EternalPhoenix Posted September 6, 2024 Author Posted September 6, 2024 Apocrypha (Aleki Uta'i) Power Level: 12; Power Points Spent: 210/210 STR: +0 (10), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +2 (14), INT: +15 (16/40), WIS: +15 (16/40), CHA: +0 (10) Tough: +2/+12, Fort: +6, Ref: +12, Will: +15 Skills: Acrobatics 4 (+5), Craft (electronic) 5 (+20), Craft (mechanical) 5 (+20), Drive 4 (+5), Knowledge (physical sciences) 5 (+20), Knowledge (technology) 5 (+20), Pilot 4 (+5), Stealth 4 (+5) Feats: Attack Specialization 2 (Cosmic Gun (Device 6)), Beginner's Luck, Dodge Focus 5, Eidetic Memory, Improvised Tools, Inventor, Jack-of-All-Trades, Speed of Thought (use INT for Init, not DEX), Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: Combat Armor (Device 12) (Hard to lose) Armor Plating (Protection 10) (+10 Toughness; Impervious) Camouflage Systems (Concealment 10) (all senses; Passive) Gravitic Flight (Flight 6) (Speed: 500 mph, 4400 ft./rnd; Subtle (subtle)) Integral Radio (Communication 6) (sense type: radio) Life Support Systems (Immunity 9) (life support) Sensor Suite (Super-Senses 2) (infravision, ultravision) Connection to the Collective Unconscious (Container, Passive 12) Babel Effect (Comprehend 4) (codes & ciphers, languages - read all, languages - speak all, languages - understand all) Collective Unconscious Connection (Enhanced Trait 50) (Traits: Intelligence +24 (40, +15), Wisdom +24 (40, +15), Feats: Beginner's Luck, Eidetic Memory) Mental Shortcuts (Quickness 4) (Perform routine tasks at 25x speed; One Type (Mental)) Cosmic Gun (Device 6) (Easy to lose) Cartridges (Array 12) (default power: blast) Cosmi-Kinesis (Move Object 12) (Array; Strength: 60, Carry: 17 tons / 34 tons / 51.2 tons / 102.4 tons) Cosmic Bindings (Snare 12) (Array; DC 22) Cosmic Burst (Blast (Array; DC 23; Burst Area (40 ft. radius - General)) Cosmic Energy Blast (Blast 12) (Default; DC 27) Cosmic Flash (Dazzle 12) (Array; affects: visual senses, DC 22) Cosmic Healing Ray (Healing 6) (Array; DC 16; Action (standard), Range (ranged)) Cosmic Transmutation (Transform 4) (Array; affects: broad > broad - inorganic to inorganic, Transforms: 10 lbs., DC 14; Duration (continuous)) Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +8, Grapple: +8) Attacks: Cosmic Bindings (Snare 12), +12 (DC Ref/Staged 22), Cosmic Burst (Blast (DC 23), Cosmic Energy Blast (Blast 12), +12 (DC 27), Cosmic Flash (Dazzle 12), +12 (DC Fort/Ref 22), Cosmic Transmutation (Transform 4), +12 (DC Fort 14), Unarmed Attack, +8 (DC 15) Defense: +12 (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -11 Initiative: +15 Languages: English Native Totals: Abilities 18 + Skills 9 (36 ranks) + Feats 12 + Powers 126 + Combat 30 + Saves 15 + Drawbacks 0 = 210 Age (as of Jan 2019): 22 Height: 5’ 10” Weight: 180 Ethnicity: Samoan American Hair: Black Eyes: Dark Brown Hometown: Anchorage, Alaska Background: Powers & Tactics: Personality:
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Delta Team This is a placeholder.
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Augment (Cyrus Gramble) Power Level: 12; Power Points Spent: 195/195 STR: +12 (16/35), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +3 (16), INT: +10 (20/30), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +1 (12) Tough: +3/+12, Fort: +9, Ref: +12, Will: +6 Skills: Acrobatics 2 (+5), Craft (electronic) 5 (+15), Craft (mechanical) 5 (+15), Diplomacy 4 (+5), Gather Information 4 (+5), Knowledge (physical sciences) 5 (+15), Knowledge (technology) 5 (+15), Language 1 (+1), Notice 8 (+10), Sense Motive 8 (+10), Stealth 2 (+5), Survival 3 (+5) Feats: Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 3, Beginner's Luck, Dodge Focus 5, Eidetic Memory, Improvised Tools, Interpose, Inventor, Jack-of-All-Trades, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Speed of Thought, Uncanny Dodge (Radio) Powers: Cybernetic Weapons (Array 15) (default power: blast) Cyber Strength (Linked) Enhanced Strength 19 (Linked; +19 STR) Super-Strength 5 (Linked; +25 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 51.2 tons; +5 STR to some checks; Bracing) Freezing Ray (Snare 15) (Array; DC 25) Heavy Particle Cannon (Blast 15) (Default; DC 30) Laser Beam (Blast 9) (Array; DC 24; Penetrating; Accurate 3 (+6)) Plasma Blaster (Strike 10) (Array; DC 25; Cone Area (100 ft. cone - General), Secondary Effect) Sonic Cannon (Stun 9) (Array; DC 19; Range (ranged); Accurate 3 (+6)) Natural Cybernetics (Container, Passive 9) Half Computerized Brain (Enhanced Intelligence 10) (+10 INT, Feats: Beginner's Luck, Eidetic Memory, Jack-of-All-Trades) Internal Radar (Super-Senses 4) (accurate: Radio, radio) Internal Radio (Communication 4) (sense type: radio; Subtle (subtle)) Jet Turbines (Flight 3) (Speed: 50 mph, 440 ft./rnd; Power Loss (Restrainable)) Metal Cyber Armor (Protection 9) (+9 Toughness; Impervious) Attack Bonus: +9 (Ranged: +9, Melee: +12, Grapple: +24/+29) Attacks: Freezing Ray (Snare 15), +9 (DC Ref/Staged 25), Heavy Particle Cannon (Blast 15), +9 (DC 30), Laser Beam (Blast 9), +15 (DC 24), Plasma Blaster (Strike 10) (DC 25), Sonic Cannon (Stun 9), +15 (DC Fort/Staged 19), Unarmed Attack, +12 (DC 27) Defense: +12 (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -10 Initiative: +10 Languages: American Sign Language, English Totals: Abilities 34 + Skills 13 (52 ranks) + Feats 17 + Powers 80 + Combat 32 + Saves 19 + Drawbacks 0 = 195 Age (as of Jan 2019): 18 Height: 6’ 5” Weight: 300 (mixed cybernetic and flesh body) Ethnicity: African American Hair: Black (shaves head) Eyes: Dark Brown Hometown: Odessa, Texas Background: Powers & Tactics: Personality:
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Taffi (Tomoko Nagatsuka) Power Level: 12; Power Points Spent: 180/180 STR: +5/+10 Gigant (15/20/30 Gigant), DEX: +10 (20/30), CON: +5 (15/20), INT: -1 (8), WIS: -1 (8), CHA: +5 (20) Tough: +10/+15 Gigant, Fort: +8/+10 Gigant, Ref: +10, Will: +6 Skills: Acrobatics 10 (+20), Knowledge (popular culture) 6 (+5), Language 2 (+2), Notice 9 (+8), Sense Motive 9 (+8) Feats: Accurate Attack, Acrobatic Bluff, All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 5, Dodge Focus 5, Improved Critical 2 (Taffi Gatling (Strike 5)), Interpose, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Takedown Attack 2, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: Elastic Shapshifting (Alternate Form 4) Mallable Elastic Physiology (Container, Passive 15) Bouncing Legs (Leaping 5) (Jumping distance: x50) Enhanced Abilities (Enhanced Trait 20) (Traits: Strength +5 (20, +5), Dexterity +10 (30, +10), Constitution +5 (20, +5)) Impact Resistant (Immunity 20) (very common descriptor: Bludgeoning; Limited - Half Effect) Rubbery Body (Protection 5) (+5 Toughness) Shockproof (Immunity 10) (common descriptor: Electricity) Stretching (Elongation 5) (Elongation: 100 ft., range incr 50 ft., +5 Escape & Grapple) Stretching Stride (Speed 5) (Speed: 250 mph, 2200 ft./rnd) Swinging Arms (Super-Movement 1) (swinging) Taffi Gatling (Strike 5) (DC 25, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Taffi Gatling (Strike 5)); Autofire (interval 2, max +5); Mighty) Power Settings: Gigant Gear (Alternate Form) (Powers: Gigant Might (Super-Strength 1), Gigant Resilience (Protection 3), Gigant Size (Growth 5)) Gigant Might (Super-Strength 1) (+5 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 3.2 tons; +1 STR to some checks) Gigant Resilience (Protection 3) (+3 Toughness) Gigant Size (Growth 5) (+10 STR, +5 CON, +1 size category) Turbo Gear (Alternate Form) (Powers: Turbo Quickness (Quickness 2), Turbo Reflexes (Enhanced Trait 16), Turbo Speed (Speed 3)) Turbo Quickness (Quickness 2) (Perform routine tasks at 5x speed; One Type (Physical)) Turbo Reflexes (Enhanced Trait 16) (Traits: Attack Bonus +2 (+6), Attack Focus (melee) 7 +2 (+7), Defense Bonus +2 (+12), Dodge Focus 7 +2 (+7), Reflex +4 (+14)) Turbo Speed (Speed 3) (Speed: 50 mph, 440 ft./rnd; Stacks with (Stretching Stride (Speed 5+3))) Attack Bonus: +5/+4 Gigant/+7 Turbo (Ranged: +5/+4 Gigant/+7 Turbo, Melee: +10/+9 Gigant/+14 Turbo, Grapple: +15/+20, +24/+30 Gigant, +19/+24 Turbo) Attacks: Taffi Gatling (Strike 5), +10/+9 Gigant/+14 Turbo (DC 25 Normal & Turbo, 30 Gigant), Unarmed Attack, +10/+9 Gigant/+14 Turbo (DC 20 Normal & Turbo, 25 Gigant) Defense: +10/+9 Gigant/+14 Turbo (Flat-footed: +3 Normal & Gigant, +4 Turbo), Knockback: -5 Normal & Turbo, -11 Gigant Initiative: +10 Languages: English, Hebrew, Japanese Totals: Abilities 26 + Skills 9 (36 ranks) + Feats 19 + Powers 96 + Combat 20 + Saves 10 + Drawbacks 0 = 180 Age (as of Jan 2019): 18 Height: 6’ 0” (normally), 12’ (Gigant Gear) Weight: 150 (normally), 1200 (Gigant Gear) Ethnicity: Japanese Hair: Black with red highlights Eyes: Dark Brown Hometown: Iida, Nagano Prefecture, Japan Background: Powers & Tactics: Personality:
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Eden (Ivy Reubenstein) Power Level: 12; Power Points Spent: 180/180 STR: +1 (12), DEX: +2 (14), CON: +10 (16/30), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +5 (20) Tough: +10/+15, Fort: +12, Ref: +9, Will: +9 Skills: Bluff 5 (+10), Concentration 7 (+10), Diplomacy 5 (+10), Gather Information 10 (+15), Knowledge (life sciences) 13 (+15), Language 4 (+4), Medicine 2 (+5), Notice 7 (+10), Sense Motive 7 (+10), Stealth 8 (+10) Feats: Accurate Attack, Attack Focus (ranged) 3, Defensive Attack, Dodge Focus 4, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Info, KN (life science)), Taunt, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: Carrier Vine (Flight 1) (Speed: 10 mph, 88 ft./rnd; Platform) Plant Generation (Array 14) (default power: blast) Chloro Vision (ESP 7) (Array; affects: visual senses; No Conduit, Simultaneous) Chlorohindering (Environmental Control (Array; hamper move (25%), visibility, Radius: 1000 ft.; Independent, Selective Attack; Range (touch)) Chloroportal (Teleport 7) (Array; 200 miles as full action; Accurate, Portal; Long-Range) Helping Vines (Move Object 12) (Array; Strength: 60, Carry: 17 tons / 34 tons / 51.2 tons / 102.4 tons, Feats: Chokehold; Indirect 3 (any point, any direction)) Hypnotic Spores (Mind Control (Array; DC 18; Conscious, Duration (sustained); Sense-Dependent (Olfactory); Mental Link, Reversible, Subtle (subtle)) Internal Flora (Stun 7) (Array; DC 17; Range 2 (perception)) Narcoleptic Fragrance Burst (Fatigue (Array; DC 18; Range (ranged); Accurate 2 (+4), Indirect 2 (any point, directed away)) Stinkflower Burst (Nauseate (Array; DC 18; Range (ranged); Accurate 2 (+4), Indirect 2 (any point, directed away)) Sudden Vine Smack (Blast 12) (Default; DC 27; Accurate (+2), Indirect 3 (any point, any direction)) Tanglevines (Snare 12) (Array; DC 22; Burst Area (60 ft. radius - General); Range (touch); Custom (Insidious), Indirect 3 (any point, any direction)) Plantlike Physiology (Container, Passive Plantlike Immunities (Immunity 4) (disease, poison, rare descriptor: Own powers, starvation & thirst) Regrowth (Regeneration 18) (recovery rate (bruised) 3 (recover 1 / round without rest), recovery rate (disabled) 5 (recover 1 / minute), recovery rate (injured) 5 (recover 1 / action), recovery rate (staggered) 5 (recover 1 / action); Source (Sunlight); Persistent, Regrowth) Sense Greenery (Super-Senses 4) (acute: Plant Awareness, awareness: Plant (mental), radius: Plant Awareness, ranged: Plant Awareness) Skin Like Bark (Protection 5) (+5 Toughness) Stamina of Nature (Enhanced Constitution 14) (+14 CON) Trackless Step (Super-Movement 1) (trackless) Attack Bonus: +7 (Ranged: +10, Melee: +7, Grapple: +8) Attacks: Hypnotic Spores (Mind Control (DC Will 18), Internal Flora (Stun 7) (DC Fort/Staged 17), Narcoleptic Fragrance Burst (Fatigue 8), +14 (DC Fort 18), Stinkflower Burst (Nauseate 8), +14 (DC Fort/Staged 18), Sudden Vine Smack (Blast 12), +12 (DC 27), Tanglevines (Snare 12) (DC Ref/Staged 22), Unarmed Attack, +7 (DC 16) Defense: +9 (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -7 Initiative: +2 Languages: Arabic, English, Hebrew Native, Japanese, Spanish Totals: Abilities 32 + Skills 17 (68 ranks) + Feats 14 + Powers 78 + Combat 24 + Saves 15 + Drawbacks 0 = 180 Age (as of Jan 2019): 18 Height: 5’ 9” Weight: 130 Ethnicity: Israeli (European & African Jewish ancestry) Hair: Dark Brown with Green highlights Eyes: Green Hometown: Dimona, Israel Background: Powers & Tactics: Personality:
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Agent Fortune (Tariq Al-Rabadi) Power Level: 11; Power Points Spent: 180/180 STR: +3 (16), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +3 (16), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +3 (16) Tough: +3/+5, Fort: +6, Ref: +10/+16, Will: +8 Skills: Acrobatics 12 (+15), Bluff 12 (+15), Computers 3 (+5), Diplomacy 12 (+15), Disable Device 3 (+5), Disguise 2 (+5), Escape Artist 2 (+5), Gather Information 7 (+10), Knowledge (business) 3 (+5), Knowledge (civics) 3 (+5), Language 2 (+2), Medicine 3 (+5), Notice 8 (+10), Sense Motive 8 (+10), Sleight of Hand 2 (+5), Stealth 12 (+15) Feats: Beginner's Luck, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus 7, Evasion 2, Improved Critical 2 (The Quiet Sword (Strike 3)), Power Attack, Precise Shot, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Stealth), Ultimate Effort 4 (Toughness, Fort, Reflex, and Will saves), Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: Academy Operative Uniform (Device 3) (Hard to lose; Subtle (subtle)) Camouflage Field (Concealment 4) (all visual senses; Blending) Concealed Light Body Armor (Protection 1) (+1 Toughness; Subtle (subtle)) Integral Radio (Communication 6) (sense type: radio; Subtle (subtle)) Tactical Goggles (Super-Senses 2) (infravision, ultravision) Lucky Arsenal (Device 3) (Easy to lose; Custom (Multiple Weapons)) Weapons (Array 7) (default power: strike) Silenced Heavy Blaster (Blast 6) (Array; DC 21; Precise, Subtle (subtle)) The Quiet Sword (Strike 3) (Default; DC 21, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (The Quiet Sword (Strike 3)); Penetrating [3 extra ranks]; Mighty, Precise, Subtle (subtle)) One Lucky Guy! (Container, Passive Combat Luck (Enhanced Trait 31) (Traits: Attack Bonus +6 (+16), Dodge Focus 7 +6 (+7), Reflex +6 (+16), Evasion 2 +1 (+2), Feats: Beginner's Luck, Defensive Roll, Ultimate Effort 4 (Toughness, Fort, Reflex, and Will saves)) Luck Control (Luck Control 2) (force a re-roll, negate gm fiat) Offensive Supremacy (Probability Control 1) (Minimum Result: 1; Limited (Attack rolls)) Attack Bonus: +10/+16 (Ranged: +10/+16, Melee: +10/+16, Grapple: +13/+19) Attacks: Silenced Heavy Blaster (Blast 6), +16 (DC 21), The Quiet Sword (Strike 3), +16 (DC 21), Unarmed Attack, +16 (DC 18) Defense: +16 (Flat-footed: +5), Knockback: -2 Initiative: +3 Languages: Arabic, English Native, Spanish Totals: Abilities 32 + Skills 24 (94 ranks) + Feats 7 + Powers 63 + Combat 38 + Saves 16 + Drawbacks 0 = 180 Age (as of Jan 2019): 18 Height: 5’ 9” Weight: 170 Ethnicity: Iranian-American Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Dark Brown Hometown: Detroit, Michigan Background: Powers & Tactics: Personality:
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Shift (Serafina Chavez) Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 180/180 STR: +2 (14), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +2 (14), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +5 (20) Tough: +2/+7, Fort: +7, Ref: +12, Will: +8 Skills: Acrobatics 12 (+15), Bluff 10 (+15), Concentration 3 (+5), Craft (artistic) 8 (+10), Diplomacy 10 (+15), Gather Information 10 (+15), Knowledge (art) 8 (+10), Knowledge (business) 8 (+10), Medicine 3 (+5), Notice 8 (+10), Sense Motive 8 (+10), Sleight of Hand 2 (+5), Stealth 7 (+10), Survival 3 (+5) Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, Attack Focus (melee) 4, Attack Specialization 2 (Martial Arts (Strike 3)), Beginner's Luck, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus 5, Evasion, Improved Critical 2 (Martial Arts (Strike 3)), Improved Initiative, Jack-of-All-Trades, Power Attack, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Stealth), Takedown Attack 2, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: Academy Operative Uniform (Device 3) (Hard to lose) Concealed Body Armor (Protection 4) (+4 Toughness; Subtle (subtle)) Integral Radio (Communication 6) (sense type: radio; Subtle (subtle)) Tactical Goggles (Super-Senses 3) (infravision, time sense, ultravision) Martial Arts (Strike 3) (DC 20, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Martial Arts (Strike 3)); Mighty) Mental Shifting (Variable 2) (acquire: all of (type) - skills and feats, limited to: skills and feats, Feats: Beginner's Luck, Jack-of-All-Trades; Action 2 (free)) Shifting (Morph 5) (morph: broad group - humanoids, +25 Disguise; Duration (continuous); Custom (Covers Scent), Custom (Covers Mental), Precise) Attack Bonus: +7 (Ranged: +7, Melee: +11, Grapple: +13) Attacks: Martial Arts (Strike 3), +15 (DC 20), Unarmed Attack, +11 (DC 17) Defense: +12 (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -3 Initiative: +7 Languages: English Native Totals: Abilities 32 + Skills 25 (100 ranks) + Feats 21 + Powers 54 + Combat 28 + Saves 20 + Drawbacks 0 = 180 Age (as of Jan 2019): 18 Height: Variable (typically between 4’ 10” and 5’ 10”) Weight: Variable (typically between 80 and 165) Ethnicity: Puerto Rican (New York branch; however powers make appearance variable) Hair: Variable Eyes: Variable Hometown: New York City (drifted around eastern US) Background: Powers & Tactics: Personality:
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Epsilon Team This is a placeholder.
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Grava (Daraja Ishola) Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150 STR: +12 (13/35), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +2 (14), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +3 (16) Tough: +2/+12, Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +8 Skills: Bluff 2 (+5), Concentration 8 (+10), Craft (artistic) 5 (+5), Diplomacy 7 (+10), Gather Information 7 (+10), Knowledge (physical sciences) 5 (+5), Knowledge (popular culture) 5 (+5), Language 1 (+1), Notice 8 (+10), Sense Motive 8 (+10) Feats: Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (ranged) 6, Attack Specialization 2 (Unarmed Attack), Dodge Focus 3, Environmental Adaptation 2 (High & Low Gravity), Move-by Action, Power Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: Gravitic Armor (Force Field 10) (+10 Toughness; Impervious) Gravitic Flight (Flight 5) (Speed: 250 mph, 2200 ft./rnd) Gravity Control (Array 15) (default power: move object) Crushing Gravity Field (Move Object 10) (Array; Strength: 50, Carry: 4.3 tons / 8.5 tons / 12.8 tons / 25.6 tons, DC 25; Burst Area (50 ft. radius - General), Damaging; Limited Direction (Downwards)) Gravikinesis (Move Object 10) (Default; Strength: 50, Carry: 4.3 tons / 8.5 tons / 12.8 tons / 25.6 tons; Duration (continuous)) Gravitic Bolts (Blast 10) (Array; DC 25; Autofire (interval 2, max +5)) Gravitic Burst (Blast 10) (Array; DC 25; Burst Area (50 ft. radius - General)) Gravitic Control (Move Object 30) (Array; Strength: 150, Carry: 4.5m tons / 8.9m tons / 13.4m tons / 26.8m tons; Burst Area (150 ft. radius - General); Limited Direction (Up and Down), Range (touch)) Gravitic Might (Linked) Enhanced Strength 22 (Linked; +22 STR, Feats: Attack Specialization 2 (Unarmed Attack)) Super-Strength 3 (Linked; +15 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 12.8 tons; +3 STR to some checks) Gravity Control (Environmental Control 10) (Array; gravity (low/high), Radius: 5000 ft.; Selective Attack; Range (touch)) Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +10, Melee: +4, Grapple: +16/+19) Attacks: Crushing Gravity Field (Move Object 10) (DC 25), Gravitic Bolts (Blast 10), +10 (DC 25), Gravitic Burst (Blast 10) (DC 25), Unarmed Attack, +8 (DC 27) Defense: +8 (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -11 Initiative: +1 Languages: English, Yoruba Native Totals: Abilities 19 + Skills 14 (56 ranks) + Feats 17 + Powers 66 + Combat 18 + Saves 16 + Drawbacks 0 = 150 Age (as of Jan 2019): 14 Height: 5’ 9” Weight: 135 Ethnicity: Yoruba (Nigerian nationality) Hair: Black (shaves head) Eyes: Dark Violet Hometown: Ibadan, Nigeria Background: Powers & Tactics: Personality:
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Kinetix (Fabien St. Pierre) Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150 STR: +0 (10), DEX: +2 (14), CON: +0 (10), INT: +5 (20), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +2 (14) Tough: +0/+10, Fort: +5, Ref: +10, Will: +6 Skills: Bluff 8 (+10), Diplomacy 8 (+10), Gather Information 8 (+10), Knowledge (physical sciences) 5 (+10), Knowledge (popular culture) 5 (+10), Knowledge (tactics) 5 (+10), Knowledge (technology) 5 (+10), Language 4 (+4), Notice 8 (+10), Sense Motive 8 (+10) Feats: Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Dodge Focus 5, Eidetic Memory, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: Kinetic Control (Array (default power: strike) Kinetic Jumping (Leaping 2) (Alternate; Jumping distance: x5) Kinetic Manipulation (Super-Movement 2) (Alternate; wall-crawling 2 (full speed)) Kinetic Quickness (Quickness 5) (Alternate; Perform routine tasks at 50x speed) Kinetic Speed (Speed 5) (Alternate; Speed: 250 mph, 2200 ft./rnd) Kinetic Blast (Blast 6) (Array; DC 21; Accurate 3 (+6), Precise) Kinetic Drain (Paralyze 6) (Array; DC 16; Accurate 3 (+6), Precise) Kinetic Explosion (Strike 6) (Array; DC 21; Burst Area (20-150 ft. radius - General); Progression, Decrease Area 2 (-2 ranks), Progression, Increase Area 2 (area x5)) Kinetic Strike (Strike 6) (Default; DC 21; Penetrating; Accurate 3 (+6), Knockback) Kinetically Charged Muscles (Super-Strength (Array; +40 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 12.8 tons; +8 STR to some checks) Kinetic Field (Linked) Force Field 10 (Linked; +10 Toughness) Immunity 40 (Linked; lethal physical damage, nonlethal physical damage; Duration (continuous); Duration (sustained), Limited - Half Effect) Impervious Toughness 10 (Linked; Duration (continuous); Duration (sustained), Limited (to Physical)) Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +8, Grapple: +8) Attacks: Kinetic Blast (Blast 6), +14 (DC 21), Kinetic Drain (Paralyze 6), +14 (DC Staged/Will 16), Kinetic Explosion (Strike 6) (DC 21), Kinetic Strike (Strike 6), +14 (DC 21), Unarmed Attack, +8 (DC 15) Defense: +10 (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -10 Initiative: +2 Languages: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Yoruba Totals: Abilities 22 + Skills 16 (64 ranks) + Feats 13 + Powers 56 + Combat 26 + Saves 17 + Drawbacks 0 = 150 Age (as of Jan 2019): 14 Height: 5’ 4” Weight: 110 Ethnicity: Mixed (French and Missisiquoi [Abenaki Native American tribe]) Hair: Dirty Blond Eyes: Brown Hometown: Montpelier, Vermont Background: Powers & Tactics: Personality:
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Geonic (Isabelle Oliveira) Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150 STR: +10 (30), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +1 (12), INT: +1 (12), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +1 (12) Tough: +10, Fort: +5, Ref: +10, Will: +9 Skills: Bluff 9 (+10), Concentration 7 (+10), Diplomacy 9 (+10), Gather Information 9 (+10), Intimidate 9 (+10), Knowledge (earth sciences) 4 (+5), Knowledge (history) 9 (+10), Knowledge (physical sciences) 4 (+5), Language 3 (+3), Notice 7 (+10), Sense Motive 7 (+10), Survival 7 (+10) Feats: Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 5, Dodge Focus 5, Interpose, Power Attack, Startle, Takedown Attack, Taunt, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: Absorbing Earth (Alternate Form 10) Rockin' Up (Alternate Form) (Powers: Absorbed Earth/Rock (Density 9), Earthen Might (Super-Strength 4), Faster Platform (Flight 3), Rocky Skin (Protection 5)) Absorbed Earth/Rock (Density 9) (+18 STR, +4 Toughness, Weight Multiplier: x10, Adds: Immovable 3, Super-Strength 3; Permanent) Immovable 3 (Resist Movement: +12, Resist Knockback: -3) Super-Strength 3 (+15 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 102.4 tons; +3 STR to some checks) Earthen Might (Super-Strength 4) (+20 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 102.4 tons; +4 STR to some checks) Faster Platform (Flight 3) (Speed: 50 mph, 440 ft./rnd; Stacks with (Rock Platform (Flight 3+3)); Platform) Faster Burrowing (Burrowing 3) (Alternate; Speed: 5 mph, 44 ft./rnd; Stacks with (Burrowing 3)) Rocky Skin (Protection 5) (+5 Toughness; Impervious [1 extra rank]) Rock Platform (Flight 3+3) ([Stacking ranks: +3], Speed: 500 mph, 4400 ft./rnd; Platform) Burrowing 3 (Alternate; Speed: 5 mph, 44 ft./rnd) Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +5, Melee: +10, Grapple: +20/+27) Attacks: Unarmed Attack, +10 (DC 25) Defense: +10 (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -13 Initiative: +3 Languages: English, German, Portuguese, Spanish Totals: Abilities 20 + Skills 21 (84 ranks) + Feats 18 + Powers 54 + Combat 20 + Saves 17 + Drawbacks 0 = 150 Age (as of Jan 2019): 14 Height: 5’ 1” Weight: 100 (untransformed), 1000 (Rockin’ Up) Ethnicity: Mixed Brazilian (Pardo, by government category; ambiguously brown in general appearance) Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Blue Hometown: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Background: Powers & Tactics: Personality:
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Warp (TIffany Broadchurch) Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150 STR: +2 (14), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +2 (14), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +2 (14) Tough: +2/+12, Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +8 Skills: Acrobatics 7 (+10), Concentration 8 (+10), Craft (artistic) 5 (+5), Diplomacy 3 (+5), Knowledge (art) 5 (+5), Knowledge (physical sciences) 5 (+5), Knowledge (streetwise) 5 (+5), Notice 8 (+10), Sense Motive 8 (+10), Stealth 2 (+5) Feats: All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 6, Dodge Focus 3, Power Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: Spatial Warping (Teleport 10) (1000 ft. as move action, 200000 miles as full action; Accurate; Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, Turnabout) Behind A Fold Of Space (Concealment 10) (Alternate; all senses; Close Range) Violating Physics (Super-Movement 6) (Alternate; permeate 3 (full speed), wall-crawling 2 (full speed), water walking) Warp Shield (Force Field 10) (+10 Toughness; Impervious) Warping Space (Array 7) (default power: strike; Custom (Array 6.5)) All Over The Room (Strike 4) (Array; DC 21; Burst Area (30 ft. radius - Targeted) [2 extra ranks]; Accurate 2 (+4), Mighty) Warp Speed Strikes (Strike 4) (Default; DC 21; Autofire (interval 2, max +5) [2 extra ranks]; Accurate 2 (+4), Mighty) Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +4, Melee: +10, Grapple: +12) Attacks: All Over The Room (Strike 4), +14 (DC 21), Unarmed Attack, +10 (DC 17), Warp Speed Strikes (Strike 4), +14 (DC 21) Defense: +8 (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -11 Initiative: +3 Languages: English Native Totals: Abilities 22 + Skills 14 (56 ranks) + Feats 13 + Powers 69 + Combat 18 + Saves 14 + Drawbacks 0 = 150 Age (as of Jan 2019): 14 Height: 5’ 10” Weight: 165 Ethnicity: English Hair: Light Brown (natural), varying bright colored streaks (dye) Eyes: Light Brown Hometown: Manchester, England Background: Powers & Tactics: Personality:
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Freerunner (Jacob Lewis) Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150 STR: +2 (14), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +2 (14), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +0 (10) Tough: +2/+6, Fort: +6, Ref: +8/+14, Will: +7 Skills: Acrobatics 6 (+9/+15), Bluff 5 (+5), Diplomacy 5 (+5), Escape Artist 6 (+9/+15), Knowledge (history) 3 (+5), Language 1 (+1), Notice 7 (+10), Sense Motive 7 (+10), Sleight of Hand 6 (+9/+15), Stealth 6 (+9/+15) Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, Attack Focus (ranged) 2, Attack Specialization (Martial Arts (Strike 2)), Dodge Focus 7, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Escape Artist, Sleight of Hand, Stealth), Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: Academy Student Uniform (Device 3) (Hard to lose) Concealed Body Armor (Protection 4) (+4 Toughness; Subtle (subtle)) Integral Radio (Communication 6) (sense type: radio; Subtle (subtle)) Tactical Goggles (Super-Senses 3) (distance sense, infravision, ultravision) Flawless Athletic Mastery (Features 1) (Notes: Basically if it's an athlete/sports/whatever thing and it's not in combat/high stakes/exceptionally difficult, he can just do it. No rolls required. And do it better than anyone without similar abilities, which falls under the exception above. When the dice do come out due to that exception, he may receive a +4 circumstance bonus to his roll for this Feature at GM discretion.) Hyperkinesis (Container, Passive 10) Flawless Attack & Defense (Enhanced Trait 24) (Traits: Attack Bonus +6 (+12), Dodge Focus 7 +6 (+7), Reflex +6 (+14)) Flawless Coordination (Enhanced Trait 7) (Traits: Acrobatics +6 (+15), Escape Artist +6 (+15), Sleight of Hand +6 (+15), Stealth +6 (+15), Feats: Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Escape Artist, Sleight of Hand, Stealth)) Flawless Movement (Super-Movement 3) (slow fall, sure-footed 2 (50% penalty reduction)) Perfect Throw (Blast 4) (DC 21; Improved Range (100 ft. incr), Mighty 2 (+2 to damage), Precise, Ricochet (1 bounce); Power Loss (Requires Throwable Items)) Wall Running (Super-Movement 1) (wall-crawling 1 (half speed); Limited (to one Move action)) Martial Arts (Strike 2) (DC 19; Mighty) Attack Bonus: +6/+12 (Ranged: +8/+14, Melee: +6/+12, Grapple: +8/+14) Attacks: Martial Arts (Strike 2), +14 (DC 19), Perfect Throw (Blast 4), +14 (DC 21), Unarmed Attack, +12 (DC 17) Defense: +14 (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -3 Initiative: +7 Languages: English Native, Spanish Totals: Abilities 24 + Skills 13 (52 ranks) + Feats 8 + Powers 66 + Combat 26 + Saves 13 + Drawbacks 0 = 150 Age (as of Jan 2019): 14 Height: 5’ 6” Weight: 145 Ethnicity: Osage (Native American tribe) Hair: Black Eyes: Dark Brown Hometown: Tulsa, Oklahoma Background: Powers & Tactics: Personality:
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Illusionist Knight (Maia Turei) Power Level: 12; Power Points Spent: 255/255 STR: +3 (16), DEX: +5 (20), CON: +3 (16), INT: +3 (16), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +3 (16) Tough: +3/+9, Fort: +7, Ref: +14, Will: +12 Skills: Acrobatics 10 (+15), Bluff 12 (+15), Concentration 15 (+20), Diplomacy 7 (+10), Gather Information 7 (+10), Knowledge (life sciences) 12 (+15), Knowledge (physical sciences) 12 (+15), Language 1 (+1), Medicine 10 (+15), Notice 10 (+15), Sense Motive 10 (+15), Stealth 10 (+15) Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, Attack Focus (melee) 4, Attack Specialization (Sword (Device 2)), Challenge - Improved Acrobatic Bluff, Challenge - Improved Feint, Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus 5, Evasion, Improved Critical (Sword Strike (Strike 3)), Improved Critical 2 (Illusory Sword (Strike 8)), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Trick, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Bluff, Notice, Sense Motive), Takedown Attack 2, Uncanny Dodge (Mental) Powers: Academy Staff Uniform (Device 3) (Hard to lose) Concealed Body Armor (Protection 5) (+5 Toughness; Subtle (subtle)) Integral Radio (Communication 6) (sense type: radio; Subtle (subtle)) Tactical Goggles (Super-Senses 2) (infravision, ultravision) Psionic Illusionism (Array 12) (default power: strike) Illusion Spies (ESP 4) (Array; affects: 2 types, inc. visual - visual & auditory; Duration (sustained), No Conduit, Simultaneous; Medium, Notes: Medium of her Psionic Illusions power.) Illusory Attack (Blast 6) (Array; DC 21; Alternate Save (Will), Range (perception)) Illusory Sword (Strike (Default; DC 23, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Illusory Sword (Strike 8)); Alternate Save (Will); Accurate 2 (+4)) Sensory Deprivation (Dazzle 6) (Array; affects: 1 type + visual - visual & auditory, DC 16; Alternate Save (Will), Range (perception)) Psionic Illusions (Illusion 12) (affects: all sense types, DC 22; Duration (sustained); Phantasms; Progression, Area 6 (500 ft. radius)) Psionic Senses (Super-Senses 4) (danger sense: Mental, radius (type): Mental, ranged: Mental) Sword (Device 2) (Easy to lose) Sword Strike (Strike 3) (DC 21, Feats: Improved Critical (Sword Strike (Strike 3)); Penetrating [2 extra ranks]; Mighty) Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +12, Grapple: +15) Attacks: Illusory Attack (Blast 6) (DC Will 21), Illusory Sword (Strike 8), +16 (DC Will 23), Sensory Deprivation (Dazzle 6) (DC Will 16), Sword Strike (Strike 3), +14 (DC 21), Unarmed Attack, +12 (DC 18) Defense: +14 (Flat-footed: +5), Knockback: -4 Initiative: +9 Languages: English, Maori Totals: Abilities 44 + Skills 29 (116 ranks) + Feats 25 + Powers 103 + Combat 34 + Saves 20 + Drawbacks 0 = 255 Age (as of Jan 2019): 30 Height: 5’ 2” Weight: 140 Ethnicity: Maori Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Dark Brown Hometown: Auckland, New Zealand Background: Powers & Tactics: Personality:
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Non-Team Academy Members This is a placeholder.
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Eagle Eye (Russell Harris) Power Level: 15; Power Points Spent: 270/270 STR: +4 (18), DEX: +4 (18), CON: +4 (18), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +2 (14) Tough: +6/+11, Fort: +8, Ref: +18, Will: +11 Skills: Acrobatics 11 (+15), Bluff 3 (+5), Diplomacy 3 (+5), Disable Device 8 (+10), Disguise 8 (+10), Drive 1 (+5), Escape Artist 6 (+10), Gather Information 13 (+15), Intimidate 13 (+15), Knowledge (streetwise) 8 (+10), Knowledge (tactics) 8 (+10), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 8 (+10), Language 6 (+6), Notice 20 (+25), Sense Motive 15 (+20), Sleight of Hand 6 (+10), Stealth 11 (+15) Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (ranged) 3, Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus 9, Elusive Target, Evasion, Improved Aim, Improved Critical 2 (Eagle's Shot (Blast 10)), Improved Critical 2 (Martial Arts (Strike 3)), Improved Initiative, Improved Trick, Power Attack, Precise Shot 2, Quick Draw, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Notice, Sense Motive, Stealth), Startle, Stunning Attack, Takedown Attack 2, Ultimate Effort (Aim), Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: Academy Staff Uniform (Device 3) (Hard to lose) Concealed Body Armor (Protection 4) (+4 Toughness; Subtle (subtle)) Integral Grapple Gun (Linked) Speed 1 (Linked; Speed: 10 mph, 88 ft./rnd) Super-Movement 1 (Linked; wall-crawling 1 (half speed)) Integral Radio (Communication 6) (sense type: radio; Subtle (subtle)) Attack Supremacy (Probability Control 2) (Minimum Result: 2; Limited (to Attack rolls)) Eagle Custom (Device 6) (Easy to lose, Restricted use (Ranged ATK Bonus +16 and up); Subtle (subtle)) Eagle's Shot (Blast 10) (DC 25, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Eagle's Shot (Blast 10)); Improved Range 4 (2500 ft. incr), Progression, Increase Range 4 (max range x25, 25000 feet)) Eagle Eyes (Super-Senses 38) (distance sense, extended (type): Vision 15 (-1 per 2tr mi), infravision, low-light vision, microscopic vision 4 (atom-size), ultravision) Martial Arts (Strike 3) (DC 22, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Martial Arts (Strike 3)); Mighty) Tough Guy (Protection 2) (+2 Toughness) Attack Bonus: +17 (Ranged: +20, Melee: +17, Grapple: +21) Attacks: Eagle's Shot (Blast 10), +20 (DC 25), Martial Arts (Strike 3), +17 (DC 22), Unarmed Attack, +17 (DC 19) Defense: +18 (Flat-footed: +5), Knockback: -5 Initiative: +8 Languages: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), English Native, French, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish Totals: Abilities 42 + Skills 37 (148 ranks) + Feats 31 + Powers 84 + Combat 52 + Saves 24 + Drawbacks 0 = 270 Age (as of Jan 2019): 42 (chronological), early/mid 30s (appearance) Height: 6’ 0” Weight: 185 Ethnicity: Jewish Caucasian Hair: Black Eyes: Blue Hometown: Washington, DC (birthplace only, traveled afterward) Background: Powers & Tactics: Personality:
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Aerialist (Frank Simms) Power Level: 15; Power Points Spent: 360/360 STR: +5 (20), DEX: +5 (20), CON: +5 (20), INT: +20 (20/50), WIS: +20 (20/50), CHA: +5 (20) Tough: +5/+20, Fort: +10, Ref: +10, Will: +20 Skills: Bluff 5 (+10), Craft (electronic) 10 (+30), Craft (mechanical) 10 (+30), Diplomacy 5 (+10), Gather Information 5 (+10), Intimidate 5 (+10), Knowledge (physical sciences) 10 (+30), Knowledge (technology) 10 (+30) Feats: Artificer, Beginner's Luck, Dodge Focus, Improved Critical 2 (Cannon Blast (Blast 10)), Improved Initiative, Improvised Tools, Inventor, Jack-of-All-Trades, Master Plan, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Ritualist, Skill Mastery 10 (ALL THE SKILLS), Takedown Attack, Trance, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: Avatar of Mind (Container, Passive 16) Enhanced Feats (Enhanced Trait 12) (Feats: Beginner's Luck, Jack-of-All-Trades, Skill Mastery 10 (ALL THE SKILLS)) Mind Incarnate (Enhanced Trait 60) (Traits: Intelligence +30 (50, +20), Wisdom +30 (50, +20)) Omnilingual (Comprehend 4) (codes & ciphers, languages - read all, languages - speak all, languages - understand all) Blast Cannon (Device 5) (Easy to lose) Cannon Blast (Blast 10) (DC 25, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Cannon Blast (Blast 10)); Improved Range (250 ft. incr), Precise, Progression, Increase Range (max range x2, 2500 feet)) Borrowing From Family (Alternate Form (Duration (continuous)) Defensive Gear (Device 14) (Hard to lose, Only you can use; Subtle 2 (unnoticable)) Immunity 10 (life support, starvation & thirst) Protection 15 (+15 Toughness; Impervious, Reflective 2) Mega Fists (Device 2) (Hard to lose) Mega Punch (Strike 5) (DC 25; Mighty) Nanomachines, Son (Immunity 1) (aging) The Power of Flight (Flight 5) (Speed: 250 mph, 2200 ft./rnd) Power Settings: Borrowing From Francine (Alternate Form) (Powers: Francine's Invincibility (Immunity 80)) Borrowing From Mickey (Alternate Form) (Powers: Mickey's Might (Super-Strength 9), Strength +20 (40, +15), Feats: Attack Specialization 2 (Blast Cannon (Device 5))) Borrowing From Mona (Alternate Form) (Powers: Mona's Quickness (Quickness 10), Mona's Speed (Flight 5), Attack Bonus +10 (+20)) Attack Bonus: +10 (Ranged: +10, Melee: +10, Grapple: +15) Attacks: Cannon Blast (Blast 10), +10 (DC 25), Mega Punch (Strike 5), +10 (DC 25), Unarmed Attack, +10 (DC 20) Defense: +10 (Flat-footed: +5), Knockback: -17 Initiative: +9 Languages: English Native Totals: Abilities 60 + Skills 15 (60 ranks) + Feats 13 + Powers 224 + Combat 38 + Saves 10 + Drawbacks 0 = 360 Age (as of Jan 2019): 72 (chronological), late 20s/early 30s (biological) Height: 6’ 2” Weight: 210 Ethnicity: White Hispanic Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Hometown: Glen Burnie, Maryland Background: Powers & Tactics: Personality:
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Eventide (Teska Nefertari) Power Level: 12; Power Points Spent: 255/255 STR: +9 (16/28), DEX: +5 (18/20), CON: +9 (16/28), INT: +5 (18/20), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +7 (20/24) Tough: +9, Fort: +9, Ref: +9/+15, Will: +12 Skills: Acrobatics 5 (+10), Bluff 3 (+10), Craft (chemical) 5 (+10), Diplomacy 13 (+20), Disguise 3 (+10), Gather Information 3 (+10), Intimidate 8 (+15), Knowledge (galactic) 5 (+10), Knowledge (life sciences) 5 (+10), Knowledge (physical sciences) 5 (+10), Knowledge (popular culture) 10 (+15), Knowledge (streetwise) 5 (+10), Knowledge (tactics) 5 (+10), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 5 (+10), Language 3 (+3), Notice 15 (+20), Sense Motive 15 (+20), Stealth 15 (+20) Feats: Accurate Attack, Challenge - Improved Demoralize, Challenge - Improved Startle, Defensive Attack, Elusive Target, Evasion, Fascinate (Diplomacy), Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Critical 2 (Tempest Swing (Blast 3)), Improved Critical 2 (Twilight Strike (Strike 3)), Improved Initiative, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Skill Mastery (Diplomacy, Notice, Sense Motive, Stealth), Startle, Takedown Attack 2, Uncanny Dodge (Mental) Powers: Shon (Abjah) Physiology (Container, Passive 5) Shon (Abjah) Abilities (Enhanced Trait (Traits: Dexterity +2 (20, +5), Intelligence +2 (20, +5), Charisma +4 (24, +7)) Shon Senses (Super-Senses 11) (accurate (type): Mental, acute (type): Mental, extended (type): Mental 1 (-1 per 100 ft), radius (type): Mental, ranged: Mental) Shon Telepathy (Communication 6) (sense type: mental) Shon Garden Training (Container, Passive 15) Psionic Abilities (Enhanced Trait 24) (Traits: Strength +12 (28, +9), Constitution +12 (28, +9)) Psionic Immortality (Immunity 3) (aging, disease, poison) Psionic Speed (Speed 3) (Speed: 50 mph, 440 ft./rnd) Psionic Vaulting (Leaping 3) (Jumping distance: x10) Psychic Reflexes (Enhanced Trait 25) (Traits: Attack Bonus +3 (+12), Defense Bonus +6 (+15), Reflex +6 (+15), Feats: Evasion) Telepathic Resistance (Immunity 10) (mental effects; Limited - Half Effect) Telepathic Translation (Comprehend 3) (languages - read all, languages - speak all, languages - understand all) Unremembrance (Concealment 12) (all senses, other sense type: DC boost; Duration (continuous); Limited (No effect until scene afterward), Phantasm, Saving Throw (Will)) Shon War Axe (Device 4) (Easy to lose) Axe Techniques (Array 9) (default power: strike) Tempest Swing (Blast 3) (Array; DC 27, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Tempest Swing (Blast 3)); Mighty 9 (+9 to damage), Precise) Twilight Strike (Strike 3) (Default; DC 27, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Twilight Strike (Strike 3)); Autofire (interval 2, max +5) [9 extra ranks]; Mighty) Valley Stroke (Strike 3) (Array; DC 27; Cone Area (120-600 ft. cone - General) [9 extra ranks]; Mighty, Progression, Increase Area 2 (area x5)) Attack Bonus: +9/+12 (Ranged: +9/+12, Melee: +9/+12, Grapple: +18/+21) Attacks: Tempest Swing (Blast 3), +12 (DC 27), Twilight Strike (Strike 3), +12 (DC 27), Unarmed Attack, +12 (DC 24), Valley Stroke (Strike 3) (DC 27) Defense: +9/+15 (Flat-footed: +8), Knockback: -4 Initiative: +9 Languages: Akkad, English, Neo-Nobellian, Yahad Native Totals: Abilities 48 + Skills 32 (128 ranks) + Feats 16 + Powers 112 + Combat 36 + Saves 11 + Drawbacks 0 = 255 Age (as of Jan 2019): Unclear, at least 5000 years (chronological), late 20s/early 30s (biological) Height: 5’ 7” Weight: 105 Ethnicity: Shon (Abjah) Hair: None Eyes: Violet Hometown: The Garden of Memory, Principalities of the Shon Background: Powers & Tactics: Personality:
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Baccarat (Stefan LeRoux) Power Level: 12; Power Points Spent: 240/240 STR: +3 (16), DEX: +5 (20), CON: +3 (16), INT: +3 (16), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +5 (20) Tough: +3/+12, Fort: +7, Ref: +12, Will: +8 Skills: Acrobatics 10 (+15), Bluff 10 (+15), Diplomacy 10 (+15), Disable Device 12 (+15), Disguise 10 (+15), Escape Artist 15 (+20), Gather Information 15 (+20), Intimidate 10 (+15), Knowledge (civics) 2 (+5), Knowledge (current events) 2 (+5), Knowledge (physical sciences) 2 (+5), Knowledge (streetwise) 12 (+15), Knowledge (tactics) 12 (+15), Language 1 (+1), Notice 12 (+15), Sense Motive 12 (+15), Sleight of Hand 15 (+20), Stealth 10 (+15), Survival 12 (+15) Feats: Accurate Attack, Acrobatic Bluff, All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (ranged) 2, Attack Specialization (Martial Arts (Strike 3)), Challenge - Improved Acrobatic Bluff, Challenge - Improved Demoralize, Challenge - Improved Feint, Connected, Contacts, Defensive Attack, Dodge Focus, Evasion, Grappling Finesse, Improved Aim, Improved Critical 2 (Explosive Shards (Blast 10)), Improved Critical 2 (Impossible Throw (Blast 10)), Improved Critical 2 (Rapidfire Shards (Blast 10)), Improved Initiative, Improved Ranged Disarm, Improved Trick, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Precise Shot 2, Skill Mastery 2 (Acro, Bluff, Dis Dev, Disguise, Esc Art, Gather Info, SoH, Stealth), Takedown Attack 2, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: Kinetic Crystal Throwing (Array 16) (default power: blast) Blow Dust In The Air (Obscure (Array; affects: visual senses, Radius: 1000 ft.; Duration (continuous), Selective Attack, Total Fade; Fades) Explosive Crystal (Blast 10) (Array; DC 25; Burst Area (50-250 ft. radius - General); Progression, Increase Area 2 (area x5)) Explosive Shards (Blast 10) (Array; DC 25, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Explosive Shards (Blast 10)); Burst Area (50 ft. radius - Targeted)) Impossible Throw (Blast 10) (Array; DC 25, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Impossible Throw (Blast 10)); Penetrating [5 ranks only]; Homing 2 (2 attempts), Ricochet 2 (2 bounces), Subtle (subtle)) Rapidfire Shards (Blast 10) (Default; DC 25, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Rapidfire Shards (Blast 10)); Autofire (interval 2, max +5)) Kinetic Physiology (Container, Passive 4) Kinetic Durability (Impervious Toughness 12) (Limited (to Physical)) Kinetic Leaping (Leaping 2) (Jumping distance: x5) Kinetic Quickness (Quickness 2) (Perform routine tasks at 5x speed; One Type (Physical)) Kinetic Resilience (Protection 9) (+9 Toughness) Kinetic Speed (Speed 2) (Speed: 25 mph, 220 ft./rnd) Martial Arts (Strike 3) (DC 21; Mighty) Attack Bonus: +12 (Ranged: +14, Melee: +12, Grapple: +17) Attacks: Explosive Crystal (Blast 10) (DC 25), Explosive Shards (Blast 10), +14 (DC 25), Impossible Throw (Blast 10), +14 (DC 25), Martial Arts (Strike 3), +14 (DC 21), Rapidfire Shards (Blast 10), +14 (DC 25), Unarmed Attack, +12 (DC 18) Defense: +12 (Flat-footed: +6), Knockback: -12 Initiative: +9 Languages: Cajun French, English Native Totals: Abilities 44 + Skills 46 (184 ranks) + Feats 28 + Powers 60 + Combat 46 + Saves 16 + Drawbacks 0 = 240 Age (as of Jan 2019): 38 Height: 5’ 11” Weight: 175 Ethnicity: Caucasian (Cajun/Louisiana French) Hair: Brown Eyes: Violet Hometown: Kenner, Louisiana Background: Powers & Tactics: Personality:
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Nobody (Lisa Lindsey) Power Level: 12; Power Points Spent: 285/285 STR: +7 (25), DEX: +7 (25), CON: +7 (25), INT: +5 (20), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +5 (20) Tough: +7/+10, Fort: +11, Ref: +14, Will: +11 Skills: Acrobatics 13 (+20), Bluff 10 (+15), Diplomacy 10 (+15), Disable Device 10 (+15), Disguise 10 (+15), Drive 8 (+15), Escape Artist 13 (+20), Gather Information 10 (+15), Intimidate 10 (+15), Knowledge (current events) 5 (+10), Knowledge (history) 5 (+10), Knowledge (tactics) 15 (+20), Language 3 (+3), Notice 10 (+15), Pilot 8 (+15), Search 10 (+15), Sense Motive 10 (+15), Sleight of Hand 13 (+20), Stealth 13 (+20), Survival 10 (+15) Feats: Accurate Attack, Acrobatic Bluff, All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (ranged), Challenge - Improved Acrobatic Bluff, Challenge - Improved Demoralize, Challenge - Improved Feint, Eidetic Memory, Elusive Target, Endurance (+4), Evasion, Improved Aim, Improved Critical 2 (Combat Knife (Strike 2)), Improved Critical 2 (Heavy Assault Rifle (Blast 6)), Improved Critical 2 (Sniper Rifle (Blast 6)), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative 2, Improved Trick, Jack-of-All-Trades, Master Plan, Master Plan 2 (tactics), Move-by Action, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Skill Mastery (Words), Takedown Attack 2, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: Academy Staff Uniform (Device 4) (Hard to lose) Concealed Body Armor (Protection 3) (+3 Toughness; Subtle (subtle)) Integral Grapple Gun (Linked) Speed 1 (Linked; Speed: 10 mph, 88 ft./rnd; Stacks with (Speed 1+1)) Super-Movement 2 (Linked; slow fall, wall-crawling 1 (half speed)) Integral Radio (Communication 6) (sense type: radio; Subtle (subtle)) Tactical Goggles (Super-Senses 4) (infravision, radio, ultravision) Arsenal of Liberty (modern edition) (Device 5) (Easy to lose; Custom 6 (Multiple Weapons 6)) Weapons (Array 10) (default power: blast) Combat Knife (Strike 2) (Array; DC 24, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Combat Knife (Strike 2)); Penetrating [2 extra ranks]; Mighty) Flash Bangs (Dazzle 5) (Array; affects: 1 type + visual - visual & auditory, DC 15; Burst Area (25 ft. radius - General)) Frag Grenades (Blast 6) (Array; DC 21; Burst Area (30-150 ft. radius - General); Progression, Increase Area 2 (area x5)) Heavy Assault Rifle (Blast 6) (Default; DC 21, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Heavy Assault Rifle (Blast 6)); Autofire (interval 2, max +5)) RPG Launcher (Blast 10) (Array; DC 25; Burst Area (50 ft. radius - General); Unreliable (5 Uses)) Sniper Rifle (Blast 6) (Array; DC 21, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Sniper Rifle (Blast 6)); Penetrating [2 ranks only]; Improved Range 2 (300 ft. incr), Progression, Increase Range 2 (max range x5, 3000 feet)) Martial Arts (Strike 2) (DC 24; Mighty) Super Soldier Treatment (Container, Passive 4) Immunity 1 (aging; Limited - Half Effect) Leaping 1 (Jumping distance: x2) Quickness 1 (Perform routine tasks at 2x speed) Regeneration 7 (ability damage 1 (recover 1 / 5 hours), recovery bonus 2 (+2 to recover), recovery rate (bruised) 1 (recover 1 / round), recovery rate (disabled) 1 (recover 1 / 5 hours), recovery rate (injured) 1 (recover 1 / 20 mins), recovery rate (staggered) 1 (recover 1 / 20 mins)) Speed 1+1 ([Stacking ranks: +1], Speed: 25 mph, 220 ft./rnd) Super-Senses 7 (acute (type): Olfactory, extended: Olfactory 1 (-1 per 100 ft), extended: Auditory 1 (-1 per 100 ft), extended (type): Visual 1 (-1 per 100 ft), low-light vision) Attack Bonus: +15 (Ranged: +16, Melee: +15, Grapple: +22) Attacks: Combat Knife (Strike 2), +15 (DC 24), Flash Bangs (Dazzle 5) (DC Fort/Ref 15), Frag Grenades (Blast 6) (DC 21), Heavy Assault Rifle (Blast 6), +16 (DC 21), Martial Arts (Strike 2), +15 (DC 24), RPG Launcher (Blast 10) (DC 25), Sniper Rifle (Blast 6), +16 (DC 21), Unarmed Attack, +15 (DC 22) Defense: +14 (Flat-footed: +7), Knockback: -5 Initiative: +15 Languages: English Native, French, German, Russian Totals: Abilities 75 + Skills 49 (196 ranks) + Feats 26 + Powers 60 + Combat 58 + Saves 17 + Drawbacks 0 = 285 Age (as of Jan 2019): 95 (chronological), 56 (biological) Height: 5’ 10” Weight: 165 Ethnicity: Caucasian (Scottish American) Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Hometown: Scranton, New Jersey Background: If the United States Government (especially the CIA) knew Lisa Lindsay was still alive, they’d shit their pants. Because the legendary soldier Leonard Kingman reported killing her over 40 years ago. But let’s backtrack. The original scientific super soldier project. Project Blue Liberty. Powers & Tactics: Personality:
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Cynosure (Rohan Zaveri) Power Level: 12; Power Points Spent: 255/255 STR: +3 (16), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +3 (16), INT: +9 (16/28), WIS: +6 (22), CHA: +6 (22) Tough: +3/+6, Fort: +6, Ref: +9/+15, Will: +12 Skills: Acrobatics 2 (+5), Bluff 9 (+15), Computers 6 (+15), Concentration 9 (+15), Craft (artistic) 6 (+15), Craft (electronic) 6 (+15), Craft (mechanical) 6 (+15), Diplomacy 4 (+10), Disable Device 6 (+15), Gather Information 14 (+20), Intimidate 9 (+15), Investigate 1 (+10), Knowledge (art) 6 (+15), Knowledge (life sciences) 6 (+15), Knowledge (physical sciences) 6 (+15), Knowledge (popular culture) 6 (+15), Knowledge (technology) 6 (+15), Medicine 9 (+15), Notice 9 (+15), Search 1 (+10), Sense Motive 9 (+15), Stealth 2 (+5) Feats: Contacts, Defensive Roll 3, Improvised Tools, Inventor, Jack-of-All-Trades, Master Plan, Online Research, Power Attack, Set-Up, Skill Mastery 2 (Bluff, Comp, Craft (art) Gather Info, Intim, Med, Notice, Sen Mot), Startle, Takedown Attack, Taunt, Uncanny Dodge 2 (Auditory, Mental), Well-Informed Powers: Psionic Inquirer Physiology (Container, Passive 15) Defensive Analytics (Enhanced Trait 21) (Traits: Defense Bonus +6 (+15), Reflex +6 (+15), Feats: Defensive Roll 3) Hacked Mind (Enhanced Intelligence 12) (+12 INT) Mental Shortcuts (Quickness 6) (Perform routine tasks at 100x speed; One Type (Mental)) Mind Reading (Mind Reading 12) (DC 22; Duration (sustained); Custom (Insidious), Subtle 2 (unnoticable)) Telepathic Mind (Super-Senses 6) (accurate: MInd Awareness, acute: MInd Awareness, awareness: Mind (mental), radius: MInd Awareness, ranged: MInd Awareness) Telepathic Translation (Comprehend 3) (languages - read all, languages - speak all, languages - understand all) Telepathic Tricks (Array 12) (default power: strike) Accelerated Healing (Healing 6) (Array; DC 16; Action (standard), Alternate Save (Will), Range 2 (perception); Limited to Others) Chemoreceptor Triggering (Nauseate 6) (Array; DC 16; Alternate Save (Will), Range 2 (perception)) Mind Hacking (Mind Control 9) (Array; DC 19; Conscious; Requires Mental Grapple; Custom (Insidious), Mental Link, Subtle 2 (unnoticable)) Sense Hacking (Illusion 9) (Array; affects: all sense types, DC 19; Limited to One Subject, Phantasms; Progression, Area 6 (500 ft. radius)) Sensory Deactivation (Dazzle 6) (Array; affects: 1 type + visual - visual & auditory, DC 16; Alternate Save (Will), Range (perception)) Sleep Center Stimulation (Fatigue 6) (Array; DC 16; Alternate Save (Will), Range 2 (perception), Sleep) Studied Strike (Strike 6) (Default; DC 24; Autofire (interval 2, max +5) [3 extra ranks], Penetrating [3 ranks only]; Accurate 3 (+6), Custom 2 (Supremacy (Nat 1s with this power do not automiss)), Mighty) Attack Bonus: +9 (Ranged: +9, Melee: +9, Grapple: +12) Attacks: Chemoreceptor Triggering (Nauseate 6) (DC Staged/Will 16), Mind Hacking (Mind Control 9) (DC Will 19), Mind Reading (Mind Reading 12) (DC Will 22), Sensory Deactivation (Dazzle 6) (DC Will 16), Sleep Center Stimulation (Fatigue 6) (DC Will 16), Studied Strike (Strike 6), +15 (DC 24), Unarmed Attack, +9 (DC 18) Defense: +9/+15 (Flat-footed: +8), Knockback: -3 Initiative: +3 Languages: English Native Totals: Abilities 48 + Skills 35 (138 ranks) + Feats 16 + Powers 105 + Combat 36 + Saves 15 + Drawbacks 0 = 255 Age (as of Jan 2019): 34 Height: 5’ 9” Weight: 150 Ethnicity: Indian English Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Dark Brown Hometown: Birmingham, United Kingdom Background: Powers & Tactics: Personality:
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Umbra (Ryung Kwon) Power Level: 12; Power Points Spent: 255/255 STR: +3 (16), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +3 (16), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +3 (16) Tough: +3/+9, Fort: +7, Ref: +15, Will: +11 Skills: Acrobatics 12 (+15), Concentration 7 (+10), Diplomacy 7 (+10), Gather Information 7 (+10), Intimidate 12 (+15), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 8 (+10), Knowledge (streetwise) 8 (+10), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 8 (+10), Language 3 (+3), Notice 12 (+15), Sense Motive 12 (+15), Stealth 12 (+15) Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, Attack Focus (melee) 2, Attack Specialization 2 (Shadow Strike (Strike 6)), Challenge - Improved Acrobatic Bluff, Challenge - Improved Demoralize, Dodge Focus 6, Elusive Target, Evasion, Improved Critical 2 (Shadow Strike (Strike 6)), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Prone Fighting, Ritualist, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Intimidate, Notice, Stealth), Takedown Attack 2, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: Shadow Generation (Array 12) (default power: obscure) Shadow Bind (Snare 12) (Array; DC 22; Burst Area (60 ft. radius - General); Range (touch)) Shadow Blind (Dazzle 12) (Array; affects: visual senses, DC 22; Burst Area (60 ft. radius - General); Range (touch)) Shadow Shroud (Obscure (Default; affects: visual senses, Radius: 1000 ft.; Duration (continuous), Selective Attack; Range (touch)) Summon Shadows (Summon 5) (Array; Fanatical, Horde; Mental Link, Progression, # Minions 3 (10 minions)) Shadow Generator Physiology (Container, Passive 6) Dark and Light Proof (Immunity 20) (common descriptor: Darkness/Shadow, common descriptor: Light) Darkvision (Super-Senses 2) (darkvision) Shades (Features 1) (Notes: Your control of darkness provides you with some minor protection from intense light. You never sunburn or worry about glare, as if you were always wearing sunscreen and a pair of sunglasses.) Shadow Suit (Features 1) (Notes: You can cover your entire body with impenetrable shadows at will, essentially “wearing” darkness as if it were clothing, “styled” however you wish, from a skintight silhouette to a swirling cloak or “garment” of shadows. You can similarly conceal your face with a shadowy mask (or a complete head covering).) Shadowy Resilience (Protection 6) (+6 Toughness) Shadow Saber (Device 4) (Easy to lose, Only you can use) Shadow Strike (Strike 6) (DC 21, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Shadow Strike (Strike 6)); Autofire (interval 2, max +5) [3 extra ranks], Penetrating [2 ranks only]; Precise) Shadow Shift (Alternate Form Shadow Form (Alternate Form) (Powers: Living Shadow (Immunity 12), Shadow Crawl (Super-Movement 3), Shadow Form (Insubstantial 3), Shadow Meld (Concealment 4), Shadow Speed (Speed 6)) Living Shadow (Immunity 12) (critical hits, life support, starvation & thirst) Shadow Crawl (Super-Movement 3) (slithering, wall-crawling 2 (full speed)) Shadow Form (Insubstantial 3) (Energy) Shadow Meld (Concealment 4) (all visual senses; Limited (to in darkness/shadows)) Shadow Speed (Speed 6) (Speed: 500 mph, 4400 ft./rnd; Limited (to in darkness/shadows)) Attack Bonus: +9 (Ranged: +9, Melee: +11, Grapple: +14) Attacks: Shadow Bind (Snare 12) (DC Ref/Staged 22), Shadow Blind (Dazzle 12) (DC Fort/Ref 22), Shadow Strike (Strike 6), +15 (DC 21), Unarmed Attack, +11 (DC 18) Defense: +15 (Flat-footed: +5), Knockback: -4 Initiative: +7 Languages: Chinese (Mandarin), English, Korean Native, Russian Totals: Abilities 34 + Skills 27 (108 ranks) + Feats 23 + Powers 111 + Combat 36 + Saves 24 + Drawbacks 0 = 255 ********** Shadow Creature (x10) Power Level: 6; Power Points Spent: 75/75 STR: +0 (10), DEX: +2 (14), CON: +0 (-), INT: +0 (-), WIS: +0 (-), CHA: +0 (-) Tough: +0/+4, Fort: Immune, Ref: +8, Will: +0 Feats: Attack Focus (melee) 4, Dodge Focus 3 Powers: Shadow Claws (Strike 6) (DC 21; Penetrating [3 ranks only]) Shadow Physiology (Container, Passive 9) Dark Vision (Super-Senses 2) (darkvision) Light and Shadow Resistance (Immunity 20) (common descriptor: Darkness/Shadow, common descriptor: Light; Limited - Half Effect) Shadow Crawl (Super-Movement 3) (slithering, wall-crawling 2 (full speed)) Shadow Form (Insubstantial 3) (Energy; Permanent) Shadow Meld (Concealment 6) (all aural senses, all visual senses; Limited (to in darkness/shadows)) Shadow Speed (Speed 4) (Speed: 100 mph, 880 ft./rnd; Limited (to in darkness/shadows)) Shadowy Resilience (Protection 4) (+4 Toughness) Unliving (Immunity 30) (fortitude saves) Attack Bonus: +2 (Ranged: +2, Melee: +6, Grapple: +6) Attacks: Shadow Claws (Strike 6), +6 (DC 21), Unarmed Attack, +6 (DC 15) Defense: +8 (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -2 Initiative: +2 Languages: Native Language Totals: Abilities -36 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Feats 7 + Powers 84 + Combat 14 + Saves 6 + Drawbacks 0 = 75 Age (as of Jan 2019): 30 Height: 6’ 0” Weight: 160 Ethnicity: Korean Hair: Black Eyes: Dark Brown Hometown: Ulsan, South Korea Background: Powers & Tactics: Personality:
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Ember (Xiaoran Lin) Power Level: 12; Power Points Spent: 255/255 STR: +3 (16), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +3 (16), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +3 (16) Tough: +3/+6, Fort: +7, Ref: +9/+15, Will: +11 Skills: Acrobatics 12 (+15), Concentration 7 (+10), Diplomacy 2 (+5), Gather Information 2 (+5), Intimidate 17 (+20), Knowledge (civics) 8 (+10), Knowledge (current events) 3 (+5), Knowledge (history) 8 (+10), Knowledge (physical sciences) 3 (+5), Language 5 (+5), Notice 12 (+15), Sense Motive 12 (+15), Stealth 12 (+15) Feats: Accurate Attack, Acrobatic Bluff, All-Out Attack, Challenge - Improved Acrobatic Bluff, Challenge - Improved Demoralize, Challenge - Improved Startle, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 3, Elusive Target, Evasion 2, Improved Critical 2 (Blazing Impact (Strike 6)), Improved Critical 2 (Shattering Impact (Strike 6)), Improved Critical 2 (Shuāng Strike (Strike 6)), Improved Initiative 6, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Intimidate, Sense Motive, Stealth), Startle, Takedown Attack 2, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: Frozen Heart (Immunity 5) (emotion effects) Shuāng (Frost) (Device 4) (Easy to lose, Restricted use (Heat and/or Cold Immunity)) Frigid Weapon (Features 1) (Notes: Anyone outside of the Restricted Group who touches it with bare skin or insufficiently thick cloth is exposed to an Extreme Cold enviroment until such contact ceases.) Shuāng Strike (Strike 6) (DC 24, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Shuāng Strike (Strike 6)); Autofire (interval 2, max +5) [3 extra ranks]; Mighty, Precise) Thermal Absorbing Physiology (Container, Passive 15) Blazing Movement (Super-Movement 3) (wall-crawling 2 (full speed), water walking; Limited (to while moving)) Blazing Quickness (Quickness 9) (Perform routine tasks at 1000x speed) Blazing Reflexes (Enhanced Trait 41) (Traits: Attack Bonus +6 (+15), Defense Bonus +6 (+15), Reflex +6 (+15), Feats: Defensive Roll 3, Evasion 2, Improved Initiative 6) Blazing Speed (Speed 9) (Speed: 5000 mph, 44000 ft./rnd) Cold Resistant (Immunity 6) (damage type: Cold/Ice, environmental condition: Cold; Limited - Half Effect) Fireproof (Immunity 10) (common descriptor: Fire/Heat) Thermokinesis (Array 14) (default power: - linked powers -; Custom (Array 13.5)) Blazing Aura (Strike 6) (Array; DC 21; Aura, Duration 2 (sustained)) Blazing Flash (Dazzle 9) (Array; affects: visual senses, DC 19; Perception Area (General), Selective Attack; Range (touch)) Blazing Release (Strike 12) (Array; DC 27; Cylinder Area (60-300 ft. radius + height - General); Indirect (in front of you, directed away), Progression, Increase Area 2 (area x5)) Blazing Strike (Linked) Blazing Impact (Strike 6) (Linked; DC 24, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Blazing Impact (Strike 6)); Autofire (interval 2, max +5) [3 extra ranks], Penetrating [4 ranks only]; Mighty) Blazing Knockback (Move Object 9) (Linked; Strength: 45, Carry: 4.3k / 4.3 tons / 6.4 tons / 12.8 tons; Limited Direction (Away), Range (touch)) Chill Zone (Fatigue 9) (Array; DC 19; Burst Area (45 ft. radius - General)) Freezing Touch (Strike 9) (Array; DC 24; Affects Objects, Alternate Save (Fortitude)) Shattering Strike (Linked) Shattering Freeze (Drain 9) (Linked; drains: single trait, DC 19; Affects Objects) Shattering Impact (Strike 6) (Linked; DC 24, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Shattering Impact (Strike 6)); Mighty) Attack Bonus: +9/+15 (Ranged: +9/+15, Melee: +9/+15, Grapple: +12/+18) Attacks: Blazing Aura (Strike 6), +15 (DC 21), Blazing Flash (Dazzle 9) (DC Fort/Ref 19), Blazing Impact (Strike 6), +15 (DC 24), Blazing Release (Strike 12) (DC 27), Chill Zone (Fatigue 9) (DC Fort 19), Freezing Touch (Strike 9), +15 (DC Fort 24), Shattering Freeze (Drain 9), +15 (DC Fort/Staged 19), Shattering Impact (Strike 6), +15 (DC 24), Shuāng Strike (Strike 6), +15 (DC 24), Unarmed Attack, +15 (DC 18) Defense: +9/+15 (Flat-footed: +8), Knockback: -3 Initiative: +27 Languages: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin) Native, English, French, Russian, Spanish Totals: Abilities 34 + Skills 26 (103 ranks) + Feats 15 + Powers 126 + Combat 36 + Saves 18 + Drawbacks 0 = 255 Age (as of Jan 2019): 30 Height: 5’ 11” Weight: 155 Ethnicity: Han Chinese Hair: Black Eyes: Blue Hometown: Jinan, Shandong, China Background: Powers & Tactics: Personality:
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Josef's Originals This is a placeholder.
EternalPhoenix Posted September 7, 2024 Author Posted September 7, 2024 Raymond "Shooter" McGibson Power Level: 15; Power Points Spent: 285/285 STR: +7 (25), DEX: +7 (24), CON: +20 (24/50), INT: +1 (12), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +5 (20) Tough: +20, Fort: +20, Ref: +10, Will: +10 Skills: Acrobatics 8 (+15), Bluff 10 (+15), Drive 3 (+10), Gather Information 10 (+15), Intimidate 15 (+20), Knowledge (art) 9 (+10), Knowledge (history) 9 (+10), Knowledge (streetwise) 14 (+15), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 4 (+5), Medicine 8 (+10), Notice 18 (+20), Pilot 3 (+10), Ride 3 (+10), Sense Motive 18 (+20), Stealth 8 (+15) Feats: Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Assessment, Attack Focus (melee) 3, Challenge - Improved Demoralize, Challenge - Improved Startle, Challenge - Improved Taunt, Evasion, Improved Critical 2 (Life Force Blast (Blast 18)), Power Attack, Startle, Takedown Attack 2, Taunt, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: Life Force Emission (Array 20) (default power: blast) Life Force Beam (Strike 15) (Array; DC 30; Line Area (5x250-18750 ft. line - General); Progression, Decrease Area 5 (-5 ranks), Progression, Increase Area 5 (area x50)) Life Force Blast (Blast 18) (Default; DC 33, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Life Force Blast (Blast 18)); Improved Range (450 ft. incr), Progression, Increase Range (max range x2, 4500 feet)) Life Force Bolts (Blast 12) (Array; DC 27; Autofire (interval 2, max +5); Accurate 3 (+6), Improved Range (300 ft. incr)) Life Force Generator (Container, Passive 15) Effectively Immortal (Immunity 3) (aging, disease, poison) Hyperfast Recovery (Regeneration 31) (ability damage 8 (recover 1 / round without rest), recovery rate (bruised) 3 (recover 1 / round without rest), recovery rate (disabled) 8 (recover 1 / round without rest), recovery rate (injured) 6 (recover 1 / round without rest), recovery rate (staggered) 6 (recover 1 / round without rest); Persistent, Regrowth) Life Force Resilience (Enhanced Constitution 26) (+26 CON) Regeneration (Healing 1) (Action 4 (reaction); Personal) Sharpened Senses (Super-Senses (acute (type): Olfactory, extended (type): VIsual 1 (-1 per 100 ft), extended (type): Auditory 1 (-1 per 100 ft), extended (type): Olfactory 1 (-1 per 100 ft)) Polyglot (Comprehend 3) (languages - read all, languages - speak all, languages - understand all; Limited (Earth Languages with over a million speakers)) Attack Bonus: +12 (Ranged: +12, Melee: +15, Grapple: +22) Attacks: Life Force Beam (Strike 15) (DC 30), Life Force Blast (Blast 18), +12 (DC 33), Life Force Bolts (Blast 12), +18 (DC 27), Unarmed Attack, +15 (DC 22) Defense: +10 (Flat-footed: +5), Knockback: -10 Initiative: +7 Languages: English Native Totals: Abilities 59 + Skills 35 (140 ranks) + Feats 16 + Powers 120 + Combat 44 + Saves 11 + Drawbacks 0 = 285 Age (as of Jan 2019): 134 (chronological), late 20s/early 30s (biological) Height: 6’ 3” Weight: 240 Ethnicity: Caucasian Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Dark Brown Background: Powers & Tactics: Personality:
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