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Night Light


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"Ouch," said Wander. "Remember to tuck your body before you jump, and never take a landing on your wrists if you can help it. Shoulder's much better." She spoke with the air of someone well-acquainted with all kinds of falling. "Maybe make a helmet part of your costume," she added drolly. "Seems like a lot more superheroes should do that, but hardly anybody wants to wear one around all the time. I guess that mask of yours at least keeps your face a little warmer." She paused and did a rather impressive standing leap to the roof of the building next to them, looked around, and came back down again. "Still quiet." 

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"Funny enough, I figured that out pretty quickly. Practiced a bit to make sure I can hit the ground running, though that doesn't always work. Don't really know what's on the other side of the Mirror, things could have  changed, so it doesn't always work out."


Touching the mask with his hand, he nodded.


"Helps a bit, but the thing is made of glass, doesn't trap the heat as well as the cold takes it away. Nice and handy though, if someone ever rips it away, I can just pull it right back to myself. Yeah, it's going to be quiet tonight, except if a someone with cold powers shows up. To cold for most people to do anything, cold aside, the ice, and snow makes getaways more difficult. At least anyone that did something tonight would be counting on their pursuers having the same amount of trouble. The very first thing I stopped was two thugs robbing a glass store in broad daylight. They make anyone that tries something tonight smart by comparison." 

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"They were probably pretty surprised when the glass started fighting back," Wander observed. "That's weird even for Freedom City. What I really don't understand is why anybody commits crimes in Freedom City. I mean they do, obviously, otherwise we wouldn't have to patrol at all, but the likelihood of succeeding is just so low with all the heroes around. There are some supervillain types who do it here specially because they like fighting the heroes, but ordinary crooks, I can't imagine there's much benefit in it." 

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"It's a big city, I imagine there's enough of them that get away with the crimes that they keep going, thinking their streak of luck would continue. Even if every Hero, and cop worked 24/7, there's just to many people, and to wide a variety of crimes for them all to be stopped. Especially among the already more careful drug lords, smugglers, the black market, and the like. Then you have the people working for supervillians, or trying to become supervillians, then you have the crazies. Then you have the street gangs, so full of themselves from being around their like-minded friends, they don't think a hero can stop them. In the end though, every Hero probably stops more crimes then they know, as some people give up, or just don't start after contemplating it because of Heroes."


Mirror said, as he looked up at the sky again. Mary was being quiet, he didn't know why, but he was glad she was. She hadn't yet given her thoughts on this subject, and he was hoping she wouldn't anytime soon.

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"You're probably right about that." Wander pulled a phone from her belt and thumbed it on to have a look at the time. "All right, I think it's about time to pack it in for the evening. It's nice to meet you, Mirror, good luck with the heroing gig." She dug further into the phone pocket, pulled out and handed him a flat white card with two stylized letter Ls on it and a phone number. "Here's the contact number for the Liberty League, my team. If you ever get yourself into trouble or anything, give us a call. We help each other out around here." 

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"Thank you, if I ever need any help, I'll call. In the meantime, take care of yourself. World needs more people willing to help make it better, even if they have to do it the hard way."


Turning, Mirror walked away, heading to the nearest gas station to use it's mirror, and head home. Once he thought he was out of earshot, he spoke again.


"You were quiet for awhile there Mary, what's up?"


"Nothing, just trying to figure her out. The more I learn of this world, the more it surprises me. Things could be pretty bad when I was alive, but this world seems to be just....so full of hate, and greed that I don't know how it keeps going. Then people like you show up trying to change it, and despite me think your a fool, you find others that think like you everywhere."


Mary went silent again, and Mirror matched her, and kept going. 

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