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The Handyman


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Possible replacement for Lord Steam, who is pretty much finished on his journey and should probably be a guest star at this point (although if you have any thoughts on what to do with him, please share). 


I am also mindful that I have refined my preferences towards low PL, small scale stuff. Hence a new PL 7 is attractive to me. 


I present, the Handyman. There is a slight element of sanitised "Clockwork Orange" to this - not the violence or sex, but a less radical version of psychological rehabilitation which may still have a brutal cold edge to it. Something I would work out in play I suspect; an adult theme but a PG rating. (Also, I suppose themes of "who am I?" and Phillip K Dick, which also run, i think, in many superhero stories). 


Any thoughts on narrative (crunch too but secondary importance) please share. 


I am aware of the reticence about teleport attacks due to its abuse; teleporting someone into the sky for an awful fall, or into a cage, or pit of lava. Shame, as I always liked that - the below build circumvents pretty much any such abuse (I mean, yes, he could teleport someone into a pit of lava, but only if he was frying in it too...)


Character Name The Handyman
Power Level: 7 (105/105)
Unspent Power Points: 0
Trade-Offs: None


In Brief: Teleporting Ex-crook turned AEGIS agent.  

Catchphrase: “I’ll take that…”


Alternate Identity: Sebastian Black
Birthplace: Freedom City

Residence: Freedom City, The Boardwalk (Apartment)
Occupation: AEGIS agent, Gambler
Affiliations: AEGIS
Family: Amber Black, Sister (Jazz Singer), Ace Black, Brother (Marine), Daisy Black, Mother (Elderly and Infirm)


Age: 32
Apparent Age: 32
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 75Kgs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black

The Handyman, as an AEGIS agent, wears a black fedora, coat and costume. He wears an eye-mask to conceal his identity. This is unusual for an AEGIS agent, but done so that nobody recognises him as an ex-crook.

He is a man in reasonable, but not exceptional, physical shape.


Blessed with nimble fingers, sharp mind, and smooth tongue, Sebastian Black soon became a gambler, a cheat, and a thief. He was pretty good at it, and amassed a small fortune.

He also amassed a Quantum Field Gun, an experimental weapon stolen off a Russian scientist. The QFG was very effective, but also completely unreliable. When Sebastian tried to use it, it blew up in his face. The field generator did not do his brain any favours (and in fact has given him epilepsy), but allowed him the ability to generate quantum entanglement fields himself – namely, teleportation abilities.

Flush with the disorientation of his accident and his new powers, Sebastian was busted by Foreshadow. Faced with either a long jail sentence, he agreed to undergo intensive, experimental physical and mental rehabilitation with AEGIS.


Personality & Motivation:
The Handyman is actually a people person. He likes people, talking, friends, and is naturally inclined to look after them. Broadly. He also has compulsive lying, stealing, and cheating behaviours.

Experimental hardcore AEGIS psychological “rehabilitation” has made him unquestioningly loyal to AEGIS, the government and the military. This has left him with slightly paranoid and suspicious traits.


Powers & Tactics:
The Handyman can cause specific local quantum field effects. He can teleport himself short distances. He can also teleport distant things into his hands, either to disarm people, grab objects, or even take out chunks (damaging them). With concentration, he can even teleport air into his hand, suffocating his opponent.

His “accident” has also rendered him naturally superhumanly resilient to harm, although not impervious to it.

Aside from his acquired power, the Handyman is a very skilled thief and conman, and has additional basic AEGIS operative training. He only has basic combat training experience.

Whilst the Handyman likes to taunt, deceive, negotiate and steal to solve problems, in a fight he will try to maintain mobility, teleporting around, and will always disarm opponents who carry dangerous objects.


Power Descriptions:
The Handymans teleportation powers make an audible “pop” sound with a slight smell of ozone at the point of departure and arrival.




Kleptomaniac, Gambler, and Cheat For all his rehabilitation, the Handyman is obsessive-compulsive in all these areas. He might not do major crimes like bank robbery, but he fights urges to pickpocket, gamble, and cheat at cards all the time. Whilst there is some acceptance (due to his value and mitigating circumstances) of these crimes, it can still land him in hot water.

Psychological Programming As a result of his intense and experimental psychological treatment, the Handyman is unquestioningly loyal to AEGIS and (to only slightly less intensity) the Government, the State, and the Military. Due to his other psychological problems, it does not apply to the Police. Nevertheless, this programming could be used against him by deceptive or cunning individuals (or groups), especially if they have appropriate psychology training or access to his AEGIS medical records.

History / Secret ID / Mask Back when the Handyman was plain old Sebastian Black, he scammed and cheated (or even fairly beat) a lot of rich and powerful people. If they recognise him, they might be ill disposed or malignant. This list might include heads of state, royalty, businessmen, or criminals. It is for this reason that the Handyman wears a mask. His actual ID can be found out (not easily, but certainly with effort). The flip side is that whist he wears a mask, he might be treated with suspicion regarding his AEGIS agent status.

Point and Click Due to the explosive nature of his power acquisition, the Handyman has a psychological block on his powers. He must point his finger and click his fingers, like a play gun, in order to teleport somewhere, or teleport something into his hand.

Epilepsy the Handyman has acquired epilepsy. This is normally controlled by medication, but if deprived of his twice-daily dose, or exposed to other pro-convulsant effects (like flashing lights or large doses of caffeine), it might resurface, especially at times of stress.

Scrambled Brains If exposed to Quantum field effects again, his brain can get scrambled (as it was when he had his accident). “Quantum” descriptor effects (other than his own powers, unless, plausibly, he uses them excessively) might cause confusion, panic, distraction, or a seizure.

Abilities: 2 + 8 + 2 + 6 + 4 + 6 = 28

Strength: 12 (+1)
Dexterity: 18 (+4)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 16 (+3)

Combat: 8 + 12 = 20
Initiative: +4
Attack: +4
Defense: +6, +3 Flat Footed

Grapple: +5
Knockback: -4

Saving Throws: 3 + 4 + 4 = 11
Toughness: +8 (+1 Con, +7 Protection)
Fortitude: +4 (+1 Con, +3)
Reflex: +8 (+4 Dex, +4)
Will: +6 (+2 Wis, +4)

Skills: 48 Ranks = 12 PP
Bluff 8 (+11)

Diplomacy 4 (+7)

Gather Information 4 (+7)

Intimidate 4 (+7)

Knowledge (Streetwise) 2 (+5)

Language 2 (English [Native], French, Spanish)

Notice 4 (+6)

Sense Motive 8 (+10)

Sleight of Hand 12 (+16)

Feats: 1 PP

Benefit 1 (AEGIS clearance)

Powers: 9 + 23 + 5 = 35



Protection 7 [7 PP] "Hardened Body"



Quantum Field Array (21 PP Array, Feats: Alt Power 2) [23 PP]

BP: Teleport 7 (Extras: Attack [Other only, Reflex, +0], Perception Range [+2], Flaws: Limited [Teleport into his hand only]) [21/21PP] “Into the hand”

NB: As the Handyman can only teleport things into his hand, he could not use this power to teleport people into the air or into hazardous materials (unless he was in such peril himself)

AP: Damage 7 (Extras: Perception) [21/21 PP] “Take a chunk”

AP: Suffocate 5 (Extras: Perception) [20/20 PP] “Suck out the air”



Teleport 5 (500’, Flaws: Short Range) [5 PP]

Drawbacks: 2 PP

Vulnerability (Fear and Intimidation Effects; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Minor [+1]) [-2PP] “Rehabilitation trauma”

DC Block

ATTACK              RANGE      SAVE                EFFECT
Unarmed             Touch      DC 16 Toughness     Damage
Teleport            Perception DC 22 Reflex        Teleported
Damage              Perception DC 22 Toughness     Damage

Suffocate           Perception DC 20 Fort          Suffocation


Totals: Abilities 28 + Skills 12 + Feats 1 + Powers 35 + Combat 20 + Saves 11 – Drawbacks 2 = 105/105 PP


Edited by Supercape
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  • 3 weeks later...

As I have a spare slot, the PL 10/180 PP build of the Handyman. Again, opinions gratefully received. 

Aside from the issue of teleportation attack being technically banned by the site (which, after discussion with chat, I think most if not everyone agrees could be waived as this build specifically makes the issues / abuse of that power impossible), opinions on the "Quick use" exttra for the teleport attack. 

Personally I think its reasonable; It does allow a disarm and an attack in one round, although thats not much difference from linking two effects together - and unless he happens to be able to pull in a truly awesome weapon, its going to be a less powerful attack than his normal "damage" effect, a perception range damage 10 one. Its more of a flavour thing really, like grabbing a thugs gun and shooting it with him in one cool fluid motion. Still, thoughts....?


Character Name The Handyman
Power Level: 10/12 (180/180)
Unspent Power Points: 0
Trade-Offs: None


In Brief: Teleporting Ex-crook turned AEGIS agent.  

Catchphrase: “I’ll take that…”


Alternate Identity: Sebastian Black
Birthplace: Freedom City

Residence: Freedom City, The Boardwalk (Apartment)
Occupation: AEGIS agent, Gambler
Affiliations: AEGIS
Family: Amber Black, Sister (Jazz Singer), Ace Black, Brother (Marine), Daisy Black, Mother (Elderly and Infirm)


Age: 32
Apparent Age: 32
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 75Kgs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black

The Handyman, as an AEGIS agent, wears a black fedora, coat and costume. He wears an eye-mask to conceal his identity. This is unusual for an AEGIS agent, but done so that nobody recognises him as an ex-crook.

He is a man in reasonable, but not exceptional, physical shape.


Blessed with nimble fingers, sharp mind, and smooth tongue, Sebastian Black soon became a gambler, a cheat, and a thief. He was pretty good at it, and amassed a small fortune.

He also amassed a Quantum Field Gun, an experimental weapon stolen off a Russian scientist. The QFG was very effective, but also completely unreliable. When Sebastian tried to use it, it blew up in his face. The field generator did not do his brain any favours (and in fact has given him epilepsy), but allowed him the ability to generate quantum entanglement fields himself – namely, teleportation abilities.

Flush with the disorientation of his accident and his new powers, Sebastian was busted by Foreshadow. Faced with either a long jail sentence, he agreed to undergo intensive, experimental physical and mental rehabilitation with AEGIS.


Personality & Motivation:
The Handyman is actually a people person. He likes people, talking, friends, and is naturally inclined to look after them. Broadly. He also has compulsive lying, stealing, and cheating behaviours.

Experimental hardcore AEGIS psychological “rehabilitation” has made him unquestioningly loyal to AEGIS, the government and the military. This has left him with slightly paranoid and suspicious traits.


Powers & Tactics:
The Handyman can cause specific local quantum field effects. He can teleport himself short distances. He can also teleport distant things into his hands, either to disarm people, grab objects, or even take out chunks (damaging them). With concentration, he can even teleport air into his hand, suffocating his opponent.

His “accident” has also rendered him naturally superhumanly resilient to harm, although not impervious to it.

Aside from his acquired power, the Handyman is a skilled thief and conman, and has additional AEGIS operative training. He is also a skilled marksman, and can throw things like playing cards with great force.

Whilst the Handyman likes to deceive, negotiate and steal to solve problems, in a fight he will try to maintain mobility, teleporting around, and will always disarm opponents who carry dangerous objects. If needs be, he will throw his playing cards at opponents. Whilst an able hand to hand fighter, he will avoid such fights if he can.


Power Descriptions:
The Handymans teleportation powers make an audible “pop” sound with a slight smell of ozone at the point of departure and arrival.



Kleptomaniac, Gambler, and Cheat For all his rehabilitation, the Handyman is obsessive-compulsive in all these areas. He might not do major crimes like bank robbery, but he fights urges to pickpocket, gamble, and cheat at cards all the time. Whilst there is some acceptance (due to his value and mitigating circumstances) of these crimes, it can still land him in hot water.

Psychological Programming As a result of his intense and experimental psychological treatment, the Handyman is unquestioningly loyal to AEGIS and (to only slightly less intensity) the Government, the State, and the Military. Due to his other psychological problems, it does not apply to the Police. Nevertheless, this programming could be used against him by deceptive or cunning individuals (or groups), especially if they have appropriate psychology training or access to his AEGIS medical records.

History / Secret ID / Mask Back when the Handyman was plain old Sebastian Black, he scammed and cheated (or even fairly beat) a lot of rich and powerful people. If they recognise him, they might be ill disposed or malignant. This list might include heads of state, royalty, businessmen, or criminals. It is for this reason that the Handyman wears a mask. His actual ID can be found out (not easily, but certainly with effort). The flip side is that whist he wears a mask, he might be treated with suspicion regarding his AEGIS agent status.

Point and Click Due to the explosive nature of his power acquisition, the Handyman has a psychological block on his powers. He must point his finger and click his fingers, like a play gun, in order to teleport somewhere, or teleport something into his hand.

Epilepsy the Handyman has acquired epilepsy. This is normally controlled by medication, but if deprived of his twice-daily dose, or exposed to other pro-convulsant effects (like flashing lights or large doses of caffeine), it might resurface, especially at times of stress.

Scrambled Brains If exposed to Quantum field effects again, his brain can get scrambled (as it was when he had his accident). “Quantum” descriptor effects (other than his own powers, unless, plausibly, he uses them excessively) might cause confusion, panic, distraction, or a seizure.

Abilities: 2 + 12 + 2 + 6 + 4 + 6 = 32

Strength: 12 (+1)
Dexterity: 22 (+6)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 16 (+3)

Combat: 20 + 20 = 40
Initiative: +6
Attack: +10
Defense: +10, +5 Flat Footed

Grapple: +11
Knockback: -5

Saving Throws: 5 + 4 + 6 = 15
Toughness: +10 (+1 Con, +9 Protection)
Fortitude: +6 (+1 Con, +5)
Reflex: +10 (+6 Dex, +4)
Will: +8 (+2 Wis, +6)

Skills: 96 R = 24 PP

Acrobatics 4 (+10) Skill Mastery
Bluff 8 (+11)

Computers 4 (+7)

Diplomacy 4 (+7)

Disguise 4 (+7)

Drive 4 (+10) Skill Mastery

Escape Artist 4 (+10) Skill Mastery

Gather Information 4 (+7)

Intimidate 4 (+7)

Investigate 4 (+7)

Knowledge (Behavioural Sciences) 4 (+7)

Knowledge (Civics) 4 (+7)

Knowledge (Current Events) 4 (+7)

Knowledge (Streetwise) 4 (+7)

Language 2 (English [Native], French, Spanish)

Notice 8 (+10)

Search 4 (+7)

Sense Motive 8 (+10)

Sleight of Hand 14 (+20) Skill Mastery

Feats: 10 PP

Benefit 1 (AEGIS clearance)

Precise Shot 2

Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Drive, Escape Artist, Sleight of Hand)

Throwing Mastery


Equipment – 0 PP

                Playing Cards



Powers: 9 + 42 + 100 = 61


Protection 7 [7 PP]


Quantum Field Array (40 PP Array, Feats: Alt Power 2) [42 PP]

BP: Teleport 10 (Extras: Attack [Reflex], Quick Use*, Perception Range [+2], Flaws: Short Range, Limited [Teleport into his hand only]) [40/40PP] “Into the hand”

*Quick Use: By taking a full round action, the Handyman can teleport something into his hand, and, if successful also use it (most typically, initiating a grapple, or attacking with the device). Essentially this is a very limited Action extra (allowing a disarm and then attacking with the disarmed device as a full round).

NB: As the Handyman can only teleport things into his hand, he could not use this power to teleport people into the air or into hazardous materials (unless he was in such peril himself)

AP: Damage 10 (Extras: Penetrating, Perception) [40/40 PP] “Take a chunk”

AP: Suffocate 10 (Extras: Perception) [40/40 PP] “Suck out the air”


Teleport 10 (1000’, Flaws: Short Range) [10 PP]

Drawbacks: 2 PP

Vulnerability (Fear and Intimidation Effects; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Minor [+1]) [-2PP] “Rehabilitation trauma”

DC Block

ATTACK              RANGE      SAVE                EFFECT
Unarmed             Touch      DC 16 Toughness     Damage
Teleport            Perception DC 25 Reflex        Teleported
Damage              Perception DC 25 Toughness     Damage

Suffocate           Perception DC 25 Fort          Suffocation

Playing Cards       10’/50’    DC 20 Toughness     Damage


Totals: Abilities 32 + Skills 24 + Feats 10 + Powers 61 + Combat 40 + Saves 15 – Drawbacks 2 = 180/180 PP

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