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Aaron Shui - Kavos - PL 10 Hero

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Players Name: Kavos

Power Level: 10 (153pp)

PP Unspent: 2

Characters Name: Aaron Shui (Aaron Water in english)

Alternate Identity: Shui Dragon

Height: 5’0

Weight: 65

Hair: Black

Eyes: Glowing Water

Age: 16

Description: Aaron is small and runty; he has long dark brown hair that he keeps done up in a topknot. When not running around as a hero he can be found wearing his school uniform, a simple black and white Chinese attire.

However when Aaron is on-the-job he wares a special outfit made for him by his grandmother. The Flowing robe is made form the finest blue silk. White silk trims the edges, while blue topaz stones act as buttons. A golden bracelet etched with water dragons, sharing a blue teardrop topaz gem, and backed buy a large water drop emblem sits over his topknot. A golden pin tipped with two blue topaz holds the object in place. a small blue mask fits around his eyes to help hide his identity.

History: Aaron Shui is first generation Asian American. His grandfather and head of the family deciding to move the family there not twenty years ago.

The Shui family has always been lucky, no matter what happens they somehow always pull through with little to no damage. No matter what the family decides to do doors just seem to open. While not a rich family they have never needed to beg for anything, always having what they needed when they needed it.

The source of their luck they believed came from a small family heirloom, passed down from generation to generation for more than five thousand years. It was tradition in the house that every generation, the eldest must perform a coming of age ceremony in which they must touch the small pearl like pendant. It was this very ceremony that led to Aaron’s new life.

On his sixteenth birthday Aaron was summoned to the family shrine in order to perform the thousand-year-old ceremony. Dressed in his best Aaron made his way down the hall. His parents and aunts and uncles standing on the side of the room bowing towards him. At the front of the room stood his Grandfather, his Grandmother sitting off to the side watching with a smile on her face. For it was an important ceremony. It meant that the responsibility to lead the family was now over for her and her husband and that now they could retire, for with this ceremony Aaron, despite his age would be considered the head of the family, although at least in a few years he would be. For the time the responsibility fell to his parents, until Aaron was ready to take the role himself.

Approaching his grandfather Aaron bowed in honour and gracefully accepted the chest that held the family pendent. Upon opening the chest, Aaron was taken aback buy the beauty of the small pendant. It appeared as a small star shaped pendant, made entirely of pearl, how they managed to make it like that Aaron didn’t know and this was certainly not the time or the place to contemplate such matters. In the center of the pearl pendant sat a single spherical blue topaz as clear as pure water.

Taking the pendant carefully in his hand, he began the ceremony.

Just as Aaron had finished reading the text, he felt a drop of water in his palm where he held the pendent. Opening his palm in confusion he was petrified to see a large crack across the face of the topaz gem.

Suddenly without further warning the gem shattered, sending gallons of water out into the room. The water shot passed and around the scared family, until it came to rest as a large blob in the centre of the chamber, were it than took on the shape of a Dragon.

“I am Shui.†The Dragon stated to the family as they stared in fear. “I have protected your family since the time of the Dragon-king. You are the direct descendents of one of the five great houses that keep the balance in the world. Five thousand years ago we were sealed into the pendants to protect that balance, but now we must break those seals in order to maintain balance. You will be my vassal Aaron Shui you are the head of the Shui family now, and I cannot wait for another. I am sorry for what I must do…†The Dragon spoke slowly and in a kind voice, sadness crept into his voice at the last of his comments, before suddenly lashing forth.

The water dragon leaped forth, hitting Aaron in the chest. Instead of knocking him back though, the dragon seemed to pass into him, being absorbed into every molecule of his body. Aaron gasped for air as the remainder of the dragon entered the freighted boy, his mother screaming out in fear, his father, uncles and grandfather rushing to his aid but to no avail.

Aaron began to sway on the spot, as he drifted into and out of consciousness, the ritual completing itself with his eyes fading into pools of glowing water, his soul and that of the dragon now merged… forever.

In the months that followed that fateful day, Aaron has learnt to accept his fate. He spends most of his days going to school (With a pare of sunglasses to try and hide his eyes, however most of the students know something is up.), or helping out with the various family ventures going on (The family owns a small herbal medicine shop, as well as a traditional Chinese restaurant as well as a small Martial Arts school, and a small tailoring shop.).

Aaron constantly butts heads with Shui, as the dragon being over five thousand years old and isn’t quite as ‘hip’ as he should be and Aaron being too young and impatient has caused many a squabble.

Despite their differences they have learned to work together, even the family has gotten use to the idea, in fact some have even gone as far to change their businesses to water dragon themes (although Aaron’s dual nature is strictly a secret.).

Aaron, with the pushing of Shui, has also taken to super-heroism, much to the distraught of Aaron’s mother, although Shui was able to calm her down when he explained that because of their dual nature Aaron couldn’t actually be killed, at least not permanently.

So with the help of his grandmother, and the guidance of Shui Aaron now does his super heroism wearing what Shui calls “Traditional Royal Shui robes.†Or in Aaron’s terms, “old stuffy clothing that he’s embarrassed to go outside in.†But despite all of this, Aaron is about to set of and restore balance to the world…

Stats: 16pp

Str: 13 (+1)

Dex: 15 (+2)

Con: 14 (+2)

Int: 12 (+1)

Wis: 12 (+1)

Cha: 10 (+0)

Combat: 20pp

Attack: +5 [unarmed +1 bruised]

Defense: +5* (3 Flat footed)

Initiative: 10

Grapple: +6

Saves: 15pp

Toughness: +10/2* (2 flat footed)

Fortitude: +7

Reflex: +7

Will: +6

*Without force field

Skills: 11pp (44 Ranks)

Acrobatics: 15 (+17)

Climb: (+1)

Concentration: 15 (+16)

Escape Artist: (+2)

Arcane Lore: 6 (+5)

Notice: 4 (+5)

Search: (+1)

Sense Motive: (+1)

Stealth: (+2)

Survival: 4 (+5)

Swim: (+1)

Feats: 10pp

Favored Environment (Water)

Improved Initiative [2]

Evasion [2]

Uncanny Dodge [ultra-Hearing]

Quick change



Eidetic Memory

Environmental adaption (underwater)

Fear [2] DC 10, 10 feet

Powers: 80pp

Immunity: 13 Ranks [13pp]




-All Water Effects

Immortality: 1 Rank [5pp]

-Immunity Aging

-Immunity Disease

-Immunity Poison

-Regeneration 1 –True Resurrection

Super-Sensors: 2 Ranks [2pp]



Water Control 20 Ranks [40pp] Dynamic [1pp] [17pp AP powers]

  • -Hydro-Blast [Dynamic] 10 Ranks
    • -Knock back +7
      -Indirect +3

-Shui Dragon Strike [Dynamic] 10 Ranks

  • -[Linked] Nauseate 10 Ranks

-Create Object [Limited Water [Dynamic] 20 Ranks
-Current Control [boost/Drain Swimming] [Dynamic] 20 Ranks
-Hidden Mist [Obscure][Dynamic] 20 Ranks [Visual Only]
-Snare [Water Bubble: Two thirds water control rank] 10 Ranks
  • -Regeneration +1
    -Suffocation +1

-Airwalking 2 [4pp][Dynamic]

  • -[linked] speed 5] [5pp] [top speed 250mph][9pp]

-Insubstantial 1[Dynamic] 1 Rank

  • -Swimming 20 Ranks

-Healing Mist Breath: 10 Ranks
  • -Persistent
    -[Flaw] Limited to others -1

-Force Field [Dynamic] 8Ranks

  • -Impervious

[Powers listed are at full power, Power level will lower if used with other powers]


-Vulnerable: -1 Fire [Minor weakness to fire -high heat evaporates water]

-Vulnerable: -2 Earth [Mid weakness to Earth -earth absorbs water]


-Dual spirit (His soul is permanently fused with that of a dragon, which can cause conflicts between who controls the body.)

-Noticeable (Eyes are Pools of Glowing Water, making a normal life near impossible.

Costs: Abilities (16) + Combat (20) + Saves (15) + Skills (11) + Feats (10) + Powers (78) - Drawbacks (-3) = Total Cost 150/150

Possible npc’s are the four other dragons, (assuming they have been awakened.) the other elements being Fire, Earth, Wood and Metal. (According to Chinese mythology.)

They would not be villains, although not necessarily heroes either. Shui would likely butt heads a bit with Fire and Earth, but get along well with Wood, and Metal.



Defense: +15/5* (3 Flat footed)

*Without Force field

Force Field doesn't increase your Defense. It increases your Toughness save. Since you Con is 14 (+2) the max ranks you can have in Force Field (without trade-offs) is 8 (for a total of +10).


Skills: 11pp (42 Ranks)

Acrobatics: 15 (+17)

Climb: (+1)

Concentration: 15 (+16)

Escape Artist: (+2)

Arcane Lore: 4 (+5)

Notice: 4 (+5)

Search: (+1)

Sense Motive: (+1)

Stealth: (+2)

Survival: 4 (+5)

Swim: (+1)

Skill points are 4 Ranks/PP, so by spending 11 PPs you get 44 ranks (not 42).


Water Control 20 Ranks [40pp] Dynamic [20pp AP powers]

If you want the Water Control base power to be Dynamic as well that costs an additional PP, bringing the cost up to 61 PPs total for the array.

Also, the total cost for your powers looks to be

Immunity: 13 Ranks [13pp]

Immortality: 1 Rank [5pp]

Super-Sensors: 2 Ranks [2pp]

Water Control 20 Ranks [40pp] Dynamic [20pp AP powers]

= 80 PPs


-Hydro-Blast [Dynamic] 10 Ranks

-Knock back +1

Did you only want 1 rank of Knockback (it is a ranked feat, not an Extra)? You could have quite a few more ranks in the array slow if you wanted.


-Whirlpool/Water Spout [blast][Dynamic] 10 Ranks

-Area Bust

-Concentration Duration

-Damage Bonus +10

-Radius + 50 Feet

We have not allowed any damaging effects to be bought down from instant duration thus far, and I am inclined to stick with that here.


Force Field doesn't increase your Defense. It increases your Toughness save. Since you Con is 14 (+2) the max ranks you can have in Force Field (without trade-offs) is 8 (for a total of +10).


Skill points are 4 Ranks/PP, so by spending 11 PPs you get 44 ranks (not 42).


If you want the Water Control base power to be Dynamic as well that costs an additional PP, bringing the cost up to 61 PPs total for the array.

Also, the total cost for your powers looks to be

Immunity: 13 Ranks [13pp]

Immortality: 1 Rank [5pp]

Super-Sensors: 2 Ranks [2pp]

Water Control 20 Ranks [40pp] Dynamic [20pp AP powers]

= 80 PPs

I had added it into my Calculations just forgot to add it. Fixed

Did you only want 1 rank of Knockback (it is a ranked feat, not an Extra)? You could have quite a few more ranks in the array slow if you wanted.

Forgot i had 40pp to spend, at at rank 10 thats only 20pp, so added +10 knockback. Fixed

We have not allowed any damaging effects to be bought down from instant duration thus far, and I am inclined to stick with that here.

Thats fine, swaped it to a Strike attack, with a few exstras (Gives him more combat options anyway)


Here's a few things I saw.

1) He's really, really short. The fifth percentile for height for a 16 year old male is around 5', which means that 5% of males that age are shorter, and 95% are taller. He's more than half a foot shorter than 5', around the level of Toy-Boy. That would be a complication in and of itself.

2) Can you number your powers within the Dynamic Array? I count the main power and 11 APs, which seems like too many.

3) I'd prefer that you tone down a couple of the APs. While a high Swimming seems reasonable for a water dragon, Flight 18 is less so. One thing that you can do (which would also help with having too many APs) would be to make one of the Dynamic APs contain multiple powers. For example, Swimming 10; Flight 10 (Flaw: Platform (-1)) would fit within one slot in your array.

4) I'm not sure what the Shui Dragon Strike does.

5) Which power is the Drawback attached to? Having an unusual appearance isn't a drawback in and of itself; it's usually considered a complication.

6) What sense does your Uncanny Dodge work with?


1) He's really, really short. The fifth percentile for height for a 16 year old male is around 5', which means that 5% of males that age are shorter, and 95% are taller. He's more than half a foot shorter than 5', around the level of Toy-Boy. That would be a complication in and of itself.

Hmm noted, ill move him up to about 5' than.

2) Can you number your powers within the Dynamic Array? I count the main power and 11 APs, which seems like too many.

9 powers are dynamic, the 2 that aren’t are flight and healing.

3) I'd prefer that you tone down a couple of the APs. While a high Swimming seems reasonable for a water dragon, Flight 18 is less so. One thing that you can do (which would also help with having too many APs) would be to make one of the Dynamic APs contain multiple powers. For example, Swimming 10; Flight 10 (Flaw: Platform (-1)) would fit within one slot in your array.

I wasn't quite sure how to do flight so that’s why I did it this way. what I was going for was i thought he could fly buy swimming, so he could create a tube of water and swim though it, (or a water spout and hover around). (18 flight is the same speed as 20 swimming).

How would i do what you suggested?

(Think Ice-mans ice-slide just with a water tube instead)

4) I'm not sure what the Shui Dragon Strike does.

I was thinking the strike could be like toxic water or something, so its a strike with the Fatigue/Nauseate effects.

5) Which power is the Drawback attached to? Having an unusual appearance isn't a drawback in and of itself; it's usually considered a complication.

Ah I wasn't sure, it would defiantly be linked to his water control, although i also wanted it to be a constant even when he's not controlling water.

6) What sense does your Uncanny Dodge work with?

Probably his Ultra-hearing


His weight also needs to go up with the height a bit, so he isn't anorexic.

Hydroblast now costs 23 pp, while you only have 20 pp to put into the power. I'd lower the Knockback to pay for the Indirect.

Fatigue and Nauseate are separate powers, and can't be added as extras or power feats to your Strike. You could make an additional alternate power with either of them if you wanted.

Create Object generally only gives one type of material, which would be water in your case. It doesn't look like you costed it as a Limited flaw, though, so you're ok.

You can't bind someone with your Snare effect since it has the Entangling flaw, and that means that Suffocating doesn't work as an extra. If you don't have that flaw, you could still have a rank 10 Snare (Regeneration, Suffocation) effect, which is a PL-level effect.

You could put your Insubstantial in the same AP as your Swimming, since both powers together don't add up to more than 40 pp. Because the AP is Dynamic, you don't need to use all parts of it at once if you don't want to. That saves you a power point.

You are immune to all water effects, so you cannot target yourself with your Healing Mist Breath. If you wanted to take the "Others Only" flaw on it, that would give you more points to spend in that AP. It's currently over cost (at 22 pp), since Resurrection is an extra, not a power feat.

Your powers should be at 81, not 79.

I still feel uncomfortable with the Flight AP. I'm ok with you moving that speed in the water, since that's what you're built around. Being able to move that speed through the air is a bit harder to go with. Most PL 10 characters with Flight can go around 500 mph. You can go 5 million mph. I understand your example of the Iceman-style slides, but Iceman seemed to go between 50 and 100 mph when he was sliding around.

Usually, when I see Iceman's slides built, it's done as Super-Movement 2 (Air Walking) Linked to Speed 3. That's only 7 pp. If you wanted to go a bit faster, that's ok, but I'd like to keep you slower than the speedsters (at least when you're out of the water).

I'd also recommend taking Environmental Adaptation (underwater) if you get an extra pp from one of my suggestions, so that you don't have to worry about those rules if you get into a fight there.


Ok before i updated i wanted to check to see if this was ok.

Water Control 20 Ranks [40pp] Dynamic[1pp] [17pp AP powers]

  • -Hydro-Blast [Dynamic] 10 Ranks
    • -Knock back +7
      -Indirect +3

-Shui Dragon Strike [Dynamic] 10 Ranks

  • -[Linked] Nauseate 10 Ranks

-Create Object [Limited Water -1] [Dynamic] 20 Ranks
-Current Control [boost/Drain Swimming] [Dynamic] 20 Ranks
-Hidden Mist [Obscure][Dynamic] 20 Ranks [Visual Only]
-Snare [Water Bubble: Two thirds water control rank] 12 Ranks
  • -Regeneration +1
    -Suffocation +1
    -Entanglement -1

-Airwalking 2 [4pp]

  • -[linked] speed 5] [5pp] [top speed 250mph][9pp]

-Insubstantial 1[Dynamic] 1 Rank
  • -[linked] Swimming 20 Ranks

-Healing Mist Breath: 20 Ranks

  • -Persistent
    -[Flaw] Limited to others -1

-Force Field [Dynamic] 8Ranks

  • -Impervious

oh and in regards to the snare I wasn't quite sure, since I just wrote down what the book says

Page 201 of UP (watercontrol) Snare: Alternatively you can entrap someone in a bubble of water, this has the modifiers of Regeneration and suffocation (+2 Total) and the Entangle (-1) for rank equal two-thirds your water control rank.

(although honestly I’m not quite sure what there talking about with the regeneration or the entanglement effects on it.) also i think i'll remove the dynamic from it, i think it should be a power he realy needs to concentrate on.

now if i do my maths right, that should be -2pp +-1pp from intergrating swimming/insub and removing dynamic from snare, which would bring me down to 78, and so depending on what your thoughts on the drawback, he’s either under points or spot on 150. if he's under ill grab the environmental adaptation (Underwater) feat.

(Oh and he's gained 15lbs)


Create Object isn't actually limited. "Objects made of water" is the descriptor, not a flaw. The cost is ok, though.

The Snare still doesn't work. Ultimate Power was in error. There's no way for an Entangling Snare to bind a character, and the character must be bound for Suffocating to start working.

You don't have to Link Insubstantial with Swimming, and actually, you can't link them since they use different actions. They just go in the same AP slot.

20 ranks of Healing is too high. It makes the cost of the AP 44 pp, and it's such a high rank that you can basically never fail with it. I was ok with 10 before, which was still pretty high.

I think the drawback is a bit much, but I'm also always tough on Noticeable. If Barnum's ok with it, then I will be too. However, if you wanted to switch it to a Vulnerable drawback (such as Earth or Fire, or even both, since they oppose water in the Chinese elements), I wouldn't mind that at all. The eyes which are pools of water could still be a complication then.


OK, I've fixed that up,

took off the entangled effect from snare.

lowered healing to 10ranks.

removed the -1 from create object.

and moved his eyes to complication, and added vulnerability to earth and fire, (earth more so than fire because according to the info i found on Chinese's elements water is strong than fire (but can still be evaporated due to high heat,) and earth is waters opposite as it absorbs the water.

and with the -3 from the drawbacks added environmental adaption (underwater)

and and the fear feat (2 points)

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