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A Trail of Bread Crumbs OOC


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Round Four

Foreshadow 32 (Unharmed, 2 HP

Sureshot 27

Gunmen 19

Shore Gangstas 15

Los Tiburones 11

Foreshadow gets that HP right back, as things are now more complicated! And he is up!


Okay, go ahead and post heading toward the sedan.  It is going to take a full round of movement to get close enough to act next round.  And....because it would be really cruel for me to give you that flash of warning without giving you a chance to do something about it, I will say the gunmen in the other car were a bit dazed by ramming into the sedan, so are not going to be able to act till next round.


So, Sureshot is anything but, as he misses with a 11.

Round Five

Foreshadow 32 (Unharmed, 2 HP)
Sureshot 27
Gunmen 19
Shore Gangstas 15
Los Tiburones 11

Foreshadow is up!


Okay, just to clarify the situation, the gunmen are both outside the car now.  You will need to move first (as you are swinging) and then can switch the array.

They are near enough to the car that you can land on the roof and then attack one and try for a Takedown attack for the other.


Sureshot makes another attack on Foreshadow, missing again with a 16.

The gunman near Foreshadow shoots at him, also missing with a 12.

The other gunman fires into the car, hitting one of the gang members with a 18.

The gang member only gets a 6 on his toughness save, so he is in a world of hurt.

The sedan driver gets out and shoots at the gunman that just shot his friend, just hitting with a 15.

Gunman 2 gets a 9 on his toughness save, so is injured and dazed.

A gang member in the back of the sedan sticks a SMG out the back window and fires at both Gunman 1 and Foreshadow. He misses both with a 12.


Sureshot takes 10 to hit the sedan driver in the back with a disk, also uses Power Attack (-5 atk/+5 dam).

The sedan driver only gets a 17 on his toughness save and goes down.

The other gunman shakes off the daze.

The gang member in the sedan tires to shoot Foreshadow, coming nowhere close with a 10.
On to

Round Seven

Foreshadow 32 (Unharmed, 2 HP)
Sureshot 27
Gunmen 19
Shore Gangstas 15
Los Tiburones 11

Foreshadow is up again!


Sureshot tries to attack Foreshadow again, and is not getting any closer, missing with a 11.

The other gunman shoots at Forshadow, getting a bit closer, but still missing with a 18.


Hmm, I would say you could jump onto the hood of the second car, hit the other gunman, then flip onto the roof of the sedan, putting you in position to attack Sureshot.  So yeah, go ahead.


Sureshot retaliates with another accurate attack (-2 dam/+2 atk), but still misses with a 20.


Round Nine


Foreshadow 32 (Unharmed, 2 HP)

Sureshot 27 (bruised)

Shore Gangstas 15

Los Tiburones 11

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