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Panthera - Iceberg Rocket - PL10

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Players Name: iceberg rocket

Power Level: PL 10/ 150

Characters Name: Panthera

Alternate Identity: Hoa Lung

Height: 5'4

Weight: 145

Hair: short straight black hair

Eyes: yellow

Description: Thick from thigh to calf, Hoa wasn't blessed with a very large chest. But her shoulders are strong and her fists have conjured up visions of folklore.

History: From Vietnam, Hoa was neglected by her parents as they wanted a boy. Left at the steps of a monastery to the north of her province. Hoa grew up being teased as a being a lesser person. As they discriminated against for being a girl. There open hatred created a resonance inside the Vietnamese butt kicker. Outdistancing her competitors, Hoa became the first woman to become a full fledged fighting monk of Quan Chi. Her journies didn't stop there, she left her secondary homeworld for the US. Starting a dojo for women in Freedom City. Teaching the arts of Pao Pet Mei, the leopard style of kung fu. Hao has earned a honored place amongst the people in Chinatown she lives amongst.

Stats: [34]

Str: 16 (+3)

Dex: 20 (+5)

Con: 16 (+3)

Int: 14 (+2)

Wis: 16 (+3)

Cha: 12 (+1)

Combat: [22]

Attack: +12 (unarmed) / +10 melee / +6 ranged

Defense: +9/ +3 flat-footed

Initiative: +13

Grapple: +13

Saves: [10]

Toughness: +8

Fortitude: +5

Reflex: +9

Will: +7

Skills: [20]

acrobatics 8 ranks [+13]

bluff [+1]

climb [+3]

concentration 8 ranks [+11]

diplomacy [+1]

disguise 8 ranks [+9]

escape artist 8 ranks [+13]

gather information 8 ranks [+9]

handle animal [+1]

intimidate [+1]

investigate 6 ranks [+8]

knowledge: pao pet mei 8 ranks [+10]

knowledge: art 4 ranks [+6]

knowledge: tactics 4 ranks [+6]

notice 6 ranks [+9]

search 4 ranks [+6]

sense motive [+3]

stealth 8 ranks [+13]

survival [+3]

swim [+3]

Feats: [18]

attack focus [melee] [4]

attack specialization (unarmed)

improved initiative [2]

dodge focus [4]

sneak attack [2]

uncanny dodge


evasion [2]

improved critical (unarmed)

Powers: [46]

super-senses (danger sense, direction sense, distance sense) [1]

obscure (visual, cloud) [6]

healing (extras: total; flaws: self-only) [5]

super speed [2] (rapid fire)

protection [5]

deflect (ranged) (slow projectiles) [3]

Drawbacks: [00]

DC Block:


(Name of Attack) (Save DC/Type) (Type of Damage: Bruise/Injury, or other)

unarmed +19 bruise

Costs: Abilities (34) + Combat (22) + Saves (10) + Skills (20) + Feats (18) + Powers (46) - Drawbacks (00) = Total Cost

Pao Pet Mei (( Leopard Style Kung Fu )) based in Southern China and Northern Vietnam. It is a fighting style based on speed and flexibility. Considered a mix of soft/hard style. Its utilizers garishly remark that, " a quick fight...is a short fight"



Attack: +10 (unarmed)/ +6 ranged

Defense: +19/ +12 flat-footed

Your unarmed attack bonus is +12 (+6 Attack Bonus, +4 Attack Focus, +2 Attack Specialization). You haven't marked it on your sheet, but with these feats you are taking a trade-off: Attack +12, Save DC +8. You'll need to keep that in mind.

It looks like you bought 5 ranks of defense. That means your dodge bonus is 2 (1/2 rounded down) so your flat-footed defense is +3 or 13. And your defense is +9 or 19.



acrobatics 8 ranks [+13]

bluff [+1]

climb [+3]

concentration 8 ranks [+11]

diplomacy [+1]

disguise 8 ranks [+9]

escape artist 8 ranks [+13]

gather information 8 ranks [+9]

handle animal [+1]

intimidate [+1]

investigate 6 ranks [+8]

knowledge: pao pet mei 8 ranks [+10]

knowledge: art 4 ranks [+6]

knowledge: tactics 4 ranks [+6]

notice 6 ranks [+9]

search [+2]

sense motive [+3]

stealth 8 ranks [+13]

survival [+3]

swim [+3]

I only count 76 skill Ranks (19 PPs). Also, what is "pao pet mei"?


super speed [2]

What is your "free" Alt Power to go with the Super-Speed array?


enhanced toughness [5]

You can't directly buy Toughness (enhanced or otherwise). It's no problem though. Just list this on your sheet as "Protection."


deflect (ranged) [3]

I assume this is Deflect bought with the ranged extra. We need to know how many PPs per rank this is. What can you block? They are 1 PP per rank each:

-Slow Projectiles

-Fast Projectiles

-Energy Attacks


Gace explanation of pao pet mei being a fighting style that fits her background.

Added the points needed for skills

Made adjustment to attack.

Added rapid fire to super speed array.

deflect ranged ( slow)


Powers: [46]

super-senses (danger sense, direction sense, distance sense) [1]

obscure (visual, cloud) [6]

healing (extras: total; flaws: self-only) [2]

super speed [2] (rapid fire)

protection [5]

deflect (ranged) (slow projectiles) [3]

I only get 40 PPs here:

Super-senses - 3 ranks = 3 PPs

Obscure 6 (Visual) = 12 PPs

Healing 2 (Total, Self-only) = 4 PPs

Super Speed 2 = 10 PPs

Protection 5 = 5 PPs

Deflect 3 (Slow Projectiles, Ranged) = 6 PPs

= 40 PPs.

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