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Developing two ideas that, frankly, are both alike I suppose...


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So, two setting ideas that have been sitting in the back of my mind. I will admit there are so similarities in both, so I will try to do my best to make them feel unique from each others. Hopefully, each should help fill a certain niche that isn't very much explored/used on this board. Note that both names are placeholders.


Warriors of Stillness

Scale: Inter-dimensional.


In Brief: Fanatics of order.


Decription: A faction of universe-raiding fanatics who deem the universe too chaotic. They are motivated by their philopshy and idea, one that implies the multiverse is inherently wrong, flawed and chaotic. Their planet, Aionus, is 'unstuck in universe', meaning there is only one. No alternate universe version of it exist. They see the universe as a chaotic mess, so full of things, entities and persons with dangerous powers that risk upsetting the balance and order of the universe. The warriors of stillness are on a crusade and they will attempt to conquer entire universes and bring it to order. THEIR vision of order, that is. On many worlds, they are hailed as heroes since they often target Netherworlds, which they deem the most chaotic.


They have endured countless defeats yet they never stop. Perfection, order and compliance must be brought to the multiverse. To fuel their war effort, entire worlds are stripped bare of materials. In fact, their home planet has grown in size as more and more structure keep being built on it's crowded surface. The strength of the warriors come from their conversion; warriors of stillness excel in converting others to their cause, pointing out at the excess of powerful, megalomanic tyrants in the multiverse. Many of them are expert orators and demagoges. Most of the time, however, worlds are brought to compliance by the sword and cosmic blaster. The fact they are, themselves, tyrants, is an irony completely lost on them. Willing converts are surgically altered, gaining new mental focus and a resistance to mind control. Most eerily, their personalities and memories are mostly unchanged, safe for complete and utter devotion to their new ideals. Warriors of stillness primarily invade via dimensional ships, which traverse both dimensions and space. They march in great armies.


Design Notes: I was bothered that the only decent cosmic threat in the Freedomverse is Omega and his forces of the Terminus. Yes, unarguably they are the greatest and most legitimate threats. So here is one that doesn't destroy...well, most of the them. This is one focused on an entirely different cosmic idea.


Tropes Embodied & Inspiration:

  • The evils of free will
  • Assimilation Plot
  • Necromongers (Chronicles of Riddicks)
  • Black Templars (Warhammer 40 000)
  • The alignement Lawful Neutral of D&D. Well, at least that's what they think they are.


Scale: Places around the galaxy & the Andromeda galaxy.


In Brief: Melodramatic bug aliens.


Decription: "Andromedans" are a species of physically diverse, transgenic insectoid beings. Fierce yet alien, these beings have arrived from the Andromeda galaxy and have since plagued the outer rims of the Milky Way. Organized in hives/fleet/clans, these creatures agressively fight for dominance amongst themselves and against natives of the milky way.


Andromedans are organized in a complexe caste system, each caste bred for a very unique and specific purpose. The lower castes lack intelligence and free will and are obedient to the ruling castes who are as intelligent or even more intelligent than humans. These roles include things such as generals, scientists, engineer, medics, priests and philosophers. Andromedans, due to their alien mindset and great difficulty interacting with other species, are poorly understood. In reality, most simply do not care about other races, whom they find equally repulsive and alien. Callous by nature, Andromedans are notorious conquerors and thieves, both as likely to invade a planet as to steal a cargo ship for their purpose.


In addition, they are quite motivated by the acquisition of rare specimens to dissect and assimilate in order to grow stronger. When their wars and politics become too heated, they often become simple locusts, stripping entire planets in order to fuel their war efforts. Other sentients species have clashed with them in such 'bug wars', where the Andromedans refuse to back down and will simply take what they need. Andromedans often use double agents to manipulate powerful entities in order to wipe out rival colonies. Their inter-species rivalries are things of legend, epic feuds sang about in hours-long chittering chants by specially bred singing slaves.


Design Notes: What scifi setting doesn't have bug aliens? Okay don't answer that I'm sure there plenty, but anyway. Andromedans cover the niche of bug-like alien bad guys who attack in swarms, have organic technology and are overall not very pleasant to have around. My initial draft of them make them a mish mash of just about every bug alien in movies, comics, anime and videogames. At the same time, I wanted them to have different factions and individuals so their squabbles could be used as plot hooks.


Tropes Embodied & Inspiration:

  • Bug War
  • The Bugs/Arachnids (Starship Troopers)
  • The Tyranids (Warhammer 40 000)
  • Zergs (Starcraft)
  • Vajra (Macross Frontier)
  • Radam (Tekkaman Blade)


Comments and criticism MORE than appreciated.

Edited by RobRX
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Troll has done something like your first idea with the >Light of Truth, although that works on a galactic, not multiversal scale, so there isn't too much overlap methinks.  I do indeed like both concepts, though.  


Yes, Troll told me about the light of truth and I almost scrapped the first idea but he told me to keep mine and develop it anyway.

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Melodramatic alien bugs? Do they use Shakespearean English?


Well I mean stuff like epic clan feuds, betrayal, fight for honor and all that...only with space bugs. Maybe that's how they get subtitled; faux-shakespeare.

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Well, the Still Ones could use some explanation for how they 1) discovered other universes, and 2) became a threat.

And these are simple and broad enough to be both handy to use, and can have stuff added on as necessary.

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Well, the Still Ones could use some explanation for how they 1) discovered other universes, and 2) became a threat.

And these are simple and broad enough to be both handy to use, and can have stuff added on as necessary.

Well, I feel explaining them TOO MUCH would risk a case of early 'villain decay'. Not that I have a concrete idea of how they came to be.

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A Game Of Hives?

Yes that except I haven't watched the show, read the book or even intend to. Because, you know, Game of Thrones didn't invent those ideas...

No I really don't like Game of Thrones.


Edit: Here is the current draft for the Andromedans...




Andromedans is not their real name. In fact, it is not even certain if they have a name as we can understand it. If they do have one, then it is one humans (and most sentient species) cannot properly pronounce. As the name implies, Andromedans are native of the Andromeda Galaxy, where they originated from and thrive. In terms of general physiology, Andromedans are a very varied species, with distinct castes so different in appearance one would assume they are a completely different race that evolved on a different planet. A rough overview of them would generally describe them as a mixture of insectoid, crustacean and dinosaur characteristics. They frequently have mandibles and multiple eyes.

As a society, Andromedans are organized into Broods, which usually share some small common physical or psychological characteristic. Broods can be mobile and fleet-based or established on certain worlds. Some are more violent than others. There is no general pattern to them.


As previously mentioned, Andromedans are native of the Andromeda galaxy. It is unknown if they are a species that naturally evolved or was uplifted by something else. It is also possible their unique characteristics are the result of extreme self-imposed eugenics and genetic modifications. Since very little is known of what was and is happening in the Andromeda galaxy, much of the Andromedans history is a complete mystery.

The Andromedans who live in the Milky Way are either refugee or pioneers. They arrived roughly four thousands years ago and primarily dwell at the edges of the galaxy. Over time, they have clashed with several native species.


Andromedans are a physically varied lot, so much that their varied castes might look as completely different species to most onlookers. It is unknown how many unique castes exist. To further confound matters, there castes unique to different broods. Because they are such a poorly understood species, Andromedans reproduction is a mystery As such it is unknown these castes are decided. For simplicity’s sake, Andromedans castes are initially broken down by the general shape of the body, most with the option of with or without wings:

  • Slug-like.

  • Snake/worm-like.

  • Snake/worm-like with two/four/six forelimbs.

  • Quadrupedal

  • Hexapedal

  • Hexapedal with two/four forelimbs/four-armed biped.

  • Octopedal

  • Other.

Furthermore, these body shapes are further divided by size and/or level of intelligence. Most of these castes are relatively unintelligent, merely drones specially bred for a certain type of task. Their intelligent is only complex enough to allow them to carry their tasks. These tasks range from simple manual labors to food processing to spaceship navigation.

The true rulers of the Andromedans are those who possess human and above-level intelligence. These Andromedans occupy functions such as overseers, generals, engineers, biologists, scientists and even (apparently) philosophers. It is unknown if the Queens are actually leaders, simple breeders or if they possess a very complex role within the Andromedans hierarchy. That is assuming they DO have queens, as rumoured.


Andromedans are capable of rapid evolution and adaptation, making them able to adapt to just about any environment. It is because of this ability that they have clashed far less with other sentients species than one might expect, as they often live in worlds inhospitable to other carbon-based lifeforms. While not (always) an angry swarm intent on assimilating other species, there have been times where Andromedans have attempted to acquire members of other species in order to assimilate their essence and genetic material in order to adapt and grow stronger. One has to wonder what would happen if they knew about earth’s diverse superhuman population.


Much like their physiology and history, there is much to the Andromedan’s psychology that is unknown to other species. It is generally understood that they are a callous, aggressive species with a very strong territorial instinct. It is also known that despite their hive mentality, they are capable of in-fighting within a brood. However, the most common form of Andromedan wars are inter-brood rivalries akin to a spatial ant war.

As a whole, those of their kind who possess free will (or at least enough self-awareness) are strongly motivated by interests, either their own or that of their brood as a whole. Survival of the fittest is an apt descriptor of it. In fact, to them, their complex political games are nothing more than a refined version of a predator’s ‘kill or be killed’ mentality. Not that they ever really feel like explaining that to non-andromedans.



As a species, they are technologically advanced albeit mostly in the area of genetics, due to their expertise in molding their own physiology. Andromedans possess spaceships and FTL like any space-faring species, however in other areas some would argue they are lacking. The reason for this is simple; because of drones designed for specific purpose, Andromedans have little need for some of the more advanced technologies, making them appear somewhat lopsided. They have absolutely no concept of automation, for example; everything is done manually by specially bred drones. Weapons, while they exist, are not as common as with other species since most Andromedans who are designed even remotely to expect conflict have means to defend themselves. While Andromedans do use metals in their constructions, it is mixed with the chitin they produce.


Motivations & Goals

Andromedans, while expansionist, seems often more motivated by their own inter-brood squabblings. This is generally considered a good thing since they would pose a far more serious and immediate threat to the galaxy if they felt like conquering it. Because of their constant political shifts (over reasons human brains could likely not even grasp or fathom), it is fairly easy for them to come into conflict with other races.

So-called ‘Bug Wars’ are the most common of these scenarios, where Andromedans descend upon entire systems as angry locusts. What few understand is that those raids actually serve a simple purpose. To them, Andromedans appears as mindless hungry space vermin. This is because they never negotiate with other species, and as such, few ever see their leaders making them appear as some ravenous, faceless hivemind. In reality, when Andromedans resort to this it means they require either massive amounts of resources to fuel their wars or are looking for something in particular to turn the tides. Either way, these are always messy and bloody events.

The other most likely scenario is that Andromedans have found a way to manipulate someone or something into doing their dirty work, usually by finding a way to send someone to fight a rival Brood and in the process weaken it.

Finally, it is also possible to encounter lone Andromedan ships who travel around the galaxy, looking for unique and exotic specimens to dissect and assimilate.


Design Notes

Andromedans were developped and designed to fit within the science-fiction trope of 'bug alien', like the Tyranids and the Zergs. However, I've also written them to be actually interesting as characters and not just a faceless alien menace.


There might be some more unusual/splinter broods/offshoots around the galaxy who may or may not have degenerated. Overall, I like to think they are just generic enough to allow some variation within them.



These are just some rough ideas at how I imagine Andromedans work...

  • Communication (Mental, Extra: Area, Power Feat: Rapid, Selective) is a must for all Andromedans, as their hivemind is their primary mean of communication. I suppose most got 1-2 ranks in it, with more powerful or specialized castes have more ranks in it.
  • Adaptation 1 is probably something they all share as a basic racial ability as well as a few ranks in Regeneration.
Edited by RobRX
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In re: The Still Ones 


I think that if you do this, you should make them explicitly magical rather than scientific so that they're not stepping on the Terminus in-setting. It is true that there are no other super-science empires rampaging across the multiverse; that's because the armies of the Terminus have corrupted their champions, burned their cities, and sacrificed their future in the name of entropy, omnipresent and terrible, the very cosmic darkness that will one day snuff out you, readers! 


Some fanatics jumping back and forth on the Cosmic Coil, though, that's a different problem. 

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In re: The Still Ones 


I think that if you do this, you should make them explicitly magical rather than scientific so that they're not stepping on the Terminus in-setting. It is true that there are no other super-science empires rampaging across the multiverse; that's because the armies of the Terminus have corrupted their champions, burned their cities, and sacrificed their future in the name of entropy, omnipresent and terrible, the very cosmic darkness that will one day snuff out you, readers! 


Some fanatics jumping back and forth on the Cosmic Coil, though, that's a different problem. 


The issue with making them magical make them seem more...well, how to put it? Magic gives them a completely different vibe that just doesn't seem to quite work with the concept. Suddenly it makes them less of a dangerous dimensional threat and more 'some guys fought by Doctor Strange'. Completely different style of villains if you ask me. Less dimensional cosmic stuff and just a magical threat like any other, defeating the whole point. When I think dimensional and cosmic, I don't think 'magic'. Not entirely. I was going more for a Jack Kirby thing there.


Not unless their leader is...a "Dark Lord in denial" who just doesn't really get he's gone full on dark lord as he tries to make a more ordered universe, thus making them supreme hypocrites.

Edited by RobRX
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