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Experience points spending for january

Captain Knievel:

Immunity 5: Falling Damage; Limited: only while able to take actions, only if the fall occurred deliberately. [1]

description: Due to The Captains furious idiocy, he has gotten very good at being able to tuck and roll when falling. However he is only truly a master at this if he has somehow dove off a skyscraper of his own volition. The Captain made a point to specifically master this ability because he values his ability to show off very highly. Being able to walk away unscathed after doing 37 back flips off of a skyscraper and landing on someone's car is invaluable!

Kerrik Reyson:

I would like to remove one level of Dodge Focus and use it to purchase one more point in defense [1]

Description: Due to a recent spat of training, Kerrik has learned to more effectively block blows rather than always having to evade them.


Hey, I'd like to make a quick change to Malice's Weapons Array.

I would like to change the Liberation Cannon to the following

* AP: Blast 9 (Extras: Targeted 9- 5ft square cubes Shapable Area, PFs: Indirect x3) – Liberation Cannon

Essentially, I swapped one area of affect for another (decreaseing the maximum number of targets as well) and got rid of the selective and distracting modifiers.

Done by Sandman XI



I'd like to make a change to DS's array. It will replace the Darkness Control AP.

Communication 1 (Radio; PF: Dynamic) [2] + Concealment 10 (all visual, auditory, olfactory, and radio; PFs: Close Range, Dynamic, Selective) [23] + Super-Senses 14 (adds to Gravitic Field Sense (Acute [1], Analytical [1], Counters Concealment [2], Counters Obscure [5], Distance Sense [2] and Penetrates Concealment [4]) PF: Dynamic) [15]

Done by Sandman XI


Slight change to Dr. Archeville. He's gone up a PL, so that changes certain elements of his HQ.

Please replace this:

Stats: Size: Large/Small (Mansion/House-sized); Toughness: 15; Features: Communications, Combat Simulator 2 (Attacks & Realistic Illusions), Computer, Concealed, Defense System (Snare 11, +11 to hit), Dual Size*, Fire Prevention System, Gym, Infirmary, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Personnel**, Power no.1, Power no.2, Power System, Security System 3 (DC 30), Workshop. Cost 2+2+21 = 25ep.

Power no.1: Enhanced Skills 84 (+6r to Computers, Craft/Chemical, Craft/Electrical, Craft/Mechanical, Craft/Structural, Disable Device, Investigation, Knowledge/Behavioral Sciences, Knowledge/Current Events, Knowledge/Earth Sciences, Knowledge/Life Sciences, Knowledge/Physical Sciences, Knowledge/Technology, and Medicine; Useable By Others) (“Cutting-Edge Equipment, Uber-RSS Feeds, and Masterful Libraries”) [21pp]

Power no.2: Super-Senses 22 (communication link [with Archeville's electromagnetic screwdriver], acute analytical extended 2 radius ranged tracking detect energy, acute analytical detect time, microscopic vision 4, acute analytical precognition [Flaw: Only for predicting macro-scale trends and behaviors] (Detect Time is from some superhumanly advanced clocks, most of which look at first glance to be simple cuckoo clocks. Precog is similar to what Ozymandias in Watchmen had in his arctic HQ, dozens of tv & news monitors filtered through some data-sorting software and his own incredible brain allowing him to pick up on broad trends.)

With this:

Stats: Size: Large/Small (Mansion/House-sized); Toughness: 15; Features: Communications, Combat Simulator 2 (Attacks & Realistic Illusions), Computer, Concealed, Defense System (Snare 12, +12 to hit), Dual Size*, Fire Prevention System, Gym, Infirmary, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Personnel**, Power no.1, Power no.2, Power System, Security System 3 (DC 30), Workshop. Cost 2+2+21 = 25ep.

Power no.1: Enhanced Skills 96 (+6r to Computers, Craft/Chemical, Craft/Electrical, Craft/Mechanical, Craft/Structural, Disable Device, Investigation, Knowledge/Behavioral Sciences, Knowledge/Civics, Knowledge/Current Events, Knowledge/Earth Sciences, Knowledge/Life Sciences, Knowledge/Physical Sciences, Knowledge/Popular Culture, Knowledge/Technology, and Medicine; Useable By Others) (“Cutting-Edge Equipment, Uber-RSS Feeds, and Masterful Libraries”) [24pp]

Power no.2: Super-Senses 26 (communication link [with Archeville's electromagnetic screwdriver], acute analytical extended 2 radius ranged tracking detect energy [radio sense], acute analytical ranged detect mutant powers, acute analytical detect time, microscopic vision 4, acute analytical precognition [Flaw: Only for predicting macro-scale trends and behaviors]) [1+8+4+3+4+4=24pp]

(Detect Mutant Powers is a Sentinel-like ability to detect precisely what powers a mutant possesses. Detect Time is from some superhumanly advanced clocks, most of which look at first glance to be simple cuckoo clocks. Precog is similar to what Ozymandias in Watchmen had in his arctic HQ, dozens of tv & news monitors filtered through some data-sorting software and his own incredible brain allowing him to pick up on broad trends.)

Summary: adding Know/Civics and Know/Pop Culture to Super-Library, adding Acute Analytical Ranged detect Mutant Powers to laboratory/sensor suites.

Done by Sandman XI


Kerrik Reyson:

I would like to remove one level of Dodge Focus and use it to purchase one more point in defense [1]

Description: Due to a recent spat of training, Kerrik has learned to more effectively block blows rather than always having to evade them.


Captain Knievel:

Immunity 5: Falling Damage; Limited: only while able to take actions, only if the fall occurred deliberately. [1]

description: Due to The Captains furious idiocy, he has gotten very good at being able to tuck and roll when falling. However he is only truly a master at this if he has somehow dove off a skyscraper of his own volition. The Captain made a point to specifically master this ability because he values his ability to show off very highly. Being able to walk away unscathed after doing 37 back flips off of a skyscraper and landing on someone's car is invaluable!

This costs 2 points. Immunity is 1 point a rank, giving it two flaws makes it 1 point for 3 ranks. You round up when spending.


This costs 2 points. Immunity is 1 point a rank, giving it two flaws makes it 1 point for 3 ranks. You round up when spending.

thats funny. geez3r was telling me that the "only while able to take actions" flaw was worth like two points or something.


thats funny. geez3r was telling me that the "only while able to take actions" flaw was worth like two points or something.

That'd make the immunity sustained rather than permanent, at no change to cost but allowing you to power stunt off of it and extra effort to gain other immunities. But, as Geez3r says, Super-Movement is probably more what you're looking for.


very well.

i would like to add the following to captain knievel's list of powers

Super Movement 1 (Slowfall) Limited: Only when you directly and deliberately cause the fall [1]

Done by Sandman XI


Some pretty extensive edits to Shinken. First of all, add this line to the end of the Headquarters quote block:

Due to new board rules reguarding Minions, a small squad of 5 soldiers is all that can be 'on-panel', or participating in a single, active combat encounter, at a given time: should more than 5 happen to be in the immediate area, they can only participate in a combat encounter five at a time, with reinforcements arriving round by round until all of the local minions are exhausted.

Next, replace the Katana and Bokken devices with this new, unified construction:

Device 3 (Daisho, 15 points, Easy to Lose) (PF: Benefit: Disarm Resistance) [10pp]

Strike 4 (Extra: Penetrating 7; PFs: Mighty, Alternate Power 2, Variable Descriptor (Physical, Slashing descriptors if lethal, Physical, Bludgeoning if nonlethal)

AP: Strike 4 (Extra: Penetrating 5; PFs: Mighty, Extended Reach 2, Incurable, Affects Insubstantial 1; Drawbacks: Lethal Only (Energy, Heat, Plasma descriptors)

AP: Stun 6 (PF: Accurate) (Electricity descriptor)

And add a note under it:

The Disarm Resistance benefit means that the device has to be disarmed twice to be fully negated. Disarming the sharp blade gives the Nonlethal Only drawback to the main Strike and eliminates the Stun AP: disarming the blunt one gives the Lethal Only drawback to the main Strike and eliminates the Strike AP.

Also replace Attack Specialization (Shinken's carried weapons) and Improved Critical (katana) with AS (Daisho) and IC (Daisho)

This power is 10 pp, where the combined costs of the powers it replaces is 15 pp. With 1 pp left unspent from the original version, that leaves me with 6 pp to work with.

Increase the rank of the Shinken Battlesuit device by 1, for 4 pp.

Add 4 ranks of Knowledge: Business, for 1 pp.

Increase the Will save by 1 for 1 pp.

With the points in the Device, increase the Dexterity by two- and consequently the in-suit Reflex save and Initiative modifiers. Add the Acrobatic Bluff, Grappling Finesse, and Set-Up feats.

This was a bit of a pain to do. I wish I'd been able to edit the sheet myself.


Uh, since we had a little discussion on chat about how Selective feats and extras work, I think I have to change Stalker's powers a bit...

-Fatigue 8 (Feats: Dynamic, Extended Reach 4, Incurable, Subtle, Extras: Affects Corporeal, Duration (Sustained), Aura, Selective Attack, 60 pp for Dynamic, 65 pp)

AP: Paralyze 8 (Feats: Extended Reach 4, Incurable, Subtle, Extras: Affects Corporeal, Duration (Sustained), Aura, Selective Attack, 7 pp per rank)

AP: Strike 8 (Feats: Extended Reach 4, Subtle, Extras: Affects Corporeal, Duration (Sustained), Aura, Penetrating, Selective Attack, 7 pp per rank)

Total cost of that is two points less then what it was originally, so upping Flight and Elongation by one rank each.


So if you've been keeping up with Marvel you'll note that the two characters I've been basing Malice off of essentially becames one and the same. So I get to brag for a moment that I was first, and get to use some new swanky art for Malice's picture. So if you could swap out the old picture for this one, I'd much appreciate it.

I've got the file name and what it actually looks like respectively, not sure which would make the mod's jobs easier..

http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/2/27 ... riot_5.jpg


Done by MBCE


So if you've been keeping up with Marvel you'll note that the two characters I've been basing Malice off of essentially becames one and the same. So I get to brag for a moment that I was first, and get to use some new swanky art for Malice's picture. So if you could swap out the old picture for this one, I'd much appreciate it.

I've got the file name and what it actually looks like respectively, not sure which would make the mod's jobs easier..

Done by MBCE


I'd like apply Innate to Hellbound's burning blood. His origin is swathed in mystery and it's not yet been determined exactly where or even when he comes from. To add an alienesque quality to his backstory, I'd like to establish that his 'people', for lack of a better word, developed the burning blood early in their evolution as a defense mechanism.

How are Power Feats applied to Arrays? His blood is an array of three seperate entries. Does he have to buy Innate for each Alternate Power for a total cost of 3PP, or does the total cost of the Array itself only have to be brought up by 1PP to cover the increased cost on the Alternate Powers... or does Innate only have to be applied to the Array cost itself?

Also -- I don't make mine Marvel. Is that Captain America and Iron Man up there???


Also -- I don't make mine Marvel. Is that Captain America and Iron Man up there???

Neither -- it's Iron Patriot. Norman Osborn's new (public) identity while working with the Dark Avengers.


Nifty! So now I know*, and I think I may have to take a look at these Dark Avengers sometime. In the meantime, what of the edit for Hellbound? Acceptable? Out of character? Too soon? He only has 2pp to spend at the moment. If the edit costs more than that, I'll have to fire this off next month.

*... and knowing is half the battle!

In the meantime, what of the edit for Hellbound? Acceptable? Out of character? Too soon? He only has 2pp to spend at the moment. If the edit costs more than that, I'll have to fire this off next month.

Acceptable, though the Burning Blood needs to be slightly re-formatted.

Burning Blood 6 (Array, 12pp; PFs: 1 Alternate Power, Innate) [14pp]

BE: Strike 2 (Extras: Aura, Duration 3/Continuous; Flaws: Limited [Only against striking surfaces such as blades or bullets or claws or fists which cause Hellbound an injury or stun him with nonlethal damage, or against targets on which Hellbound's blood is spilled], Permanent, Unreliable [5 uses per hour]; Drawback: Lethal only) w/ Linked to Emotion Control 3 (Extras: Action 3 [Reaction/when Burning Blood is activated], Cloud Area; Flaws: Limited [Fear], Range 2 [Touch])[3+9 = 12pp]

AP: Strike 4 (Extras: Aura, Duration 3/Continuous; Flaws: Limited [Only against striking surfaces such as blades or bullets or claws or fists which cause Hellbound an injury or stun him with nonlethal damage, or against targets on which Hellbound's blood is spilled], Permanent, Uncontrolled* [see below], Unreliable [5 uses per hour]; Drawback: Lethal only) w/ Linked to Emotion Control 3 (Extras: Action 3 [Reaction/when Burning Blood is activated], Area: Cloud; Flaws: Limited [Fear], Range 2 [Touch]) [3+9=12pp]]

* activates when the GM deems a wound was particularly bloody (Uncontrolled), and so has a higher Damage rank (as there's much more burning blood gushing out).

Adding Innate to the Array bumps it up 1pp.

And now you've been Updated by Doc. ;)


I've been actually reading some of the rules...I _think_ that Dark Star's initiative is wrong... It should be a +0 as he has no DX bonus and no improved initiative (yet), I think. But it's listed at +4...


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