Avenger Assembled Posted July 27, 2016 Posted July 27, 2016 Abilities: 10 + 10 + [-10] + 10 + 0 + 10 = 20PP STR 40/20 (+15/+5) DEX 20 (+5) CON n/a INT 20 (+5) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 20 (+5) Combat: 10 + 10 = 20PP Init: +9 ATK: +5 (+9 Energy Systems Array) DEF: +9 (+5 Base, +4 Dodge, +2 flat-footed) Grapple: +10/+25 Knockback: -12 Saves 0 + 5 + 10 =15PP TOU +15 (+15 Protection, +10 Impervious) FORT n/a REF +10 (+5 Dex, +5) WILL +10 (+0 Wis, +10) Skills: 104r=26PP Acrobatics 5 (+10) Bluff 8 (+13) Computers 5 (+10, SM) Concentration 5 (+5) Craft [Electronic] 5 (+10, SM) Craft [Mechanical] 5 (+10, SM) Diplomacy 8 (+13) Disable Device 5 (+10) Gather Information 8 (+13) Knowledge [Civics] 5 (+10) Knowledge [Cosmology] 5 (+10) Knowledge [Galactic] 5 (+10) Knowledge [Technology] 5 (+10, SM) Languages 5 (English, French, Grue, Lor, Swedish, Base: Galstandard) Notice 10 (+10, SM) Sense Motive 10 (+10, SM) Stealth 5 (+10) Feats: 26PP All-Out Attack Benefit 2 (Lor Heritage, Wealth) Contacts Dodge Focus 4 Equipment 4 Evasion Improved Initiative Interpose Leadership Luck 3 Move-By Action Power Attack Skill Mastery 2 (Computers, Craft [Electronic], Craft [Mechanical], Knowledge [Technology], Notice, Sense Motive) Takedown Attack Uncanny Dodge (radio) Well-Informed Equipment: 20EP Headquarters: Archetech Complex in Emerald City Size: Huge, TOU: 20, Features: Communications System, Computer, Defense System [Blast 12 {lasers}], Gym, Infirmary, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Personnel, Pool, Power [ESP 6 (20 miles, visual and auditory), Flaw: Limited [Machines], PFs: Rapid 4 [Full Action to Search 1 Mile], Subtle) {22/24}, Security System [3], Workshop) [20] Powers: 6 + 38 + 12 + 40 + 4 + 25 + 6 + 3 = 134PP Datalink 4 (radio, 1 mile, PFs: Cyberspace, Subtle 1 [Encrypted]) [6PP] Energy Systems Array 16 (32PP, PFs: Accurate 2, Alternate Power 1) [38PP] BE: Enhanced Feats 2 (Affects Insubstantial 2 [Unarmed]) {2} + Enhanced STR 20 (to STR 40/+15) {20} + Super-Strength 5 (Effective STR 65, Heavy Load [96 tons]) {10} {2+20+10=32/32} AP: Blast 12 (heat vision, Extras: Penetrating [6, as DMG 18], Range [Perception], Flaw: Action [Full], PFs: Precise, Variable Descriptor 1 [any electromagnetic]) {32/32} Flight 6 (500 MPH/5000FPM) [12PP] Immunity 40 (Fortitude Saves, Psionic Effects) [40PP] Morph 1 (Extra: Continous, Flaw: Limited [Requires Computers], PF: Innate, Metamorph [Sharl Tulink], Subtle) [4PP] Protection 15 (Extra: Impervious 10) [25PP] Regeneration 0 (Recovery Bonus +0, Resurrection 1/week) [6PP] Super-Senses 3 (Infravision, Ultra-Hearing, Radio) [3PP] Drawbacks: -5PP Vulnerability (magic, common, minor, +1) [-2PP] Vulnerability (magnetics, uncommon, major, +100%) [-3PP] 20 + 20 + 15 + 26 + 26 + 131 - 5 = 242/242
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