Or cover a foe in it, rendering them bound and helpless. It’s so exciting, you guys.


All of the “.5” Gen are not meant to participate in combat. Rambo kind of ignores fights, choosing to simply walk away. Unless someone has been injured by the enemies. Then he’ll sigh, annoyed, and headbutt the frag out of them. He’ll only use his wool attacks on foes he can’t reach. There is probably a wealth of power stunts available to him, but he hates using his regular wool attacks so stunting’s right out.


Personality: Rambo was having enough trouble with puberty. He was going for a manly and masculine appearance, and now he’s covered in fluffy white wool. He didn’t ask for this, he doesn’t want it, please make it go away. He doesn’t want to be a superhero, he wants to have a normal social life. He doesn’t want to be a semi-divine being’s champion, he wants to ask his crush to the big dance. But you know…as much as he claims not to give a crap about this super stuff…he can’t seem to not help people when they need him. You know, like some kind of superhero or champion. Yes, he’ll complain to anyone in earshot but when push comes to shove he’s there and doing his best to help.

…the horns are kind of cool, though.

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Power Level: 6; Power Points Spent: 90/90


STR: +3 (10/16), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +1 (12), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +1 (12), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +1/+5, Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +4


Skills: Acrobatics 4 (+5), Language 4 (+4), Notice 4 (+5), Sense Motive 4 (+5), Stealth 4 (+5)


Feats: Attack Focus (melee) 3, Dodge Focus 3, Improved Critical 2 (Arm Blades (Strike 2))



Liquid Metal Flows (Array 5) (default power: strike)

   Arm Blades (Strike 2) (Default; DC 20, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Arm Blades (Strike 2)); Autofire (interval 2, max +5) [3 extra ranks]; Mighty)

   Engulf Body (Snare 5) (Array; DC 15; Engulf)

   Engulf Head (Suffocate 5) (Array; DC 15)

   Metallic Regeneration (Healing 5) (Array; Action (standard); Limited (No effect against Bruises and/or Injuries), Personal; Persistent, Precise, Regrowth, Subtle (subtle))

Liquid Metal Form (Container, Passive 7)

   Density 3 (+6 STR, +1 Toughness, Weight Multiplier: x2, Adds: Immovable 1, Super-Strength 1; Permanent)

      Immovable 1 (Resist Movement: +4, Resist Knockback: -1)

      Super-Strength 1 (+5 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 460 lbs; +1 STR to some checks)

   Elongation 1 (Elongation: 5 ft., range incr 10 ft., +1 Escape & Grapple; Permanent)

   Immunity 30 (fortitude saves; Limited - Half Effect)

   Insubstantial 1 (Fluid; Permanent)

   Protection 3 (+3 Toughness; Noticeable (Chrome Skin & Eyes))

   Regeneration 2 (resurrection 2 (1 day); Source (Metal))

   Super-Movement 1 (slithering)


Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +4, Melee: +7, Grapple: +10/+12)


Attacks: Arm Blades (Strike 2), +7 (DC 20), Engulf Body (Snare 5), +7 (DC Ref/Staged 15), Engulf Head (Suffocate 5), +7 (DC Fort 15), Unarmed Attack, +7 (DC 18)


Defense: +7  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -3/-4


Initiative: +1


Languages: Chinese (Mandarin), English, French, Russian Native, Spanish


Totals: Abilities 6 + Skills 5 (20 ranks) + Feats 6 + Powers 48 + Combat 16 + Saves 9 + Drawbacks 0 = 90


Age (as of Jan 2019): 90 (chronological) / 15 biological

Height: Approximately 5’ 8”, with slight variation due to liquid form and elongated body.

Weight: 345 lbs

Ethnicity: Russian

Hair: Chrome

Eyes: Solid Chrome(no visible pupil or iris)


Background: Sabre was once a Soviet assassin. Sabre, of course, was not their name then. They were part of a group of a hundred young soldiers subjected to a special treatment. One that, ideally, would turn them into organic metal soldiers for Stalin. Unfortunately, the treatment proved lethal for the vast majority of them. It worked properly on a few, who went on to die in World War II or one of Stalin’s purges. Those soldiers were metal titans. Tougher than any tank and strong enough to rip said tanks apart with their bare hands. But Sabre, well…they were different. Metal, yes. Tough and strong, well some. But they were liquid. Their training turned them into a virtually unstoppable assassin. Many died at the hands of the cold and remorseless liquid metal Russian. However…it was well known they were Stalin’s pet killer (one of them, anyway) and with the death of the Man of Steel there were…concerns. They were sent on a mission with inaccurate intelligence. The target was a potent supervillain. The cold and remorseless liquid metal Russian assassin was blown apart.

But this was not the end. For they did not know (nobody did, because how would you?) that they could resurrect given time and a source of metal to absorb. The decades rolled by, and they were forgotten. Until a military exercise splashed the remains of one liquid metal Russian with metal. They lived again. But the damage to their body was catastrophic. They awoke in agony, their memories of even joining the Soviet army gone. More than that, a quirk of their physiology had even deaged them to their teenage years to compensate for the lost pieces. Even after instinctively regenerating from the worst of their injuries, they were a Russian teenager alone in a world decades beyond what they knew, and they were an inhuman liquid metal monster besides. It could have been a bad scene, but once again enter Radical Dreamer. A portal from Blackrose, and the two picked up the young nonbinary Russian. They have joined the “.5 Gen” at Exile House Portland. It is not known if their memories will ever return.


Powers & Tactics: Sabre is a mutant. They were changed via a mutative serum into liquid organic metal. It has made them stronger, tougher, more internally durable, longer, and (surprisingly) able to resurrect when in contact with metal. They also have a limited ability to shapeshift, resulting in a few different offensive abilities and the ability to regenerate major damage. The loss of so much of their self due to their violent death has purged and/or limited many prior abilities, which may reemerge with time.


All of the “.5” Gen are not meant to participate in combat. That said, Sabre is alarmingly good at fighting for someone who just lost most of their memories. Their instincts are a hundred percent on point. Generally the plan is to use Engulf Body to disable and then the Arm Blades to take out. Engulf Head is for the folks with energy attacks who can blast him off otherwise. They can have…problems not using lethal damage. They are fully capable of power stunting, but it would like be instinctual and entirely unpredictable.


Personality: Sabre’s personality is, well, interesting. On one hand, they’re a perfectly normal teenager. On the other, they’re a Russian who most recent memories are of 1935, so they’re a person on what feels like an alien planet sometimes. And on the gripping hand, being nonbinary is difficult enough in 2019, let alone 1935. Waking up as an inhuman (by 1935 Russian teenager standards) liquid metal monster has not helped with the alienation. So it’s safe to say that Sabre comes with a full load of psychological baggage. With that said, the qualities that made them sign up for the army and then that treatment are visible in this younger version. Honor. Loyalty. A good sense of justice. Deep compassion for the common citizen. They’re your stereotypical staunch Soviet patriot type, only it applies to all people instead of just Mother Russia. Though they do pine for their lost homeland.

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BLACK and the Phantom Network




Let’s get one thing straight before we even start. These are not heroes. They’ll tell you so themselves. They’re not the ones walking the shining light of day, saving people from colorful super criminals. They don’t patrol the streets, looking for trouble. They don’t leap into burning buildings to save people, at least on a collective level. No, what BLACK does is hunt down the worst of the worst and take them off the board. Generally by a brutal, violent death. To facilitate this, the Phantom Network is essentially the best intelligence network on the planet. Phantom agents are everywhere, to the point where it’s much easier for virtually all law enforcement and intelligence agencies, and all criminal and terrorist organizations to assume they’re compromised and act accordingly. I will detail how each functions below, but first some backstory on how each group was formed.


The genesis of the Phantom Network was in the late 70s. Vincent Mortelini had been operating for two decades, and had accumulated significant contacts and connections in various fields. This initial group did not have a name, and for the most part did not know they were even working together. Vincent has always kept things close to his chest both out of preference and sheer necessity. Financing was provided by Vincent being the CEO (and sole owner known to be living) of the Fortune 500 company Only Mortal Enterprises. As the 80s rolled into the 90s, this network got larger and larger, appearing on the radar of various intelligence agencies. As the 90s rolled to a close, the network went global. September 11 and the resulting War on Terror convinced him he needed a strike team, and thus BLACK was born. Vincent was only one man, and a lot of awful people needed killing.


BLACK is functionally Vincent Mortelini’s hammer. His Wrath of a furious God. Team members have come and gone, but for the moment the core team is stable. He does have a massive stable of part timers that he can rotate in and out as needed for each mission. Pick any build from the Blendarama (or anywhere else) that you like and throw a name on it. Basically, when a given criminal is simply too well protected for covert removal, Vincent wants to send a message, or the target is a entire group, BLACK is the one who hits them. The core team’s individual histories are detailed in their entries.


The Phantom Network uses a cell structure, all the way down to an individual level. The lowest level agents are essentially ordinary people (not literally the Bystander archetype, but no more than PL 1) who use their eyes and ears and then report to a phone number. This number reaches a handler (also more or less an ordinary person) who updates the cell database. Each cell’s database is routinely checked by the next level up and if necessary flagged for review. Flagged intel is then reviewed by the third level and again, if necessary, flagged for further review. This continues until the intel is either no longer flagged, or reaches BLACK’s intel operator, Paradigm, who automatically brings such things to Vincent’s attention. The first three levels (there are ten, with the tenth being Paradigm) are not permitted to take independent action. Beginning at the fourth, however, they may act. Levels 4 through 6 may warn law enforcement and intelligence agencies anonymously, and in emergencies take direct action. Naturally, these agents are not ordinary people. They have training or experience in combat from the occasional agent training meetups, or from their profession (many are in law enforcement or ex-military). These agents can reach PL 4, and often carry Light or Heavy Pistols and may even wear an Undercover Shirt or Vest. Level 7-9 have considerably more latitude in what they can do to act on intel, including giving instructions to those below. These are the most trusted agents with 7s having over a decade in the Network. 8 and 9s often have far more. 7s are generally PL 5, with military grade training, weaponry, and body armor. 8s are generally PL 6 with same. 9s, however, resemble PL 7 superheroes without necessarily having actual superhuman powers. These agents take up the vast majority of the Network’s operatives. However, there is a select group of special forces grade (PL 6) agents. Their countries of origin vary, but there is at least one available squad of five for each member of levels 7-9 to call on for support. They are on par with levels 7 and 8 in equipment and go beyond in specialist gear, and their skills and feats are more tailored to combat applications. They have super powers as often as not.


The basic set up of the Phantom Network’s cell structure is as follows:

Level 10: Paradigm

Level 9: 5 agents

Level 8: 25 agents

Level 7: 125 agents

Level 6: 625 agents

Level 5: 3,125 agents

Level 4: 15,625 agents

Level 3: 78,125 agents

Level 2: 390,625 agents

Level 1: 1,953,125 agents


Yes, you read that correctly. There are almost two million agents in the first level alone, which is how they’ve acquired the reputation for being everywhere. These numbers are, of course, approximate. Agents come and go for a variety of reasons (death, capture, retirement, etc). The upper levels are more stable, but shakeups do occur from time to time. The other part of that reputation is how the Network recruits. They don’t seek out hotshot college graduates. There are people in the world who have suffered tragedy of some kind or another. Lost someone important to them through violence. What happened to the perpetrator is…almost immaterial. The point this that these people would like to prevent what happened to them from happening to anyone else, and they aren’t especially concerned about the means to that end. These people are contacted and given a phone number. If they call, Vincent Mortelini is on the other end. Few refuse the chance to aid him in his work. Let’s get one thing perfectly clear. The Network does not recruit revenge seekers. Vincent may do them that favor if the target meets his standards, but those consumed by the need for vengeance do not receive that phone number. These are people who would be superheroes, but lack the powers, talent, and/or skill required. They also, as stated, have a strong tendency towards the ends (people protected from murderers and similar criminals) justifying whatever means is used to achieve them (up to and including brutal killing). With that said, most would shrink from doing such things themselves.


As previously stated, BLACK has a core team (to be introduced here and detailed on their own posts) and a wide assortment of part timers (who you can use the Blendarama and basically any build thread anywhere that has PL 10s and lower in it to represent). With that restated, the core members of BLACK are:


Ghost (Vincent Mortelini)

Adept (Brian Matthews)

Spartan (Leonidas King)

Pyrewing (Karen Murdock)

Prodigy (Regina Marcus)

Paradigm (Leona King)



Some specific examples of part timers include but are decidedly not limited to:

Talia Mortelini

Zack Mortelini

Nila (Moon)

Teška (Heavyweight)

Khiimori (Wind Horse, mythological)

Alhelí (Wallflower)

Umeluleki (Mentor)

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Ghost (Vincent Mortelini)


Power Level: 12; Power Points Spent: 250/250


STR: +5 (20), DEX: +5 (20), CON: +7 (24), INT: +5 (20), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +5 (20)


Tough: +10/+11, Fort: +10, Ref: +10, Will: +15


Skills: Acrobatics 10 (+15), Bluff 10 (+15), Climb 5 (+10), Disable Device 10 (+15), Disguise 10 (+15), Drive 5 (+10), Escape Artist 10 (+15), Gather Information 10 (+15), Intimidate 17 (+22), Investigate 10 (+15), Knowledge (behavioral science) 15 (+20), Knowledge (business) 5 (+10), Knowledge (civics) 5 (+10), Knowledge (current events) 10 (+15), Knowledge (life sciences) 5 (+10), Knowledge (streetwise) 15 (+20), Knowledge (tactics) 10 (+15), Notice 12 (+15), Pilot 5 (+10), Search 10 (+15), Sense Motive 12 (+15), Sleight of Hand 10 (+15), Stealth 17 (+22), Survival 7 (+10), Swim 5 (+10)


Feats: All-Out Attack, Assessment, Attack Focus (melee) 2, Benefit (Leader of BLACK), Benefit (Leader of the Phantom Network), Benefit 2 (Wealth (CEO of Only Mortal Enterprises)), Challenge - Improved Demoralize, Challenge - Improved Feint, Chokehold, Connected, Contacts, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus 5, Elusive Target, Equipment 6, Fearless, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Grab, Improved Initiative, Improved Pin, Improved Trip, Instant Up, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Draw 2, Skill Mastery (Bluff, Intimidate, Sense Motive, Stealth), Stunning Attack, Takedown Attack 2, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory), Well-Informed



Arsenal (Array 10) (default power: dazzle)

   Assault Rifle (Blast 5) (Array; DC 20; Autofire (interval 2, max +5))

   Combat Knife (Strike 1) (Array; DC 21; Mighty, Thrown (Range: 50 ft., incr 10 ft.))

   Flash Bang (Dazzle 5) (Default; affects: 1 type + visual - visual & auditory, DC 15; Burst Area (25 ft. radius - General))

   Frag Grenade (Blast 5) (Array; DC 20; Burst Area (25 ft. radius - General))

   Heavy Pistol (Blast 4) (Array; DC 19)

   RPG Launcher (Blast 10) (Array; DC 25; Explosion Area (100 ft. explosion - General); Unreliable (5 uses))

Guardian of Death (Features 1) (Notes: As the Benefit (Status) feat.)

Just Can't Stay Dead (Container, Passive 3) (Custom 2 (Container 2.6))

   Healing 1 (Total; Personal; Persistent, Regrowth, Triggered (After Resurrection))

   Regeneration 8 (recovery bonus 2 (+2 to recover), resurrection 6 (5 minutes))

Martial Arts Techniques (Damage 3) (DC 23; Mighty (+5 to damage))

Polyglot (Comprehend 3) (languages - read all, languages - speak all, languages - understand all; Limited (To Earth languages with more than a million speakers))

The Jacket (Impervious Toughness 6) (Limited (To Ballistic, Slashing, and Piercing Attack descriptors))

Tough As Nails (Protection 3) (+3 Toughness)


Equipment: Arsenal [Arsenal (Array 10), default power: dazzle], The Jacket [The Jacket (Impervious Toughness 6), Limited (To Ballistic, Slashing, and Piercing Attack descriptors)]


Attack Bonus: +14 (Ranged: +14, Melee: +16, Grapple: +21)


Attacks: Assault Rifle (Blast 5), +14 (DC 20), Combat Knife (Strike 1), +16 (DC 21), Flash Bang (Dazzle 5) (DC Fort/Ref 15), Frag Grenade (Blast 5) (DC 20), Heavy Pistol (Blast 4), +14 (DC 19), Martial Arts Techniques (Damage 3), +16 (DC Staged/Tou ), RPG Launcher (Blast 10) (DC 25), Unarmed Attack, +16 (DC 20)


Defense: +12  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -8


Initiative: +9


Languages: English Native


Totals: Abilities 60 + Skills 60 (240 ranks) + Feats 44 + Powers 24 + Combat 42 + Saves 20 + Drawbacks 0 = 250


Age (as of Jan 2019): 90 (chronological)/31 (biological)

Height: 5’ 10”

Weight: 240 lbs.

Ethnicity: Italian American

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black


Background: The story of Vincent Mortelini starts in 1957. He was a professional assassin, scion of the Mortelini family. Their pride and joy, one could say. Though technically the Mortelinis were independent contractors, in practice they tended to work out of Dean City for one of the Twelve Families more than anyone else. Which ended up presenting a problem. The Families’s new overboss wanted them all to himself. One those young men who values shows of loyalty over honor. Vincent’s father refused. The Mortelinis had been independent for decades. There was no way that would change. The new boss was angry at having his authority flouted so casually, and decided to have the family annihilated. It…wasn’t a large task. Barely five adults, including Vincent. After removing three of the other five, they came for him, his wife, and two children. The four of them were machine gunned down during dinner.


Vincent woke to a house on fire and knowing nothing of why. The sight of his family slaughtered so casually broke something in his mind. The willful cognitive dissonance he wore to spare his conscience the guilt from killing people fractured, and then strengthened harder than steel. There was only one way to reply to these actions. Blood vengeance. An encounter with his dying aunt Talia provided the culprits. It turned into an action movie, and vengeance was served on the Families. With bullet, blade, bomb, and fist. It would take years for them to recover, and by then the Feds were giving them other problems. However, one thing the movies rarely address is what happens next. Vincent kept going. Out of Dean City and into the wider world. Organized crime never knew what hit it.


As the years went by, Vincent picked up detective skills and a small network of dedicated followers. By the 80s, with the advent of darker times, he realized he needed to think bigger. The Cold War was ending. Russia was broke. The world was primed for a ton of bad people to get their hands on a lot of people and things they absolutely shouldn’t. This was the beginning of The Phantom Network. As the sole (known) survivor of the Mortelini family, he was by default CEO of Only Mortal Enterprises. Those funds helped bring the network into being, and right into direct competition with INTERPOL and other agencies. Neither of which had particularly high opinions of the man to start with. The problem was that he was almost impossible to catch. Then man lived up to his codename. Ghost. Whenever they managed it, he had to be placed in gen pop, meaning that the very type of people he hunted down outside of the jail were now trapped inside one with him. And of course, sooner or later the network came through and got him out of there.


As the 90s rolled to a close, the network went global. Also, Vincent dropped dead of a massive coronary brought on by the extremely poor eating habits of a life lived on the move. However…his powers brought him back from even that, deaging him back to being barely old enough to drink. As time went on, he seemed to be aging slightly slower this time around, as well. Strangely, the most learned of the mystic types started calling him the Guardian of Death. It didn’t mean anything to him or his mission and he was well informed that he couldn’t do anything about it, so he ignored it. September 11 and the resulting War on Terror convinced him he needed a superpowered strike team, and thus BLACK was born. But there was one last piece of business before he left the US to work the rest of the world full time. The Twelve Families still owned Dean City and this he could not abide. Vincent Mortelini went home.


One full year. Twelve months. Vincent was a threat before, but this…each month he destroyed a Family, all but wiping it from the Earth. Hundreds of people every month, dead or fled far away never to return. Dean City’s population experienced a noticeable decline. He blew up cars, multiple small buildings, destroyed a train, and (in his crowning achievement) demolished a small skyscraper. The Twelve Families virtually ceased to exist. The collateral damage and devastation to a minor American city did not go unnoticed. The single largest manhunt in US history ended with Vincent Mortelini in the deepest, darkest, and most secret cell the Feds could come up with. The next day, everything went to hell. Crime, terrorism, you name it, it all jacked up 300% literally overnight. Word had gotten out fast. The world’s heroes and law enforcement coped as best they could, but it was not enough. Folks accused Mortelini of plotting this, which was hilarious to anyone who’d read his psych profile. Then (as days went by and things got worse) they pleaded with Mortelini to do something, but he shrugged. It wasn’t any one thing he could do, after all. It was the fear of what he might do that kept an alarmingly large number of awful people in check. There really wasn’t any choice. The Feds cut him loose. And he went back to work. So many monstrous people had emerged from hiding, and they all needed killing.


Not too long after that he met Katherine. She was a Dean City police detective, and a very rare honest one. They began working together off and on. He trained her in martial arts and marksmanship until she was the best at each on the force by a wide margin. With the tattered remains of the destroyed Twelve Families losing their grip on Dean City, between the two of them a lot of the decades-long corruption was finally rooted out. They were slowly falling for each other, as well. It sounds…strange…but Vincent Mortelini (not Ghost, the Vincent underneath all of that) is not an evil man. It was enough to win over a middle-aged detective in the hellhole that was Dean City, anyway. His grief for his lost family abated, and his long quest to rid the world of the worst humanity has to offer slowed to a crawl. Even when he was on the job, it felt like he was going through the motions. There was little of his previous savagery, and his legendary instincts were fading. He wondered if it was all right, not to hurt. He decided that it was, and bought a ring. He was going to move on. And then Katherine, on a routine street chase, was hit by a car. Vincent was there, but there was no saving her. Vincent’s powers kept her in the world when nothing else would. But in the end, he had to let her go. The effort utterly shattered his sanity, and the Guardian of Death (not that he knew what that meant) let go of Death’s chains. This night was, is, and forevermore will be known as the Darkest Night. The dead rose from their graves. Those who’d cheated death of its prize by any means of resurrection died and joined them. And across the multiverse they struck out at the living. Heroes are all stripes fought valiantly, but this was the zombie apocalypse. There could be no victory. There was no source to shut down. No perpetrator to defeat. Just a broken man who simply didn’t care anymore. Nothing mattered. He had no one. And then Relena literally picked him up off the ground (he had simply lied down next to Katherine’s body-which strangely was the one that didn’t reanimate) and informed him in no uncertain terms that he was wrong. He was not alone. He had someone. Her. Relena was, from Vincent’s perspective, his archenemy. Leader of the Yakuza, the member of the Twelve Families who wasn’t utterly decimated thanks to her. But she’d never seen it that way, not once. She loved him in a way best described as “familial”, like that love you have for that uncle who’s also kind of your best friend. She didn’t know about the specifics, but she knew he was the source of the problem. One look at Katherine told her everything she needed to know. She tore a hole in reality and pulled him in behind her. It was their own cozy pocket dimension. Over the course of several days, she dragged him, metaphorically kicking and screaming, back to himself. Then they returned and he picked up the chains again. Time, as it turned out, was different there. The days spent there were mere hours in reality. The sun had not yet risen, yet the Darkest Night was over. With no one the wiser as to the source of the disturbance. Everything Death itself had done (not any of the dead had done) was reversed. One thing, however, remained different. Relena was kind of Vincent’s sidekick now.


Vincent’s skills have improved over the years, and he’s one of the very few more or less normal humans to be considered a top level threat by everyone under the sun. These days he doesn’t set foot in North America north of Mexico. Superheroes, for the most part, have it well in hand. The name Mortelini is known and feared by traditional organized crime, drug cartels, and terrorist organizations alike. They all pray they remain beneath his notice, never realizing none of them are. There’s just only but so many hours in a day. A man’s got to prioritize.


As a side note, cultists resurrected his aunt awhile back. The ritual somehow made her incredibly immortal. She works for the network, and is a part time member of BLACK. Also, Vincent’s first resurrection had the side effect of turning his son Zack into a weird kind of zombie. He too, works for the network and is a part time member of BLACK. Relena is currently his sidekick and a member of BLACK. His personal life is…complicated to say the least.



Powers and Tactics: Vincent Mortelini is a master of several martial arts disciplines, most notably Muay Thai, Krav Maga, and Jiu-Jitsu. He is also an excellent shot, bordering on the preternatural. He carries a variety of military grade weaponry including an assault rifle and a RPG Launcher. His actual powers, however, are very strange. On the face of them, he simply revives five minutes after death, healed of all serious injuries. But there’s more to it than that. It’s not magic, tech, genetics (mutated or alien), or even divine power. You could name literally any Descriptor, and you’d be just as wrong. Everyone who’s tried to analyze why he does this has been stumped. It is literally a thing that cannot be. However…there are those who can sense things on the spiritual plane. They can detect the chains wrapped around his spirit’s left arm and held in a tight grip in that hand. The chains extend far off into the distance. Those that peer down them have been unfailingly driven completely insane, for at the end of those long chains lies Death itself. Not some conceptualization or an anthromorphized version, but the unfiltered thing whose gaping maw all life inevitably disappears into. It is the nothing at the end of space and time, and Vincent Mortelini is the only thing stopping it from doing whatever it wants. The few who get this far with sanity intact theorize that Almighty God has done this to Vincent before they begin gibbering. However, He remains characteristically silent on the matter, and the entire angelic host is ignorant of it. The Guardianship cannot be transferred, either. He looked into it after the Darkest Night, and anyone else Death would eventually just eat. There’s something unique about Vincent that allows him to survive in this role where literally no one else could.


 Time for a fight? Take’em down hard. As with everything else, Vincent is practical, pragmatic, and prizes efficiency. He’s not looking to have a long brawl. He’s looking to end the fight as soon as possible. Honor is pointless and leads to a painful death. So he cheats vigorously, and routinely portrays himself as less capable in combat than he is. Stealth, guile, and misinformation are of the order of the day. If he’s facing someone in a straight fight, it’s on purpose. Period.


Personality: Vincent Mortelini is a prick. An asshole. Jerkus Maximus. He is standoffish, emotionally distant, and in general just not a nice guy. He is practical, pragmatic, and prizes efficiency. He does not shirk from killing. However, that does not mean he finds it pleasant or pleasurable in any way. The fun parts are everything leading up to the kill, not the kill itself. Furthermore, he is well aware of what he is and how he is perceived, and uses both to his benefit. He is a monster, the kind of man who keeps people awake at night from fear, and he is very much aware of it. These, however, are the primary personality traits of Ghost (the code name he used for his murderous alter ego before his family was murdered). The seismic divide in his personality has become a very strange thing. It isn’t quite on the level of a split personality. Both men share many personality traits and answer to the name Vincent Mortelini. They are, in a very real sense, the same person. And yet…not. Most of what Ghost does the “real” Vincent (for lack of a better term) would never do. Initially it was simply compartmentalization, as his assassin training dictated. Now…heaven only knows what’s going on in his head. The “real” Vincent (again, for lack of a better term) doesn’t come out much. He’s spent decades grieving the deaths of his family plus Katherine, and of the terrible monster he’s become. He could stop it, easily, but he’s buried under grief, guilt, and despair. Vincent is an incredibly broken man, leaving Ghost to act freely.


Ghost’s motivation (Vincent shares but would never act on it) stopped being a twisted sort of vengeance long ago. Now, he is the monster who slays his own kind. Those who prey on the weak and helpless, those who kill, and those who profit from human suffering without remorse or compunction he will destroy. Those are his targets. Those are the ones who die screaming, or wishing they still could scream. After all, if you’ve done enough to cause Mortelini to come visiting in the dark of night…you more than deserve it.


Regarding superheroes…Ghost tries to stay out of their way. Different fields, professional courtesy, and all that. Ghost doesn’t normally do supervillains. The heroes have proven they can handle it, so he lets them until one absolutely crosses the line. Supervillains like that quietly disappear, and everyone knows what happened to them and why. That…really doesn’t apply the other way around. Idealists tend to despise him, but true cynics often acknowledge his effectiveness. His instinct for how people think is legendary, leading some to think he’s actually telepathic or a precognitive.

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Adept (Brian Matthews)


Power Level: 13; Power Points Spent: 250/250


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +5 (20), CON: +4 (18), INT: +3 (16), WIS: +7 (24), CHA: +3 (16)


Tough: +4/+7, Fort: +10, Ref: +12, Will: +12


Skills: Acrobatics 15 (+20), Bluff 12 (+15), Computers 2 (+5), Concentration 8 (+15), Diplomacy 12 (+15), Disable Device 2 (+5), Escape Artist 10 (+15), Gather Information 12 (+15), Investigate 7 (+10), Knowledge (physical sciences) 7 (+10), Knowledge (tactics) 7 (+10), Knowledge (technology) 7 (+10), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 2 (+5), Medicine 3 (+10), Notice 18 (+25), Search 7 (+10), Sense Motive 18 (+25), Sleight of Hand 5 (+10), Stealth 10 (+15)


Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, Assessment, Attack Specialization 3 (Beam Saber (Device 5)), Blind-Fight, Challenge - Improved Acrobatic Bluff, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 3, Dodge Focus 4, Equipment 3, Evasion 2, Improved Initiative, Improved Trick, Improvised Tools, Jack-of-All-Trades, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Redirect, Takedown Attack 2



Adept Training (Immunity 9) (dazzle effects, disease, poison, sleep, starvation & thirst; Limited - Half Effect)

Beam Saber (Device 5) (Easy to lose, Restricted use (Adept training))

   Beam Saber Attack (Corrosion ? (DC 23, Feats: Redirect)

Life Force Manipulation (Array 15) (default power: telekinesis)

   Distance Matters Not (Speed 5) (Alternate; Speed: 250 mph, 2200 ft./rnd)

   Height Matters Not (Leaping 5) (Alternate; Jumping distance: x50)

   Obstacles Matter Not (Super-Movement 9) (Alternate; perfect balance, slow fall, sure-footed 4 (no penalty), swinging, wall-crawling 2 (full speed))

   Lightning (Blast 14) (Array; DC 29; Precise, Split Attack (2 targets))

   Not What You're Looking For (Mind Control 10) (Array; DC 20; Conscious; Duration (instant); Precise, Subtle (subtle))

   Push (Trip 10) (Array; Knockback, Range (perception))

   Telekinesis 10 (Default; Strength: 50, Carry: 4.3 tons / 8.5 tons / 12.8 tons / 25.6 tons; Perception)

   Trust Your Senses Not (Illusion 7) (Array; affects: all sense types, DC 17; Selective Attack; Phantasms; Precise, Subtle (subtle))

Life Sense (Super-Senses 11) (accurate (type): Mental, acute (type): Mental, danger sense: Mental, radius (type): Mental, ranged: Mental, uncanny dodge: Mental)

Twin Blaster Pistols (Blast 5) (DC 20; Autofire (interval 2, max +5))


Equipment: Twin Blaster Pistols [Twin Blaster Pistols (Blast 5), DC 20; Autofire (interval 2, max +5)]


Attack Bonus: +12 (Ranged: +12, Melee: +12, Grapple: +14)


Attacks: Beam Saber Attack (Corrosion 8), +18 (DC Fort/Tou ), Lightning (Blast 14), +12 (DC 29), Not What You're Looking For (Mind Control 10) (DC Will 20), Push (Trip 10) (DC 20), Twin Blaster Pistols (Blast 5), +12 (DC 20), Unarmed Attack, +12 (DC 17)


Defense: +16  (Flat-footed: +6), Knockback: -3


Initiative: +9


Languages: English Native


Totals: Abilities 48 + Skills 41 (164 ranks) + Feats 28 + Powers 67 + Combat 48 + Saves 18 + Drawbacks 0 = 250


Age (as of Jan 2019): You know, he’s never actually said and he doesn’t appear to be aging…

Height: 6’ 1”

Weight: 200

Ethnicity: Caucasian? (Not from Earth but human)

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Light Brown


Background: Adept is not from this Earth, yet he is a human being. He has no genetic link to anyone who has ever lived on this planet. He says he’s from a galaxy far, far away, but right now as opposed to a long time ago. He smiles when he says this, as if it was a joke. It is not. He is a human being from a distant galaxy that remarkably resembles the Star Wars media franchise. There are differences, of course. Virtually all of the names are wrong. Planets, people, technical terms, etcetera. Almost all wrong. The events from the movies, books, and comics happened so long ago that he considers them ancient myths. Also, they typically get as much wrong as they do right with some being entirely fictional in his eyes. Then again, he’s not a historian. He’s, well, an Adept. Equivalent to a Jedi Master, though he says his Order would never be so arrogant as to call any of their own a master of anything. Though they did exile him. And then all die. So that was a thing that happened. He had to run to escape with his life. He ran far, and fast. It was not far or fast enough, and he was forced to burn out an ancient place of power to teleport himself to the last place the dark siders would look for him. A galaxy so far away, they’d only ever heard of his in their popular media. He needed a place to call his own. He found Vincent Mortelini. And well, he’d been exiled from his Order for a reason. He became a founding member of BLACK, and has never looked back. A few years back he took on an apprentice. Regina Marcus, alias Prodigy. And no, the Order didn’t have a fancy name for them. They were just apprentices.


Powers & Tactics: Adept has a variety of abilities based on his manipulation of a mysterious “life force” that permeates the entire universe. There’s a long list of things he can do. Enhanced movement, telekinesis, throwing lightning around, mental illusions, and even a bit of brief mind control. He is also an incredible swordsman, especially with his Beam Sword. It’s magnetically contained plasma (the fourth form matter takes at incredibly high temperatures) in the form of a cylinder. It comes out of a cylindrical handle and it can be turned on and off. And yes, it turns on with that snap-hiss. He can’t help that. The technology is beyond anything Earth can reproduce outside of the usual gadgeteer geniuses, and even some of them get stumped. It can cut through anything, given a few seconds to work.


Tactically, Adept isn’t aggressive. He’s always the one trying to deescalate things and convince the enemies to surrender. But when a fight breaks out, he defends himself with lethal force and zero hesitation to kill. Many a foe has met their end with a sweep of his Beam Sword, or been thrown into the sky for a lethally long fall. He has never felt the need to power stunt, but he does have capability. There’s enough in his array to casually add Autofire to his Beam Sword attacks should he need the extra power. Move Object without the Perception Extra (and thus having 15 ranks instead of 10) is also a possibility should he ever need that much lifting ability. In the rare cases he’s significantly injured, Healing is additionally on the table. He is the most powerful and dangerous member of BLACK (unless Relena is operating at full power, and that’s relatively rare), and works quickly to remove equally dangerous foes from the battlefield.


Personality: Adept is actually a pretty nice guy, for someone who’s killed as many people as he has. Granted, they were all trying to kill him at the time, but it flatly doesn’t bother him. He’s the kind of man who carries peace in his heart and a sword in his hand. This is what got him kicked out of his order. They always were (even from very early days) pacifists. Adept is not a pacifist. They saw killing as a loss to the entire universe, a diminishment of the total life force in the universe. They weren’t technically wrong, but then (Adept says) isn’t that power diminished every day? People were killed every day, and they sat in their ivory tower and let it happen. Screw that, said Adept. He would save them. It was the right thing to do. And if saving them required killing the smaller number who would harm them? So be it. Death was not the goal, but he’d only show mercy to those who weren’t actively trying to kill people. There is a bit more nuance to his position than “killing killers so they don’t kill people”, of course. He does believe in redemption, forgiveness, and second chances. He simply also believes those who truly desire them will seek them out and not instead fire assault weapons at him with lethal intent. He is a marked tempering influence on Vincent Mortelini, a man who is not easily influenced by anyone. If anyone but Mortelini was involved, it’d be easy to call the two men friends. Close, personal friends. But that can’t be right, can it?

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Spartan (Leonidas King)


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 200/200


STR: +7 (25), DEX: +7 (25), CON: +7 (25), INT: +5 (20), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +5 (20)


Tough: +7/+10, Fort: +10, Ref: +10, Will: +10


Skills: Acrobatics 8 (+15), Bluff 5 (+10), Climb 3 (+10), Disable Device 5 (+10), Disguise 5 (+10), Drive 3 (+10), Escape Artist 3 (+10), Gather Information 10 (+15), Intimidate 10 (+15), Knowledge (current events) 5 (+10), Knowledge (streetwise) 5 (+10), Knowledge (tactics) 5 (+10), Notice 5 (+10), Pilot 3 (+10), Search 5 (+10), Sense Motive 5 (+10), Sleight of Hand 3 (+10), Stealth 8 (+15), Survival 5 (+10), Swim 3 (+10)


Feats: All-Out Attack, Assessment, Attack Focus (ranged) 2, Chokehold, Contacts, Eidetic Memory, Elusive Target, Endurance (+4), Equipment 8, Grappling Finesse, Improved Aim, Improved Critical (Sniper Rifle (Blast 5)), Improved Grab, Improved Initiative, Improved Pin, Improved Throw, Improved Trip, Jack-of-All-Trades, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Draw 2, Stunning Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Arsenal (Array 10) (default power: dazzle)

   Assault Rifle (Blast 5) (Array; DC 20; Autofire (interval 2, max +5))

   Flash Bang (Dazzle 5) (Default; affects: 1 type + visual - visual & auditory, DC 15; Burst Area (25 ft. radius - General))

   Frag Grenade (Blast 5) (Array; DC 20; Burst Area (25 ft. radius - General))

   Heavy Pistol (Blast 4) (Array; DC 19)

   Sniper Rifle (Blast 5) (Array; DC 20, Feats: Improved Critical (Sniper Rifle (Blast 5)); Improved Range 2 (250 ft. incr), Progression, Increase Range 2 (max range x5, 2500 feet))

Body Armor (Protection 3) (+3 Toughness)

Super Soldier (Container, Passive 2)

   Immunity 1 (aging; Limited - Half Effect)

   Leaping 1 (Jumping distance: x2)

   Quickness 1 (Perform routine tasks at 2x speed)

   Speed 1 (Speed: 10 mph, 88 ft./rnd)

   Super-Senses 6 (extended: Normal Olfactory 1 (-1 per 100 ft), extended (type): Visual 1 (-1 per 100 ft), extended (type): Auditory 1 (-1 per 100 ft), scent)


Equipment: Arsenal [Arsenal (Array 10), default power: dazzle], Body Armor [Body Armor (Protection 3), +3 Toughness], Camo Clothing, Flash Goggles, Flashlight, Gas Mask, Multi-Tool, Night Vision Goggles, Rebreather, Toolkit (Basic), Video Camera


Attack Bonus: +13 (Ranged: +15, Melee: +13, Grapple: +20)


Attacks: Assault Rifle (Blast 5), +15 (DC 20), Flash Bang (Dazzle 5) (DC Fort/Ref 15), Frag Grenade (Blast 5) (DC 20), Heavy Pistol (Blast 4), +15 (DC 19), Sniper Rifle (Blast 5), +15 (DC 20), Unarmed Attack, +13 (DC 22)


Defense: +10  (Flat-footed: +5), Knockback: -5


Initiative: +11


Languages: English Native


Totals: Abilities 75 + Skills 26 (104 ranks) + Feats 32 + Powers 10 + Combat 46 + Saves 11 + Drawbacks 0 = 200


Age (as of Jan 2019): 20 (chronological) / (31 biological; born 21 biological years old)

Height: 6’ 3”

Weight: 225

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Brown


Background: Leonidas King is a clone created by deep black elements of the US government. The greatest soldier who ever lived provided the DNA. Leonard Kingman was a phenomenal soldier, but unfortunately could not adjust to a world of peace after the Cold War ended. He started his own small nation for disaffected soldiers like him, and soon amassed an arsenal and an army. He was a man who needed war to define who he was. He was also a man who died after one man stormed his small nation and gave him the war he sought. That man both was and wasn’t Leonidas. The project that created him had made three of him. The first was the man who killed Leonard Kingman. His wounds from that proved fatal, however, and his memories were transferred to the second clone. This transfer was botched, and the clone went a bit crazy. He began assembling advanced tech and high powered operatives to stage a coup on…who was never entirely clear, but apparently they ruled the world from the shadows. Leonidas was the one sent in to destroy him and his operatives. Surprisingly, he proved more than equal to the task. The memory transfer was not botched for him, and he and the second clone had a brutal fist fight to put an end to the bloodshed the second clone was planning. Leonidas, however, was showing signs of a similar instability to Leonard Kingman. Without battles to fight, he was lost. The project was considered a failure, and about to be scrapped when Vincent Mortelini effectively stole him from under their noses. Leonidas had his forever war, and Vincent had one of the finest soldiers of all time under his command, codenamed Spartan. Because why not. However, a rogue member of the project had, unknown to anyone, created one more clone of Leonard Kingman. This would turn out to be Leona King. Spartan brought his “sister” to Vincent and BLACK.


Originally, Leonidas was remarkably innocent about how the world worked. Social customs, how to drive on roads, basically everything that wasn’t directly related to warfare he had no knowledge of. This has, obviously, changed a great deal. He is now highly skilled in a wide variety of areas. He’s killed people on five continents (excluding North America and Antarctica), fought in battle after battle until battle-hardened doesn’t even begin to describe him. But he’s also learned how to live during downtime, and why that balance matters. He will never be what Leonard Kingman became, a despot desperate for one more fight. And this is a good thing.


Powers & Tactics: Spartan technically doesn’t have any superhuman powers. What he does have is the absolute peak of human physical ability and once in a generation mental acuity. Even his senses flirt with being more than human. This was unlocked through genetic experimentation on an already incredible human being in Leonard Kingman. Spartan surpasses him in every respect by a solid margin, but remains within human possibility. He is a masterful marksman and hand to hand combatant. He carries military grade weaponry such as an assault rifle, sniper rifle, and frag grenades.


Spartan is a soldier with a masterful grasp of small unit tactics and no ego about who gets the credit as long as the job gets done. As such, support fire from him is often essential. A well timed flash bang is always appreciated, and he can throw down with anyone on the battlefield as he often physically outclasses even genuine supervillains in some way. He’ll do what he needs to do when he needs to do it. He follows orders from Vincent or Adept yet shows initiative and original thinking in completing them. He is the bedrock on which BLACK’s teamwork is built, and also the one who’s most often underestimated. After all, there’s Vincent himself, two Jedi with lightsabers, and the woman throwing fire around while having literal flaming wings. Even Relena looks a little too harmless. The buff guy in tactical gear just isn’t all that impressive by comparison. Even the part timers are generally more impressive on first look than Spartan.


Personality: Spartan is a soldier. It defines him in a way that some can fail to grasp. He did not have a life before warfare. Fighting is, quite literally, what he was born to do. As such, his entire personality revolves around it. He is respectful and polite when addressed, and shows the correct amount of deference to his superiors. He’s simply…professional. All the time. He uses his time efficiently. Events and activities are scheduled, with enough flexibility to react to changing circumstances. He does not show much emotion except during official downtime. His life is one lived by precise rules and defined by routine (barring the unexpected), and he’d have it no other way. He is not a hero, and never claimed to be one or hold to their moral code. He believes in killing the enemy before the enemy kills him. Who is the enemy? Those who cause significant human suffering and/or profit from same. End of story. His loyalty to Vincent Mortelini and the mission is absolute.

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Pyrewing (Karen Murdoch)


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 200/200


STR: +8 (18/26), DEX: +4 (18), CON: +4 (18), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +4 (18)


Tough: +4/+6, Fort: +7, Ref: +10, Will: +7


Skills: Acrobatics 8 (+12), Bluff 7 (+11), Concentration 13 (+15), Diplomacy 7 (+11), Disguise 8 (+12), Gather Information 8 (+12), Intimidate 11 (+15), Knowledge (current events) 10 (+10), Knowledge (streetwise) 10 (+10), Language 10 (+10), Notice 8 (+10), Sense Motive 8 (+10), Stealth 8 (+12)


Feats: Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Attack Specialization 2 (Oxygen Burn (Suffocate 8)), Attack Specialization 2 (Unarmed Attack), Attractive (+4), Challenge - Improved Demoralize, Challenge - Improved Startle, Defensive Roll 2, Evasion, Improved Initiative, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Startle, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Enhanced Strength 8 (+8 STR)

Fire Immunity (Immunity 10) (common descriptor: Fire/Heat)

Real Fire Power (Array 12) (default power: blast)

   Fire Control 12

   Fireball (Blast 12) (Default; DC 27)

   Firebomb (Blast ? (Array; DC 23; Burst Area (40 ft. radius - General))

   Flash Burn (Drain 12) (Array; drains: single trait - toughness, DC 22; Affects Objects)

   Oxygen Burn (Suffocate ? (Array; DC 18; Range (ranged))

Wings of Fire (Flight ? (Speed: 2500 mph, 22000 ft./rnd)


Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +8, Grapple: +16)


Attacks: Fireball (Blast 12), +8 (DC 27), Firebomb (Blast ? (DC 23), Flash Burn (Drain 12), +8 (DC Fort/Staged 22), Oxygen Burn (Suffocate 8), +12 (DC Fort 18), Unarmed Attack, +12 (DC 23)


Defense: +12  (Flat-footed: +6), Knockback: -3


Initiative: +8


Languages: English Native, Arabic, French, Hebrew, Japanese, Kurdish, Malay, Persian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish


Totals: Abilities 36 + Skills 29 (116 ranks) + Feats 19 + Powers 62 + Combat 40 + Saves 14 + Drawbacks 0 = 200


Age (as of Jan 2019): 34

Height: 5’ 8”

Weight: 140

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Hair: Red

Eyes: Green


Background: Pyrewing is from a parallel Earth. Things are different there, with super smart humanoid animals ruling humanity and doing whatever they please to them. Karen Murdoch was one victim. Her DNA was entirely altered, changing her into a feathered and winged falcon hybrid. She took the name Falconess and joined the human resistance alongside her father Stuntman (real name Daniel). But the resistance hit tough times and were forced to flee their world. Her father seemingly died in the struggle to escape. But she was on a new world now. She could be a true superhero. And for a while, she was. She even fell in love with an winged alien fire controller who called himself Firebird. Then the exciting news. An ally, Morgan Knight (alias Lady Alchemist, a superhero in her own right and the World’s Finest Chemist) had figured out how to revert Karen’s DNA. Being a human/falcon hybrid was awful, so she jumped at the chance. Karen Murdoch was human again, just in time for Firebird to sacrifice his life to save the world. Distraught, she begged Morgan Knight to clone him or something. Anything. She was a genius, right? Morgan distilled his genetic ability to control fire into a serum. She warned Karen that this was insanely dangerous. She said don’t do it, I can’t undo this if you do. Karen did not care. She had nothing. No life skills. No powers. No love. She injected herself. And burned. When Morgan Knight made a gene altering serum, she made them right. Karen Murdoch’s world drowned in fire (breathe in the irony there). It was only several hours, but it felt like days. What nobody but Firebird knew about his powers was they had a mystical component. And a normal human body was ill suited to hosting it. The fire was changing Karen’s body on a fundamental level, burning away what was in the way or unnecessary. She thought she’d die, and she was okay with that. But she did not die. The burning lessened, and then ceased entirely. Someone who looked human was left. She could generate or control fire with a thought. She could fly again, but now her wings were made of fire. Her strength was just this side of superhuman, too. Karen wasn’t human anymore, not entirely. If she couldn’t have her love, she could have his powers. However, her idealism had died with him. The ethical, no killing behavior of superheroes simply didn’t suit her any longer. The Phantom Network found her, and her call to Vincent led to her joining BLACK as living artillery and air support. She took the name Pyrewing, to represent the fire that burned away who she was, and returned her wings.


In truth, she had some reservations about killing initially, however years of exposure to the worst humanity has to offer has worn those reservations away to nothing. Her spy and undercover skills have improved over the years, and she makes use of her attractive figure in both pursuits. She isn’t just BLACK’s artillery anymore, but a full member of the team. A little over a year ago, she returned from a trip back to her native Earth with her fellow resistance members. Her father, surprisingly, among them. More powerful and with a pair of superpowered offspring in tow, they took back their home in a series of dramatic battles. Some of them stayed, however Karen decided to return to Earth and BLACK. There was more work to be done and only bad memories remained there for her.


Powers & Tactics: Pyrewing is, at first glance, just a fire controller. While this isn’t technically wrong, it ignores her physical strength (barely superhuman, but truly so) and that she draws the flames from a mystical source. Hence why they have conformed to her internal self image and granted her wings. Said wings function, strangely enough for being made of fire, just like normal wings. They don’t even burn things unless she wants them to (a power stunt off of the Flight power). However, unlike normal wings, they cannot be restrained by normal means and instead of folding them up behind her when not in use they simply disappear. It would take another fire controller or someone using another appropriate descriptor (Ice, or maybe magical wind? Dunno really) to restrain them.


In a fight, Pyrewing is living artillery and air support to BLACK. She streaks in, drops a Firebomb, and streaks out again. She’s strong enough to airlift one (or two, if they combine for 300 or less pounds) out of a combat zone without losing speed, which can compensate for the rest of the team’s lack of raw speed. She does have the highest raw attack power regularly available on the team, and can instead drop a Fireball instead of a Firebomb on harder targets. She’ll use Flash Burn to knock down walls, and Oxygen Burn in one on one fights. When not in her artillery and air support role she can be alarmingly reckless on the battlefield, throwing herself into combat with wild abandon. She can of course power stunt, and does. The mystical element to her flames permits her to put Alternate Save (Will) on her Blast, and she’s thrown up Create Object walls of fire that inflict damage instead of being solid objects with a toughness save. She can flex the wings with a Strike (be it vanilla or an Aura) power stunt off of Flight as well. Fire isn’t the most…flexible power otherwise, but she’ll pull out other power stunts at need.


Personality: Pyrewing isn’t a happy person. She’s still (years later) mourning Firebird and the things she’s seen with BLACK…the people responsible burn. She has a temper and an aggressive streak like all proper fire users. She has a bit of a death wish, still mourning Firebird as she does. It isn’t enough to actually actively get herself killed, but enough that she doesn’t entirely care if she dies in combat. And while she isn’t as intimidating as Vincent or Relena , she thrives on it in a way that those two certainly do not. She uses her wings for maximum effect in these scenarios. Of all of the team, she’s probably the closest to an actual normal superhero without actually being one. She does still believe in truth, justice, and saving lives. It’s just that she now knows that truth used carelessly can do more damage than any lie, justice isn’t necessarily found in a courtroom, and to save lives sometimes you have to take them.

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Prodigy (Regina Marcus)


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 200/200


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +5 (20), CON: +3 (16), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +2 (14)


Tough: +3/+5, Fort: +7, Ref: +10, Will: +10


Skills: Acrobatics 10 (+15), Bluff 8 (+10), Concentration 5 (+10), Diplomacy 8 (+10), Escape Artist 10 (+15), Gather Information 13 (+15), Investigate 8 (+10), Knowledge (physical sciences) 8 (+10), Knowledge (tactics) 3 (+5), Knowledge (technology) 8 (+10), Language 2 (+2), Medicine 5 (+10), Notice 15 (+20), Search 8 (+10), Sense Motive 15 (+20), Stealth 10 (+15)


Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, Assessment, Attack Specialization 2 (Beam Saber (Device 5)), Blind-Fight, Challenge - Improved Acrobatic Bluff, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Dodge Focus 5, Equipment 3, Evasion 2, Improved Initiative, Improved Trick, Improvised Tools, Jack-of-All-Trades, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Redirect, Takedown Attack 2



Adept Training (Immunity 9) (dazzle effects, disease, poison, sleep, starvation & thirst; Limited - Half Effect)

Beam Saber (Device 5) (Easy to lose, Restricted use (Adept training))

   Beam Saber Attack (Corrosion ? (DC 23, Feats: Redirect)

Life Force Manipulation (Array 9) (default power: telekinesis)

   Distance Matters Not (Speed 3) (Alternate; Speed: 50 mph, 440 ft./rnd)

   Height Matters Not (Leaping 3) (Alternate; Jumping distance: x10)

   Obstacles Matter Not (Super-Movement 5) (Alternate; perfect balance, slow fall, sure-footed 2 (50% penalty reduction), swinging)

   Healing 8 (Array; Restoration; Personal; Persistent, Regrowth)

   Not What You're Looking For (Mind Control ? (Array; DC 18; Conscious; Duration (instant); Precise, Subtle (subtle))

   Push (Trip 6) (Array; Knockback, Range (perception))

   Telekinesis 6 (Default; Strength: 30, Carry: 532 / 1.1k / 1.6k / 3.2k; Perception)

   Trust Your Senses Not (Illusion 6) (Array; affects: 1 type + visual - auditory, DC 16; Selective Attack; Phantasms)

Life Sense (Super-Senses 11) (accurate (type): Mental, acute (type): Mental, danger sense: Mental, radius (type): Mental, ranged: Mental, uncanny dodge: Mental)

Twin Heavy Pistols (Blast 4) (DC 19; Autofire (interval 2, max +5))


Equipment: Twin Heavy Pistols [Twin Heavy Pistols (Blast 4), DC 19; Autofire (interval 2, max +5)]


Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +8, Grapple: +10)


Attacks: Beam Saber Attack (Corrosion 8), +12 (DC Fort/Tou ), Not What You're Looking For (Mind Control ? (DC Will 18), Push (Trip 6) (DC 16), Twin Heavy Pistols (Blast 4), +8 (DC 19), Unarmed Attack, +8 (DC 17)


Defense: +13  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -2


Initiative: +9


Languages: English Native, German, Spanish


Totals: Abilities 38 + Skills 34 (136 ranks) + Feats 27 + Powers 55 + Combat 32 + Saves 14 + Drawbacks 0 = 200


Age (as of Jan 2019): 28

Height: 5’ 5”

Weight: 130 lbs.

Ethnicity: African American

Hair: Black

Eyes: Dark Brown


Background: Regina Marcus was a young woman at loose ends. She was about to graduate with her bachelor’s in astronomy. She did not have a job lined up. This was the end point of her life plan, but they weren’t hiring rookie astronomers. She’d always loved the stars. There had been enough encounters over the past several decades for even an amateur researcher to realize there was life out there. It was a busy universe, and Regina wanted to see it all. She wasn’t good enough to qualify as an astronaut, and NASA wasn’t doing anything special in space anyway. Astronomy was the only way she’d ever get to see the stars in her lifetime. And nobody was hiring. Then she met a man who called himself Brian. He told her he felt something from her he genuinely didn’t expect to find on this planet. A connection to the wider universe. A life force that ran throughout everything in the universe, and she had a small connection to it. He could train her, if she wanted. Teach her how to cultivate that connection and make it stronger. Intrigued, she agreed to meet with him again. And then again. And then again. And finally she agreed to be his apprentice. She learned more in the next four months than she had in the last four years.


Brian was, of course, Brian Matthews aka Adept. As Regina learned more she began to be able to replicate his abilities, albeit at a much lower level of power. She could feel the stars, even if only faintly. He taught her swordsmanship as well, although without using his Beam Sword. This took many bruises, as she was not a natural talent. But most importantly, he taught her the philosophy underlaying all of it. The emotions and/or desires Adept puts into using their power are returned tenfold. Over time (sometimes shockingly short periods) they can alter the Adept’s personality itself. To strike out in anger means becoming a person more likely to do it again, for example. The perils of using an Adept’s power are many. It is all too easy for even those with the best of intentions to become the worst of monsters. It does, however, work both ways. Selfless uses of the power will change the user into a person more likely to be selfless again. So there is a way back for those who fall into the darkness.


 At last, he deemed her ready. He presented her with a pile of parts and a blueprint. Her own Beam Sword. However, there was more to the creation of an Adept’s Beam Sword than the physical. Life force had to be integrated with the construction on a fundamental level. They could, of course, function without this step but those would be mere weapons that could break or fail when most needed. Infusing one with life force during construction linked a Beam Sword with its Adept so that it would be an extension of the Adept their self. Such a thing would be more than the sum of its parts just as an Adept was more than a crude being of flesh and bone. It was the single hardest thing Regina had ever done in her life. The assembly itself was a simple matter of fitting the parts together while bathing them in life force. What would turn it from a mere object to an extension of herself was the initial charging. In perfect meditation, cleansed of toxins and unwanted thoughts, she plugged it in. She bathed every molecule of the weapon in life force and, as energy flowed into its circuits for the very first time, they shifted subtly. They became stronger and more efficient. Even the most minor structural flaws in the components ceased to be. More importantly, she felt these things happening. When she opened her eyes and looked up, two things happened. One, Brian told her it had been three days. This was a record, as far as he knew, so he bestowed the name of Prodigy upon her. The second thing was inviting her to join his work.


Regina was of two minds. BLACK was flouting international law, and that could get her in an incredible amount of trouble. She didn’t want to kill anyone. Who did? Yes, the people BLACK killed, obviously. On the other hand, a lot of people needed protection from mighty enemies, and what else was an Adept (or a Prodigy) for than to save them? So she joined up. Yes, she’s killed people now. No, she’s not happy about it. But pure idealism gave way to a more nuanced practicality a long time ago now. She’d just like the fight to have an end point, but there isn’t one in sight. The cost of seemingly endless warfare is pushing some of her darker emotions to the surface. Whether her self-discipline or her guilt, rage, and despair will dominate her remains to be seen.


Powers & Tactics: Like her teacher Adept, Prodigy has a variety of abilities based on her manipulation of a mysterious “life force” that permeates the entire universe. There’s a long list of things she can do. Enhanced movement, telekinesis, mental illusions, and even a bit of rapid personal healing should she need it. She does not have the power of her teacher, but he says she will get there eventually. She is also a skilled swordswoman, especially with her Beam Sword. It’s magnetically contained plasma (the fourth form matter takes at incredibly high temperatures) in the form of a cylinder. It comes out of a cylindrical handle and it can be turned on and off. And yes, it turns on with that snap-hiss. She was surprised, too. The technology is beyond anything Earth can reproduce outside of the usual gadgeteer geniuses, and even some of them get stumped. It can cut through anything, given a few seconds to work.


In a fight, Prodigy is kind of superheroic. Protecting people comes first, then taking out enemies. Otherwise, she’s a lot like her teacher Adept. She tries to deescalate things and convince the enemies to surrender. But when a fight breaks out, she’ll defend herself with lethal force. She’s just as capable of power stunting as Adept, but bothers about as often as he does. Move Object without the Perception Extra (and thus having 10-11 ranks instead of 6) is also a possibility should she ever need that much lifting ability. In the rare cases she needs ranged power that her pistols can’t provide, there’s always a telekinetic Blast 10 (Accurate, Precise). However, her most useful tool for removing enemies is her Beam Sword, and she uses it more than anything else.


Personality: Prodigy is a woman at a crossroads. She’s come to the gradual realization that what BLACK does is often just as monstrous as what their targets have done, and it’s stirred up all kinds of mental conflict. She knows their targets can’t simply be left alone, and the law is alarmingly insufficient in most cases. Add to that the fact that she’s suffering from post traumatic stress (from A. spending more time in warzones than most soldiers do with no training on how to handle it and B. feeling the vibrant life fade out of people when she or BLACK kills them) and she’s cracking down the middle. What the hell do you do when your moral compass is spinning like a top? What do you do when there aren’t any good choices? The lesser among evils is still an evil. She wanted to be a hero. Save people from darkness and evil. If she had no choice but to spill a little blood, that would be okay. But it never ends. There are always more people willing to go to terrible lengths for their country, their god, money, or just personal enjoyment. It’s enough to make a woman want to tear the world down.

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Paradigm (Leona King)


Power Level: 8; Power Points Spent: 180/180


STR: +5 (20), DEX: +5 (20), CON: +5 (20), INT: +7 (24), WIS: +7 (24), CHA: +7 (24)


Tough: +5/+8, Fort: +8, Ref: +8, Will: +8


Skills: Acrobatics 10 (+15), Computers 13 (+20), Disable Device 8 (+15), Disguise 8 (+15), Drive 5 (+10), Gather Information 13 (+20), Investigate 8 (+15), Knowledge (earth sciences) 3 (+10), Knowledge (physical sciences) 8 (+15), Knowledge (tactics) 3 (+10), Knowledge (technology) 8 (+15), Notice 3 (+10), Pilot 5 (+10), Search 8 (+15), Sense Motive 3 (+10), Stealth 7 (+12), Survival 3 (+10)


Feats: All-Out Attack, Contacts, Eidetic Memory, Equipment 10, Evasion, Improved Aim, Improved Critical (Sniper Rifle (Blast 5)), Improved Initiative, Improvised Tools, Jack-of-All-Trades, Online Research, Power Attack, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Computers, Disguise, Gather Info), Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory), Well-Informed



Arsenal (Array 10) (default power: dazzle)

   Assault Rifle (Blast 5) (Array; DC 20; Autofire (interval 2, max +5))

   Flash Bang (Dazzle 5) (Default; affects: 1 type + visual - auditory, DC 15; Burst Area (25 ft. radius - General))

   Frag Grenade (Blast 5) (Array; DC 20; Burst Area (25 ft. radius - General))

   Heavy Pistol (Blast 4) (Array; DC 19)

   Sniper Rifle (Blast 5) (Array; DC 20, Feats: Improved Critical (Sniper Rifle (Blast 5)); Improved Range 2 (250 ft. incr), Progression, Increase Range 2 (max range x5, 2500 feet))

Concealed Body Armor (Protection 3) (+3 Toughness; Subtle (subtle))

Super Soldier (Container, Passive 2)

   Immunity 1 (aging; Limited - Half Effect)

   Leaping 1 (Jumping distance: x2)

   Quickness 1 (Perform routine tasks at 2x speed)

   Speed 1 (Speed: 10 mph, 88 ft./rnd)

   Super-Senses 6 (extended: Normal Olfactory 1 (-1 per 100 ft), extended (type): Visual 1 (-1 per 100 ft), extended (type): Auditory 1 (-1 per 100 ft), scent)


Equipment: Arsenal [Arsenal (Array 10), default power: dazzle], Binoculars, Cell Phone, Concealable Microphone, Concealed Body Armor [Concealed Body Armor (Protection 3), +3 Toughness; Subtle (subtle)], Desktop Computer, Digital Audio Recorder, Flash Goggles, Flashlight, Gas Mask, Laptop Computer, Lock Release Gun, Multi-Tool, Night Vision Goggles, Parabolic Microphone, PDA, Rebreather, Toolkit (Basic), Video Camera


Attack Bonus: +11 (Ranged: +11, Melee: +11, Grapple: +16)


Attacks: Assault Rifle (Blast 5), +11 (DC 20), Flash Bang (Dazzle 5) (DC Fort/Ref 15), Frag Grenade (Blast 5) (DC 20), Heavy Pistol (Blast 4), +11 (DC 19), Sniper Rifle (Blast 5), +11 (DC 20), Unarmed Attack, +11 (DC 20)


Defense: +8  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -4


Initiative: +9


Languages: English Native


Totals: Abilities 72 + Skills 29 (116 ranks) + Feats 24 + Powers 10 + Combat 38 + Saves 7 + Drawbacks 0 = 180


Age (as of Jan 2019): 10 (chronological) / (26 biological; born 21 biological years old)

Height: 5’ 9”

Weight: 145 lbs.

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Brown


Background: Leona King is a clone created by a rogue member of deep black elements of the US government. The greatest soldier who ever lived provided the DNA. The tale of that soldier, Leonard Kingman, is detailed in Spartan (Leonidas King)’s entry. Leona was trained differently from Leonidas, her “brother”. He was supposed to be the ultimate soldier, and honestly he virtually is. From his personality to his entire skillset, a soldier is who he is. That was the whole point of the project. However, Leona was trained by a old man lonely for his daughter. He didn’t want to make a mere killer. He has higher ambitions. So while Leona was well schooled in combat, she was also highly trained in both the creation and use of technology and spycraft. Finesse as opposed to Leonidas’s brute force. And more than that, that lonely old man provided Leona with a basic grounding in human interaction that Leonidas initially lacked. But alas, the old man’s ambitions were not to be. Elements of the old project discovered how he’d gone rogue, and tracked him down. He was gunned down, only barely able to warn Leona they were coming for her next. She’d been matured for perhaps a week, but she slaughtered the hit team nonetheless. The activity showed up on Vincent Mortelini’s radar through the Phantom Network. He sent Leonidas and a small team to investigate. An…interesting (see tropes: Let’s You & Him Fight and Mirror Match) conversation later, Leona joined BLACK and the Phantom Network. She wasn’t always at the top, but quickly proved she was the only person for the job.


Powers & Tactics: Prodigy technically doesn’t have any superhuman powers. What she does have is the absolute peak of human mental acuity and once in a generation physical ability. Even her senses flirt with being more than human. This was unlocked through genetic experimentation on an already incredible human being in Leonard Kingman. Prodigy surpasses him in every respect by a solid margin, but remains within human possibility. She is a excellent marksman and hand to hand combatant. When in the field, she carries military grade weaponry such as an assault rifle, sniper rifle, and frag grenades.


Let’s get one thing straight. Prodigy doesn’t do a lot of field work for BLACK. She’s far, far more often Mission Control. The entire team relies on her intelligence work much, much more than her gunplay. With that said, she is still beyond what mundane special forces are capable of. When in the field, she follows the same playbook as Spartan does. She doesn’t have his masterful grasp of small unit tactics, however she is better than most. And she has no ego about who gets the credit as long as the job gets done.


Personality: Prodigy is not primarily a soldier. She is a spy, a saboteur, and a consummate master of information gathering. She. Knows. Stuff. It’s her thing. With that said, she is a clone of Leonard Kingman. She has much of the same training as Spartan. As such, her entire personality revolves around her work. She is respectful and polite when addressed, and shows the correct amount of deference to her superiors. She is simply…professional. All the time. She uses her time efficiently. Events and activities are scheduled, with enough flexibility to react to changing circumstances. She does not show much emotion during missions or meetings. However, when gathering information she can be as expressive as anyone. Both the internet and public spaces can be vibrant, emotional places and she can fit in rather easily. She is not a hero, and never claimed to be one or hold to their moral code. Her job is to find the enemy so BLACK or a hit team can kill them. Those who cause significant human suffering and/or profit from same. End of story. Her loyalty to Leonidas is ferocious and ever strengthening. Her commitment to the mission is absolute and has nothing to do with any personal feelings of any kind towards Vincent Mortelini. She’s seen the depths that humanity sinks to, and her ideas of how to deal with such scum are just as murderous as his are. So her feelings on him in particular are irrelevant.

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Relena (unleashed)


Power Level: 15; Power Points Spent: 250/250


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +4 (18), CON: +10 (14/30), INT: +5 (20), WIS: +0 (10), CHA: +7 (24)


Tough: +20, Fort: +10, Ref: +10, Will: +15


Skills: Acrobatics 11 (+15), Bluff 8 (+15), Concentration 15 (+15), Gather Information 1 (+8), Intimidate 13 (+20), Knowledge (business) 10 (+15), Knowledge (civics) 5 (+10), Knowledge (current events) 5 (+10), Knowledge (streetwise) 15 (+20), Language 1 (+1), Notice 8 (+8), Sense Motive 8 (+8)


Feats: Benefit (Status (Leader of the Dean City Yakuza)), Benefit 2 (Wealth), Connected, Improved Initiative



Immunity 1 (aging)

Magical Body (Linked)

   Enhanced Constitution 16 (Linked; +16 CON)

   Protection 10 (Linked; +10 Toughness)

Suppression Necklace (Device 1) (Hard to lose, Only you can use)

   Morph 1 (morph: single appearance - restrained form, +5 Disguise; Action (reaction), Duration (continuous); Metamorph, Subtle (subtle), Notes: Reaction to being put on.)

Unstable Mind (Immunity 10) (emotion effects, interaction skills; Innate)

Vast Magical Power, Unrestrained (Array 38) (default power: transform)

   Careless Destruction (Corrosion 15) (Array; DC 30; Burst Area (75 ft. radius - General))

   Regeneration (Healing 18) (Array; Action (standard), Restoration, Total; Personal; Persistent, Regrowth, Triggered 2 (any trigger))

   Standstill (Snare 15) (Array; DC 25; Burst Area (75 ft. radius - General), Constricting, Regenerating, Transparent; Range (touch); Precise)

   World Is My Plaything (Transform 15) (Default; affects: broad > broad - inorganic to inorganic, Transforms: 50000 lbs., DC 25; Burst Area (75 ft. radius - General); Range (touch); Precise)


Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +8, Grapple: +10)


Attacks: Careless Destruction (Corrosion 15) (DC Fort/Tou ), Standstill (Snare 15) (DC Ref/Staged 25), Unarmed Attack, +8 (DC 17), World Is My Plaything (Transform 15) (DC Fort 25)


Defense: +10  (Flat-footed: +5), Knockback: -10


Initiative: +8


Languages: English Native, Japanese


Totals: Abilities 40 + Skills 25 (100 ranks) + Feats 5 + Powers 123 + Combat 36 + Saves 21 + Drawbacks 0 = 250




Relena (w/Suppression Necklace on)


Power Level: 12; Power Points Spent: 250/250


STR: +5 (20), DEX: +7 (24), CON: +5 (20), INT: +5 (20), WIS: +0 (10), CHA: +7 (24)


Tough: +5/+7, Fort: +10/+15, Ref: +12, Will: +12


Skills: Acrobatics 13 (+20), Bluff 13 (+20), Concentration 15 (+15), Diplomacy 3 (+10), Disable Device 5 (+10), Disguise 5 (+12), Escape Artist 13 (+20), Gather Information 3 (+10), Intimidate 13 (+20), Investigate 5 (+10), Knowledge (business) 10 (+15), Knowledge (civics) 5 (+10), Knowledge (current events) 5 (+10), Knowledge (streetwise) 15 (+20), Language 1 (+1), Notice 12 (+12), Search 7 (+12), Sense Motive 12 (+12), Sleight of Hand 8 (+15), Stealth 13 (+20)


Feats: Attack Focus (melee) 8, Attack Specialization 4 (Relena's Spells (Array 9)), Benefit (Status (Leader of the Dean City Yakuza)), Benefit 2 (Wealth), Chokehold, Connected, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Dodge Focus 5, Elusive Target, Improved Critical (Wushu Techniques (Strike 3)), Improved Grab, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Instant Up, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Relena's Spells (Array 9) (default power: blast)

   Magic Blast (Blast ? (Default; DC 23; Variable Descriptor 2 (Broad group - Any Magical))

   Magic Singularity (Teleport 5) (Array; 500 ft. as move action, 5 miles as full action; Accurate; Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy)

   Mystic Bonds (Snare ? (Array; DC 18; Variable Descriptor 2 (Broad group - Any Magical))

   Shadow Cloak (Concealment ? (Array; all aural senses, all olfactory senses, all visual senses; Close Range, Precise)

Unstable Mind (Immunity 10) (emotion effects, interaction skills)

Vast Magical Power, Restrained (Container, Passive 4)

   Enhanced Trait 5 (Traits: Fortitude +5 (+15))

   Immunity 1 (aging)

   Regeneration 12 (recovery bonus 4 (+4 to recover), recovery rate (bruised) 2 (recover 1 / action), recovery rate (disabled) 2 (recover 1 / hour), recovery rate (injured) 2 (recover 1 / 5 mins), recovery rate (staggered) 2 (recover 1 / 5 mins))

Wushu Techniques (Strike 3) (DC 23, Feats: Improved Critical (Wushu Techniques (Strike 3)); Mighty)


Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +16, Grapple: +21)


Attacks: Magic Blast (Blast 8), +16 (DC 23), Mystic Bonds (Snare 8), +16 (DC Ref/Staged 18), Unarmed Attack, +16 (DC 20), Wushu Techniques (Strike 3), +16 (DC 23)


Defense: +15  (Flat-footed: +5), Knockback: -3


Initiative: +11


Languages: English Native, Japanese


Totals: Abilities 58 + Skills 44 (176 ranks) + Feats 34 + Powers 56 + Combat 36 + Saves 22 + Drawbacks 0 = 250


Age (as of Jan 2019): 29 (chronological) / 21 (permanent biological)

Height: 5’

Weight: 115 lbs.

Ethnicity: Japanese-American

Hair: Black

Eyes: Dark Brown


Background: Relena was born a true Yakuza princess. And probably the most powerful natural mage who’s ever lived. Immense magical power was at her fingertips from the moment she left the womb, enough to casually warp reality in her immediate environs. Fortunately, babies don’t have too much going on in the head initially, so nobody got erased. Unfortunately, such power breeds the desire to possess it for one’s self. The Dean City Yakuza (a member in good standing of the Twelve Familes) were strong in those days, but demons and fell sorcerers were beyond their expertise. Fortunately again, they were not beyond the expertise of the man who calls himself Daimyo. He was not a mage, but a swordsman. Who wielded one of the Three Swords of Amaterasu-no-Okami, one of the most powerful divine artifacts on the planet. Any being that got close to her, he cut. Whoever he cut, died. The beings devious enough to escape his notice Relena herself destroyed. Her parents did not survive the onslaught of her childhood, but Daimyo certainly did. Truthfully, what happened to her parents is unclear. They were not killed, they did not run away, and they were not taken. Relena has no memory doing anything to remove them. They simply…disappeared between bedtime and breakfast one night. Vanished as completely as if they had never been, were it not for their belongings left behind. Daimyo took on the role of surrogate father figure and soon, Dean City’s demented Japanese schoolgirl began to hold greater and greater say in the city’s affairs. And then Vincent Mortelini came home. Over twelve months, he systematically destroyed the Twelve Families. The Dean City Yakuza were not immune to his predations. However, the sheer power of Relena and Daimyo manage to keep him something resembling in check where the other Families mostly could not. And so the schoolgirl quickly became his archnemesis, while she quickly developed a fondness for the broken and murderous vigilante. Then he was locked away. Then he wasn’t. He spent less and less time in Dean City, or at least bothering the Yakuza. Relena missed him. Running/rebuilding a tattered crime syndicate had started to become a dreadful bore without Vincent to spice things up. Even if Daimyo did most of the work. And then, a Dean City PD detective named Katherine died. The dead rose. The resurrected died and joined them. The world-no, all creation-was coming to a swift and terrible end. The Darkest Night was upon the multiverse. Relena could not have possibly cared any less about that. However, Vincent-her Vincent-was in such raw psychic pain she didn’t understand how anyone could possibly ignore it. Oh, right. The dead. End of everything. Tch, people were so easily distracted by unimportant things. She went to him, took him away (pocket dimensions were so useful), and helped him feel better. She did not do this to save the world. She did it to save him. The fondness had developed into a full blown platonic love. For him, she agreed to learn what he would teach. For him, she agreed to the magic power suppressor necklace and tutelage in controlling her magic.  For him, she agreed to work with BLACK and leave Dean City. Daimyo looks after things in her absence. Though she still finds ways to keep life…interesting. Just because she’s his sidekick doesn’t mean she’s about to start neglecting her archnemesis duties. No, sir. Not gonna happen.


Powers & Tactics: Relena is most likely the single most magically powerful mortal on the planet. Hell, in the entire Milky Way. Constantly regenerating magic power is infused into every molecule of her body and completely suffuses her soul. She is able to warp the very fabric of reality with a thought and do things that the most learned of mages deem impossible. It even makes her more durable than titanium. She is not, however, omnipotent. She can do virtually anything, but only in her line of sight. What she cannot do is resurrect the dead or create new matter or energy. She is also limited to her own mortal intellect and imagination. A large enough expenditure of power can leave her fatigued, though those occasions have seen entire neighborhoods rendered unrecognizable or her match her power with beings at the level of a full deity or demon lord. Additionally, until relatively recently she had no magical training of any kind. Thus her subconscious exhibited…interesting effects on her environment and her every stray thought had a chance of becoming reality. This generally doesn’t happen anymore, unless she’s very angry or in some other way has stopped caring enough to contain herself.

With the Suppression Necklace on, she’s become a skilled mage, capable of a wide variety of spells. Blasts & Snares for combat, Concealment for stealth, and teleport for movement. She also bothers to use her expertise in several styles of Wushu. She prefers the more dynamic and flashy styles, but she’s capable of changing gears to more directly punishing styles. Instead of boosting her durability, the restrained magic instead heals her rapidly over time.

Lastly, in both states her mind is so unstable that neither words nor emotion controlling powers have any effect on her.


Relena unleashed doesn’t have any combat tactics. The list of beings that are a threat to her is a short one, and highly unlikely to include anyone in the immediate vicinity. So she plays with her foes, earning her demented Japanese schoolgirl reputation. Liberal use of World Is My Plaything, with Standstill for anyone who gets too…dodgy. Regeneration is always set up and ready to trigger on a Staggered or Disabled condition. Or if she feels like it. Careless Destruction is just that. Breakin’ stuff for the sake of breakin’ stuff. She is, of course, fully capable of power stunting anything under the sun, but those are the most common effects. She does not use lethal damage on living beings under any circumstances.

Suppressed, she plays it with considerably more finesse. Still, she’s here to have a good time. Her base spells have pretty well defined uses. Damage, restrained, transportation, and stealth. She has other spells, but eh. Those get the job done most of the time so they’re good enough. She does not use lethal damage on living beings under any circumstances.


Personality: Relena is…unstable. She’s a cheerful, happy, playful, and highly eccentric young woman. She always wears a pleated skirt, and gets very fussy when she can’t for whatever reason. She doesn’t…do fear. She seems to think the universe exists for her entertainment, and it’s doing a fine job most days. Authority is a concept without meaning to her. She literally doesn’t understand when anyone tries to command her to do something. She also isn’t good at listening when people talk. At any moment, she may become bored and wander off to do her own thing, without saying anything to anyone. In a way, one could say she’s doing her best Peter Pan impression. Capricious and flighty. Fiercely loyal to those who’ve earned her fondness. Extremely dangerous when crossed. And in possession of the emotional maturity (but not the physical or mental maturity) of a child. She isn’t insane, crazy, or whatever word you’d like to use. However, her perspective on reality is deeply skewed by two things. The first is that the world around her has bent to her whim one way or the other for her entire life. The second is that demons and fell sorcerers have been trying to, in one terrible and violent way or another, take her magic for themselves for her entire life. So if she doesn’t like what she’s looking at, she’s always been able to change it with a thought. Daimyo is very likely the only thing that’s kept her on a relatively even keel. Of course, that even keel is a casually amoral reality warper. So a thousand grains of salt on that one. But you know…she’s never actually killed anyone. Demons don’t count. And there’s a thousand terrible ways she could have done permanent harm to other people. Mind alteration being the least of them. But she’s always put people back the way she found them. She says it’s because a person shouldn’t break their toys, but truthfully? Deep down, she doesn’t actually want to hurt anyone. She’s just a girl who wants to have fun. Oh, a girl who wants to have fun. And Vincent Mortelini, in her eyes, is several barrels of fun. Except when he makes the mean eyes at her. She doesn’t like the mean eyes. They’re very hurtful.

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Talia Mortelini


Power Level: 11; Power Points Spent: 250/250


STR: +5 (20), DEX: +7 (24), CON: +5 (20), INT: +3 (16), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +5 (20)


Tough: +8/+9, Fort: +8, Ref: +12, Will: +10


Skills: Acrobatics 8 (+15), Bluff 15 (+20), Diplomacy 10 (+15), Disable Device 12 (+15), Disguise 10 (+15), Drive 3 (+10), Escape Artist 8 (+15), Gather Information 10 (+15), Knowledge (behavioral science) 7 (+10), Knowledge (business) 7 (+10), Knowledge (current events) 7 (+10), Knowledge (streetwise) 12 (+15), Language 1 (+1), Notice 12 (+15), Search 7 (+10), Sense Motive 12 (+15), Sleight of Hand 8 (+15), Stealth 13 (+20), Survival 2 (+5)


Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, All-Out Attack, Attack Specialization (Sword (Device 2)), Attack Specialization (Telescoping Spikes (Blast 3)), Benefit (Status (Vice President of Public Relations, Only Mortal Enterprises)), Benefit 2 (Wealth), Challenge - Improved Feint, Challenge - Improved Taunt, Chokehold, Connected, Contacts, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus 4, Elusive Target, Equipment 3, Evasion, Fascinate (Bluff), Grappling Finesse, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Critical 2 (Sword Attack (Strike 3)), Improved Initiative, Improved Pin, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Skill Mastery 2 (Acro, Bluff, Diplo, Dis Dev, Notice, Sen Mot, SoH, Stealth), Takedown Attack 2, Taunt, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Immortal (Immunity 1) (aging)

Literally Can't Die (Regeneration 45) (ability damage 8 (recover 1 / round without rest), recovery bonus 4 (+4 to recover), recovery rate (bruised) 3 (recover 1 / round without rest), recovery rate (disabled) 8 (recover 1 / round without rest), recovery rate (injured) 6 (recover 1 / round without rest), recovery rate (staggered) 6 (recover 1 / round without rest), resurrection 10 (instantly))

Numbed Emotions (Immunity 5) (emotion effects; Limited - Half Effect)

Polyglot (Comprehend 3) (languages - read all, languages - speak all, languages - understand all; Limited (To Earth languages with more than a million speakers))

Surprisingly Tough (Protection 3) (+3 Toughness)

Sword (Device 2) (Easy to lose)

   Sword Attack (Strike 3) (DC 23, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Sword Attack (Strike 3)); Penetrating [1 extra rank]; Mighty)

Telescoping Spikes (Blast 3) (DC 23; Mighty 5 (+5 to damage))

Vest (Impervious Toughness 6) (Limited (To Ballistic, Slashing, and Piercing Attack descriptors))


Equipment: Telescoping Spikes [Telescoping Spikes (Blast 3), DC 23; Mighty 5 (+5 to damage)], Vest [Vest (Impervious Toughness 6), Limited (To Ballistic, Slashing, and Piercing Attack descriptors)]


Attack Bonus: +12 (Ranged: +12, Melee: +12, Grapple: +19)


Attacks: Sword Attack (Strike 3), +14 (DC 23), Telescoping Spikes (Blast 3), +14 (DC 23), Unarmed Attack, +12 (DC 20)


Defense: +12  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -7


Initiative: +11


Languages: English, Italian Native


Totals: Abilities 56 + Skills 41 (164 ranks) + Feats 37 + Powers 61 + Combat 40 + Saves 15 + Drawbacks 0 = 250


Age (as of Jan 2019): 102 (chronological) / 25 (permanent biological)

Height: 5’ 7”

Weight: 140 lbs.

Ethnicity: Italian

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Background: Talia Mortelini was born to the Mortelini family, a family of professional assassins. She was well trained and earned the family quite a pretty penny over the years. This was a little unusual, as the family’s assassins were traditionally male. But Talia, from a very young age, showed a real aptitude in the skills and attitude required. And so it was…until 1957, when everything changed. Though technically the Mortelinis were independent contractors, in practice they tended to work out of Dean City for one of the Twelve Families more than anyone else. Which ended up presenting a problem. The Families’s new overboss wanted them all to himself. One those young men who values shows of loyalty over honor. Talia’s father refused. The Mortelinis had been independent for decades. There was no way that would change. The new boss was angry at having his authority flouted so casually, and decided to have the family annihilated. They killed her father and her brother, and they thought they’d successfully gunned her down as well. Then they went for her nephew, Vincent, and his family. The specifics of that are in his entry. Talia was merely trying not to bleed to death when her survival was discovered. She fought her way up through the building and to the roof, only to be shot off it.Three stories later she bounced off a car. She had nothing left, struggling to even crawl away. Vincent came to her rescue. She had just enough time to tell him what was happening and who was responsible. And then, Talia Mortelini died. She was 40 years old.


In 2005, loyal ninja cultists performed a profane magical ritual to summon an avatar of their terrible deity. Said rituals had been mistranslated many years ago, however, and the result was the resurrection of Talia Mortelini. She did not know it then, but she now bore one of the Seven Sorceries, incredibly potent enchantment created near the dawn of civilization to protect humankind from the monsters and demons of the day. Every erg of magic and life in seven of the mightiest magicians to ever walk the earth is in one of the Sorceries. Together, a full 49 are represented. Life itself now flowed through Talia in nigh infinite quantity. The cultists did not know what their avatar would look like, exactly, so they thought it was Talia. They offered up their sacrifice, a young girl and her mother. Talia declined to murder a child, specifically by taking the offered knife and slaughtering every cultist in the room with it. She escorted the mother and child out of the area, and then had to play bodyguard for a while afterward. The ninja cultists weren’t all in that room and were very offended by her killing of their associates. So not only did the girl and her mother have to die, she did too. The escalating series of battles attracted the attention of the Phantom Network. Soon, BLACK eradicated the ninja cultists and Vincent met his aunt again, 48 years later.


Powers & Tactics: Talia is an assassin. She is stealthy, acrobatic, and a masterful face woman. She has masterful skill in a wide variety of melee combat options (including unarmed styles such as Muay Thai and Tae Kwon Do), but prefers her sword. She is a great shot and masterful with her train mark telescoping throwing spikes that she keeps in her wristbands. Her assassin training and natural aptitudes have resulted in a degree of emotional numbness that provides resistance to attempt to manipulate them with words or powers. Prior to her death, she had no powers of any kind. However, since her resurrection she has been merged of one of the Seven Sorceries. As stated, life flows through her in nigh infinite quantity. What this does is render her effectively immortal. Any damage is completely healed in seconds. She is flatly incapable of aging. She literally cannot die. (M&M rules aside).


Tactically Talia is, well, an assassin. She’s a much bigger fan of the Power Attack from Stealth than a straight fight. If she can do it with her Telescoping Spikes instead of her Sword, all the better. With her Stealth bonus, Skill Mastery, and Hide In Plain Sight, this is borderline effortless. But she’s also got more than enough skill to Feint just about anyone out of their shoes. As an assassin, she doesn’t hesitate for a moment to kill. But these days her targets are as far from innocent as it’s possible to be.


Personality: To study Talia is to quickly become confused. Is she an actual sociopath pretending to not to be? Or is she someone whose training and experiences have made her very good at pretending to be one? The answer isn’t an easy one. She says she doesn’t remember being dead, but one would think with her skill at lying she’d tell that one better. She wasn’t anywhere near this sexually promiscuous. She didn’t seem to turn her emotions on and off like there was an internal switch. She did not find actual pleasure in killing, she merely had a talent for it. She did not cling to her Catholic faith this strongly, either. She barely went to Mass before. There are times when it seems like there’s something deeply, deeply wrong with her on a fundamental level, and then there are times where she’s a perfectly normal person.

 So what’s the truth? Even Talia herself doesn’t know, but there are a few signposts. She went to Hell when she died. Hell is more horrific than the mortal mind can conceive of, and she spent almost five decades there. And very minute she was reminded of how much she deserved to be there. The Mortelini mental training taught her how to disassociate emotionally so they could perform at peak efficiency on missions. In her nephew Vincent, this manifested as the idea that someone else named Ghost was doing the killing. But he wasn’t especially talented with the technique. Talia was extremely talented with it. She could effectively shut the feeling human part of her off for a while, long enough to do the job. The problem, however, is that it was never meant to deal with what she has. The psychological damage of betrayal, death, Hell, a mass murderer’s guilt, resurrection, and learning she’d live past the heat death of the universe has broken all of her mental machinery. She hasn’t gone utterly insane, which is a testament to the strength of her mind. But the scattered bits of her mental technique are no longer entirely under her conscious control. Parts of herself she’d always kept under control (everyone has weird and/or horrifying impulses/thoughts/desires, after all) can and do go wildly out of it. Her mind has gone from a disciplined and orderly place to a chaotic disaster. She retains enough self discipline to keep a lid on it, but only just. As stated, she’s not aware this has happened. She’s not even consciously aware there’s anything wrong.

At any rate, certain things remain constant. She loves her nephew and supports him in his endeavours. Even if it’s an act for today, she’s the single most personable and approachable member of BLACK. She has utterly abandoned being an assassin for pay, and now kills to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

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Zack Mortelini


Power Level: 11; Power Points Spent: 250/250


STR: +10 (20/30), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +10 (-/30), INT: +3 (16), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +3 (16)


Tough: +10/+11, Fort: +10, Ref: +10, Will: +10


Skills: Acrobatics 12 (+15), Diplomacy 7 (+10), Drive 7 (+10), Gather Information 12 (+15), Intimidate 12 (+15), Investigate 7 (+10), Knowledge (streetwise) 12 (+15), Notice 12 (+15), Search 7 (+10), Sense Motive 12 (+15), Stealth 12 (+15)


Feats: Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (ranged) 4, Attack Specialization (Unarmed Attack), Benefit (Status (Director of Dean City Operations, Only Mortal Enterprises), Benefit 2 (Wealth), Chokehold, Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus 2, Improved Critical (Twin Handcannon Shots (Blast 6)), Improved Pin, Power Attack, Skill Mastery (Gather Info, Intimidate, KN (streetwise), Stealth), Startle, Takedown Attack 2, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Living Dead Man (Container, Passive 23)

   Enhanced Constitution 30 (+30 CON)

   Enhanced Strength 10 (+10 STR)

   Immunity 10 (aging, life support)

   Immunity 30 (fortitude saves; Limited - Half Effect)

   Immunity 40 (nonlethal energy damage, nonlethal physical damage; Limited (Converts to Lethal))

   Impervious Fortitude 10

   Regeneration 20 (ability damage 8 (recover 1 / round without rest), recovery rate (disabled) 4 (recover 1 / 5 mins), recovery rate (injured) 6 (recover 1 / round without rest), resurrection 2 (1 day))

Twin Handcannons (Device 4) (Easy to lose)

   Twin Handcannon Shots (Blast 6) (DC 21, Feats: Improved Critical (Twin Handcannon Shots (Blast 6)); Autofire (interval 2, max +5); Accurate (+2))


Attack Bonus: +10 (Ranged: +14, Melee: +10, Grapple: +20)


Attacks: Twin Handcannon Shots (Blast 6), +16 (DC 21), Unarmed Attack, +12 (DC 25)


Defense: +10  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -5


Initiative: +3


Languages: English Native


Totals: Abilities 24 + Skills 28 (112 ranks) + Feats 21 + Powers 127 + Combat 36 + Saves 14 + Drawbacks 0 = 250


Age (as of Jan 2019): 70 (chronological) / mid 30s (appearance)

Height: 6’ 5”

Weight: 280 lbs.

Ethnicity: Dead-ish Italian American

Hair: Black (Dyed; naturally bone white)

Eyes: Dark brown


Background: Zack Mortelini is Vincent’s son. Kind of. You see, Zack Mortelini, original version (by the name of Sergio), died with his parents and his sister Emilia. This was not, however, the end of either. Vincent’s first death made him reach out instinctively with his still unknown Guardian of Death powers to save his children. He neither knew what he was doing or that he was doing it. He was too busy dying at the time. So, obviously, he screwed it up. Not only were the effects not immediately apparent (as in Vincent was long gone from Dean City before either effect finished), but they were straight out of a horror movie. Sergio came back from the dead, all right, but he wasn’t alive. He was just (mostly) a zombie with the intellect of an eight year old. He clawed his way out of his casket (because yes, he didn’t wake up until after he was buried) and wandered dull minded out into the world. Emilia’s soul was split in half. Half flew on up to heaven, and half was stuck on Earth. This was extremely disorienting, to say the least, and it would take her decades to realize what had happened. When she did, she would become a major thorn in the side of her father and BLACK. Meanwhile, nonsensically, Sergio grew up. On the streets, no less. He was kind of a superhero for a few years (inspired by the first Starman’s debut in 1961), then ran into something his undead (mostly) body couldn’t handle (Combat training? What combat training?) and was blown to tiny pieces. He was dead. Again. But, again, this wasn’t the end of him. Because an old mad scientist cloned him. Still with me? Good. Sergio lived again, in a different body. His memories were intact, up to the point of his second demise. Did this make sense? Hell, no. But you know what? Screw it. He was back, baby. And not too dull witted this time. Good deal. His heroic career lasted significantly longer this time (three cheers for combat training) and he died a hero, saving Chicago from a massive bomb on a blimp. He was completely incinerated. But the mad scientist, now very old, cloned the clone. It was the last thing said mad scientist ever did, as their body finally gave out of them. Sergio, round…four? Yeah, sure. But you know…he didn’t feel like Sergio anymore. He was the clone of a clone of the original, who had literally died (Twice!) before being cloned. So…hell with it, he’d take a new name. Zack. He superhero’d (in violent Iron Age fashion) for a while longer, then felt Dean City calling him home. He arrived just in time for his dad to start his war against the Twelve Families. Ah, father and son reunited. Kind of. They’ve worked together off and on ever since.


Powers & Tactics: Zack Mortelini is dead. Kind of. Look, it varies from day to day and week to week. His body is suspended between life and death, the changes in him apparently written into his very DNA. Without his powers, he would be nothing more than a fresh corpse. With them, he almost doesn’t need to eat or sleep. He has no need to breathe. Disease, poison, summer’s heat and winter’s chill have no effect. His bodily cohesion is incredibly strong. He’s strong enough to crack steel and can endure blows that would crush normal humans. He heals rapidly from injuries, though more severe ones take a few minutes. Hell, if his body hasn’t been destroyed, he’ll just come back from death (the mechanical state, he’s not actually dead) the next day. But it’s not all rosy. His position between life and death oscillates. He can swing toward life and suddenly find himself needing to breathe with a pulmonary system that can barely perform that function. He can catch a cold, start sweating on a hot day, shivering on a cold one, or get unexpectedly drunk from all the liquor he swills. And it always hurts. The closer to life he gets, the more pain he experiences. Such agony, as only a man with all of his organs near total failure can experience. If he swings closer to death, well…his mind dulls. His reflexes grow sluggish. A terrible hunger gnaws at his belly that cannot be sated by mere food. But what the hell, he’s still around. Might as well may something of it. He has two heavy pistols that he’s had modified to be real nail drivers. He’s a masterful shot with them, and an expert in hand to hand combat.


Tactically, Zack is a brawler with a pair of nail driver pistols and an utter disregard for finesse. He can sneak and  play it quiet, sure, but when the fight starts he’s only got one speed. All out, pedal to the metal violence.


Personality: Have you seen the movie Sin City? Or read the comic it’s based on by Frank Miller (prior to his descent into insanity)? If you have, Zack is Marv. Especially as portrayed by Mickey Rourke in the movie. Tough guy. Got rules. Keeps his word once given. Doesn’t hit girls. Chain smokes and drinks excessively. A good old fashioned badass. Whose mind can get fuzzy and confused sometimes. He’s probably a little too violent, if such a thing is possible in Dean City. (Spoiler: It is generally not.) Thuggish, sure, but with a firm sense of honor and strong loyalty to those who earn it. And in the grand tradition of Dean City (be they “hero” or villain), he just doesn’t give a fuck. Pull a knife, and he’ll break your arm. Pull a gun, and he’ll break your face. Threaten someone he cares about or has promised to protect, and he’ll put you in traction. Actually harm them, and he’ll put you in the morgue. Whatever you’ve got going on isn’t going to impress the guy who’s literally died three friggin’ times. And he really enjoys a good scrap, so go ahead and start one. He’ll gladly finish it for you.

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BLACK & The Phantom Network in the Freedomverse


Let’s get one thing clear first. In the Freedomverse, BLACK is generally regarded a supervillain group. Let’s be real, here. They’re basically Vincent Mortelini’s personal murder squad. They answer to no authority but their own, and globetrot like national boundaries don’t exist. So yeah, regarded as supervillains. But to treat them one note mustache twirlers in your game is to, I think, do them a disservice. The point of my creating them in the first place (aside from making a boogeyman to get all the evils of the world thus making me feel better; I am self aware about that part) is to introduce moral uncertainty into a superheroic world. Because there are people the law will never significantly touch, even in the most optimistic of superhero comics. Superheroes don’t go around deposing dictatorial governments, or fighting other countries civil wars. You don’t typically see superheroes digging into the really nasty and hideous things that humans do to one another. Superheroes can’t solve larger scale problems like the drug trade, international terrorism, or human trafficking. At least, not within the rules they have set for themselves. Don’t kill. Work within the law. Protect and serve. Etcetera, you know how this works.


BLACK, to a person, has had experiences that caused them to throw that rulebook out. People are suffering, and they have the power to make it stop. Or at least, to make sure that specific flavor never happens again. Unlike every other example of such a group from the superheroic world, they make no claim of being heroes or having the moral high ground. They don’t seek out admiration or glory. And most importantly, they’re extremely effective. Which brings us back to the moral uncertainty. They are all (with the possible exception of Prodigy), unrepentant killers. However, all that bloodshed has been a net good. The world is demonstrably a better place with them in it, doing what they do. So what does a regular superhero do? What they’re doing is wrong, no doubt about it. But stopping them would make the world a worse place. It’s an interesting dilemma, I think. And for the record, in the Phoenixverse both approaches are necessary. The ones who can be stopped by reason and law are stopped by superheroes. But when that’s not effective, BLACK comes down like the Wrath of God.


Moving on to the Phantom Network, the moral uncertainty gets worse. Because the vast majority of them are ordinary people. They’re not killers or spies. They’re people who keep their eyes and ears open and say something. They come from all walks of life and work in all occupations. They could be your doctor, your kid’s school bus driver, or who you call for tech support. The lower levels could be literally anyone, and that gives UNISON fits. The only thing these people have in common is some sort of tragedy in their background. They, or someone close to them, were made to suffer a horrible fate by the deliberate actions of someone else. Oh, and the experience made this person determined to never see such a thing happen to anyone ever again. No vengeful motivations here. Sigh. Needle, meet haystack. The mid levels are a bit easier to track. As a rule, they tend to be roughly equivalent to police detectives or government agents in ability, and that means training. Such training can often be tracked or traced. This, along with the prior partial psychological profile, makes the haystack smaller.  But the high levels go right back to maddeningly anonymous. Because these are the people who’ve learned something about covering their tracks, and the people Paradigm makes a personal effort to keep hidden. And the hell of it is, this means there’s no way of knowing who in UNISON (or AEGIS, for that matter) is a member of the Network. These people don’t have different loyalties, like agents  of SHADOW would. They do their jobs properly, and when their parent agency (whoever it may be) can’t handle a situation they pass that info on to the Network. Who may, in turn, quietly reciprocate. Nobody knows how many hot tips from an agent’s sources originated from the Phantom Network. So, once again, moral uncertainty appears.


With that out of the way, let’s talk actual supervillains and supervillainous organizations. BLACK and the Phantom Network have done more to disrupt SHADOW’s operations globally than any other organization. Overshadow would pay dearly for Vincent Mortelini’s head on a pike, as he’s cost the old Nazi sorcerer much in skilled personnel and material over the years. The Foundry, being composed of more robots and androids than people, has been a tougher nut to crack. Still, they make their weapons deals with people and as the Network has expanded there have been more and more people to pick on a clue to the location of one of their facilities. Talos’s efforts to counter BLACK have so far been unsuccessful, and it is said that he is growing increasingly irritated. The Labyrinth, on the other hand, BLACK and the Phantom Network have no idea exists. Vincent’s known for decades (that “knowing how people think” thing in action), and many of BLACK’s missions that he’s done on trust and not intel have hindered a piece of Taurus’s operations. So far, Taurus has not open tipped that he knows that Vincent knows, but the big bull has to know by now. Paradigm is on the verge of figuring the whole thing out for herself, and then there’ll probably be some fireworks. And of course, BLACK and various Network squads spend the rest of their time hammering organized crime, terrorists, nefarious cults, etcetera.

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  • 2 months later...



NPC Investigations is a private detective agency located in New York City. It is…unique among super powered groups for explicitly not being either the hero or villain side. If we were using the d20 system, these would be the Neutral people. But we’re not, so it’s a touch more complex than that. They don’t want to Do Good and they sure as hell don’t want to Do Evil. If forced to choose, they’d rather be on the hero team, but that’s got more to do with them (mostly) adhering to society’s rules. They’re not here to change or shape the world, they’re here to live in it. The agency is a job, not a calling. They work for pay, not for love of helping people. Though that can play a role in who accepts which case. Though of late, the personal issues of the partners and senior associates are beginning to seriously overshadow case work.


Like any organization, there’s a hierarchy in place. At the top stand the three partners, under them are the senior associates, and under them is everyone else. Unique to NPC Investigations is the concept of the junior associate rotation. In theory, the junior associates can work as little or as much as they want. This is technically true of the partners and senior associates, but only because they’ve known each other for years and are reliably workaholic. The difference is that junior associates are paid by the case and are not salaried. This allows anyone who meets hiring standards to have a flexible work schedule, as previously stated. But it also removes the financial “cap” on how many employees the agency can have that salaried or even hourly wages would place. This sounds somewhat…scummy, but it isn’t. The only thing preventing every junior associate from working effectively full time is that there simply aren’t that many cases available. This is a thing that is changing as the partners and senior associates grow ever more embroiled in their personal affairs. The promotion of James Scott to senior associate (and official command of the junior associate rotation) was a sign of this, and more promotions may be in the offing. In the meantime, there’s more work than ever available for enterprising junior associates.


Style Notes: Of course, all the cases are in comic book or pulp novel style. Murders, thefts, kidnappings, missing persons, and protection details are some relatively common case types. Rarely does an NPC detective take the classic cheating spouse or stealing employee case. Most cases don’t involve superhuman powers or abilities, but mundane humans can be alarmingly lethal to the incautious junior associate. The few that do (and aren’t handed by a partner or senior associate) are extremely dangerous. It is recommended to bring allies or fellow associates. NPC detectives may also be asked to help out the City of New York with their specific powers or field of expertise. For a fee, of course.  Such activities include but are not limited to: Building demolition, corpse retrieval, search and rescure, and SWAT being unable to handle a super criminal. The latter is, of course, extremely dangerous to the incautious junior associate and so is most often handled by the partners and seniors associates. But not always.


The members of NPC Investigations are as follows

The Partners

Penny Nihara

Carla Perkins

Edwin Christian


Senior Associates

Sonya Harmon

Harmony Perez

James Scott


Junior Associate Rotation (small sampling)

Ricardo Alvarez

Teresa Maria Amarista-Mcleod

Elinah Monroe

Immortia (Tia Hammond)

Eiko Takanouchi


Other Titles

Willa Hawke (culinary specialist)

Kazuma Nihara (Clan Nihara Trainee)

Rumiko Nihara (Clan Nihara Trainee)

Sofia Harmon (Receptionist)

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Hayden Street, famous private detective, opens an office in New York City with the modern day samurai Eiko Takanouchi as receptionist.

Street recruits Penny Nihara from Japan after rescuing her from her ninja clan.

Street recruits Carla Perkins fresh from telling the NYPD Chief of Department and Chief of Detectives where to stick it.

Street recruits Edwin Christian as a part timer to aid in his recovery from touch telepathy addiction.



Street Investigations begins to find its footing as an agency, quickly becoming a go to for difficult or unusual cases.

Seeking to free up Eiko Takanouchi’s time for casework, Hayden Street hires Sonya Harmon to take over as receptionist.

Carla Perkins injected with serum (by the mad Dr. Chromium) that turns her into organic metal person. Her fiancée does not survive his injection.

James Scott, an old associate of Hayden’s, starts doing occasional freelance work for the agency.

Edwin Christian moves to full time associate.

Hayden Street learns of the existence of the Coin of the Fallen.



Hayden Street recruits Harmony Perez and Willa Hawke as sacrificial victims to power his wizardry. He resurrects them immediately after each ritual. They do not remember the event. Obviously, Hayden tells no one he is doing this. Harmony is officially the librarian and Willa is the culinary specialist.

Mieko Shimada and his ninja squad make their first attempt to capture Penny Nihara. They number five in all.

Sonya Harmon begins taking on minor cases, with Harmony or Willa filling in for her occasional absences.

Penny Nihara, Carla Perkins, and Edwin Christian begin to make a name for themselves outside of being associates in Street Investigations.

Hayden Street finds the Coin of the Fallen. He reverts himself to the deathless wizard Roger Simon and destroys the Street Investigations building. In the process, Eiko Takanouchi dissolves into the demonic souled swordswoman Eve. The two of them easily kick Penny Nihara, Carla Perkins, and Edwin Christian’s collective asses. Two of the Seven Sorceries (the Coin and Eve’s power boosting headband) are loose in the world. Street Investigations is no more. Roger Simon and Eve take off for parts unknown.



NPC Investigations is founded. Penny Nihara, Carla Perkins, and Edwin Christian are the partners. Sonya Harmon is both receptionist and associate. Harmony Perez is an associate. Willa Hawke continues as culinary specialist.

Mieko Shimada and his ninja squad make their second attempt to capture Penny Nihara. The squad takes their first casualty. There are now only four.

NPC Investigations begins taking on a rotating cast of part time junior associates. James Scott is among them, as are Ricardo Alvarez and Tessa Macleod (who are still NYPD detectives at this time). Rick & Tessa do not accept payment at this time, being (as far as the NYPD is concerned) unofficial liaisons to NPC when they appear.

Independently, Penny Nihara, Carla Perkins, and Edwin Christian pick up cases that lead them into a team up with The Exiles.

Carla Perkins picks up her first clue as to the location of the mad Dr. Chromium.

Edwin Christian deals with a rogue telepathic kidnapper, and in the process discovers his non blood related uncle Chase Martin’s telepathy and part in his parents’ deaths.



NPC Investigations expands their junior associate program. The fledgling First Gen (of the Exiles) rotate through, as does Jessica Knight (daughter of Sir Randall aka the hero Crusader and The World’s Finest Chemist Morgan Knight aka Lady Alchemist).

Mieko Shimada and his ninja squad make their third attempt at capturing Penny Nihara. Another of their number is slain, leaving the total membership at three.

The Exiles return last year’s favor in helping to solve a critical case before it was too late.

Sonya Harmon learns on her true ancestry as a fire elemental, but still remembers none of it.

Harmony Perez’s superhuman intellect become glaringly obvious, as does Willa Hawke’s power of randomly knowing things.

Carla Perkins begins tracing Dr. Chromium in earnet.

Edwin Christian begins platonically dating Tessa Mcleod.



The returns of Roger Simon and Eve to both New York City throws all of NPC Investigations off kilter. They do not join the agency, and in fact are on business of their own.

Mieko Shimada and his ninja squad make one last attempt at Penny Nihara. The impatient penny slays the last two squad members this time, leaving Mieko all alone.

The Exiles crossover officially becomes an annual event, with the full (at the time) complement of both groups on hand. Lots of fighting bad guys, not so much detective work. Maybe next year.

Carla Perkins locates Dr. Chromium and bulls her way through his defenses. However, he had departed scant hours before, unaware of her pursuit. Back to square one.

Edwin Christian prepares and then leads a hostile takeover and fully reclaims Christian Holdings from Chase Martin. Trust fund kid no more, now he is a CEO. It doesn’t require his full attention, so he remains with the agency.

Year’s end brings the truth about Sonya Harmon’s birth, powers, and memory loss in a massive event. Banishment wasn’t good enough for the renegade master fire elemental, says one Summer Court faction. She must die. The entire full time team dodges assassination attempts while navigating Fae politics to save their colleague. Sonya gets most of her memories as the Elemental Lord of Fire back.



Fresh off their adventure in the Summer Court of Faerie, there’s no time to celebrate. Roger Simon is waiting in their offices with an offer the team can’t refuse. He’s here as a client, and he’s willing to pay big bucks. Eve’s gone missing, and he wants her found. The case is only awkward, not difficult. The two are reunited after a brief scuffle with some overly ambitious Mafiosi mages.

The desperate Mieko Shimada takes on Penny Nihara one last time. He takes her to the absolute limit, but in the end is slain. Notably, Penny attempted to avoid killing him but was left with no choice if she wanted to remain alive.

The annual Exiles crossover is much less dramatic this time around, focusing on character interplay instead of bombastic action. Still not lots of detective work. Maybe next year.

Carla Perkins grows notably more obsessive in her pursuit of Dr. Chromium. Leads are scanty and clues to his whereabouts few and far between, but she will not let it go.

Edwin Christian fends off a potent assassin, a hostile takeover of Christian Holdings, and a suddenly amorous Tessa Mcleod. The culprit behind all three is clearly Chase Martin, but there is no proof.

Sonya Harmon, to her irritation, is further drawn into Summer Court politics. She ends up incinerating a squad of trolls to get her “leave me alone” point across. Instead, she gains the interest of the Elemental Lords (her former peers).

A fatally poisoned kunoichi ambushes Penny Nihara with an important message. Mieko Shimada’s death was the last straw. Her ninja clan has mandated her death for defying their will, and the death of anyone who gets in the way of that objective. The kunoichi then dies. Penny knows her friends and colleagues will stand by her. So she uses her skills to disappear into the world.


2015 (aka Year of the Ninja)

The team discovers Penny’s disappearance, but have no clue as to the cause. James Scott to the rescue. The ninja clans are moving. And he’s not just some skilled middle aged guy. He’s that James Scott, legendary intelligence agent and brother to the near mythical intelligence agent David Scott. One of said ninja clans is about to make a big play to remove a rogue member. Most likely that this is Penny.

Armed with this new information, Carla Perkins sets her investigative mind and James Scott’s contacts to finding Penny Nihara.

Edwin Christian, Sonya Harmon, and Harmony Perez gain some aid in their search from The Exiles during the yearly crossover.

Said trio then orchestrates the gradual shut down of the junior associate rotation, wrapping up cases to ease the load. Because they’re going after Penny when Carla finds her location.

Roger Simon pops up to lend his assistance to the search. No strings attached, though Eve is less than pleased with that.

Penny Nihara is discovered to be in the last place ninja would expect her to be. Japan, right under their very noses. With all active cases wrapped up, Willa Hawke is left behind to manage the office as the NPC Investigations team hops on Christian Holdings’ private jet.

The behind the scenes work of James Scott (and the sensibility of the other ninja clan heads) restrains the wrath of Penny’s grandmaster until the reunified team (to Penny’s chagrin) can storm the secret ninja training ground. It all ends with a duel to the death. Penny and her clan’s grandmaster, one on one. A brutal fight leaves her the victor…and new grandmaster of freshly renamed Clan Nihara. Penny drops her first F-bomb. Loudly. The grudge is settled for all time. A pair of young trainees (the Chi power focused Kazuma and the kunoichi Rumiko) will accompany the new grandmaster back to the US.


2016 (aka the Year of Chrome)

With Penny Nihara’s old troubles put to rest (and new ones just beginning), the team gets the agency back on track. New cases, the restart of the junior associate rotation, and an overall relaxed and victorious feel. That is, until Willa has one of her flashes of knowledge. It’s the first solid lead Carla Perkins has had on Dr. Chromium in literal years, and her obsession is firmly triggered. She disappears into the investigation, leaving the rest of the team to handle the agency. Over the course of the year, she ropes in various members of the agency to aid in her quest for vengeance.

Penny Nihara spends some time tutoring the ninja trainees Kazuma and Rumiko on the fine arts of getting along in New York City without killing anyone. Even if it would ease traffic. She finds it incredibly weird and awkward to be a mentor figure. The trainee’s deadly enthusiasm is not helpful. Not at all. She is too occupied by this task to notice just how single minded Carla has gotten.

With Penny and Carla both busy with personal issues (though the former does handle her share of cases this year), Edwin Christian becomes the public face of the agency. He and Tessa Mcleod’s relationship takes a step past the platonic, as well. However, just like Penny, between casework, Tessa, and managing Christian Holdings, he is too busy to notice Carla’s obsession has reached a dangerous level.

Sonya Harmon introduces has a little sister, Sofia, who has always existed. Nobody knew about her until now, that’s all. Sonya is lying, of course. Sofia is the daughter of the Earth Elemental Lord, and she…needs some seasoning. Sonya doesn’t have much choice in the matter due to her troll incineration of two years prior. She has even less choice about keeping it a secret. Fae magics tweak the world into believing Sofia has always existed. Dealing with the haughty Sofia is a second full time job, leaving Sonya with no time to notice the rising tide of Carla’s obsession.

Harmony Perez takes on the biggest caseload of anyone in the agency. She does have the most free time out of all the veterans (a lack of a personal life, let alone any drama in it, will do that), but even then she’s overdoing it. Her intellect seems to be increasing again, as well. Something’s quietly going wrong with her biology, and no one else is aware of it. They’re all too busy. Harmony makes do with medical treatments of her own design.

The annual Exiles crossover is a rushed affair featuring the new Second Gen. Barely more than a “let’s get to know the new team”, let alone any real action or detective work. Maybe next year. Radical Dreamer pops in to warn about Harmony and Carla, but once again everyone’s just too damn busy.

Carla Perkins successfully tracks down Dr. Chromium, and sets off to brutally murder him in revenge for the death of her fiancée all those years ago. He has a few people with lesser versions of her powers working for him. She, in her single minded state, blows through them like they don’t exist. It is, at last, Harmony who notices something amiss, and sends both Penny and Edwin after her. Sonya and Harmony were going to go, but Harmony abruptly collapses and Sonya is rushing her to the emergency room. Penny and Edwin find Carla about to empty her gun into Dr. Chromium. She’d bulled her way through of his defenses and defenders. She was truly his greatest creation. He really needed to shut up, but mad scientists gonna monologue. His lair was a scene of brutal violence, completely unlike Carla. Penny and Edwin both take their shots at convincing Carla not to kill Dr. Chromium, but both completely fail. But she simply can’t do it. It just wasn’t who she was. So she called the cops, who had a bazillion warrants out for the guy. And she let them arrest her for the assault on his lair, and Penny and Edwin helplessly look on. Meanwhile, Harmony flatlines in the ER. End of year.


2017 (aka the Year of Disharmony)

So, let’s recap. Penny Nihara and Edwin Christian have entirely too much on their plates. Sonya Harmon’s keeping one hell of a secret. Carla Perkins is in jail. Oh, and Harmony Perez just died. Not the best way to start a new year. But the junior associate rotation is back in full swing. James Scott is running the show, more or less. Ricardo Alvarez and Tessa Mcleod rejoin the rotation. Tessa’s gone from the NYPD, so she can even get paid now. Sofia Harmon is…trying…at the reception desk.

Harmony’s autopsy reveals something interesting. She was not a human being. This is odd, as Harmony’s physical from joining the agency showed her to be very much human. Even her DNA is wildly incorrect. The inescapable conclusion is that this isn’t Harmony. She’d been replaced at some point by a duplicate so perfect even it didn’t know it wasn’t her. When did this happen? And did it happen to anyone else on the team? Hello, paranoia.

Not helping Penny Nihara is the US Federal Government discovering that she’s an illegal immigrant. This administrations cares a bit more about that than the last would. The trainees, Kazuma and Rumiko, have their visas revoked as a result. So the three of them have to dodge Ricardo Alvarez (so he doesn’t have to lie to his superiors) as well as the entirety of law enforcement in New York City. This, understandably, is a major obstacle to solving the mystery of Harmony.

Carla Perkins, meanwhile, is under indictment for assaulting Dr. Chromium and his henchfolks. She does not have bail money and adamantly refuses Edwin Christian’s money, so in jail she sits waiting for trial. She wants her day in court to have her say, and she’s being a martyr about it. She did, however, pick up a lawyer: David Hero! The man is a legendary hero and skilled attorney, dating all the way back to World War II. This is…perhaps not the best idea she’s ever had, as the agency (and Carla in particular) have made enemies over the years. Many of them are in prison with her. And as usual prejudice is not in Carla’s favor. Though this go round it’s her powers that are the issue, not her race or gender. So there’s that.

This leaves Edwin Christian once again the only partner operating. Only this time he doesn’t have Harmony’s support in casework and finding out just what happened to her is something his other activities simply don’t leave time for. His relationship with Tessa Mcleod deepens into something truly romantic, and at long last the two consummate their long courtship. Other than that, he’s in full damage control mode for the agency, with two out of three founding partners in trouble with the law and a senior associate dead. The agency looks like a gang of incompetents or worse, criminals.

Sonya Harmon is the one left to be the driving force behind investigating what happened to Harmony. Sofia, Summer Court politics, and the machinations of the other Elemental Lords endeavor to distract her, but this is the year she proves herself as a detective. She is, of course, incapable of handling the caseload Harmony did last year. However, her efforts this year take her away from the reception desk on a permanent basis.

The end of the year is a hell of a thing. Penny Nihara exposes the local head of Immigration’s habit of deleting out naturalization records of minorities. Penny herself was one of his victims. He is fired, but Penny believes his actions were orders from the very top, and will pursue them. Meanwhile, her records are restored and her trainees receive new visas. Carla Perkins gets her day in court. With the assistance and cooperation of her lawyer David Hero, she gets on the stand and just unleashes an epic speech. How deeply Dr. Chromium had wronged her, how the system had failed her and her fiancée, and just how much sheer good she’s done for the City of New York despite both of those things. There’s applause, followed by a rapid acquittal. Edwin Christian is pleased to use his “rich white man” status to trumpet the agency’s vindication in all quarters, and he and Tessa are planning to be married. Sonya Harmon tracks down the real Harmony Perez, and a bunch of other folks besides-including the surprising inclusion of Tessa Mcleod. Kidnapped by aliens. Specifically, servants of Kuros the Conqueror, scourge of known space. Beaten back from Earth twice by the first Starman and Nick Phoenix himself. Elite company, those two. Only he’s calling himself the Savior instead the Conqueror, now. Strange. The team (without the heartbroken Edwin and the not quite released Carla) throws down against Fake Tessa and a small army shapeshifting aliens, and kick ass. This is also the Exiles crossover for the year, as both First and Second Gen show up to help. Turns out Harmony has alien DNA, which explains her superhuman intellect. In the end, all plotlines are wrapped up and the team is reunited at last.


2018 (Eternity War, The Lost Year, & Endgame)

But, of course, nothing in life is so easy. The failure of the Icons to stop Kuros the Savior from murdering half of the universe at a stroke (see Icons: Eternity War) does not leave NPC Investigations unaffected. Penny Nihara, Carla Perkins, Sonya Harmon, the ninja trainees Kazuma and Rumiko, Ricardo Alvarez, and Tessa Mcleod all turn to dust and blow away. James Scott is unreachable. Only Edwin Christian, Harmony Perez, and Sofia Harmon are left from the entirely of the main and recurring agency members.

The junior associate rotation sputters to a halt in the aftermath, as so many have been lost. Edwin is, unsurprisingly, nonfunctional in the early going. Leaving Harmony to do the casework, which almost entirely consists of checking on folks to see who’s been Dusted and who hasn’t. A subdued Sofia is shockingly helpful to her.

Roger Simon, of all people, starts helping out. Eve is among the Dusted, and if he was allowed to die he would be too. Unfortunately, he is not and so he’s still here.

But life goes on. As the reality sets in, the agency begins to hum again. There isn’t as much casework to be done, with half of New York Dusted. The non-Dusted junior rotation returns to work. Even Edwin himself begins to put in appearances.

As the year winds to a close, the surviving Icons pull a goddamn miracle out of their hats (see Icons: Endgame) and the Dusting is undone. Kuros the Savior changes sobriquets once more, to the Annihilator, and proceeds to start stomping their asses with his own godlike might and his massive space armada. Just when all seems bleakest, literally all of the Exiles join the fight, summoning literally every hero on the planet to join the battle. The full complement of NPC Investigations is firmly among them, and kick just as much ass as anyone else.

The return of Eve was expected. Eiko Takanouchi’s? Not so much. And she’s even different than Eve’s version of her. So what’s up with that? Roger Simon has no use for the Shinto priestess (and Eve’s feeling murderously towards her former self), so he leaves her with the team. And Penny snuck in a raid on a facility belonging to the infamous Agency, rescuing Immortia and earning NPC Investigations yet another enemy. Just another rollicking year at NPC Investigations. How will 2019 turn out? All signs point to Clan Nihara vs The Agency. Dr. Chromium has vowed revenge on the City of New York. Chase Martin hasn’t made any big moves in a while. The Harmon sisters are collaborating against the Summer Queen. Looks like a hell of a year.

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Penny Nihara


Power Level: 11; Power Points Spent: 250/250


STR: +3 (16), DEX: +7 (24), CON: +4 (18), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +4/+6, Fort: +8, Ref: +12, Will: +10


Skills: Acrobatics 13 (+20), Climb 7 (+10), Diplomacy 10 (+10), Disable Device 13 (+15), Disguise 15 (+15), Escape Artist 13 (+20), Gather Information 10 (+10), Intimidate 15 (+15), Investigate 8 (+10), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 3 (+5), Knowledge (business) 3 (+5), Knowledge (civics) 3 (+5), Knowledge (current events) 3 (+5), Knowledge (streetwise) 13 (+15), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 3 (+5), Language 2 (+2), Notice 15 (+20), Search 8 (+10), Sense Motive 10 (+15), Sleight of Hand 13 (+20), Stealth 13 (+20), Swim 7 (+10)


Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 3, Attack Specialization 2 (Customized Shuriken (Blast 2)), Benefit (Status (Grandmaster of the Nihara Ninja Clan)), Challenge (Fast Task Stealth), Challenge (Improved Accelerated Stealth), Challenge - Improved Acrobatic Bluff, Chokehold, Defensive Roll 2, Equipment 2, Evasion, Grappling Finesse, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Critical 2 (Chi Infused Strike (Strike 3)), Improved Critical 2 (Ninja Sword (Strike 3)), Improved Initiative, Improved Pin, Improved Trip, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Notice, Sleight of Hand, Stealth), Takedown Attack 2, Ultimate Effort (Stealth checks), Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Chi Powers (Array 9) (default power: blast)

   Body Obeys Will (Healing 6) (Array; Restoration, Total; Personal)

   Chi Blast (Blast 9) (Default; DC 24; Penetrating; Action (full))

   Chi Infused Strike (Strike 3) (Array; DC 21, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Chi Infused Strike (Strike 3)); Autofire (interval 2, max +5) [3 extra ranks], Penetrating [3 extra ranks], Secondary Effect [3 extra ranks]; Action (full) [3 extra ranks]; Mighty)

   Shinobi Vanishing Art (Concealment ? (Array; all aural senses, all olfactory senses, all visual senses; Close Range, Precise)

Elite Ninja Training (Container, Passive 2)

   Leaping 1 (Jumping distance: x2)

   Speed 1 (Speed: 10 mph, 88 ft./rnd)

   Super-Movement 4 (perfect balance, slow fall, sure-footed 1 (25% penalty reduction), trackless)

Ninja Arsenal (Device 3) (Easy to lose; Custom 3 (Multiple Weapons 3), Subtle (subtle))

   Ninja Arsenal (Array 6) (default power: strike)

      Customized Shuriken (Blast 2) (Array; DC 20; Autofire (interval 2, max +5) [3 extra ranks]; Mighty 3 (+3 to damage))

      Kusarigama (Strike 3) (Array; DC 21; Penetrating [3 extra ranks]; Extended Reach 2 (10 ft.), Mighty)

      Ninja Sword (Strike 3) (Default; DC 21, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Ninja Sword (Strike 3)); Penetrating [3 extra ranks]; Mighty)

      Smoke Bomb (Obscure 3) (Array; affects: visual senses, Radius: 25 ft.; Independent)

Shinobi Detective's Gear (Device 4) (Hard to lose; Subtle (subtle))

   Shinobi Detective's Gear (Array 3) (default power: flight; Subtle (subtle))

      Binoculars (Super-Senses 2) (Array; [0 active, 0/6 PP, 1/r], extended (type): Visual 1 (-1 per 100 ft))

      Climbing Claws (Super-Movement 1) (Array; [0 active, 0/6 PP, 2/r], wall-crawling 1 (half speed))

      Disguise Kit (Morph 1) (Array; [0 active, 0/6 PP, 2/r], morph: broad group - any human, +5 Disguise)

      Night Vision Goggles (Super-Senses 2) (Array; [0 active, 0/6 PP, 1/r], infravision, ultravision)

      Ninja Glider (Flight 2) (Default; [0 active, 0/6 PP, 1/r], Speed: 25 mph, 220 ft./rnd; Gliding)

      Parabolic Microphone (Super-Senses 2) (Array; [0 active, 0/6 PP, 1/r], extended (type): Auditory 1 (-1 per 100 ft))

      Rebreather (Immunity 2) (Array; [0 active, 0/6 PP, 1/r], suffocation (all); Duration (continuous); Duration (sustained))


Equipment: Camo Clothing, NPC Brownstone, Penny's Utility Belt (Caltrops, Toolkit (Basic), Video Camera)


Attack Bonus: +13 (Ranged: +13, Melee: +16, Grapple: +23)


Attacks: Chi Blast (Blast 9), +13 (DC 24), Chi Infused Strike (Strike 3), +16 (DC 21), Customized Shuriken (Blast 2), +17 (DC 20), Kusarigama (Strike 3), +16 (DC 21), Ninja Sword (Strike 3), +16 (DC 21), Unarmed Attack, +16 (DC 18)


Defense: +14  (Flat-footed: +7), Knockback: -3


Initiative: +11


Languages: English, Japanese Native, Spanish


Totals: Abilities 42 + Skills 50 (200 ranks) + Feats 29 + Powers 61 + Combat 54 + Saves 14 + Drawbacks 0 = 250


Age (as of Jan 2019): 35 (appears a few years younger)

Height: 5’ 2”

Weight: 110 lbs.

Ethnicity: Japanese

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Black


Background: Penny Nihara was born to a ninja clan, and from the time she could walk was trained in their ways. Those ways are a bit different from pop cultural interpretations. The ninja don’t have uniforms. They aren’t all peerless masters of stealth and assassination. What they are is simple. Freelance spies. Real spies. Their job is to be inconspicuous while learning information their employer desires to know. Assassination (in most cases) is a tool of last resort. For it exposes the ninja to potential capture and/or death. This does not mean that they aren’t trained fighters. Quite the opposite. However, it does mean that their skill sets can and do vary. The primary ninja skill trees are: the classic Assassin (source of the pop cultural image), Voice (disguise and deception), and Chi Wizard (which is a thing all it’s own). Assassin’s very name is a misnomer. They do far less killing than the name suggests. What they are is unseen and unknown. They are eyes and ears. When people think they are alone, they give up their secrets quite easily. Voices range from the classic con artist/seducer to the master of disguise and impersonation. Some targets must be convinced to give up their secrets. They will not surrender them to an unseen observer. Or security is simply too tight for a unauthorized human to penetrate it. Thus, someone authorized must get in. This is the job of the Voice. Chi Wizard is a more…esoteric…skill set. There are a variety of abilities that can be fueled by the body’s natural chi energies. Ninja typically use these powers to augment their abilities from the other two skill trees, but there are those who pursue mastery of chi as an end to inself. They are to be feared, as they can mimic most of what the other two skill trees can do, and much more power besides. However, the path of chi is longer and more difficult, so true Chi Wizards are rare.


Penny was trained in the classic Assassin mold, and she excelled from the very beginning of her training. So much so that the word “prodigy” was applied to her. It is important to note that Assassins are most often men, just as Voices are most often women. This is specifically because of the limited breeding window for women. Assassins spend much more time in the field than Voices do, and their skills are much more inhibited by pregnancy than those of the Voice. So, for the sake of the clan’s future, talented female Assassin trainees are diverted into being Voices. Or, if they have no ability in that area, into simple breeding stock. It is not always so, but tradition endures among the ninja clans. And Penny’s ninja grandmaster was a staunch traditionalist. Penny did not understand. She was leagues better than even the second best in her Assassin class (that being Mieko Shimada). She had been trained so well. It seemed like such a waste to simply throw all that time and effort away for the clan’s future. She could do just as much good for the clan’s future with her training. But her grandmaster was adamant. Her physical abilities were incredible. They must be passed on to as many descendants as possible. Penny declined to turn herself into a glorified baby factory, and ran away.


She would have never escaped without the help of Hayden Street, who was in Japan on something unrelated. She joined Street Investigations shortly afterward, and helped found NPC Investigations after Hayden became Roger Simon. Mieko Shimada was assigned to bring her back, and not to return until he did it. He had a ninja squad to aid him, but over time they were all killed. Penny personally killed Shimada, after spending the whole fight trying not to. This brought the wrath of her entire clan down on her (see Year of the Ninja in the Timeline). Now, after killing her grandmaster, she has taken his role and rules the renamed Nihara ninja clan. To her enormous annoyance. A pair of trainees came with the deal. Kazuma, who favors Chi Wizardry; and Rumiko, who is a prodigy at Voice-hood. They will not go away, no matter how much she asks, orders, or threatens. Again, to her enormous annoyance.

Penny’s NPC Investigations role is Partner.


Powers & Tactics: Penny is a ninja. She is well trained in the arts of stealth, espionage, and assassination. Her high skill bonus and feats make her a virtually unparalleled master of stealth. Hide In Plain Sight takes away the need for concealment or a distraction. Fast Task Stealth turns using the skill into a mere free action. Accelerated Stealth takes away the -5 for moving at full speed and reduces the penalty for going all out or charging to -15 (as opposed to the usual -20). And Ultimate Skill means when she doesn’t want to be seen, she isn’t. Some might say her Concealment makes this point moot. However, the use of Chi (or any superhuman power) can be detected, even traced. Pure skill has no such issue.

However, there is more to Penny than ghostlike stealth. She is also one of the best unaugmented fighters in the entire Phoenixverse. She has no superhuman powers. The bit of Chi Wizardry she can do doesn’t count, as anyone can use them with enough training and practice. She routinely carries a ninjato, a kusarigama, a huge amount of custom shuriken, and smoke bombs. She’s also put together a collection of detective gear to aid in her work. The way the dynamic array is supposed to work, she can use up to three of them at the same time.


Tactically, Penny is (again) a ninja. Straight fights aren’t her thing. Hell, with her stealth skills she avoids more fights than she gets involved in. With that said, she favors her sword in melee combat, and her custom shuriken at range. She abuses Hide In Plain Sight to get limitless sneak attacks. She only resorts to her Chi Wizardry if mundane tactics aren’t proving effective. She can technically power stunt with her Chi Wizardry and various Devices, but to date she’s not done so.


Personality: Penny is not a flashy person. She is very, very subdued and reserved. Her manner is cold and unfeeling to those who don’t know her well enough to recognize the subtleties of her expressions. Her training and early life define her in ways even she is not aware of. Examples: She doesn’t make noise when she walks. Her office makes Spartan seem extravagant. There’s been some growth, but…she’s not a whole, 3-dimensional person. She doesn’t have outside interests. She doesn’t socialize outside of the agency. It sounds sad, but it isn’t, not really. Her training molded her into being a mere tool for the clan, which itself was a mere tool for the client. It was all she ever expected to be, but life takes folks in unexpected directions. Her job as a private detective isn’t so different from what she’d have been doing if events went in another direction. With that said, there are hints from time to time that there is more to her. She has an unexpected code of honor. Violence and even killing isn’t an issue, as long as there is a purpose to it. Sadism and/or greed most emphatically don’t count, and she cannot abide cruelty. She has favorite foods she eats more often than others (okonomiyaki, mmm). Favorite clothes she wears more often than others (she does wear that white blouse/black vest/black slacks combo a lot…). In many ways, she’s still learning how to be that whole, 3-dimensional person. Self expression is…difficult for someone who spent all of her childhood learning how not to have a sense of self. She is far, far more so than that young woman Hayden Street brought into his agency. But there’s also far, far further to go.

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Carla Perkins


Power Level: 12; Power Points Spent: 250/250


STR: +12 (14/35), DEX: +2 (14), CON: +3 (16), INT: +5 (20), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +3 (16)


Tough: +3/+14, Fort: +10, Ref: +7, Will: +10


Skills: Acrobatics 3 (+5), Bluff 12 (+15), Climb 2 (+4), Diplomacy 12 (+15), Disable Device 10 (+15), Disguise 2 (+5/+15), Drive 13 (+15), Gather Information 17 (+20), Intimidate 17 (+20), Investigate 15 (+20), Knowledge (art) 5 (+10), Knowledge (behavioral science) 10 (+15), Knowledge (business) 5 (+10), Knowledge (civics) 5 (+10), Knowledge (current events) 10 (+15), Knowledge (earth sciences) 5 (+10), Knowledge (life sciences) 5 (+10), Knowledge (physical sciences) 5 (+10), Knowledge (streetwise) 15 (+20), Knowledge (tactics) 5 (+10), Knowledge (technology) 5 (+10), Language 4 (+4), Medicine 2 (+5), Notice 12 (+15), Pilot 3 (+5), Search 10 (+15), Sense Motive 17 (+20), Stealth 8 (+10), Swim 2 (+4)


Feats: Accurate Attack, Assessment, Attack Focus (ranged) 4, Attack Specialization 2 (Unarmed Attack), Connected, Contacts, Dodge Focus 4, Equipment 6, Improvised Tools, Interpose, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Skill Mastery (Gather Information, Intimidate, Investigate, Sense Motive), Takedown Attack, Teamwork, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory), Well-Informed



Anti-Gravity Belt (Device 2) (Hard to lose)

   Holographic Overlay (Morph 2) (morph: single appearance - normal appearance, +10 Disguise)

   Mass Control (Features 4) (Notes: Applies Power Feats Progression (Decrease Mass) 3 and Buoyant to Density))

   Super-Strength 2 (+10 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 51.2 tons; +2 STR to some checks)

Genius Investigator (Container, Passive 2)

   Evidence Finder (Quickness 3) (Perform routine tasks at 10x speed; One Task (Search checks to find evidence))

   Interrogation Mastery (Mind Control 12) (DC 22; Conscious; Action (full), Limited (Target must be able to perceive user and understand the language the user is speaking), One Command (Tell The Truth))

   No Evidence Unfound (Super-Senses 2) (counters concealment: Visual; Limited (to Search checks))

   Putting It All Together (Super-Senses 4) (postcognition; Limited (Requires Investigate or even INT check at same DC))

Heavy Blaster (Device 3) (Easy to lose)

   Heavy Blaster Shot (Blast 6) (DC 21; Accurate 2 (+4), Precise)

Organic Metal Body (Container, Passive ?

   Density 10 (+20 STR, +5 Toughness, Weight Multiplier: x10, Adds: Immovable 3, Super-Strength 3; Permanent)

      Immovable 3 (Resist Movement: +12, Resist Knockback: -3)

      Super-Strength 3 (+15 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 51.2 tons; +3 STR to some checks)

   Enhanced Strength 1 (+1 STR)

   Protection 6 (+6 Toughness; Impervious [3 ranks only])

Private Investigator's Gear (Device 3) (Hard to lose)

   PI's Gear (Array 3) (default power: super-senses)

      Binoculars (Super-Senses 2) (Default; [0 active, 0/6 PP, 1/r], extended (type): Visual 1 (-1 per 100 ft))

      Flashlight (Environmental Control 4) (Array; [0 active, 0/6 PP, 1/2r], light, Radius: 50 ft.; Range (touch))

      GPS Receiver (Super-Senses 2) (Array; [0 active, 0/6 PP, 1/r], direction sense, distance sense)

      Night Vision Goggles (Super-Senses 2) (Array; [0 active, 0/6 PP, 1/r], infravision, ultravision)

      Parabolic Microphone (Super-Senses 2) (Array; [0 active, 0/6 PP, 1/r], extended (type): Auditory 1 (-1 per 100 ft))


Equipment: Carla's Car, Heavy Pistol, NPC Brownstone 5, PI Equipment Bag (Camera, Concealable Microphone, Digital Audio Recorder, Lock Release Gun, Multi-Tool, Toolkit (Basic), Video Camera)


Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +12, Melee: +8, Grapple: +20/+25)


Attacks: Heavy Blaster Shot (Blast 6), +16 (DC 21), Heavy Pistol, +12 (DC 19), Interrogation Mastery (Mind Control 12) (DC Will 22), Unarmed Attack, +12 (DC 27)


Defense: +10  (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -11/-14


Initiative: +2


Languages: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), English, Russian, Spanish


Totals: Abilities 36 + Skills 59 (236 ranks) + Feats 29 + Powers 79 + Combat 28 + Saves 19 + Drawbacks 0 = 250




Carla's Car


Power Level: 12; Equipment Points Spent: 9


STR: +12 (35)


Toughness: +10



Speed 5 (Speed: 250 mph, 2200 ft./rnd)


Defense: -2, Size: Huge


Totals: Abilities 1 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Feats 0 + Features 0 + Powers 5 + Combat 2 + Saves 1 + Drawbacks 0 + Equipment 0 (0 ep) + Weapons & Armor 0 (0 ep) = 9


Age (as of Jan 2019): 38

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 140 lbs. (with Anti Gravity Belt, 1400 lbs. without)

Ethnicity: African American

Hair: Black (with Anti Gravity Belt, Chrome without)

Eyes: Dark Brown (with Anti Gravity Belt, Chrome [no visible iris or pupil] without)


Background: Carla Perkins only ever wanted to be a cop. The badge, the gun, the authority, the responsibility; she wanted it all. Being poor, black, and female in New York City, she had the crazy idea she might be able to change the system from the inside. Luckily for her, she turned out to be a supremely gifted natural detective. Unluckily for her, she was still black and female. For every good cop who listened when she talked, there were two of the “old school” who disregarded her for one or both of those two attributes. It was maddening. She was easily one of the top five detectives on the force, but over and over she was disregarded in favor of a partner or a superior who happened to be white and/or male. It wasn’t even about promotion (the NYPD uses civil service exams). It was about respect. If she complained, she “wasn’t a team player” and “had an attitude problem”. Politics, man. There was no escaping it. (Though, to be perfectly fair, Carla’s always had a bit of a chip on her shoulder.) Eventually she’d had enough. She went to One Police Plaza and told both the Chief of Detectives and Chief of Department where to stick it, and she was out on her own.

Where Hayden Street recruited her. She was a part of Street Investigations, and then helped found NPC Investigations after Street turned into Roger Simon. One of her early cases caused her to run afoul of the mad Dr. Chromium, who kidnapped her and her fiancée. He injected them both with a liquid metal serum. Her fiancée died in agony as his blood turned to solid metal. Carla, however, did not die. The agony was beyond description, and when it was over she was no longer a human being. She had been fully transformed into a organic metal person.  Her pursuit of vengeance against the mad doctor spanned years, and ended with a violent confrontation. It ended with her arrested for assault, and Dr. Chromium going to prison for the rest of his natural life. Fortunately, the jury didn’t think she should be imprisoned for her actions, and she was acquitted. Otherwise, it’s been an interesting ride.

Carla’s NPC Investigations role is Partner


Powers & Tactics: Carla is a mutant. Kind of. Honestly, she’s not a human being anymore. She is a wholly unique being made of a strange organic metal. She’s literally shiny and chrome. She’s incredibly tough, superhumanly strong, and much heavier than she looks. And she’s not a solid block of metal, either. Her internal organs are still there and doing more or less the same jobs they were doing before. Hell, she bleeds a chrome liquid that’s not entirely dissimilar from human blood. Dr. Chromium, for all his many (many) flaws, is an absolute genius, and even years later nobody knows exactly his serum had the effect it did.

Carla is no intellectual slouch herself. She is a virtuoso of a detective, second only to people with actual superpowers that help like Caviezel and Terrifica. Little escapes her keen investigative mind. Thanks to Harmony Perez, she also has an Anti Gravity Belt (that both reduces her weight from nearly three quarters of a ton to something more normal and has a holographic overlay that makes her look like a regular person) and a Heavy Blaster (like a regular Blaster, but a bit more damaging). She still carries her old Heavy Pistol, as well. She remains a crack shot with both, but the Heavy Blaster has some accuracy boosts built in. Training with Penny Nihara has even made her a great unarmed fighter, too. Like Penny, she carries a set of detective gear and significant equipment to boot.


Carla isn’t the keenest of tactical minds. That comes with being able to effectively ignore most commonly available weaponry. Also comes with not having a lot of options. At range she’ll use the Heavy Blaster. In melee she’ll just punch away. She will use cover if the enemy proves they can hurt her, but other than that? Yeah. Pretty straightforward. She is incapable of power stunting with her powers, and rarely bothers with her gear.


Personality: Carla is…a handful. As stated above, she’s always had a bit of a chip on her shoulder. She’s a “take no shit” kind of woman and always has been. She’s not mean by nature, but there ain’t a chance in hell she’ll ever suffer fools gladly. She is neither excitable nor energetic. She keeps her head cool and her emotions calm whenever possible. And by god, she is not at all sassy. Get that out of your head right now. She’s confident without being arrogant, liberal to a fault, and never backs down when she’s right. Her moral and ethical code is carved in adamantine, and god help you if you commit a major infraction of it in her presence. Basically she’s a pain in the ass to get along with but it’s more than worth it. She’ll have her friends’ backs from now until doomsday.

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Edwin Christian


Power Level: 12; Power Points Spent: 250/250


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +2 (14), INT: +3 (16), WIS: +4 (18), CHA: +5 (20)


Tough: +2/+12, Fort: +10, Ref: +10, Will: +7


Skills: Acrobatics 9 (+12), Bluff 15 (+20), Concentration 16 (+20), Diplomacy 15 (+20), Disguise 10 (+15), Gather Information 15 (+20), Investigate 7 (+10), Knowledge (art) 7 (+10), Knowledge (business) 12 (+15), Knowledge (civics) 2 (+5), Knowledge (popular culture) 7 (+10), Language 4 (+4), Notice 8 (+12), Search 7 (+10), Sense Motive 16 (+20), Sleight of Hand 7 (+10), Stealth 7 (+10)


Feats: Attack Focus (ranged) 4, Attack Specialization 3 (Telekinetic Strike (Strike 8)), Benefit (Status (CEO of Christian Holdings, Inc)), Benefit 3 (Wealth), Challenge (Fast Task Evaluate), Challenge - Improved Feint, Connected, Distract (Bluff), Dodge Focus 4, Equipment 1, Improved Trick, Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Sense Motive), Taunt, Teamwork, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Telekinesis (Array 27) (default power: move object)

   Blast 12 (Array; [12 active, 52/54 PP, 2/r+2], DC 27; Precise, Variable Descriptor (Narrow group - Bludgeoning/Piercing/Slashing))

   Flight 6 (Array; [6 active, 52/54 PP, 2/r], Speed: 500 mph, 4400 ft./rnd)

   Force Constructs 12 (Array; [6 active, 52/54 PP, 2/r+2], Max Size: 30 cu. ft.; Selective, Subtle (subtle))

   Move Object 12 (Default; [0 active, 52/54 PP, 2/r+2], Strength: 60, Carry: 17 tons / 34 tons / 51.2 tons / 102.4 tons; Precise, Subtle (subtle))

Telekinetic Field (Force Field 10) (+10 Toughness; Impervious)

Telekinetic Strike (Strike ? (DC 25; Mighty)

Touch Telepathy (Mind Reading 16) (DC 26; Sensory Link; Distracting, Range 2 (touch))


Equipment: Christian Holdings Helicopter, Edwin's Mercedes, NPC Brownstone 5, PI Equipment Bag [No Cost] (Camera, Digital Audio Recorder, Flashlight, GPS Receiver, Parabolic Microphone, Video Camera)


Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +12, Melee: +8, Grapple: +10)


Attacks: Blast 12, +12 (DC 27), Telekinetic Strike (Strike 8), +14 (DC 25), Touch Telepathy (Mind Reading 16), +8 (DC Will 26), Unarmed Attack, +8 (DC 17)


Defense: +12  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -11


Initiative: +3


Languages: English Native, French, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish


Totals: Abilities 38 + Skills 41 (164 ranks) + Feats 25 + Powers 96 + Combat 32 + Saves 18 + Drawbacks 0 = 250




Edwin's Mercedes


Power Level: 12; Equipment Points Spent: 12 (12 shared)


STR: +12 (35)


Toughness: +9


Features: Alarm 2, Navigation System 2



Speed 5 (Speed: 250 mph, 2200 ft./rnd)


Defense: -2, Size: Huge


Totals: Abilities 1 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Feats 0 + Features 4 + Powers 5 + Combat 2 + Saves 0 + Drawbacks 0 + Equipment 0 (0 ep) + Weapons & Armor 0 (0 ep) = 0




Christian Holdings Helicopter


Power Level: 12; Equipment Points Spent: 14 (14 shared)


STR: +10 (30)


Toughness: +9


Features: Navigation System 2



Flight 5 (Speed: 250 mph, 2200 ft./rnd)


Defense: -2, Size: Huge


Totals: Abilities 0 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Feats 0 + Features 2 + Powers 10 + Combat 2 + Saves 0 + Drawbacks 0 + Equipment 0 (0 ep) + Weapons & Armor 0 (0 ep) = 0


Age (as of Jan 2019): 32

Height: 5’ 11”

Weight: 175 lbs.

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Hair: Light Brown

Eyes: Brown


Background: Edwin Christian was a trust fund kid. His parents died when he was young. Their best friend, Chase Martin, kept tabs on the poor kid. He grew up  wanting for nothing financially, but there was always a hole nothing seemed to be able to fill. He did not (consciously) notice when his touch telepathic powers emerged, but it was a little impossible not to notice when he became telekinetic. He hid his powers from Chase Martin and everyone else, and kept on being…well, a wealthy playboy with money to burn. Handsome and charming, he could get any girl he wanted. And he always did. Hell, he had a harem of willing girls. He started to feel…right. Life was good and he was well loved by a bevy of beautiful babes. That’s when Tessa Mcleod showed up, and turned his world upside down. He was, to his surprise, a touch telepath in addition to his telekinetic powers. She, using her own telepathic powers, showed him what he had done. The “babes” were not willing harem members, not exactly. Oh, it had started as liking him. Being attracted to him. But his mind (because of his touch telepathy, you see) was far more powerful than theirs. It slowly, over time, had warped their minds to his subconscious desires. Shaped their minds into something willing and pliant. Yet, underneath, their minds knew what he had done and resisted it. The struggle was slowly driving them all insane. There was even an addictive pleasure feedback loop involved for both sides. This was not a thing he consciously wanted. But on some level, he knew something was wrong with those young women. He simply didn’t want to face it. Because then he’d have to do something about it, and that something would likely ruin everything. Tessa tore his blinders off most forcibly. The horror of it made him vomit on the spot. He wanted to help Tessa clean up his mess and learn how to control his touch telepathy in the process. But as it turned out, the pleasure feedback loop was too strong. He was firmly addicted to the rush of unshielded mind to mind contact. He simply could not control his touch telepathy short of literally not touching anyone. So Edwin Christian withdrew from society virtually entirely. Tessa knew this wasn’t any better for him, so she contacted one Hayden Street.

Edwin joined Street Investigations, and later helped found NPC Investigations. He’s been through quite a lot over the years. He’s reclaimed his parents’ company Christian Holdings. Fended off takeover attempts. Learned his mentor figure Chase Martin was evil, telepathic, and most likely had his parents murdered. Been the rock holding the agency together when Penny Nihara and Carla Perkins were occupied with other things or Dusted. He even got together with Tessa Mcleod. They were going to be married, then it turned out she was an alien fake. Said alien fake recently even died in the final battle of Endgame. The real Tessa is sympathetic, but she is only his friend.

Edwin’s NPC Investigations role is Partner


Powers & Tactics: Edwin is a metahuman with the psionic powers of touch telepathy and telekinesis. In the Phoenixverse, metahuman is a separate thing from a mutant (acted on by an outside force) or a Phoenix mutate (who explicitly have a spark of the Phoenix itself inside them). Metahumans have powers that aren’t too far from what humans can normally do, such as moderately enhanced strength, speed, or durability. Basic psionics like telepathy and telekinesis fall under it as well. You will not see metahumans controlling around fire, lightning, or any other esoteric form of energy. They don’t shapeshift, either. Metahumans are humans with a little extra. They’re much more common (relatively speaking, as superhuman powers are rare to begin with) than any other kind of superpowered folks.

Edwin’s touch telepathy is completely undeveloped. He can only read minds with it. Of course, he only uses this in the direst of circumstances. However, his telekinesis has several applications. He can fly, he can do damage, he can lift heavy objects, and he can project transparent force fields. He uses the latter to protect himself with a force field. Aside from his personal field, he has an amount of power he allocates between applications. He is a gifted and charismatic speaker, able to talk just about anyone into just about anything. He has also become a skilled detective and investigator over the years.


Tactically, Edwin is straightforward. Mostly he sticks with flying and blasting, as the others aren’t of the most use in a fight. He does, however, reallocate power as needed. He uses a basic club to make his Telekinetic Strike, but that’s out of personal preference rather than necessity. Said club doesn’t see standard use, and thus isn’t included in his build. He can easily power stunt. Dynamic Area Blast 8 is the most common, but Dynamic Blast (Alt Save: Fort) is also in his repertoire. His vehicles are not paid for, as they are the property of Christian Holdings, not Edwin himself. They can simply not be available when he wants them. He sometimes forgets he can simply telekinetically fly. To be fair, it’s not like he does it ever day, or even every week. And it is a rare ability outside of the superhero level of the Phoenixverse.


Personality: Edwin is a big ball of angst. He does quite a bit of brooding. Which isn’t to say that he’s emotionally closed off. Far from it. He’s easily the most approachable person at the agency. A warm and friendly face well known to the entire junior associate rotation. Especially considering both Penny and Carla aren’t known for their warmth and approachability. But by the same token, he’s also the hardest to get to know. He doesn’t permit himself to touch people, you see. Or people to touch him. Physically or emotionally. The gloves he habitually wears are both literal objects and a metaphor. Of course, the heart is the heart. So he’s quite attached to the team at NPC Investigations. And he truly loved the fake Tessa. So the events of the last few years have done a number on him. Still, he’s a good man and committed to never turning his eyes from the truth again.

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Sonya Harmon


Power Level: 12; Power Points Spent: 250/250


STR: +5 (14/20), DEX: +5 (20), CON: +10 (20/30), INT: +3 (16), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +5 (20)


Tough: +10/+12, Fort: +10, Ref: +10, Will: +7/+15


Skills: Acrobatics 7 (+12), Bluff 7 (+12), Climb 3 (+8), Computers 7 (+10), Concentration 9 (+12), Diplomacy 7 (+12), Disable Device 2 (+5), Drive 3 (+8), Gather Information 5 (+10), Intimidate 10 (+15), Investigate 7 (+10), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 7 (+10), Knowledge (business) 7 (+10), Knowledge (civics) 2 (+5), Knowledge (current events) 2 (+5), Knowledge (physical sciences) 2 (+5), Knowledge (streetwise) 2 (+5), Knowledge (technology) 2 (+5), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 2 (+5), Language 1 (+1), Medicine 2 (+5), Notice 9 (+12), Search 7 (+10), Sense Motive 9 (+12), Sleight of Hand 3 (+8), Stealth 5 (+10), Swim 3 (+8)


Feats: Attack Focus (ranged) 3, Attack Specialization (Unarmed Attack), Attractive (+4), Contacts, Defensive Roll 2, Dodge Focus 4, Equipment 4, Power Attack, Ritualist, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Air Harmon (Linked)

   Flight 5 (Linked; Speed: 250 mph, 2200 ft./rnd)

   Super-Strength 5 (Linked; +25 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 6.4 tons; +5 STR to some checks)

Bringin' The Fire (Array 28) (default power: blast)

   Environmental Control 14 (Array; [2 active, 56/56 PP, 2/r], heat (extreme), Radius: 10 ft.; Selective Attack; Range (touch))

   Fireball (Blast 7) (Array; [0 active, 56/56 PP, 4/r], DC 22; Burst Area (35 ft. radius - General), Selective Attack)

   Flame Blast (Blast 14) (Default; [14 active, 56/56 PP, 2/r], DC 29)

   Flame Manipulation (Move Object 14) (Array; [12 active, 56/56 PP, 2/r], Strength: 60, Carry: 17 tons / 34 tons / 51.2 tons / 102.4 tons; Range (perception); Limited Material (Fire))

   Mana Burn (Nullify 12) (Array; [0 active, 56/56 PP, 2/r], counters: all powers of (type) - magic, DC 22; Nullifying Field (60 ft. radius))

Immunity 7 (damage type: Fire, environmental condition: Cold, environmental condition: Heat)

Soul of Flame (Container, Passive 5)

   Enhanced Constitution 10 (+10 CON)

   Enhanced Strength 6 (+6 STR)

   Enhanced Trait 8 (Traits: Will +8 (+15))

   Immunity 1 (custom: Fear Effects 1)


Equipment: PI Equipment Bag (Binoculars, Camera, Concealable Microphone, Digital Audio Recorder, Flashlight, Medkit (Basic), Multi-Tool, Night Vision Goggles, Toolkit (Basic), Video Camera), Sonya's Car


Attack Bonus: +7 (Ranged: +10, Melee: +7, Grapple: +12/+17)


Attacks: Fireball (Blast 7) (DC 22), Flame Blast (Blast 14), +10 (DC 29), Mana Burn (Nullify 12) (DC Will 22), Unarmed Attack, +9 (DC 20)


Defense: +10  (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -6


Initiative: +5


Languages: English Native, Spanish


Totals: Abilities 46 + Skills 33 (132 ranks) + Feats 19 + Powers 117 + Combat 26 + Saves 9 + Drawbacks 0 = 250




Sonya's Car


Power Level: 12; Equipment Points Spent: 9


STR: +10 (30)


Toughness: +8



Speed 5 (Speed: 250 mph, 2200 ft./rnd)


Defense: -1, Size: Large


Totals: Abilities 2 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Feats 0 + Features 0 + Powers 5 + Combat 1 + Saves 1 + Drawbacks 0 + Equipment 0 (0 ep) + Weapons & Armor 0 (0 ep) = 9


Age (as of Jan 2019): 32

Height: 5’ 6”

Weight: 125 lbs.

Ethnicity: Caucasian/Latina mix

Hair: Bright Red (natural color)

Eyes: Brown (colored contacts); Dark Red (natural)


Background: The Elemental Lord of Fire was an enormously powerful fire elemental and one of a quartet with the Elemental Lords of Water, Air, and Earth. Unfortunately, it also managed to piss off just about everyone in the Fae Realms eventually. So, as a punishment, it was bound into a soul and planted into a human being somewhere between conception and birth. Sonya Harmon grew up knowing none of this. She did learn how to generate and control fire, and she didn’t burn. But she thought she was probably just a mutant or something, whatever. Hayden Street needed a receptionist and she was young and needed a job. Done. After he turned into Roger Simon, NPC Investigations also needed a receptionist and well, her last job the boss (Roger, of course) blew up the building in lieu of announcing he was closing it down. So she was once again in need of a job.

A bunch of stuff has happened since them, including Sonya learning about who she really is and recovering most of her memories from that time. Not everyone in the Summer Court agreed on her punishment, as it turned out. Some thought it was too much, others thought it was not enough, blah blah fights to the death. Well, as dead as beings who can get reborn at the Queen’s command ever get, anyway. The Summer Court was full of politics afterward (was before, but Sonya had nothing to do with it) and eventually she had to incinerate some of a noble’s favorite trolls. The price for that turned out to be the rebellious daughter of the Elemental Lord of Earth. So Sonya got to abruptly have a kid sister named Sofia. Whose appearance was far less abrupt to literally everyone else on Earth, to the point of she always existed to them. And no, Sonya can’t tell anyone the truth, by order of the Summer Queen. Literally cannot. Because geases are a thing. She hates it. She also hates the Summer Queen, who hates her back. The Elemental Lord of Fire has never obeyed the Summer Queen, and the Summer Queen has never forgiven them for it. So Sonya Harmon will learn to obey, or she will suffer until she does. Knowing Sonya, this will be just after the heat death of the universe. The tension between them is increasing. The peace between them cannot last.

Sonya’s NPC Investigations role is Senior Associate.


Powers & Tactics: Sonya Harmon’s soul is that of the Elemental Lord of Fire. So she’s not just a fire controller, but a literally magical one. So she can fire off blasts of flame, launch explosive fireballs, and fly. But it goes further than that. She doesn’t take damage from fire, doesn’t notice the temperature, and can carry much heavier loads while in mid flight. But wait, that’s not all! Her soul, being a potent source of magic, also makes her a little stronger, a lot more durable, and renders her nearly impervious to mental attack (especially fear, to which she is outright immune). She can incinerate magic and control vast amounts of flame. All that, and she’s a skilled detective and a good hand to hand fighter as well.


Tactically, she’s as straightforward as Carla or Edwin. Burn the enemy with fire until they go down. She can get away with this in an urban environment because of her Fire Manipulation, which lets her direct the flames away from vulnerable buildings and minimize damage. She does use her ability to fly (which is very rare outside of the superheroic level of the Phoenixverse) to avoid attacks and get around town quickly. She can power stunt, but for the most part her usual set is fine. If she ever did, she would still use Blast but with Alt Save for either Fort or Will, depending on circumstances. Nullify Fire isn’t off the table, either.


Personality: Sonya Harmon is a very energetic woman. She’s completely stuffed with personality. Vivacious, gregarious, charming, pick your related adjective, it’s probably right. If you’ll pardon the pun, she’s got charisma to burn, and boy does she burn it. But if there’s one thing she lacks on the social front, it’s patience.  It’s not recklessness. She doesn’t mind being cautious. She’s simply the kind of woman who vastly prefers doing the thing as opposed to talking about doing the thing. She’ll always take the fast and direct approach over something slow and subtle if it’s a valid option. She’s not an idiot, though. So fast and direct is a bad idea she won’t do. She also doesn’t take orders well. Or at all, really. Easiest way to trigger her temper is to try to boss her around. Speaking of, like every fire controller ever born she’s got one hell of a temper. Takes a bit to get it kindled, but when it does, watch out.

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Harmony Perez


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 225/225


STR: +1 (12), DEX: +2 (14), CON: +1 (12), INT: +10 (20/30), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +1/+9, Fort: +7, Ref: +7, Will: +10


Skills: Acrobatics 6 (+8), Climb 4 (+5), Computers 10 (+20), Craft (artistic) 10 (+20), Craft (chemical) 10 (+20), Craft (electronic) 10 (+20), Craft (mechanical) 10 (+20), Diplomacy 10 (+10), Disable Device 10 (+20), Drive 8 (+10), Escape Artist 8 (+10), Gather Information 15 (+15), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 10 (+20), Knowledge (earth sciences) 10 (+20), Knowledge (life sciences) 10 (+20), Knowledge (physical sciences) 10 (+20), Knowledge (technology) 10 (+20), Language 4 (+4), Medicine 5 (+10), Notice 5 (+10), Sense Motive 5 (+10), Sleight of Hand 8 (+10), Stealth 8 (+10), Swim 4 (+5)


Feats: Artificer, Assessment, Attack Specialization 2 (Pepper Spray Nozzle (Linked)), Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus 3, Eidetic Memory, Equipment 10, Hide in Plain Sight, Improvised Tools, Inventor, Jack-of-All-Trades, Ritualist, Skill Mastery (Knowledge (earth sciences, life sciences, physical sciences, technology)), Teamwork, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory), Well-Informed



Defender (Device ? (Easy to lose)

   Settings (Array 18) (default power: - linked powers -; Custom (Array 17.5))

      Flash Bang Burst (Dazzle 7) (Array; affects: 1 type + visual - auditory, DC 17; Burst Area (35 ft. radius - General), Selective Attack)

      Pepper Spray Nozzle (Linked)

         Blinding Pepper (Dazzle 7) (Linked; affects: visual senses, DC 17)

         Burning Spray (Stun 7) (Linked; DC 17; Range (ranged))

      Self Tightening Bolos (Snare 11) (Array; DC 21; Constricting)

      Taser Shock (Stun 11) (Array; DC 21; Range (ranged))

      Tear Gas Sprayer (Linked)

         Blinding Gas (Dazzle 5) (Linked; affects: visual senses, DC 15; Cloud Area (25 ft. diameter, lingers - General))

         Regurgitant Gas (Nauseate 5) (Linked; DC 15; Cloud Area (25 ft. diameter, lingers - General), Range (ranged))

      Tranquilizer Rounds (Fatigue 11) (Array; DC 21; Range (ranged))

Magitech Clothing Mods (Device 9) (Hard to lose; Subtle (subtle))

   Communication 4 (sense type: radio; Subtle (subtle))

   Concealed Armor (Protection 7) (+7 Toughness; Subtle (subtle))

   Datalink 1 (sense type: radio)

   Environmental Suite (Immunity 9) (life support; Subtle (subtle))

   Sensor Suite (Super-Senses 12) (analytical (type): Visual, analytical (type): Auditory, direction sense, distance sense, extended (type): Visual 1 (-1 per 100 ft), infravision, time sense, ultra-hearing, ultravision)

   Sensory Shield 4 (sense: all senses, +8 to saves vs. Dazzle attacks; Subtle (subtle))

Superhuman Brain (Enhanced Intelligence 10) (+10 INT, Feats: Eidetic Memory)


Equipment: Harmony's Equipment Pack (Camera, Camo Clothing, Digital Audio Recorder, Flash Goggles, Handcuffs, Laptop Computer, Lock Release Gun, Medkit (Basic), Mini-Tracer, Multi-Tool, Toolkit (Basic), Video Camera), Harmony's Truck


Attack Bonus: +9 (Ranged: +9, Melee: +9, Grapple: +10)


Attacks: Blinding Gas (Dazzle 5) (DC Fort/Ref 15), Blinding Pepper (Dazzle 7), +13 (DC Fort/Ref 17), Burning Spray (Stun 7), +13 (DC Fort/Staged 17), Flash Bang Burst (Dazzle 7) (DC Fort/Ref 17), Regurgitant Gas (Nauseate 5) (DC Fort/Staged 15), Self Tightening Bolos (Snare 11), +9 (DC Ref/Staged 21), Taser Shock (Stun 11), +9 (DC Fort/Staged 21), Tranquilizer Rounds (Fatigue 11), +9 (DC Fort 21), Unarmed Attack, +9 (DC 16)


Defense: +10  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -4


Initiative: +2


Languages: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), English Native, Russian, Spanish


Totals: Abilities 28 + Skills 50 (200 ranks) + Feats 27 + Powers 72 + Combat 32 + Saves 16 + Drawbacks 0 = 225




Harmony's Truck


Power Level: 10; Equipment Points Spent: 36


STR: +15 (40)


Toughness: +9/+14


Features: Alarm 2, Hidden Compartments 2, Navigation System 3, Remote Control



Force Field Generator (Device 2) (Hard to lose)

   Force Field 5 (+5 Toughness; Impervious)

Speed 5 (Speed: 250 mph, 2200 ft./rnd)

Two Way Radio (Communication 5) (sense type: radio; Omni-Directional Area; Subtle (subtle))


Defense: -2, Size: Huge


Totals: Abilities 2 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Feats 0 + Features 8 + Powers 24 + Combat 2 + Saves 0 + Drawbacks 0 + Equipment 0 (0 ep) + Weapons & Armor 0 (0 ep) = 36


Age (as of Jan 2019): 28

Height: 5”

Weight: 90 lbs.

Ethnicity: New York Puerto Rican

Hair: Light Brown

Eyes: Dark Brown


Background: Harmony Perez was a college student who needed a job. Hayden Street needed virgins to stab with his sacrificial knife to power his magic-I mean, a librarian to manage all his internal documents and books. So they both got what they wanted. Then Hayden Street ceased to exist in favor of Roger Simon. So, no more ritual stabbing. Librarian job was still open at NPC Investigations, though. So she kept on. Of course, she had no memory of being repeatedly ritually murdered to power dark magic (the first spell of the charge was her resurrection, naturally). That would be very uncomfortable for Roger and extremely traumatic for her. So she’s just go a weird scar she doesn’t remember getting and an extreme disinterest in finding out how she got it. The librarian job evolved into also being a detective on the agency’s staff. She developed superhuman intellect, but mostly she was a support player. But as everyone else kept getting more deeply involved in their own affairs, she stepped up and handed more and more cases. Somewhere along the way, the real Harmony was replaced with an alien substitute so good even she didn’t know she wasn’t really Harmony. So she kept on being Harmony, right up until her altered physiology began to unexpectedly fail and she died. This, of course, is when Harmony’s friend discovered the ruse and went hunting for her. They found her in stasis, and the fallout from that (in some small part) led to Eternity, the Lost Year, and Endgame. Curiously, she has all of the Fake Harmony’s memories, so she literally doesn’t know when she was replaced. It bothers her, some. Being, with Edwin Christian, the only members of NPC not to get Dusted bothers her more. It turning out that at least one of her parents is at least part alien bothers her most of all. Because she’s smart enough to know that this is going to come with consequences, and judging by what happens when the pasts of everyone else at NPC come back to haunt them, they’re gonna be intense.

Harmony’s NPC Investigations role is Senior Associate.


Powers & Tactics: Harmony is, as it turns out, part alien. This gives her superhuman intelligence and eidetic memory. Whether or not she’ll develop any other abilities remains to be seen. In the mean time, she’s created devices to assist her in combat. Her clothing is thoroughly modified. It sports armor, sensors, a life support system, and even a small radio communicator. It is, however, her Defender wand that’s the main event. It sports 6 non lethal combat options. Flashbang equivalent, pepper spray, bolos, a taser, tear gas, and even tranquilizer rounds. Everything Harmony needs to take down hostiles without actually hurting them. Her truck is upgraded, too, with a bulletproof force field generator the starring attraction.


Tactically, Harmony tries to avoid fights via stealth or diplomacy. But if she has to, she’ll unleash her Defender wand’s wealth of options. One on one, she favors the solo target attacks: Self Tightening Bolos, Taser Shock, Pepper Spray Nozzle, and Tranquilizer Rounds. Against groups, she’ll attempt to whittle the odds down with Flash Bang Burst and Tear Gas Sprayer before going to her one on one tactics. The Defender wand can technically do straight damage as power stunts. Both possibilities are Blast 11, with Taser Overcharge having the Autofire Extra and Acid Spray having the Secondary Effect Extra. Since neither effect is what the wand was designed to do, it suffers damage when using these power stunts. Meaning Harmony suffers no ill effect from the power stunt.


Personality: Harmony is a sweetheart. She’s just a really nice person. A bit goofy and prone to babbling, she’s completely adorkable. But god help you if you think she’s a doormat. She’ll let you know how deeply you have screwed up. A completely bibliophilic nerd, she spends as much time reading as doing casework. She’s always working on some invention or enchanted item in the library’s lab. Look, she’s a pintsize supergenius expy of Winifred Burkle from Angel, all right? I don’t know what else to tell you.

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Willa Hawke


Power Level: 6; Power Points Spent: 135/135


STR: +1 (12), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +1 (12), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +1 (12), CHA: +2 (14)


Tough: +1/+6, Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +4


Skills: Acrobatics 5 (+8), Climb 4 (+5), Craft (chemical) 6 (+8), Diplomacy 3 (+5), Drive 5 (+8), Gather Information 6 (+8), Knowledge (physical sciences) 3 (+5), Knowledge (popular culture) 6 (+8), Language 1 (+1), Medicine 4 (+5), Notice 4 (+5), Ride 5 (+8), Sense Motive 4 (+5), Swim 4 (+5)


Feats: Attack Specialization (Willa's Self Defense Wand (Device 4)), Attractive (+4), Defensive Roll, Equipment 2, Fascinate (Diplomacy)



Magitech Clothing Mods (Device 2) (Hard to lose)

   Concealed Armor (Protection 4) (+4 Toughness; Impervious [1 extra rank]; Subtle (subtle))

Willa's Random Knowledge (Array 37) (default power: esp; Uncontrolled)

   Comprehend 14 (Array; animals - speak to, animals - understand, codes & ciphers, languages - read all, languages - speak all, languages - understand all, languages - you're understood, machines / electronics - speak to, machines / electronics - understand, objects - speak to, objects - understand, plants - speak to, plants - understand, spirits; Subtle 2 (unnoticable))

   ESP 12 (Default; affects: all types; No Conduit, Simultaneous; Subtle 2 (unnoticable))

   Mind Reading 6 (Array; DC 16; Perception Area (General), Duration (sustained), No Saving Throw, Sensory Link; Subtle 2 (unnoticable))

Willa's Random Knowledge (Super-Senses 15) (cosmic awareness, danger sense: Mental, detect weakness, postcognition, precognition; Uncontrolled)

Willa's Self Defense Wand (Device 4) (Easy to lose)

   Wand Settings (Array ? (default power: - linked powers -; Custom (Array 7.5))

      Armored Shell (Create Object 6) (Array; Max Size: 6x 5' cubes, DC 16; Impervious; Range (touch))

      Flash Burst (Dazzle 5) (Array; affects: visual senses, DC 15; Burst Area (25 ft. radius - General))

      Pepper Spray (Linked)

         Pepper Spray Blinding (Dazzle 5) (Linked; affects: visual senses, DC 15; Range (touch))

         Pepper Spray Sicken (Nauseate 5) (Linked; DC 15)

      Self Tightening Bolos (Snare 5) (Array; DC 15; Constricting)

      Stunner (Stun 5) (Array; DC 15; Range (ranged))

      Tranquilizer Rounds (Fatigue 5) (Array; DC 15; Range (ranged))


Equipment: Medkit (Basic), Willa's Sedan


Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +5, Melee: +5, Grapple: +6)


Attacks: Flash Burst (Dazzle 5) (DC Fort/Ref 15), Mind Reading 6 (DC Will 16), Pepper Spray Blinding (Dazzle 5), +5 (DC Fort/Ref 15), Pepper Spray Sicken (Nauseate 5), +5 (DC Fort/Staged 15), Self Tightening Bolos (Snare 5), +7 (DC Ref/Staged 15), Stunner (Stun 5), +7 (DC Fort/Staged 15), Tranquilizer Rounds (Fatigue 5), +7 (DC Fort 15), Unarmed Attack, +5 (DC 16)


Defense: +5  (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -5


Initiative: +3


Languages: English Native, Spanish


Totals: Abilities 20 + Skills 15 (60 ranks) + Feats 6 + Powers 67 + Combat 20 + Saves 7 + Drawbacks 0 = 135




Willa's Sedan


Power Level: 6; Equipment Points Spent: 7


STR: +10 (30)


Toughness: +9



Speed 5 (Speed: 250 mph, 2200 ft./rnd)


Defense: -2, Size: Huge


Totals: Abilities 0 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Feats 0 + Features 0 + Powers 5 + Combat 2 + Saves 0 + Drawbacks 0 + Equipment 0 (0 ep) + Weapons & Armor 0 (0 ep) = 7


Age (as of Jan 2019): 29

Height: 5’ 6”

Weight: 115 lbs.

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue


Background: Willa Hawke was a college student who needed a job. Hayden Street needed virgins to stab with his sacrificial knife to power his magic-I mean, a culinary specialist to operate the small cafeteria. So they both got what they wanted. Then Hayden Street ceased to exist in favor of Roger Simon. So, no more ritual stabbing. Her job was still open at NPC Investigations, though. So she kept on. Of course, she had no memory of being repeatedly ritually murdered to power dark magic (the first spell of the charge was her resurrection, naturally). That would be very uncomfortable for Roger and extremely traumatic for her. So she’s just go a weird scar she doesn’t remember getting and an extreme disinterest in finding out how she got it. Honestly, over the years Willa hasn’t changed all that much. She’s just Willa. She’s quietly gotten married and had a couple of children. She’s thinking about a third. She simply doesn’t get involved in the wilder shenanigans the rest of the cast at the agency get into. She’ll still more or less ordinary. And that actually anchors the cast in unexpected ways. There’s more ways to contribute than kicking ass and solving cases.

Willa’s NPC Investigations role is Culinary Specialist.


Powers & Tactics: Willa has one power, and it’s a weird one. Nearest anyone can tell, she’s a mutant who just randomly knows stuff. Even what the knowledge is seems to be completely random. It’s more often helpful than it isn’t, so her mind does seem to be directing it somehow. Or maybe a higher level being’s just having a laugh. Who knows? Harmony Perez has equipped her with armored modifications to her clothing and a weaker version of Harmony’s own Defender wand.


Tactically, Willa’s main goal in a fight is to get out of it. Plan A is always throw up the Armored Shell and run. Plan B is do what Harmony would. Flash Burst to disorient groups, the rest on single targets to create an opening to use Plan A. Her wand can technically use power stunts, the same as Harmony’s wand. However, Willa has no idea how to do that and so never does.


Personality: Willa’s a transplanted Texas gal who wears her love for the Lone Star State on her sleeve. Her powers make her a little…weird…when they’re running but otherwise she’s your everyday ex-cheerleader, wife, and mother of two. She’s easier to get along with than Edwin, for heaven’s sake. The junior associate rotation relies on her presence more than they know. Even being Dusted hasn’t dampened her enthusiasm for life. Granted, the fact that her husband and both children were also among the Dusted probably has something to do with that. She is the beating heart of NPC Investigations. A rock of normality in a ocean of increasingly crazy events.

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James Scott


Power Level: 9; Power Points Spent: 250/250


STR: +3 (16), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +3 (16), INT: +3 (16), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +3 (16)


Tough: +3/+5, Fort: +7, Ref: +7, Will: +7


Skills: Acrobatics 12 (+15), Bluff 12 (+15), Climb 4 (+7), Computers 12 (+15), Craft (artistic) 4 (+7), Craft (chemical) 12 (+15), Craft (electronic) 4 (+7), Craft (mechanical) 4 (+7), Craft (structural) 4 (+7), Diplomacy 12 (+15), Disable Device 12 (+15), Disguise 12 (+15), Drive 12 (+15), Escape Artist 12 (+15), Gather Information 12 (+15), Handle Animal 4 (+7), Intimidate 12 (+15), Investigate 12 (+15), Knowledge (art) 4 (+7), Knowledge (behavioral science) 12 (+15), Knowledge (business) 12 (+15), Knowledge (civics) 12 (+15), Knowledge (current events) 4 (+7), Knowledge (earth sciences) 4 (+7), Knowledge (history) 4 (+7), Knowledge (life sciences) 4 (+7), Knowledge (physical sciences) 4 (+7), Knowledge (popular culture) 4 (+7), Knowledge (streetwise) 12 (+15), Knowledge (tactics) 12 (+15), Knowledge (technology) 12 (+15), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 4 (+7), Language 12 (+12), Medicine 4 (+7), Notice 12 (+15), Perform (acting) 4 (+7), Perform (dance) 4 (+7), Perform (keyboards) 4 (+7), Perform (oratory) 4 (+7), Perform (singing) 4 (+7), Perform (stringed instruments) 4 (+7), Pilot 12 (+15), Search 12 (+15), Sense Motive 12 (+15), Sleight of Hand 12 (+15), Stealth 12 (+15), Survival 12 (+15), Swim 4 (+7)


Feats: Beginner's Luck, Benefit (Secret Agent), Benefit (Security Clearance), Challenge - Improved Demoralize, Challenge - Improved Feint, Challenge - Improved Startle, Challenge - Improved Taunt, Connected, Contacts, Defensive Attack, Dodge Focus, Equipment 12, Evasion, Fascinate (Bluff), Improved Aim, Improved Initiative, Improved Trick, Improvised Tools, Luck 3, Master Plan, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Change 2, Quick Draw, Redirect, Set-Up, Skill Mastery 7 (LOTS O' (+15'd) SKILLS), Startle, Takedown Attack, Taunt, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory), Well-Informed


Equipment: Binoculars, Camera, Cell Phone, Concealable Microphone, Digital Audio Recorder, Flash Goggles, Flashlight, Gas Mask, GPS Receiver, Laptop Computer, Lock Release Gun, Medkit (Basic), Mini-Tracer, Multi-Tool, Night Vision Goggles, Parabolic Microphone, Rebreather, Secret Agent's Arsenal (Assault Rifle, Flash-Bang, Fragmentation Grenade, Masterwork Heavy Pistol, Masterwork Knife, Masterwork Submachine Gun, Masterwork Tonfa, Sleep Gas Grenade, Smoke Grenade, Tear Gas Pellet), Toolkit (Basic), Undercover Shirt, Video Camera


Attack Bonus: +13 (Ranged: +13, Melee: +13, Grapple: +16)


Attacks: Assault Rifle, +13 (DC 20), Flash-Bang, +13 (DC Fort/Ref 14), Fragmentation Grenade, +13 (DC Ref 15), Masterwork Heavy Pistol, +14 (DC 19), Masterwork Knife, +14 (DC 19), Masterwork Submachine Gun, +14 (DC 19), Masterwork Tonfa, +14 (DC 19), Sleep Gas Grenade, +13 (DC Fort/Ref 14), Smoke Grenade, +13 (DC 15), Tear Gas Pellet, +13 (DC Fort/Ref 14), Unarmed Attack, +13 (DC 18)


Defense: +13  (Flat-footed: +6), Knockback: -2


Initiative: +7


Languages: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), English Native, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish


Totals: Abilities 36 + Skills 100 (400 ranks) + Feats 52 + Powers 0 + Combat 50 + Saves 12 + Drawbacks 0 = 250


Age (as of Jan 2019): 57

Height: 5’ 10”

Weight: 175 lbs.

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown


Background: James Scott is one of the two most accomplished intelligence agents on the planet. The only other one more accomplished is his brother David. While David’s always been a CIA man, James does his work for the legendary Impossible Task Force within the NSA. The good folks at NPC Investigations had no idea until the Year of the Ninja. And even now they don’t quite believe it. His list of accomplishments literally fills books. There’s a movie series that doesn’t get many of the details wrong (all the names are changed, of course) but has been seriously ratcheting up the destruction lately. Blowing up the Kremlin (or even part of it) will get you a slow and miserable death at a Russian black site, rogue terror agents. Just don’t. But that’s his day job. A man has to do something to keep busy in his spare time, and being a junior associate just fit. Of course, this was when his old associate Hayden Street was running things. That went belly up faster than expected, but he kept right on with the new NPC Investigations as literally their first junior associate. Eventually the partners got busier, leaving the junior associates to shoulder the caseload. James got active, organizing the rotation and assigning cases. James and the rest of the Impossible Task Force don’t get nearly as many missions as they did twenty, ten, or even five years ago. Vincent Mortelini and the Phantom Network have had a chilling effectiveness on their old stomping grounds. So the ITF is only called in for serious emergencies, or when someone decides taunting the second best intelligence agent on the planet with how he’ll never defeat your master plan is a good idea. With that much free time on his hands, James has taken essentially full command of the junior associate rotation. This did not go unnoticed, and as of the end of 2018 he has been promoted.

James’s NPC Investigations role is Senior Associate.


Powers & Tactics: James Scott is a tremendously skilled human being, but he is only that. He has no superhuman powers of any kind, nor any special devices. What he has is a lifetime of training, skill, and experience enabling him to function as a near master of all trades. Through his job, he has access to a wide variety of weapons and equipment. Though it must be said he doesn’t carry the full set listed at all times. He would look strange carrying a grenade belt and assault rifle through downtown NYC, after all! Normally he only carries his heavy pistol, knife, and tonfa. His Benefit (Secret Agent) feat is effectively Wealth 1 for the purposes of acquiring mundane gear and vehicles and at the GM’s discretion can permit him access to Headquarters (such as a concealed safe house) he has not purchased. The Connected feat can also serve this function. Between Beginner’s Luck, Contacts, his skill bonuses, and Well Informed, there is very little information he doesn’t have access to. He is also one hell of a fighter and gunman.


Tactically, James relies on his firearms and grenades. Flashbangs, sleep gas, and tear gas can be very effective against low level opponents. Fragmentation grenades clear a room like no other. And guns are, well, guns. Feint or Startle + a burst from his Assault Rifle (with or without Power Attack in effect) can apply some very ugly levels of damage. He only resorts to melee out of necessity, but he’s as skilled there as he is anywhere else. Obviously, with no powers or devices he can’t power stunt normally. He can pull a Heroic Equipment feat out for another weapon, but he rarely needs to do that.


Personality: Seen some Mission Impossible movies? Yeah, he’s an Ethan Hunt expy. Charming, confident, a little cocky maybe. Always has a snarky quip ready. Has a weak spot for beautiful, charismatic, capable women. But utterly devoted to saving lives and not taking them if he can possibly avoid it. To the point of putting his own life on the line doing some crazy stunt or another. And if he can’t, well…he’s a realist. Sometimes you have to kill one to save another. It’s terrible, but it’s reality. He’s an excellent friend to have and a terrible man to cross. He doesn’t believe in “impossible”, only in “not accomplished yet”. Like I said, Ethan Hunt expy. For the record, his brother David is James Bond but American crossed with Book!Jason Bourne.

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Kazuma Nihara


Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 120/120


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +2 (14), CON: +2 (14), INT: +3 (16), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +2/+4, Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5


Skills: Acrobatics 8 (+10), Concentration 12 (+15), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 12 (+15), Knowledge (civics) 2 (+5), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 7 (+10), Language 4 (+4), Notice 12 (+15), Search 7 (+10), Sense Motive 12 (+15), Stealth 8 (+10)


Feats: All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (melee), Attack Specialization (Custom Shuriken (Blast 2)), Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus, Equipment 3, Evasion, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Ritualist, Second Chance (Concentration checks to maintain powers), Skill Mastery (KN (arcane lore), Notice, Sense Motive, Stealth), Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Chi Powers (Array 6) (default power: blast)

   Chi Jump (Leaping 3) (Alternate; Jumping distance: x10)

   Chi Movement (Super-Movement 3) (Alternate; swinging, wall-crawling 2 (full speed))

   Chi Speed (Speed 3) (Alternate; Speed: 50 mph, 440 ft./rnd)

   Chi Blast (Blast 6) (Default; DC 21; Penetrating; Action (full))

   Chi Ghost (Astral Form 4) (Array; Action (full), Duration (concentration))

   Chi Infused Strike (Strike 3) (Array; DC 20; Autofire (interval 2, max +5) [2 extra ranks], Penetrating; Mighty)

Custom Shuriken (Blast 2) (DC 19; Autofire (interval 2, max +5) [2 extra ranks]; Mighty 2 (+2 to damage))

Smoke Bomb (Obscure 2) (affects: visual senses, Radius: 10 ft.; Independent)

Ninja Cloth Armor (Protection 1) (+1 Toughness; Subtle (subtle))

Quick Searcher (Quickness 3) (Perform routine tasks at 10x speed; One Task (Search checks))


Equipment: Camo Clothing, Ninja Arsenal (Custom Shuriken [Custom Shuriken (Blast 2), DC 19; Autofire (interval 2, max +5) [2 extra ranks]; Mighty 2 (+2 to damage)], Smoke Bomb [Smoke Bomb (Obscure 2), affects: visual senses, Radius: 10 ft.; Independent], Sword), Ninja Cloth Armor [Ninja Cloth Armor (Protection 1), +1 Toughness; Subtle (subtle)]


Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +9, Grapple: +11)


Attacks: Chi Blast (Blast 6), +8 (DC 21), Chi Infused Strike (Strike 3), +9 (DC 20), Custom Shuriken (Blast 2), +10 (DC 19), Sword, +9 (DC 20), Unarmed Attack, +9 (DC 17)


Defense: +9  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -2


Initiative: +2


Languages: Chinese (Mandarin), English, French, Japanese Native, Spanish


Totals: Abilities 24 + Skills 21 (84 ranks) + Feats 16 + Powers 16 + Combat 32 + Saves 11 + Drawbacks 0 = 120


Age (as of Jan 2019): 18

Height: 5’ 7”

Weight: 145 lbs.

Ethnicity: Japanese

Hair: Black

Eyes: Dark Brown


Background: Kazuma Nihara is nearing the end of his tenure as a Clan Nihara ninja trainee. His training began as soon as he was able to walk. He is the rare Chi Wizardry specialist. Of course, he has crosstrained as an Assassin, having a negative aptitude for Voice work. A one dimensional ninja is a dead ninja, after all. Details on ninja skill trees are in Penny Nihara’s entry. He isn’t quite a prodigy, but is considered to have quite the aptitude as Chi Wizards go. He was sent to study under the new grandmaster after she killed the last one. He’s been around for a couple of years, but explicitly isn’t a part of NPC Investigations. Penny’s been trying to retrain him and eliminate some of the extreme ninja-ness out of him. Like the seeing himself as a tool and not a person thing. Success has been…mixed. Until then, he is at the grandmaster’s service. Whatever task she assigns, he will complete or die trying. And that’s about it, really.

Kazuma doesn’t have an NPC Investigations role. He is a Nihara Clan Trainee under Penny Nihara.


Powers & Tactics: Kazuma is a ninja. He is well trained in the arts of stealth, espionage, and assassination. All of his ability comes from training. He has no superhuman powers. The Chi Wizardry he can do doesn’t count, as anyone can use them with enough training and practice. He has four Chi Powers he routinely uses. One to increase his movement abilities beyond human capability, A blast of energy for damage. Charging his limbs with chi, also for damage. Leaving his body in astral form for remote recon. He routinely carries a ninjato, a huge amount of custom shuriken, and smoke bombs.


In a fight, Kazuma remains a ninja. He desires to avoid fighting first of all. But if this cannot be done, he will attempt to strike from stealth if at all possible. He prefers to use his custom shuriken from range. However, he can melee just fine with his sword or a Chi Infused Strike. Plan A is to use smoke bombs to get into stealth for a sneak attack. He does have some Chi Powers that aren’t integrated into his regular arsenal just yet, and thus are power stunts. Chi Binding Chains, Snare 6. Ninja Vanishing Art, Concealment (All Visual & Auditory Senses). Body Obeys Will, Healing 6. Any other effects would be him improvising on the spot. While he can do  this, it is rare for him to need to.


Personality: It would be reasonable to say that Kazuma doesn’t have a personality. He is the ideal loyal member of Clan Nihara. Little sense of self or his own separate existence. His life is strictly regimented. Eating a healthy diet. Training. Attending Penny when she has need of him. Sleeping. If not engaged in one of those four things, he is doing quite literally nothing but waiting to do one of them again. In many ways, he’s like what Penny could have been if she had stayed with the clan instead of running away. And it is genuinely unnerving. With that said, two years away from home and clan have worn at his iron discipline. He has recently begun to display (gasp!) personality traits. An intense curiosity about the world around him. A snarky wit so dry deserts are jealous. A genuine love of both physical and mental exertion. Basically, he really enjoys being both a Chi Wizard and a ninja. But in a distinctly subtle and reserved sort of way.

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